01/22/2021 -- Mugai-Ryu May Deploy in Yamagato Park

International Edition

January 22nd, 2021

TOKYO, JAPAN — In the aftermath of Kimiko Nakamura's death, Yamagato Industries Interim CEO Hayate Kawahara has suggested a tactical deployment of Mugay-Ryu to Yamagato Park as part of an international investigation. While Yamagato Industries has not revealed Nakamura's cause of death, the choice of considering international deployment of the Mugai-Ryu suggests possible criminal activity.

The Mugai-Ryu are Japan's equivalent to the now-defunct FRONTLINE program. Their deployment to Yamagato Park falls under the International Criminal Investigation provisions of Japan's Shinka-jin Observance Act of 2011. This law would not normally allow Mugai-Ryu officers access to international soil, but Yamagato Industries' presence as a sovereign corporate nation within America that allows for dual-presence with Japanese territorial observance may make this possible.

Mugai-Ryu's operations director Banri Kamura declined to comment when asked about the possible deployment.

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