Comtitles: Queens
  • Never Forward
  • Never Back
  • Had to save her
  • A glorified garbage man
  • Beware the yellow seals
  • Tiger! Tiger!
  • The Visitor
    • This is a short story in The Illustrated Man, which Ruiz had a copy of.
  • The Long Rain
    • This is ALSO a short story in The Illustrated Man.
  • El Jardin de senderos que se bifurcan
    • —the repeated scenario of killing the red king concealed within a maze (a chessboard)
  • Friend or enemy?
  • In a guessing game to which the answer is chess, which word is the only one prohibited?
    • Chess
    • Also this is a Borges quote, this one from "The Garden of Forking Paths."
  • I'm in hell, I'm dead.
  • I've gone mad.
    • That's okay. So have I.
  • 607
    • Sneaky Queens Person. 607
  • I promise you the labyrinth made of the single straight line which is invisible and everlasting
    • A line from Borges again. This quote starts with, "I know of a Greek Labyrinth which is a single straight line…the next time I kill you…
  • The first letter of the Name has been spoken.
    • A line from 'Death and the Compass' by Jorge Luis Borges. A kabbalah scholar is murdered, and this is the note that was left on him.
  • Ab aeterno
    • This is the title of the ninth episode of Lost. From the wikipedia page: The title is Latin for "from eternity", a phrase used to mean "since the beginning" or "for long ages" (very loosely translated as "your life now will be either heaven or hell throughout eternity").
  • I catch it in my weakening hand
  • The best place to hide a leaf is in a forest
    • Possibly something to do with hiding in the relocation sites?
      • Hiding in plain sight, for sure
  • El Umbral
    • Translates to threshold. Also for gamers… in WoD the Umbra is the shadow world of the Garou, right?
      • That is correct! A place where the spiritual was made manifest and often reflected or echoed the 'real' world. These used to be together, but were torn into two different worlds due to Shenanigans. (At least in oWoD, don't as me about nWoD werewolf)
  • La Brujula
    • Brujula translates to compass.
  • El Aleph
    • From wikipedia: "The Aleph and Other Stories (Spanish: El Aleph, 1949) is a book of short stories by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The title work, "The Aleph", describes a point in space that contains all other spaces at once. The work also presents the idea of infinite time."
    • The Aleph — full text of story
  • What happens when Point A has no Point B?
    • Odessa knows what happens
  • You don't want to find out.
    • Correct
  • The whole world inhaled at once.
  • What the hell are they wearing?
  • I tore another picture from the wall
  • Es mi corazón
    • My heart?
    • She/He/It is my heart. Without context, we don't know who/what.
  • El milagro secreto
    • The Secret Miracle — another Borges reference.
  • Everything And Nothing
  • Obolus
    • This is the name of a silver coin in ancient greece times. Smaller than a drachma.
      • Classical Greek funerary rites involved the placement of an obol in the mouth of the corpse, so that the deceased could pay the Ferryman (Charon) to cross the Styx into the afterlife; those without the fee are trapped as shades or ghosts on the wrong side of the river until a passer-by or the Ferryman can be induced to take pity and help them
    • Obolus is specifically the Latin form of the word (Greek would terminate in -os). It is (according to Wikipedia) employed by Jorge Luis Borges in the story "The Theologians", as the term for an identifying symbol for a faction of heretics. The story deals with concepts of time as a circle; eternity; and transmigration of the soul from one body to another. It hinges on a mistranslation of a passage in the Gospel of Luke: "no one will be released from prison until he has paid the last obolus" (actually lepton in the original).
    • Also, in german, it is a small donation.
    • Public> Corrupt Sinnamon Roll, Queens says, "just don't forget your obol."
    • Public> Corrupt Sinnamon Roll, Queens says, "gotta pay the ferryman or wander forever"
      • A certain NPC of Queens' has been known to wander from reality to reality. JUST SAYIN'
  • Two pence
  • The Red Forest
    • The Red Forest is, according to Wikipedia, "the 10-square-kilometre (4 sq mi) area surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant within the Exclusion Zone located in Polesia."
    • Should cross-pollination of science fiction stories be permitted, then the television adaptation of 12 Monkeys increasingly heavily features a red forest as a key symbol / apparent nexus of possibility in the context of time-travellers attempting to change futures. (You are walking through a red forest and the grass is tall. It’s just rained. Most of the blood has washed away…)
    • Most of the blood is washed away is now listed as the title of the last scene in Besieged
    • Queens pages: and yes you caught me i am totally stealing things from 12 Monkeys. Much the same way Manny borrows from LOST. Only less people have watched it. lol
  • All numbers like the following have been confirmed by Queens to be intended as dates.
  • 41911
    • Going off of Jaiden's theory about genes, I found this. It has something to do with a fruit fly?
    • In researching my fly stuff for 31110, I decided to also look this one up in the same way that I did mine. According to this, there are 8 biological functions that this gene is known for in house/fruit flies: germ-line stem cell population maintenance, germarium-derived female germ-line cyst formation, larval somatic muscle development, mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint, neuromuscular junction development, oogenesis, positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated, and regulation of endocytosis. The gene is oddly named "non-specific lethal 1".
    • Queens just set this as a comtitle for Odessa, so I'm going to say this has significance to her
  • 22976
    • This one is homo sapiens?
    • Another gene heavily related to cancer and mutation, probably something else a part of my Suresh Linkage Complex theory: "This gene is a member of the paired box (PAX) gene family and encodes a nuclear protein with six BRCT (breast cancer carboxy-terminal) domains. This protein plays a critical role in maintaining genome stability, condensation of chromatin and progression through mitosis. Protein-affecting variants have also been implicated in Alzheimer's disease."
    • According to his background, Broome participated in the first complete genome sequencing of the RNA virus Bacteriophage MS2 in 1976.
    • Luis left France to go to UC Berkeley for postdoctoral studies.
    • 2-29-1976 - Ja Rule's birthday?
      • Not just Ja Rule's… Mateo
  • 51711
    • Another homo sapiens one.
    • There is something of definite note here. First, why was this specific gene entry discontinued in 2005? Why would they give us an outdated and discontinued gene entry? This is something I still can't quite seem to make sense of. However, ZNF325 was a "zinc finger protein". Meaning, it's yet another piece of the puzzle in creating what I believe to be the Suresh Linkage Complex: "In spite of the large variety of these proteins, however, the vast majority typically function as interaction modules that bind DNA, RNA, proteins, or other small, useful molecules, and variations in structure serve primarily to alter the binding specificity of a particular protein.". I highly recommend reading up on zinc fingers.
    • Additionally, while yes, ZNF325 was replaced by ZNF12 for some reason, while looking up ZNF12 I found ZNF325 referenced in a genes wiki. Also note that I think this is rather important: "Gene type: protein coding"
    • 5-17-11 Current events: Breaking News Death Toll Rising - Evo flu strain H5N10 gets into New York City
    • May 2011 Current events: Evo Prison May 2011 - Another holding facility in Delaware?
  • 11811
    • And this one is for a house mouse?
    • Or, is this 11-8-11, which was kind of day. I mean, some stuff happened.
  • 36.2321S
  • 66.9405W
    • This and the line above it lead to Santa Isabel, Argentina.
  • SESA serves you
  • SESA thanks you for your application
  • SESA is a waste of taxpayer money
  • SESA is an entitlement
  • I'm telling you
  • {silence}
  • Mi cielito,
    • My little heaven,
    • -ito/a and -cito/a are common suffixes added when you have a lot of affection for someone. It can literally mean 'my little heaven' in the sense that you would say 'this house is my little slice of heaven', but also a term of endearment for a loved one. Your friend Paco's Abuelita calls him Pacocito and her dog mi perrocito and it's really embarrassing and adorable. So if you call someone mi cielito you are calling them heaven but you're also telling them that the are important to you just by the construction of the word. That was a longwinded way to say that and you all probs already KNOW that but too late.
      • That matches with what my understanding was. I figured it functioned much like ette in French. I honestly just decided 'little heaven' sounded cuter, tbh. (I have good, sound logic, obviously.)
  • Mi sol,
    • My sun,
  • Mi vida,
    • My life,
  • Mi alma,
    • My soul,
  • Mi amada,
    • My darling,
  • Save the Firefly
    • Related to Drowning In The Dark. Crazy Theory: I wonder if that's Gillian (in Eve's dream) amping someone like Ygraine (or Magnes himself???) to bring him & Liz back. I like the idea that the darkness is related to the black hole and then maybe the firefly is Liz, almost dying but coming back at the last minute.
    • Wow. Well, if we presume that everything in ST focuses upon time… then the dilation effects of black holes could provide a fictionally-conceivable work-around: a few years of experience for us could be a mere moment for Liz on the event horizon. How you could find something for Ygraine (however amped she is) to actually latch onto with her power would be a major question: some sort of time-spanning clairvoyant whose perception can be shared (without melting the recipient's brain)? But we do already have a lot of evidence that perception and even transit between time streams is possible, so why not perception across this kind of barrier? And if Ygraine could somehow(!) reach into an event horizon with her ability, then she could feasibly free objects from it: the black hole's own gravity would be what moved things away from it. Not that any of this would be at all crazy to attempt, of course…
      • You're up for a little experimentation, right?? What could possibly go wrong?
  • Que desde el principio lo han traicionado,
    • From the beginning they have betrayed him
  • Que ha sido condenado a muerte,
    • Who has been sentenced to death
  • Porque ya lo daban por muerto
    • Because they already considered him dead
  • Where is Ruiz?
  • Besides dead.
    • That one hurt my soul a little bit, I'm not going to lie
  • Watch the Lightning
  • The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath
    • If that's not a portend, I don't know what is
  • Emptiness Manifest>
  • Después de que el relámpago
  • I'm looking for K-Mart
    • K-Mart appears to be a (male) person in the Virus(?) future, according to one of Manny's Radio broadcasts. This would seem to be a Resident Evil reference, to boot (to a teenage girl in that setting) - which would fit with this being a zombified future.
    • Silvia is definitely K-Mart! I have a hunch that Silvia is Queens, and due to additional hunches like all of these being in Queens' comtitle, and her telling me I should add this theory to the wiki, Silvia is K-Mart confirmed. Think about it, where do teenagers hang out? What is K-Mart in that reference? What is Silvia? TEENAGERS!!! Also Silvia Ruiz is mentioned at the bottom as being one of her comtitles.
        • Nah, I don't buy it. K-Mart has already been mentioned in the radio broadcasts as a 'he'.
        • "K-Mart's gonna be so fucking happy he might shit his pants" - he and his; one might be a typo, but two seems definite. Unless Silvia becomes Silvio, this would appear to confirm they're separate people.
  • I don't care if they fell straight out'f yer ass!
  • "Don't mind the bloody apocalypse zombies"
  • "We may be well and truly fucked"
  • #JusticeForJunko
    • A reference to something in a certain someone's app, I'm pretty sure (Quinn)
  • Time is Not a Line
    • This has been a common reference in this game - I believe it was written on Mallett's door and seen by (our) Richard Cardinal
    • Yes, and it's a quote from Edward Ray.
  • Time is a Maze
    • Because obviously
    • Time is a-MAZE-ing, amirite?? 8D
  • I… have no idea who you are.
    • Why do I have the feeling this is something Ruiz is going to say to one of the people recognized by him ("him") at the Ark?
  • I'm so glad this place has ramps!
    • …Oh no. I know why this one is a thing. I am so, so sorry
      • I GUESS WE ALL DO NOW ;-;
  • Twisty Turny maze
    • Beacuse this whole plot is twisty turny like a twisty turny thing
  • Mi soledad se alegra con esa elegante esperanza.
    • This is from The Library of Babel/La Biblioteca de Babel by, YOU GUESSED IT, Borges
  • El viajero eterno
    • The eternal traveler
    • This is from the same story.
  • Are you okay, Mala?
    • Don't forget this one, it might be important in the future!
    • BRB sobbing
  • Ginnungagap
    • How it originally appears, as a black comtitle.
    • From Wikipedia: "Ginnungagap appears as the primordial void in the Norse creation account. The Gylfaginning states: Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void … which faced toward the northern quarter, became filled with heaviness, and masses of ice and rime, and from within, drizzling rain and gusts; but the southern part of the Yawning Void was lighted by those sparks and glowing masses which flew out of Múspellheim" and also "In the northern part of Ginnungagap lay the intense cold of Niflheim, and in the southern part lay the equally intense heat of Muspelheim. The cosmogonic process began when the effulgence of the two met in the middle of Ginnungagap."
    • Hey, you know what else is Norse? Thor. You know what this Ginnungagap thing mentions? Sparks and glowing masses which flew out of Múspellheim.
    • Watch that lightning, I suppose.
      • >.>
    • Addendum:
  • Just reiterating — Queens confirmed these as dates.
  • 11806
    • I feel like something here might stand out to someone. There's a lot of interesting stuff on that page, and not all of it is nonsense science jargon.
    • Could also just be a date — 11/8/06
  • 31110
    • According to this it serves a few functions in house/fruit flies. It seems to be primarily associated with three biological functions: regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep, and protein homooligomerization. These are the primary functions that would make obvious sense other than molecular functions. It should also be noted that the gene is nicknamed "insomniac", which suggests that these are most likely its most notable functions. So, any theories about sleepy flies?
    • See 41911 for more fly business.
    • 3/11/10 is 607 days before 11/8/11.
  • 13017
    • My best guess? Looking at this, negation drugs perhaps? Why? Well, this is what a corepressor does.
    • Jaiden provided a possibly better explanation. I may have misinterpreted corepressors. This might actually fit into the others, and thus enhance the Suresh Linkage Complex theory: Spoilers> CONFUSED BY METAPHORS!!! Jaiden says, "not exactly, Magnes. Genes are simply codes for protiens. They serve as instructions for the interconnecting puzzle pieces, like gears in a machine. Some gears are disconnected entirely, while others require five others in certain spots to be expressed before activating, or require a precise physical situation, i.e, pregnancy, to be turned 'off.'" Spoilers> CONFUSED BY METAPHORS!!! Jaiden says, "Yes, pregnancy and all of it's wonder are due to some genes being turned off."
  • 11216
    • I believe that this has something to do with the Suresh Linkage Complex, as it interacts with what seems to be an abnormally huge shitload of mutation causing proteins and enzymes. Any further information on the Suresh Linkage Complex would be appreciated for deeper research.
    • 11/2/16 is 607 days after 3/6/15
  • 3615
    • Now we've gone from a thing that interacts with a shitload of mutation causing proteins and enzymes, to a thing that's like, "sure I'll glue all this DNA and RNA and shit together". Oh and by the way, Wikipedia says it might play a role in "malignant transformation", IE cancer. Perhaps "malignant transformation" is not the only kind of genetic mutation this plays a role in. Perhaps this is one of the genes involved in testing and detecting Evolved status in people? Either way, I heavily believe this to have something to do with the Suresh Linkage Complex.
    • 3/6/15 is 607 days before 11/2/16
  • 10413
    • Another one linked to cancer in some way. Once again seeming to play some role in mutation. This one seems to primarily focus on some form of gene regulation. Though of note, from Wikipedia: "Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the YAP1 gene have been identified in two families with major eye malformations with or without extra-ocular features such as hearing loss, cleft lip, intellectual disability and renal disease. The YAP1 oncogene serves as a target for the development of new cancer drugs. Small compounds have been identified that disrupt the YAP1-TEAD complex or block the binding function of WW domains." I'm beginning to believe that these series of genes perhaps make up the Suresh Linkage Complex. I believe that they are the SLC.
  • 11811
    • Hello there, mysterious gene with mysterious functions that may or may not play a role in gene expression.
    • "FUNCTION: Probable C to U editing enzyme whose physiological substrate is not yet known. Does not display detectable apoB mRNA editing. Has a low intrinsic cytidine deaminase activity. May play a role in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression through the process of active DNA demethylation."
    • TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Expressed exclusively in heart and skeletal muscle.
    • SIMILARITY: Belongs to the cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase family. Contains 1 CMP/dCMP-type deaminase domain.
    • Hey! Fun fact about cytidine: "There are a variety of cytidine analogues with potentially useful pharmacology. For example, KP-1461 is an anti-HIV agent that works as a viral mutagen, and zebularine exists in E. coli and is being examined for chemotherapy. Low doses of azacitidine and its analog decitabine have shown results against cancer through epigenetic demethylation."
    • Additional fun fact, regarding deoxycytidylate deaminase. I highly recommend reading this page, and checking the two major things it links to:
      • I believe that we have most certainly been given the Suresh Linkage Complex, or something very related to it. I may double check my fly stuff and the negation conclusion from earlier, to see if I can find anything that might further support this, now that I have full context.
    • Could also just be a date.
      • All of them could be!
    • This is also a visual representation of the four major timelines tangled with our own around the infinite tangle of our primary timeline.
  • Let's call it a Ranus hole!
  • By lasers!
  • We are NOT calling it that.
  • Edward Ray: The Last Hope of Humanity!
  • Eso está en los umbrales de lo imposible.
    • That is on the threshold of the impossible.
  • En los umbrales de la muerte.
    • On the threshold of death.
  • Silvia Ruiz.
  • "If you die, I get your headphones."
  • 76C7H245+4RQ
  • 122717
    • Well, given that she's confirmed they're all supposed to be dates… 12/27/17
  • House Ruiz: "Someone In All Is Nothing In One"
  • 41210
    • Set as Silvia's comtitle by Queens
  • 7713
    • Set as Eve's comtitle by Queens
    • 7/7/13 is 607 days after 11/8/11
  • Always have a Point B>
    • You do not want to know what happens if you do not
  • Chopsticks o/~
    • :|
  • It's Looking Back
    • Stylized in all black to make it invisible on the majority of MU* clients. Is it the abyss, I wonder?
  • Can't You See It?
  • Can't You Feel It?
  • Can't You Hear It?
  • It's Waiting. It Hungers.
    • Well, that's reassuring.
  • One Day It Will Swallow You Whole.
  • Only Then Will It Stop.
    • That sounds fake, but okay…
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