In December 2011 Pollepel Island fell to the US military, and with it the dreams of the Ferrymen were crushed under the boot of a violent authoritatian regieme. Colette was moved with the remainder of the Ferrymen survivors to Canada, and over the weeks that followed was forced to watch in horror as the early tragedies of the Second American Civil War began to play out. All around her, though, the Ferrymen were buzzing like bees whose hive had been struck. Some wanted revenge, others were unable to let go and resettle. She knew something was coming.
The severe injuries Tasha sustained in the escape from Pollepel left Colette with few options. She'd promised to stay by her partner's side through thick and thin, and when the first wave of Ferrymen went off to join the fight back in the US, she stayed to care for one of the most important people in her life. For a time, it was just her, Tamara, Tasha, and Nicole in an unconventional family unit. During this time, Nicole has her child and Colette — for a while — seems like she might be able to settle in and live a normal life at great distance from the conflict beyond.
In July of 2012, Avi Epstein returns to the Ferrymen safe house in Canada where Colette is living. Though Avi is there to talk to the safehouse operator about requisitioning aid, Colette overhears his empassioned stories about massacres, cities on fire, and the absolute mayhem happening in the US and the lives that have been lost.
Colette makes the decision to leave and join the conflict, but doesn't abandon Tasha and Tamara to the fight. She discusses the situation with them, explains her need to help, and how her ability could save others. Finally, she approaches Epstein and is brought with him to the theater of war. It's here Colette is introduced to Avi's comrades in arms, one of whom is none other than Colette's infrequent self-defense instructor and Ferry founder Hana Gitelman.
At the onset of her involvement in the war, Colette serve as battlefield triage for three months, assisting field medics in getting people in and out of dangerous situations unnoticed while maintaining an essential training regimen under Hana's tutelage. In time, Colette's role transitions to that of a strike team member working in conjunction with Epstein and Gitelman. Their operations take them far afield, linking up with other freedom fighters and striking at critical military infrastructure.
By May 2013 Colette has fully moved into a combat-oriented role in the resistance, and on a trip back to Canada to visit Tasha and Tamara, is followed back to the front lines by Nicole who leaves her daughter in Ferry care. Colette and Nicole fight side by side for a time, sisters on the front lines of battle, with Epstein and Hana's fledgling paramilitary force. After several close calls on particularly perilous assignments, Colette urges Nicole to step back from direct field work and move into an advisory role where strategy — Nicole's personal acumen — comes more into play. Remarkably, Nicole agrees, but Colette refuses to join her and remains on the battlefield.
From July 2013 to November 2013 Colette trains extensively with Hana and her rotating team of freedom fighters, honing a style of opportunistic combat that incorporates her ability and its potential to deprive others of their visual senses. By December, Colette is participating in strikes into territory occupied by supporters of Mitchell's regime.
On November 24th, Colette and her strike team are caught in the EMP while on operations in Utah and cut off from all communications. During their attempt to escape the EMP zone, Colette's strike team leader, a former US army Lieutenant named Casey Smith, is killed in am ambush. Colette manages to pull herself together and lead the survivors of Smith's team out of Utah and as far as Colorado where they are able to get back in touch with Hana.
Colette spends the final weeks of the war holding down in Colorado with local resistance fighters attempting to ensure military installations there aren't reclaimed by Mitchell's forces. By February 2014 the war is ostensibly over, but fighting continues across the country. Colette takes a leave of absence to return to Canada for a month, reconnecting with Tasha and Tamara and reminding herself of the people she's fighting to protect. Around this time, Colette also offers testimony to investigators beginning inquisitions into what would become the Albany Trials.
In March of 2014 Colette is informed that Hana has uncovered leads on the locations of several former Humanis First and Institute operatives, and is given an opportunity to return to the fighting. Reluctantly, she separates herself from Tasha and Tamara's lives and returns to the forefront of the conflict, fighting alongside what would become Wolfhound.
Colette spends the next nine months moving between operations with Wolfhound and brief respites back to spend time with Tasha and Tamara and — at Tasha's inststence — registers her ability after the instatement of the Chesterfield Act.
Through early 2015, Colette is once again off on assignment with Wolfhound as it is formally recognized by the nascent Praeger administration. When the formation of the Safe Zone is announced, Colette uses the time between Wolfhound missions to reconnect with Tasha and Tamara, though her relations with the latter are strained as Tamara tries to advocate for Colette to take herself on a less violent path, to let the fighting end. Colette, still not having found closure for the loss of Judah or her time with the Institute, says some hurtful things she almost immediately rergrets. Their relationship frays, and Colette becomes distant, returning to Wolfhound when regular operations resume. Colette cuts herself off from people, misses her opportunity to speak at the Albany Trials, but submits an absentee testimony with Tasha's assistance months after the fact.
From 2015 to 2016, Colette throws herself back into the fight with full force. She is given command of Strike Team Wendigo and during this time Wolfhound captures a half-dozen high ranking former DoEA and Mitchell Administration operatives and summarily executes nearly as many Humanis First cell commanders, bringing a handful in for trial — those with the heaviest material evidence against them.
As 2017 begins, Colette has earned a reputation as a reliable and dedicated member of Wolfhound, seeing the team's members as extended family. Much of this connection, Colette feels she owes to Hana, who took in an inexperienced and emotionally unstable young woman and molded her into someone responsible, someone who held to her word, someone who could be an inspiration to others.
Through most of 2017, Colette bounces back and forth between her Wolfhound responsibilities and time with Tasha, growing more distant with Tamara over that intervening year. In June, she is a part of Wolfhound's team that apprehends longtime fugitive Howard LeMay — seen as a feather in Wolfhound's cap — but sets up the loss of everything she's worked so hard to achieve.
In July, Avi Epstein is apprehended by the FBI while on a trip to the Safe Zone under the charge of murdering a SESA agent. Colette immediately sees this as a return to the "old school" of the US Government and proposes a rescue mission, but the delicate nature of Wolfhound's activities and what appears to be a legitimate case being build against Epstein makes authorizing an action like that difficult.
Four months pass with Epstein in captivity, and while Hana monitors the government's construction of a case, Colette is thrown back to early 2011 and Judah's capture. As Hana attempts to dissect the how's and why's of Avi's actions, Colette goes rogue in November and leads a one-person attack on the Liberty Island Detention Center to rescue Epstein. There, she discovers Epstein about to be executed by government agents, and carves a bloody path out of the facility with Avi in tow.
When they return to Wolfhound command, Hana is understandable incensed and strips Colette of her command of Strike Team Wendigo. Colette leaves Rochester, furious at herself and the situation, and spends two weeks backpacking through upstate New York on her way back to the Safe Zone. During that time, she's forced to come to terms with her own psychological trauma and the parts of herself that never recovered from what the Institute did to her.
Colette returns to the New York Safe Zone in late December, looking to make amends to both her family, and to Wolfhound.