Started in New York as a broadway hopeful, 2000 dollars to his name and a bright eyed 5 year old, then on that day in november everything changed forever, got an angel in his arms and a new lease on life.
Never made it to the audition but upped his hair game, touch for the stylish and a rhythm for nail magic. Boutiques, and Franchises until one day his luck changed and he soon became the owner of Cambria Salon and Day Spa.
New York the city of explosions, serial killers, kidnappers, and extortionists. Heroes in peril, heroes in glory, heroes hooking up with contortionists. A hairstylist with Japanese precision and latin flavor, just did his best to raise his girls and keep his head above the water. Fell in love, fell in trouble, fell down, and and watched plans fall through. A world steeped in hate and pain tried to pull him in too.
Love for his girls and his fellow man, gave this father of two a different plan, run through hell and and take every chance. His gift of tone, emotional diplomat. A gift he was granted and as it all went dramatic, his dna made his very existence a safe target. Never a stranger to discrimination he was relocated, made it work and so was subject to recrimination. He held his heart in his hands and offered it freely if only to help make sure other people could sleep peacefully.
The song on his lips could never be eclipsed even when the world around him was falling down into filth. A melody reinterpreted by a broken bird just so that she could live. Even when he was on his knees staring down a chamber waiting for a click, he was whispering a blessing because he couldn’t offer a kiss. Watching tears run down the cheeks of the purpose for his life, then death was denied as he was told that in the new world he would just have to survive.
2011 - Was the year his babies cried, hatred was on the rise, people were good at lies, and then he almost died. Survived relocation almost at the cost of sanity, got a chance to make a difference in a bunker to escape the impending fall of humanity. Sustained by the memory of the other half of his heart, prepared to take that love on the road to a new start.
2012 - Was the year he watched his babies grow, used his gift over the radio, took time to meet new folks, and made it his mission to sustain hope.The yellow brick road led back to Kansas but there were no ruby slippers. Just a microphone with his name and a bunker named after Wray. As the war broke out, he was a voice of calm and reason, quick blurbs or songs sung over the radio in the hardest parts of every season, holding babies to his breast to keep the crying down low and touching lives in ways he’d never know.
2013 - Was the year he thought the world was going to end, little girls becoming women and the wheel of change just kept spinning. Home is where the heart is, but he only had his half, made complete by the letters that showed that somewhere out there was his man. He kept on lending his voice to the waves, leaving occasionally to offer to translate, towards the end willing to go out ride to provide aide but always returning to where he knew his girls were safe.
2014 - And this was the year the dust cleared, leaving behind a world still smoking from misplaced fears. Out from the bunker he came, a little girl and two teenagers carefully held under his wings, a new world for them to fly free but ever floating shadows of doubt and uncertainty.
2015-2017 - In these years he got back on his feet, reconnecting with those he loved and his family. Taking his girls to a small town in Tennessee, and allowing them a snippet of normality. The war didn’t hit has hard there, so he was at the refugee camps feeding people and doing hair. He was in the pop-up school homes teaching music and japanese there. He was getting his certifications and licenses in order and his girls were getting older and life was finally returning to a semblance of normal.
Now, he’s back in New York as a Safe Zone Council member, working on getting a salon back in his name with a mute pre-teen and ever growing teenager. So begins the new chapter in the the life of Raquelle Cambria.