
Chesterfield Act Registry of the Expressive Database

File #24 Feb 2018 17:22

Name Raquelle Jesus Yoshi Cambria Aliases None
Status Registered Expressive (Class ) Ability Empathic Emotional Manipulation
Gender Male
Birthdate 10/10/1981 Age 36
Height 6'2 Build Tall
Eyes Light-Blue to Pale Grey Spectrum Hair Dark to Whoknows Spectrum
Residence New York
Employment Pending
Parents Azami and Miguel Cambria Siblings None that he knows of.
Marital Status Engaged Children Billy Jean Cambria (Age 16 - Played by Jasmine Villegas) and Diana Bene Cambria (Age 12 - Played by Connie Talbot)
First Scene Last Scene
Profile Trained Cosmetologist, Gifted Musician and father of 2..once upon a time he was a carefree performer and hairstylist, then he moved to New York. E-Ville Survivor, War Time Radio Personality and the only person allowed to re-color your hair, he can still /work/ a razor and will do anything for his girls.
portrayed by

Adam Lambert
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