Sahara comes from a well-intentioned family, the kind that gives their children names that help them stand out from the crowd, in what those parents hope are the best of ways. She has a sister, named Savanna, and two brothers named Nile and Nigel. She grew up with her time split between socializing with her friends from school in their small town and tagging along with her brothers as they four-wheeled, shot, and fished their way through the end of their teenage years.
She attended community college to receive a license in massage therapy shortly after graduating high school, and also worked part-time at a yoga studio while going on to be licensed as a physical therapist.
Sahara has a strong bond with her family and enjoys going along with them and sharing their ideals, presenting a united family front. With… some exceptions.
After the existence of the Evolved were revealed, she agreed with her brothers and other family members that they were freaks. She fully supported Nile unquestioningly for cutting off ties with his best friend because it turned out he was one of the freaks. She agreed with Nigel that everyone deserved to know what he was, even though Nile's friend had confided in him privately.
She… didn't agree as much when it went beyond that, when they started going out of their way to torment him. She didn't tag along anymore.
It wasn't something she could turn entirely escape from, though, when Humanis First started having their chapter meetings at the Jackson home. She nodded along, she smiled, she said all the right things. She hung up "No Evo allowed" signs at her business. She believed in all of it … to an extent. Sahara stopped short at joining her brothers in the streets.
The war was a rough time, one that saw the small town cannibalize itself. And when it was done, her brothers, warriors of Humanis First, went elsewhere to fight the good fight. It was the right thing to do.
Except they lost, and maybe Sahara was just a little glad for it. Violence was always where she'd drawn the line, and the country was bathed in blood now. Including Nigel's.
Finding at home only continued anger with no desire to move on or to heal, Sahara makes the difficult decision to move somewhere where they do mean to heal and start putting the country back together. Though she leaves home, she isn't able to have the tough conversation with her brother before she leaves that doesn't believe in a Pure Earth as strong as he does. Her family continuing to support and be active in those circles means, in a way, that she still is, too. Her door would be open if someone in need came knocking. Her floorboards would be raised to hide them or whatever they needed to hide.
What happens if it does is a problem to tackle then. In the meantime, even if she and the majority of the Safe Zone populace share a difference in politics, she's ready to do what she feels is her part to making the Safe Zone a little more at peace.