Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker

Chesterfield Act Registry of the Non-Expressive Database

File #11 Feb 2018 03:12

Name Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker Aliases
Status Unregistered Non-Expressive
Gender Male
Birthdate Dec 12, 1971 Age 47
Height 5'8" Build Muscular
Eyes Brown Hair Brown
Residence Red Hook
Employment Red Hook Market, Coordinator/Safe Zone Cooperative Board Member
Parents Siblings Layla Tucker (deceased)
Marital Status Single Children Rocket Tucker
First Scene A Dime a Dozen Last Scene
Profile Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker is a one-time fence, known to most as the owner of Tucker's Pawn Shop on Staten Island circa 2008, the short-lived and ill-fated Speakeasy Hotel and Casino in around 2009, an E-Ville black marketeer throughout that whole fiasco, an unlikely Vegas jackpot winner, and now, currently, a somewhat-legitimate market coordinator as part of the Safe Zone Cooperative. He's free of past debts and all set to rack up new ones. He's a dozen years sober, though he's a man who will probably never fully shed his demons.
Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker
portrayed by

Robert Downey Jr.

"I stay out of the way, stay out of trouble. I go to ground if things get bad. I get quieter, sneakier or more legit if the Feds come around. Do you how many changes of the guard I've seen on this island? A lot. And I'm still here." - A quote from Tuck's Staten Island days, but applicable to his life philosophy in general.

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