Scene Title | Blue Moon |
Synopsis | The one thing Peter Petrelli inherited from his father that he still acknowledges is his taste in music... |
Date | February 22, 2010 |
Peter's Apartment
By the time keys are finally turning in the door of apartment 1407, the clock on the wall on the other side of that door reads 11:23pm. With a jingle of keys and a tired sigh, Peter shoulders the door open, bowtie from his tux unfastened and the top two buttons of his undershirt undone. Nearly leaving the keys in the door, he drags them out and then stumbles to a stop partway through the door, turning to look over his shoulder from the unlit apartment at the silhouette behind him in the threshhold of the warmly lit hall.
"Um…" Peter's brows furrow, and he works the heel of his palm against his forehead, tossing keys down to a table near the door. "Did— " there's a halting quality to his voice, "Thanks, for… taking me home." A hesitant smile creeps up on his lips as he makes his way back to the door. "God I— I'm sorry that went so poorly." There's a more honest cast to the smile, eyes drifting up and down Kaylee's dress, and then he just stares at his feet.
"You're more than welcome to stay here the night, if you want to. My couch's always open…" he steps aside, just a little, looking into the apartment and then back to Kaylee, apologetically. "I still owe you a dance…"
"Hey.. what kinda friend.. or well.. date would I be, if I didn't make sure you got home?" Kaylee murmurs, brushing past him with a soft smile, heading for the bathroom. Going straight for the medicine cabinet and the ibprofin she just knows is in there. Once she has it, the young woman stands in the doorway, leaning a shoulder against the doorjam, Kaylee works at the bottle, not even noticing the look. "I'd normally take you up on the couch, but I have nothing here and I'm not sleeping on the couch in my nice expensive dress."
She pauses in pulling the cap off and gives him an amused look. "Are all, high class events like that.. so… so… " Kaylee looks a loss for worlds. "That was crazy, that's what it was.. And who the hell let Danko in there?" She doesn't sound all that happy about that little tidbit.
Pushing away from the doorway, Kaylee gives him a soft smile. "Need some?" She asks, holding up the bottle and making her way towards the kitchen, her heels clicking on the tile flooring. "And yes… you do owe me. I got all dressed up and spent my evening having to listen to Magnes yell about sleeping with two girls and all that. Plus, watch Raith get his ass grabbed by some weird woman."
The pill bottle is set on the counter, as Kaylee moves to look in the fridge for something to drink. "But.. I will admit, it wasn't boring."
When Kaylee not only comes in but makes herself at home raiding his medicine cabinet, Peter quietly closes the door and offers a more relaxed smile. "Did you know… that you talk a lot?" Both of his brows come up as he offers a laugh to Kaylee, following in her footsteps over to that doorway she's standing in, taking the bottle of Ibuprofin from the counter, rattling it around as he works the top off and pops two pills out onto his palm. The bottle and lid are put back on the counter, and Peter pops the tablets into his mouth, dry swallowing them as he side-steps away from Kaylee and into the living room.
"All the ones I ever went to were tame in comparison, but that— " Peter cracks a smile, "that was a pretty wild night…" Danko still sets in the back of his mind wrongly, and as much as it turns the pit of his stomach to think that Danko was there, dwelling on it tonight isn't going to help anything except his increasing blood pressure.
Standing by a shelf in the living room, Peter begins rifling through something there in the dark, feeling over album covers by hand, until he pulls out out that has a torn corner. The vinyl record is slid out, placed on the turntable, and when he starts it spinning and sets the needle down, there's a croak of noise from the speakers in the living room.
The only light in the apartment comes from the street lights outside his window and now the single column of light spread across the floor from the bathroom. Over the speakers, the brass horns and tinkling piano of 1950s big band music comes softly moving through the apartment. Stepping into the light of the bathroom doorway, Peter takes off his shoes and moves them aside, offering out a hand towards Kaylee.
Blue Moon
The crooning voice of Frank Sinatra comes rolling atop the music, and Peter offers a crooked smile out to Kaylee, shoulders rising and falling in a shrug and one hand held out for her to take.
You saw me standing alone
"Yeah.. I know.. I hear that a lot actually." Kaylee's head hangs a bit in embarrassment, as she moves to pull out water bottle and then the music starts. Peter sees her head pop from around the door of the fridge. Glancing around the dark apartment, the young telepath closes the fridge door slowly, a small amused smile tugging at her lips. A finger taps lightly on the fridge handle as she, considers.
Without a dream in my heart
Oh, why not.
Without a love of my own
A small sly little look is given to him as she steps out of the kitchen, heel clicking softly. Her hand lifts to take his, fingers curling around his. Then something occurs to her as she looks down at him. A finger is held up and using his hand to balance with, she proceeds to get her heels off, giving them a little kick to the side with a soft clatter. "Much better." She says, looking a touch smug as that are pretty much now at the same height again.
Blue Moon
Kaylee gives him a little curtsy, smiling rather brightly, her blue eyes reflecting it. Then she steps in closer, her free hand moving to rest light on his shoulder.
You knew just what I was there for
One hand moves to take Kaylee's, fingers lacing between hers, the smile on Peter's lips more honestly placed. A gently brush of a hand comes to rest on the small of her back, guiding her close. "Much better," Peter agrees, stepping to the side with the next beat to the music comes, brows furrowed for a moment. It's a classy song, and Peter seems familiar with dancing to it. It's no small surprise that this music is one of the few things he inherited from his father that still give him fond memories of his youth.
You heard me saying a prayer for
"You should've had a better night…" Peter quietly states, leaning in to whisper the words against the side of Kaylee's head as he shifts to the side, guiding her through the rhythm of the song and the popping tone of the trumpets that kick in. His smile grows, swaying from side to side, giving a squeeze of her hand. "I'm— I'm glad you went, though. I was worried you'd think it was weird… to— invite you?"
Someone I really could care for
The light from the bathroom casts half across Peter's face, lightning up one of his eyes more so than the other. Fingertips dance up Kaylee's back as their feet move over the hardwood floor, his socks and her bare feet making no noise amidst the music.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
"I don't really have anyone else I could've taken," Which was readily apparent while Kaylee was gone, and the tangle between so many people there snarled up around him. As he dances, the tension headache begins to face, and he rests the side of his head against Kaylee's, stepping to the beat.
The only one my arms will hold
"Thanks… for agreeing to come along." Peter's voice is hushed, "It means a lot to me, even if it didn't quite go like I planned."
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
The young woman moves with a dancers grace for sure, there was no lying about those years of dance lessons. Her steps match Peter's easily, her bare feet gliding across the floor, her heels slightly elevated. Her arm sliding to rest over his shoulder as she's pulled closer, long fingers rest lightly at the base of his neck.
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold
There is something like a soft chuckle from her, but he can't see the thoughtful smile on her lips, their heads along side each other like that. "I'm rather glad I went." She admits, her words just as softly spoken as his. "Despite it all. Plus, seemed like it wasn't too much better for you either." Her head resting against his, eyes closing as she listens to the rhythm of the music, keeping count of the steps in her head.
Blue Moon
"Well, Mr. Petrelli, if you ever need someone to drag along, you have my number." There is a touch of humor in her voice. There is a soft sigh, and her fingers tighten in his. "Thank you for inviting me." The words whispered, "I was pretty stunned by the ticket, I mean…" She chuckles softly, "I never been asked to something like that.. not even really to school dances."
Now I'm no longer alone
Her head pulls away, so she can turn her head enough to look at him out of the corner of her eye, so she can teases gently, "Not to mention, I figure you've gotta have the woman lining up for a chance." She gives him a little wink, before leaning back in to rest her head lightly against his.
Without a dream in my heart
There's a contented sound in the back of Peter's throat before he laughs, head shaking slowly. "Not… so much, no. I— I don't exactly have a lot of luck in relationships." His eyes fall shut as he moves, the brush of feet over the floor a silent sound behind the jazz horns and tinkling chime of piano notes.
Without a love of my own
"There's a reason this apartment looked like no one lived in it when I first moved in…" Peter turn shis head to the side, laughing, though the happy sound is felt as a warm breath against the side of Kaylee's cheek. "I pushed everyone out've my life, because I was afraid they'd get hurt, or— I dunno, lots of bad reasons that sounded good at the time." When he turns with Kaylee in his arms, Peter squeezes his arm around her just a little tighter than before.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
"It's funny, you're the first person I ever brought ot see my mother that she wasn't snippily judgmental to…" It's an odd segue, and Peter chuffs out a laugh at it, leaning back to look at Kaylee with a squint. "D'you make her like you?" He teases, cracking a smile at the comment.
The only one my arms will ever hold
Then looking down as his teeth toy with his lower lip, there's a glance of his eyes back up to the blonde, and Peter just watches her for a amoment, before smiling away a wistful look in his eyes. His head crooks to the side, eyes avert, and the smile on his lips faces just a little as he gives her hand a squeeze again. "I… " Peter's brows furrow, eyes flicking back up to Kaylee. "I invited you because I like you… I don't know if that's so much a surprise or not, but— I do." And he doesn't seem to be sure how to handle that.
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
Fingers at the base of his neck, tap lightly to the music, brushing against the short hair there. Kaylee smiles softly at his laugh. "I kind of did that. Pushed people away.. I wasn't all that good of a person." There is a hint of sadness in her words. "Kinda iffy even now." The humor is back with that comment, as she chuckles.
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold
"And no…" The young telepath laughs as his accusation, giving him a somewhat mocking glare, as their head part again. "I did not make your mother like me." Her teeth flash white in the glow of the bathroom as they turn, her smile bright. "I have to admit, for who she is.. I like her, but then I've seen in her head." Her smile falling a little. "I guess I just… I dunno." There is a confused look on her face, "I have respect for her."
Blue moon
Her own face has a kind of an uncertain look at his admission, and it has her looking away. Her head leans forward lips pressing lightly to the fabric at his shoulder, brows dropping into a thoughtful expression, but then eyes shut as she lets the music and the movement of their bodies drown out her thoughts for a moment.
Now I'm no longer alone
"Just a little bit of a surprise." The words are said soft, a whisper of a chuckle against his cheek, when she lifts her head enough to touch her temple to his again.
Without a dream in my heart
Peter's hand moves up to slide through long tresses of blonde hair, fingertips lightly brushing over the back of Kaylee's neck in the same gentle touch she's shared with him. He laughs, little more than a snorted breath, and his lips creep up into a smile as his nose nudges gently against the blonde's temple. Breathing in, Peter's eyes close as he quietly dances to the rhymthm of the saxaphone, horns and drums, then moves his hand through her hair, fingers curling gently.
Without a love of my own
Slowing down the pace of the dance, Peter unlaces his fingers from Kaylee's, lifting his hand up to brush against the side of her cheek as he tilts his head back, smiling faintly, nervously. There's a brush of his fingertips over her cheek as his steps come to a halt, save for subtle swaying. His palm brushes across her cheek, rakes his fingers over one eat to tuck blonde hair behind it.
Blue moon
Brown eyes seem to conceal uncertainty, but the touch of Peter's nose to Kaylee's forehead is a gentle show of affection. His fingers curl around her ear delicately, brushing his thumb over it, before he leans in and lets his nose touch the tip of Kaylee's, then gently slide along the side.
Now I'm no longer alone
Lips touch, and Peter exhales a soft breath in the fleeing kiss. His nose lightly brushes against her cheek, one arm holding the tall young woman in close, eyes shut and embrace snug around her. "Little bit of a surprie…" Peter breathes out against Kaylee's lips, nudging her nose up with his as his lips find hers again, and he holds her close; affectionately, tenderly.
Without a dream in my heart
Released from his, Kaylee's hand moves to rest against his chest, warm from being held so long. Her breath catches and holds at the back of her throat at the first touch to her cheek, her head moving even as his does. Blue eyes meet brown, her eyes holds a touch fear, but not towards him really. It's new territory for the telepath, who has only ever really made anyone like her.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
Her breath comes out in a soft sigh, head turns into his touch some, eyes closing. A small shy smile touching her lips when she opens her eyes again to look at him, the tiny bit of fear gone replaced by something else, as her lips move to meet his. First the gentle brush of lips with a soft sigh.
The only one my arms will ever hold
His echo of her words, get a tug of a smile, before she lets his lips claim hers in a tender kiss, which she sighs into while relaxing into his arms. The hand on his chest slides up, her long fingers brushing along his jaw before it to is draped behind his neck, fingers gliding into his his shorter, darker hair.
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
Kaylee is the first to pull her lips from his almost reluctantly with a soft breathy gasp, her head dipping down, swallowing nervously trying to collect any of her scattered thoughts. "I.. ah…" She is not doing a lot of talking now, her mind a blur and unable to think clearly, to express herself. She's totally speechless.
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold
Smiling, head shaking from side to side, Peter rests his forehead against Kaylee's. "Thank you for coming out tonight…" he quietly says with a touch of his nose to hers, "…it meant a lot to me." The music continues, softly warbling notes of brass horns and trumpet, carrying out of the apartment in muted quality into the streets of the city.
Blue moon
Outside, rain has turned to snow, and the small flakes are falling with silence across the glass and stone face of that old apartment building. White flecks swirl and dance in the sky together, and from here, the cold winter air outside doesn't feel so close.
Now I'm no longer alone
Even under a moonless sky of clouds.
Without a dream in my heart
On a snowy night.
Without a love of my own