Logs for A Sound of Thunder: April and May 2019

135 logs posted for A Sound of Thunder.

Pre-April 2019
Date Title Participants
June 16, 2009 France Is Beautiful This Time Of The Year Elle and Minea
September 20, 2009 What You Become Arthur and Edward
December 30, 2009 Last Rites Linderman and Zoe
December 31, 2009 For Auld Lang Syne Eliot and Zoe
September 19, 2010 Without Distance Alexander and Teo
December 13, 2010 A Good Confession Time... Abby and Cat
January 16, 2011 His Face Eileen and Gabriel
March 2, 2011 Discipline Eileen and Gabriel
March 3, 2011 Ambush, Part I Eileen and Gabriel
March 3, 2011 Ambush, Part II Eileen and Gabriel
May 9, 2011 Ignorance Is Bliss Cat, Gillian, and Helena
June 12, 2011 Days Go By Deckard and Teo
September 20, 2011 Unexpected Gifts Elisabeth and Felix
November 8, 2011 Need To Be Needed Cat and Elisabeth
October 15, 2012 Live Free or Die Never Bryan and Elle
December 4, 2012 Hey Babs, Would You... Abby
August 9, 2013 When You Fall Abby and Deckard
August 15, 2013 A Betrayal Of Epic Proportions Cat and Elisabeth
September 13, 2013 Synchrony Felix and Teo
March 17, 2016 Green Beer and Corned Beef Elisabeth and Niki
May 23, 2016 Bearer Of Bad News Abby and Elisabeth
September 17, 2018 Killers In A Previous Life Eve and Teo
November 2, 2018 Okay Abby and Deckard
February 16, 2019 Is You Is Or Is You Ain't Abby and Delilah
March 31, 2019 Some Things Never Change Abby, Deckard and Delilah
April 2019
Date Title Participants
04/03 Still a Stinking Fed Abby and Felix
The Meaning of Life Deckard and Magnes
A Proper Husband Abby and Deckard
04/04 BFF (Badass Future Friends) Gillian and Magnes
04/05 Boy SCOUTs Gabriel and Magnes
Time Off Abby and Eileen
Summer, Meet Winters Veronica and Brian
If It Makes You Happy Abby and Magnes
Love Letter Logan
Grounding Eileen and Gabriel
04/06 Credo Abby and Amato
04/07 When Lightning Strikes, Part III April, Doyle, Edward, Hiro, John, Nathan, and Niles
They're Here Django, Elle, Helena, Jessica, Lucrezia, Tamara and Trask
04/08 Living Dead People Abby, Django, Elisabeth, Elle, Helena, Jessica, Lucrezia, and Trask
So Much To Say Elisabeth and Trask
The Sun Also Rises Abby and Elle
Blasts From The Past... Cat, Helena, and Jessica
Not Deal With It Cat, Elisabeth, Helena, and Jessica
Getting Through Catatonia Elisabeth, Jessica and Niki
Don't Say The F Word Abby and Isabelle
And Lethe Sings Reminisce Alexander and Teo
04/09 Niceties Eileen and Gabriel
Do Not Disturb Alexander and Teo
Class Deckard and Gillian
Best Dressed Lie Gabriel and Gillian
High Society's Ballroom Notoriety, Part I Abby, Bebe, Brian, Cat, Deckard, Eileen, Elias, Eliot, Felix, Gabriel, Gillian, Magnes, Monica, Sonny, Victor, Ygraine, Zoe
High Society's Ballroom Notoriety, Part II Abby, Brian, Deckard, Elias, Eliot, Elisabeth, Felix, Gabriel, Gillian, Monica, Rebecca, Victor, Ygraine, Zoe
High Society's Ballroom Notoriety, Part III Abby, Baxter, Bebe, Brian, Cat, Deckard, Eileen, Gabriel, Sonny
In The Way Eileen and Gabriel
04/10 The Lost Girls Gillian and Helena
Sweet Dreams Elisabeth
Living Together Abby and Deckard
Purple Koolaid Deckard and Elle
Don't Faint Elisabeth, Trask and Ygraine
Let the River Run Cat, Elisabeth, and Helena
Ten Years Coming Isabelle and Magnes
Too Much To Hope That Peace Will Last? Elisabeth and Felix
Normal, But Not Normal Gabriel and Tamara
04/11 Become A Public Heroine Cat and Elle
Futures Worth Having Elisabeth and Gabriel
04/12 Promise To Be Good Abby, Elle, and Trask
The Usual Complaints Bolivar and Kayla
The Broad Strokes Alexander, Cat, Django, Helena, Jessica, and Teo
04/13 Rooftop Shenanigans Django and Elle
04/14 Put Her Down Abby and Trask
Not Doing Nothing, Doing Something Abby and Gabriel
04/15 Sex on the Beach Elle and Trask
Simple Soldiers Elisabeth and Teo
Blasts From The Past... Part Two Cat, Helena and Peter
Blasts From The Past... Part Three Arthur, Cat, Helena, and Peter
Not Guaranteed Eve and Gillian
Suspended Halfway Alexander and Teo
04/16 Possibilities Gillian and Peter
Looking To The Past To See The Future Rebecca and Trask
A Friendship Reimagined Elisabeth and Trask
04/17 Mad World Deckard and Logan
Tools Abby, Deckard and Elisabeth
Took The Midnight Teleporter To Vegas Abby and Teo
Bridesmaid and Best Man Deckard and Teo
04/18 Hold Me, Dearest Elle and Trask
04/19 Cassandra's Curse Abby, Elle and Tamara
04/20 Moral Support Abby and Eileen
The Red Boy Alexander, Delilah, Lucrezia, Trask and Teo
Admissions Eileen and Gabriel
04/21 No Colors Anymore Abby, Deckard, Eileen and Gabriel
Until There's Nothing Abby and Deckard
Nothing Works Perfectly Forever Eileen and Gabriel
Fire and Talk Alexander and Isabelle
04/22 Fathers and Sons Elisabeth and Trask
I Do Believe In String Theory Delilah and Teo
04/24 You Lost My Respect Abby and Magnes
04/26 Almost Human Eliot and Zoe
Tell Me On A Sunday Cat, Django, and Helena
04/27 End of The World As We Know It Abby and Elisabeth
04/28 If Nothing We Do Matters Helena and Peter
The Benefit Of Hindsight Cat, Helena, and Teo
04/29 Fight To Live Gillian and Helena
04/30 The Right Questions Helena, Tamara and Teo
May 2019
Date Title Participants
05/01 Shadows On The Earth Abby and Cardinal
Everyone Deserves Ice Cream Cat, Deckard, Gabriel, and Helena
The Red Door Deckard and Gabriel
05/02 Subtle Virtues Alexander and Delilah
Suffer The Children Arthur and Elle
05/05 Til The End of Forever Gillian and Peter
And Back Again Eileen, Gabriel, Gillian, and Peter
05/06 Time Travelers Anonymous Alexander, Cat, Elisabeth, Gillian, Helena, Isabelle, Lucrezia, Teo, and Trask
Human After All Elle and Trask
Incite Peter and Teo
The Road to Hell Arthur and Peter
As You Wish Arthur and Odessa
05/07 Pot, Kettle Elisabeth and Trask
2112 Colette and Helena
05/08 Eye of the Beholder Elisabeth and Elle
We Have The Right To Exist Too Abby and Deckard
Off With Her Head Abby, Gillian, Helena, and Teo
So Much Faith Helena and Teo
05/09 Stranger In The Sky Cat and Elle
05/10 Precipice Eileen
05/11 Watching The Clock Gabriel and Gillian
Eviction Notice Abby and Trask
When Soft Voices Die Eileen, Gabriel and Teo
Cast Out Of Eden Alexander and Helena
Ladies of Shalott Elle and Odessa
05/12 This Is Not Your Home Elisabeth and Trask
Recrimination And Reconciliation Abby, Delilah and Teo
Strange Bedfellows Alexander and Teo
05/13 The Hero Dies In This One Gabriel and Teo
05/14 And If Tomorrow Never Comes Elisabeth and Trask
There's No Place Like Home, Part I Alexander, Cat, Colette, Gillian, Helena, Isabelle, Peter and Trask
There's No Place Like Home, Part II Arthur, Elle, Gabriel, and Odessa
There's No Place Like Home, Part III Alexander, Arthur, Cat, Colette, Elle, Gabriel, Gillian, Helena, Isabelle, Odessa, Peter and Trask
String Theory Various
May 2021
05/14 There's No Place Like Home, Part IV Peter
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