Scene Title | Candy's Shop |
Synopsis | Candy recieves a shadowy visitor in the form of Cardinal, and she confirms her report on Humanis First. |
Date | May 29, 2009 |
Candy's New Apartment
Candy's apartment is on the seedier side of town, definitely going cheap so that she can use the rest of the money for essentials. One of the essentials being set up on a rickety desk. Its not the best computer out there, but it is enough, since it came with a wireless card and she is jacking someone elses unprotected system. The room itself is clean, and aside from some scraps on the desk it really looks barely lived in.
Candy's apartment is on the seedier side of town, definitely going cheap so that she can use the rest of the money for essentials. One of the essentials being set up on a rickety desk. Its not the best computer out there, but it is enough, since it came with a wireless card and she is jacking someone elses unprotected system. The room itself is clean, and aside from some scraps on the desk it really looks barely lived in. Candy herself is seated at the computer, browsing though various webpages and forums.
The request was made almost off-handedly, and Cardinal was going to blow it off in preference for other work - after all, he'd no real obligation to do favors for the group that asked him to do it.
Then Humanis First shot down his plane, and attempted to kill him and those with him. That made it personal.
There's no knock on the seedy apartment's door, nor sound of it openly. A shadow glides silently beneath the door's edge, whispering over the floor and pausing in the shadow of a chair, blending in, to watch the young woman work on the computer for several moments. Then he speaks - a hollow, echoing voice that's almost a hiss of breath through the air. "Candace Allard, I presume?"
Candy turns to look around and attempts to find the person who is speaking with her. "Indeed it is. Might I ask you to show yourself, not doing so is considered terrible rude." On her computer screen is nothing important, its not even a humanis first website, closer inspection may reveal it to be a site related to Dragonlance.
There's no one in view, at least until that request is made; a shadow spilling up the wall where she looks, as if of a man leaning against it who simply happens to be entirely transparent. "I'm afraid this is the best I can do, at the moment," replies that raspy echo, "You'll understand why, I hope. Operational security."
Candy looks at the transparent image of a man, and she nods her head, "Of course," she croses her arms before she says. "What about your name? You have me at the disadvantage of already knowing mine," she asks with a terse smile. No, she doesn't exactly enjoy uninvited guests.
"You can call me Richard," replies the shadow easily, the unseen 'head' tilting a bit in a slide of darkness against the wall, "I was asked to come see how your assignment was going. 'Interestingly', I'd imagine, given the news the other day."
Candy shrugs her shoulders as she points to the screen. "Humanis First is really just a collection of cells. Wasn't terribley hard to get into the New York one after I identified myself as Cee," she says as she watches the man. "The started coming in rather quickly, but it wasn't until I sent the e-mail that I had somethign I could really sink my teeth into."
The shadow slides along over the wall, to where it has a better view of the screen. "You've got balls, girl, that's for sure," he muses, "What do you have now?"
"All I have was in the message I sent in," Candy says as she sits there at the computer. "Nothing more seems to have cropped up just yet. All I know is that the are planning something against Tracy Straus. They seem to have taken my words to heart, and not just them," she turns to her computer, clicking the history and bringing up another one. Looking at it, you see it is a Humanis First leader from Spokane who inditifies himself as Homous Sapius, urging people in the state of Washington to follow Candy's call. "People from across the nation are talking about coming in to New York."]
"Now that's interesting…" A silent moment's thought, "…as public as she is, if they tried an assassination attempt on Strauss that went public, after that video that was leaked…" The shadow-man pauses for a moment, "All hell'll break loose. They'll look like the bad guys here, too."
Candy turns in her chair to regard the shadow-man, "Indeed it would, but imagine what it would look like if the evolved rose up to protect her? Or the trust you could gain with President Petrelli by protecting his aide?" She smiles faintly as she steeples her fingers, "Simpley put, this could really help our cause as mush as derail their's."
A hollow chuckle stirs in the shadows. "That it could. Hell, it worked for Roosevelt with Pearl Harbor." Richard considers for a moment, "Think you'll be able to get any more details, a timetable or anything?"
"From what I can see there are none yet, but as soon as I know, you all will now," Candy answers as she stands there. She looks at the computer before she adds, "I've a contact whose deeper in than I, but agreed and liked what I did on National TV, they will keep me advised and informed so that I can 'join' in the 'fun'." She does her own finger quotations for those two words.
"I'll give you a number you can leave messages at," the shadow says, "In the meantime, I'll see who I can dig up that'd make an appropriate… savior for Miss Strauss. Good work, Miss Allard. Very good work."
Candy raises an eyebrow as she opens up on a notepad, "Please give it to me. Since I don't think you are in any state to be writing something down." She winks at the man while she sits there, though she blushes faintly at the praise, "Thank you."
A number's recited, followed by a hint of a chuckle whispered on the air. "Quite. Of course, I'm sure that everything is going to explode anyway… but once the smoke clears, maybe we'll be a little closer to the top of that particular mountain of bodies."
Candy looks at the screen as she nods her head and murmers, "Indeed, all you can do is stack your odds coming in, and hope that you come out on top."
There's a silent pause, and then the shadow asks curiously, "Have you heard anything about that… airplane attack up in Canada? That seemed a bit bold, for Humanis."
"I've heard it praised," Candy says as she stands there, her eyes looking at the other man while she placidly sits there. For the moment she is silent, letting the man talk if he wants to.
"Mm. Well, I'll leave you to your business, then," Richard replies, spilling slowly down the wall and blending in with the ambient shadows once more, his voice stirring on the air still, "Leave a message if you hear anything new."
Candy nods her head while sitting there, turning back to her computer, "Of course. It was a pleasure meeting you." Her attention is soon caught by the cyber world as she sits there.
"And you, hot stuff…" A flicker of shadow over the floor, and it's gone, leaving her alone with her computer and her cable connection in that strange modern dichotomy of being alone and yet connected to millions.