MANHATTAN — Homeland Security liaison to the Center for Disease Control, Howard Lemay was assaulted in his home in Battery Park just shortly after 2pm on Sunday. According to reports coming in from the Department of Homeland Security, Claire Bennet (20), a registered evolved snuck in to Lemay's Battery Part apartment building under guise of working for a New York maintenance company that services his building. Legitimate credentials that sources within the Department of Homeland Security believe were forged by an evolved with the ability to manipulate electronic devices was presented and she was allowed in to the building.
Bennet allegedly forced her way into Lemay's 18th floor apartment and proceeded to attempt a robbery, unaware that Lemay was present in the building just one floor down. When Lemay returned home, he found Bennet in his apartment and drew his firearm in an attempt to apprehend her. According to Lemay, he was shot in the leg by Bennet and fired back, critically wounding her. However, Bennet's registered ability of cellular regeneration allowed her to recuperate from the gunshot wound and disable Lemay.
Howard awoke several hours later when a neighbor on the 18th floor noticed his door had been forced open and called authorities. A city-wide search for the young woman responsible for this attack is currently underway, and if you have any information that would lead to the arrest of Claire Bennet, you are urged to contact the Department of Homeland Security's crisis line at the bottom of this article.
OOC Note: A photograph of Claire from her Registry card is included in this news bulletin, and her face (and this story) is plastered all over the evening news.