April Bradley

Registry of the Evolved Database

File #29 Mar 2009 04:31

Name April Bradley Aliases
Status Registered Evolved (Tier 2) Ability Forcefield Generation
Gender Female Race/Eth. White
Birthdate January 18, 1985 Age 24
Height 5' 7" Build Average
Eyes Green Hair Dk Brown
Residence Morningside Heights
Employment _company agent
Parents Siblings
Marital Status Engaged
(James Silver)
First Seen April 19, 2009 Last Seen June 11, 2009
April Bradley
portrayed by

Jennifer Connelly



April to June 2009

04/19 Unknown to April, she has an observer. April, April
04/28 Three agents debate how one might be in two places simultaneously. April, Lawrence, Minea
05/02 The NYPD pays a Homeland Security agent a visit. By the way, we found your prints… April, Cassidy, Coren
05/10 The dopplegangers finally come face-to-face when one of them seeks to spring individuals from Company holding. April, April, Edward, Len, Niles, and Reed
05/11 So, what do they do about the jailbreak? April, Len, Minea
06/11 While trying to put herself in the shoes of her doppleganger, a case of mistaken identity results in April Bradley's death. April, Doyle, Niles


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