Registry of the Evolved Database
File #23 Jul 2010 01:21
![]() Taylor Kitsch |
My name is Aric Gibbs. I was born the only son to Philip and Sheila Gibbs. I grew up in a small town in northern Connecticut. I did not have the ideal childhood. What kid now a days says they did…if they did they would be lying to you. My father knocked my mother up when she was 17 years old. He was 23. Nice huh? He felt he wanted to do the right thing since I guess he knocked some other woman up who was 15 and did not want to seem like a scumbag? Well Philip and Sheila were married for 4 years. Sheila divorced my "father" because she was cheating on him with a man named James Bookless. It was later discovered that Philip was cheating on Sheila with a fat cow named Patty. Do I seem a bit bitter towards my parents? I am a little yet don't get me wrong. I am grateful that they had sex and created me or I would not be here standing before you now telling you my story. However, were they my parents? No. There are people in this world who just do not have that right to be called Mom or Dad. Philip and Sheila were never meant to hold that title.
As a kid I was misunderstood in more ways then one. I was torn between two people who had a nasty divorced and cheated on each other. I would be told stories by the pair of them in their sad attempt to make me turn against the other. I ended up becoming so confused that I started to have behavior issues. I mean I was only 8 years old for Christ Sake. I was getting in fights in school. I was stealing. I was even fighting with my newly aquired step-sisters. My mother did not know what to do with me. I was placed at the age of 10 in an insitution for children with emotional and behavioral issues. It was called, "Klingberg Family Center." I hated that hell hole. I was forced to attend school during the day, while going to groups to talk about my feelings. what 10 year old boy wants to talk about his feelings. I was forced to stay there for a year and a half. I hated it so much I began to run away from Klingberg. It was not my best idea I will admit.
At the age of 12, Sheila and Jim decided to take me out of Klingberg. They felt they were wasting their money so I was forced to return home where I would see a shrink once a week and I was placed on medication. Ahhh the joys of parenthood huh? Anyways, things seemed to go ok for about a year. I really was grateful to be home and I did not want to be placed back at Klingberg. yet, the fights began to happen again. It started out verbally…it then began to turn physical. Jim was a very large man. I was 12. He seemed like a Titan then to me. He was 6'4", 240 lbs and a nasty drinking habit. Jim began beating me with the belt at first, then it turned to his hand, and finally turned into his fists. The hardest thing for me to accept to this day was the fact that Sheila always use to say, "Never in the face."
That is what my life was like for the next couple of years. Now I don't want to make it sound like it was all their fault I had such a shitty childhood. I did add to it. At the age of 14, I started going through puberty and things were in a state of serious flux for me. I was changing in more ways then one and I did not love or trust Sheila or Jim to tell them my struggles so I know I acted out against them. Yet…well I was going through puberty…and more. One fatal night, Jim and I had it out. He had beaten me so bad he broke my knee and cracked one of my ribs. It was a bit harder fight this time because this time…I fought back. I was 14 and scared for my life. I stabbed Jim in the hand. It was at this point the police had to become involved. I remember that night in the hospital when Loretta walked into my room. "I am from DCYS. The Department of Children and Youth Services. We need to speak." I never returned home that night and the court proceedings began for me to become a ward of the state.
It was in this next year that my life would be changed in so many ways. SO many ways. The stress of the court proceedings was hard on me. The news media got involved. The news papers were involved. Where I came from it was just unheard of a child doing this to their parents. Still going through puberty my body was changing and I was very emotional. I was so emotional at times that I thought I was going crazy. A week after my 15th birthday, I was staying in a foster home. They were the Jones. A man and woman with 3 kids. We were all eating dinner, and I had a rough day in court. I was just playing with my food stressing over the whole day not really paying attention to conversation. Yet, when I finally did begin to catch their conversation I noticed it had nothing to do with each other. I looked up and saw the entire family was watching TV. They were speaking without their mouths moving. I screamed and tried to push my chair out but tripped on my feet and fell backwards.
I woke up in the hospital with a nurse next to me. She smiled at me and said, "Your gonna be fine suga. Your just gonna stay for the night for observation." Yet when her mouth had stopped moving I could hear her going over the steps of how to take blood pressure in her head. I just stared in awe. I was scared to say anything. I did not want them to think I was crazy. I did not want them to put in a place like Klingberg again. It continued to happen when I was close to people that I could hear them speaking without their mouths moving. I was young yet I was not a moron. I was listening to their thoughts. I was like a telepath. what the fuck??? How was that even possible? That stuff did not exist. It was only in comic books yet here I was…a telepath and listening to peoples thoughts. It became useful for the court proceedings when I was able to listen to Sheila and Jim's thoughts. It broke my heart to know I was a mistake and that Sheila and Philip did not want me. It was in fact my grand parents that forced to them get married and have me. Thank you Mimi and Papi.
I became a ward of the state just before my 16th birthday. I was placed in a foster home for boys with behavioral problems called Prelude House. They called it that because it was the "Prelude" to the rest of you life. It was not an easy place to live for me. It reminded me too much of Klingberg. There were some perks. I got my own room. I got to go to a normal high school. I was taught the needed skills to get my first job at 16. My very first job was working as a bus boy at a place called Holiday Hills. It was this resort/camp that people rented out for their parties. It was a job and that was all I would call it. I was a loner while I lived at Prelude. It was not the place I wanted to make friends and I really had to focus on myself. My abilities were growing and getting stronger as I got older and I was starting to have a hard time not listening to other peoples thoughts.
While in High School, I was considered a band geek. I loved to sing and play the piano. There was something about music that calmed my nerves and gave me the focus I needed to keep the voices outside of my head. I began to learn that I was a decent singer and started getting alot of the solos for the school concerts. However, now that I look back on those days it could have been related the fact I was best friends with the music teachers son. His name was Lloyd. He and I just connected one day while playing piano. We were feeding off the notes of the music and just became best friends ever since. He was only person I revealed my ability to and he is the one person who helped me learn some of things I could do with my telepath. Lloyd and I became rather close and what turned into friendship went a whole new level. He could not hide the fact he was sexually attracted to me. I could hear his thoughts and one day I acted on them. All through our senior year he and I were best friends on a level no one knew about at the time. I still play and sing to this day but I never really did anything with it. I am too old most likely now….
Lloyd and I went to the same college in New York City: New York University. That was truly an awesome place for me. I began to learn more and more about myself as a person, the world and my abilities. I was able to get into NYU on a full scholarship being a ward of the state. You have the ability to get a better education through programs. I was lucky to get my scholarship for all 4 years from a woman named "Celine Krakan Foundation". A foundation who gave out 30 full scolarships a year to children who had been abused, or a ward of the state. Shortly after arriving to college Lloyd and I decided to be just friends and see other people. We both started seeing women on campus. He kind of liked it yet there was something that did not appeal for me. I still gave it a chance. I wanted to make sure I was not gay and maybe bisexual. Lloyd was studying to become a doctor and I kind of became his hidden obession with my ability. We began to test it in ways only a scientist could come up with and it helped me grow and grasp a better understanding of it. God I miss him…alot. Last I heard he was married with 6 kids in Oregon.
College was a time of discovery for me. A time where I learned who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. In my junior year of college I met a man by the name of Yorick. He was studying Art history. He was Wiccian and one of the most beautiful men I had ever met both physically and emotionally. Yorick and I met our Chinese History class where we became friends and then lovers. It was here at the age of 22 I decided to accept that even though I had been with a number of women. I wanted men. Yorick and I decided that when we graduated that we would go to China and travel for awhile. He said that everyone should do it for at least a year. Yorick was rich and he decided to pay for the entire trip. I don't mean trust fund rich but million dollars rich. We traveled together and ended up in Southeast Asia where Yorick decided he wanted to stay for awhile. He wanted to study their art more and I decided I wanted to look into gaining more knowledge on meditation. You see I had come upon the Buddist monks and I wanted to stay with them for awhile and learn their ways. Yorick said I should do it and he would support me in every way. I don't know what I did to deserve him.
The monks did not care for an outsider. They in fact shunned me for some time until the head monk came out of the temple and sat with me on the stairs. He asked me, "Why do you want to learn of our ways." I peered into his mind and was just in awe at how calm and serene it was in there. "Your mind is so quite." I found myself saying before I could blink. However the monk assumed it was related to his meditation methods. He smiled and said, "You may join us daily for meditation but you may not live with us." I was happy enough with that and it was here I stayed learning their ways in meditation and how to treat my body like a temple. I stayed with them a bit longer then I intended yet in the end it paid off. I remained in Asia for 3 years in total. I offered my token of sincerity every year as the money came in to the monstery. By my 3rd year, I realized I gave the monks $5000. I learned how to gain a better understanding of Chinese and began to speak it fluently. I learned to cook Chinese foods of all types. I began to learn meditation techinques that a Master could learn. So in the end, the money was worth it. That all changed for me rather quickly…things for me were going great until I returned back to our apartment early on afternoon to find Yorick in bed with two Chinese boys. I was heart broken and sick to my stomach. I left him with the money in my pocket and my passport. I decided to return back to the states.
I decided to return back to States. Back to New York City where I decided I would open my own business. I did have a degree in business management. I was not the type to wear a suit. I was not the type to wear anything offical and needed to decide on how I was going to get the money. I was 25 years old and did not have any credit. There was no bank in the world that was going to allow me the chance of a loan. I decided to start saving money. I am a half way ok looking guy. I thought I would do what all my other friends did….dance. I do love dancing so I started to dance at a club of Christopher St called Splash. I would pull anything from 1000 to 1200 a night working for them. That was good money on top of my job working online for an advertisment agency freelancing. Then it happened….the bomb. I was luck to not have been anywhere near it when it went off. I was in Yonkers at a party with a friend. I was crushed at the damage it did and how it affected our lives so much. I did what I could to help and I volunteer at the hospitals and did what I could. Yet it never felt like it was enough for me.
I was beginning to lose hope that I would never get the money I needed to open my business. I had heard New York City was offering low rate loans to those people interested in rebuilding and improving neighborhoods again. I found a building intact and was able to get a loan from the bank to build a small three story building with a basement. I knew New York was rebuilding. I wanted to add to that and build my business and help in anyway I could to the community. I offered free meditation classes. I offered free herbal classes. I offered my knowledge of Wiccian and Buddist ways in the means if advice. I do not follow Buddism I follow their means of meditation. What I know of that religion is from books and asking questions. I do value some of their ways yet I am not a true believer.Yet again my life was put into shock when I had learned of the Evolved being forced to register who they were and what they could do. I was not happy with it. I fussed and muled over the idea for days revealing my ability. I was feeling kind of guilty on how I aquired my capital for my business and decided it was best I register with the government. That is until I arrived to the building. I passed a man who worked for them. His surface thoughts were so devasting that I could not even tell you in words. The hate. The fear. The pain. I decided it was best to continue walking past the building and I never registered that day.
I had only revealed what I could do to one person and he taught so much about it. I knew Lloyd would not tell anyone and I had no intention of revealing what I could do. Something tells me people would not like a telepath around them. I decided to focus on my business and help people as I could. This is where I have been in the shadows for the last few years. I just have had my 30th birthday dealing with the struggles of adulthood. My business is ok yet the world is changing around me. I feel as if I need to help. I feel as if I need to make a difference. With the recent surface of all this Evolved activity I think it is time I step out of the shadows and into the light and see what I can do to help?
Aric has a totally groovy personality. Literally! He is all about getting in touch with feelings and being true to yourself. He's anti-establishment in a general sense, but that doesn't mean he won't give people a chance. Generally he is very easygoing, although at times his powers might give him information about someone or something that could make him a little bit uptight. When he does actually get angry, look out! He has a mighty temper and isn't afraid to tell it like it is. To quote a friend, "Where angels fear to tread…our Aric goes!"
He gets along well with most people, unless they take exception to his "hippie" ways. He doesn't worry that much about it, though, because to him it's their loss if they don't want to be friends. He is often patient with people who doubt his abilities, although past a point he draws the line; if someone's life is in danger and he can do something about it, he won't usually let himself be stopped by doubters. He can take disrespect up to a point, but eventually he will put his foot down, even to friends; although some doubt him and may not understand his actions — because they don't see the big picture he does — eventually they tend to come around, and he knows that they will.
Aric isn't really big on presenting a 'mysterious' vibe, although sometimes that happens all by itself. He doesn't go to trouble to correct it, but he also doesn't go to great lengths to prevent it. It really doesn't matter to him; he doesn't care about other people's perceptions of him. He lives his life as he feels appropriate, and everyone else can do their own things. He makes no apologies for who and what he is, and everyone else just has to deal with it.
Perhaps because of his psychic abilities, he is something of a hedonist when he has the opportunity. He loves to go dancing, he loves to throw himself into something fun and impulsive and spur-of-the-moment, because he might get another impression of disaster at any time. He loves to enjoy himself, he loves good company and fine food and good times, and he can always appreciate quality. Even though he has spent many years traveling, he's not become spoiled and has learned to judge quality in ways other than a price tag. He can, however, be prone to spending money on a problem to make someone feel better. He's not big into materialism, so even if it costs a bundle, if it solves the problem or makes someone feel better, why not go for it?
Aric is dedicated to his causes, and he puts his money where his mouth is, so to speak. If he commits to something, he will follow it through, at least to the point where he feels he is meant to do so. He can be relied on to be generally very honest and up-front with people, and the only case in which he might deceive another would be to help them in some way, in the end. On the other hand, he can at times seem too honest, although this as well is only ultimately to help someone.
Everyone has a dark side, or a darker side to their personality. Aric no different. He has had a rough childhood and does not have any love for his parents. He is very bitter towards them. What makes it harder for him is the hoildays. It is a time for family and he does not have his real one. He hates the hoildays because it is ALL about family and he does not want to hear it. Another related point when it comes to family is he gets slightly jealous when someone has the "perfect" family. If they could have it…why couldn't he have it too. It frustrates him and makes him angry.
When he has seen his family since being adopted as a ward of the state, he goes right to anger, hate, and frustration. He tends to feel like that lost little child who was put in that bad situation. It takes him weeks to recover and can be seen crying or sleeping alot to recover from the emotional event for him. Aric and his real family are a bad…bad mix.
Aric is an Evolved who has the ability to hear and see what is going on in another person's mind. The commonly referred name of his ability is called: Telepathy. Over the years, Aric has gained a firm understanding of his ability and what he can and can not do at this point. It is through experience, trail and error, and just plain luck that he has gained a firm control of not hearing or seeing everyone's thoughts all the time. He has learned to quite his mind through meditation and focus so he can live a "normal" life. There are conditions that will weaken his resolve and control of his ability and cause him become easily overwhelmed with everyone's thoughts within a 70 foot radius.
Aric will be able to hear the surface thoughts of anyone within 30 feet if he opens his mind. If he pushes himself he can extend that range to 70 feet yet this will tired him. He will do his best not to depending on the amount of people within that radius. He could end up with a very nasty head ache or worse…pass out. There is the case of someone who has a "busy" mind. That is the type of person who is usually under stress, tired, or overly excited with their thoughts and they just project through to him without any control. It is like a really good loft party over your head and you just hear everything no matter what you do to muffle the sound.
Aric can hear more then one person's thoughts within a 30 foot radius and must concentrate to hear only one at a time.If he does not concentrate it all sounds garbled and meshed together.When and if he wishes to see deeper into someone's mind to hear and see their thoughts more in detail he needs to touch them. The act of physical contact is a bond or connector that links him into those deep thoughts. When he is reading their surface thoughts the person or people will not know of his intrusion. However, when he goes in deep they will sense him. A feeling like they are being watched will wash over them. If he comes across someone who is strong willed or even has a resistance to mental abilities Aric can fight it and try to see past their "walls". It will results in head aches, bleeding out of his eyes, or passing out.
Power Feats:
Can you Hear Me Now?
Aric has the ability to link his mind with another person. This was the first feat Aric discovered as a young man with his best friend. He has a certain finesse with this feat more so then he does with his other feats. Aric must be touching the other person. That contact allows for some unseen bond to form between them. He can hold their hands yet he finds touching their temple allows for easier access. When this ability is use, he opens a door that allows for him to see into their minds and explore their memories. The memories will stream through Aric's mind like data from a computer. It can be quite overwhelming at first, but once he is inside he can control the steam of data with some concentration so it is not all flashes of colors and images. This allows for some control in seeing what he might be looking for or gaining to learn. Their is a downfall to opening that door for Aric. The flow of information within his own mind begins to seep into the other person's mind. They might gain some inside knowledge about Aric or some random piece of information about him. At first, he had no control over how much information was leak but over the years Aric has gained some finesse with this feat and has been able to control "his flow" much easier. The person whose mind Aric is invading has the ability to resist him through willpower. They can resist or slow down the process making it like a battle within their minds for him to gain the knowledge he could be seeking. Use of sedatives, fatigue, hunger, torture/pain on the target may decrease their ability to fight back, whereas stimulants, training, their own telepathically-oriented abilities, etc. may increase their ability to resist.
While using this ability Aric has no knowledge of what is going on around him. He is fully invested within the other person's mind, yet if contact was broke his link would be broken. He would be forced back into his own mind fully and woken like someone had thrown him in ice water. Aric does not get as easily tired with this feat and can stay linked with someone for 30 minutes somewhat comfortably before needing to take a break. If he forces himself past the 30 minute mark, his body burns triple the amount of energy and he becomes very tired…very fast.
Aric always must be concentrating or using his meditation to quite his mind. He must keep his mind closed or he would just be reading everyone's thoughts all the time. If he does not stay focused his mind is like a radio…it will pick up anything in a 30 foot radius. This could become annoying, overwhelming, stressful, and worse…drive someone insane. When he chooses to open his mind, it will allow him to read anyone's mind within a 30 foot radius. He makes it a point to meditate every day as if it was rebuilding that block or wall giving him that added strength to keep out everyone's thoughts. If he does not meditate for an hour a day, he mental loses that support and begins to have less control over the thoughts he hears around him.
Another reason why Aric treats his body like a temple is because if he drinks alcohol or uses drugs his ability to concentrate drops instantly by seventy five percent. He has no control of what will happen and this could result in head aches, blood coming out of his eyes, passing out or a coma depending on the situation. Aric has gotten drunk before and was so overwhelmed by the amount of thoughts pouring into his head he passed out. He woke the next day unable to use his ability for 24 hours.
Aric does his best to keeping himself out of large crowds. He does not attend sporting events, large clubs, large concerts, etc. The amount of people within a 30 foot radius can be anywhere up to 20-50 people. That has alot of potential for loud thoughts, passionate thoughts, or emotional fused thoughts depending on the situation. No matter how hard he concentrated to keep out that many thoughts is doable but exhausting. He would not be able to keep his mind closed for long. He would be overpowered by the volume and amount of thoughts in his mind. A good example is listening to punk rock with the highest volume times 10. It's loud, it hurts, and it could do some damage. In Aric's case would not hear anyone around him. His vision would blur. His eyes would start to bleed. If he was caught in the situation long enough…he would pass out and go into a possible coma.
Aric is always vunerable to electrical based attacks. His brain functions at a high electrical pattern than the "normal" brain. The shock from a stun gun, or electrical attack would instantly knock Aric out. When he woke he would have one nasty headache and would have limited use of his ability. He would be very weak and would have no control over it. His recovery time from this would depend on the amount of electricity pour into his body.
Kaylee - Aric met Kaylee through Richard. Aric really wants to learn more about his ability and Richard thought she could teach him. Aric thinks she is friendly enough yet found out that he would need to learn on his own. She said if he needed anything he could call upon her. | |
Remi - Aric does not know what to think of the woman. She is a telepath who "accidently" scanned his mind in passing. She seems to have a sweet heart yet without his own telepathy to protect him against her ability he feels quite on edge in her presence. |
Raquelle - Aric won him at an auction recently. The pair went on their "date". Aric finds the man interesting and really fun. Raquelle gives a hell of a haircut and a REALLY good shampoo. Aric could see himself being friends with him for a long time if it grew into that… |
Graeme - Aric met Graeme through Remi. The man has the most beautiful eyes Aric has ever seen. In her attempt to set him up with Graeme, Remi has convinced Aric to see him again. They have been seeing each other for a while and Aric has let him in some…his own fears have not allowed the man in completely. He cares for him a great deal. A GREAT deal. |
Elisabeth - Liz is someone who Aric trusts. He has grown to care for her and would do what he had to do to help her. He knows that she has to have a protective wall up yet under it all wants the house, picket fence and 2.5 kids. He has been in her mind. He is grateful for her in his life…hell she taught him how to shoot a gun. | |
Cardinal - The Leader of Endgame. Aric has gotten to know the man a little. A rough man. A man who has seen a great deal. He does not trust him fully…yet but he is willing to follow him into the dark. | |
Monica - Aric likes this girl. She is sincere and spunky. He has offered her a job or a place to just escape if she ever needed it. It seems like she has seen more then most…yet Aric does not press the issue. | |
Peyton - Aric feels for this woman. She has a gift that is so amazing yet it affects her so when she uses it. He has sensed her passion and love for those within Endgame. She is always there with a smile and a helping hand. Aric wants to offer her a helping hand yet he is unsure of how she would take the offer. | |
Abby - The Fates helped these two meet perhaps when Abby one day came into the Blue Moon. She was upset and ran into his bathroom. She lost control of her ability and nearly burnt down his building. Any other person would be furious, yet Aric tried to console the woman. When he found out she was in Endgame he could see why. He has not seen her since the accident and hopes she is well. | |
Niki - A woman who is in Endgame with Aric. He recently has learned of her protective personality Jessica. Aric's mind had been open at the time of her "transformation" and it scared the hell out of him. He can hear Jessica's thoughts mixed with Niki's. The fact this woman could do so much damage scares Aric and the fact a heartless bitch lives behind that mask scares him even more. Niki may mean well but Aric knows Jessica doesn't. |
Lola - He knew her as "Mary Lou" and she seems to be a praticing iyalorishas. She is kind of an odd one…she stripped for him in the middle of his store down to her bra. He has seen worse…they were kind of perky. Cardinal informed Aric that her name is not Mary Lou, and that it is in fact Lola. Aric hates being lied too and does not trust her now as far as he can throw her. |
Tyler - Aka Richard Cardinal from another timeline. This man took Aric and tortured him for the "greater good" of his machine. Tyler killed Aric in the process. He has plans to return the favor if he crosses paths with the man again! | |
Zimmerman - One of the doctors helping Tyler Case. A name and a face he will not forget in his nightmares. This man aided Tyler in hooking Aric to the machine that killed him. |
Rupert - The first. The nightmare. The man who forever will have been the turning point in Aric's life. Aric killed Rupert in an attempt to stop him and his plans. Aric beleives in honoring life and yet took this man's life. Aric saw Rupert's last thoughts and learned why he did what he did and it doesn't make Aric feel any better about killing him. |
- Education
- Health and Condition
- Business Management
- Cooking
- Chinese Culture
- New Age/Occult
- Music/Singing
- Guns
An intelligent man who graduated high school and went onto to New York University. He graduated NYU with a degree in Business. A talented young man with creative ideas on how to make money. He has all the skills of someone who has graduated college from math to English to computers to research and development.
While in China, Aric was taught to treat his body like a temple. He does not do drugs. He does not drink. He loves to cook healthy foods, yet will indulge now and again in the not so health. He runs and works a hard cardio every day, and uses the meditation techniques he has learned from the Monks.
Aric runs the Blue Moon. An Occult/New Age store that caters to all points of view. He loves his business and considers it more fun then he does work. He knows how to run the store and handles it with ease. Some of his duties are yet not limited too employee relations, ordering, banking, and stocking.
Aric spent over 3 years in China. He would work various jobs to help pay his bills. Some of them related to cooking. The man knows how to cook. He specializes in Chinese food and makes it homemade…not like the joints you see on the corner.
Aric knows a great deal about Chinese culture. He started to show an interest while in High School. He took Chinese as a Language elective. When he traveled to China with Yorick he remained there for 3 years. He has learned from the Buddist Monks about their way of life. This has allowed him a great knowledge of himself and their people. The Monks taught him how to value life, experiences, his body, and meditation. He speaks fluent Chinese. He reads it. He writes it. He has a basic knowledge of their past yet more importantly…their present. Aric learned a bit about the crime families. He does not know anything more then their names and reputations. Your typical street knowledge of Chinese crime culture.
Aric knows a great deal about the world of New Age and the Occult. He believes himself to be part Buddist/part Wiccan. Some may just call him a hippie. Since he has opened the store he has traveled to trade shows, met with leading authorties, and began studying other points of view to learn all that he can about the subject. If he does not know about it, he can at least direct you in the direction where it lives.
He loves music and started playing piano while in High School. He has not played in a few years but he could hold his own reading sheet music. One thing he always did was sing. It lifted his spirits and helped ease his mind now and again. Aric has been told a number of times he has a beautiful singing voice.
Since joining Endgame, Aric has been trained by cops and some…well we will just say not cops on how to use guns. He does not carry a license to own a gun yet has the general skill of a rookie cop on how to use a 9mm. He knows how to care and clean his gun. He has learned how to use an M16 automatic rifle yet does not hold the confidence or skill level he has with a 9mm. He would be a novice at best.
Memorable Quotes:
Trivia and Notes:
*Aric's music will OOCly be Eric Hutchinson's music. Icly he will sound, sing, and play just like him. This will allow for everyone to enjoy his music as much as I do while keeping it In Character.