Avi Epstein

Registry of the Non-Evolved Database

File #14 Oct 2009 00:56

Name Avi Epstein Aliases "Aviators"
King of Pentacles
Status Registered Non-Evolved
Gender Male Race/Eth. Caucasian
Birthdate November 11, 1954 Age 55
Height 6' 1" Build Average
Eyes Brown Hair Brown
Residence 42 Crown Street, Apt. 417, New York NY
Employment CIA Special Activities Division
Parents Daniel Epstein (father; deceased)
Linda Epstein (mother; deceased)
Siblings Kevin Epstein (brother)
Jensen Raith (brother-in-law)
Marital Status Divorced (Rachel Epstein-Raith) Children Taylor Epstein (son; deceased)
Emily Epstein (daughter)
First Seen Shadow On Water, Part III Last Seen Quietus II
Profile A CIA operative who has gone by the nickname "Aviators" and the codename "King of Pentacles". He was once a part of the Anti-Vanguard task force put together by President Petrelli, however following the conclusion of Operation: Apollo he had been reduced to serving as a spy to keep tabs on the pardoned Vanguard members who operate out of New York City. Meanwhile, Sylar impersonates him on an on-again off-again basis in DC as part of one of Sarisa Kershner's plans to do god knows what.
Avi Epstein
portrayed by

Chris Noth


Distinguishing Features

Avi Epstein is missing his right eye following a series of unfortunate events. He has since taken up a glass eye in its place, often hidden behind sunglasses worn at inappropriate times.


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