Harve Brenner, the middle child of a family of four. Born in Chicago Illinois into a family of wealth, both Lawyers - a literal silver spoon - a trail of nanny's and the best tutors that money could provide for he and his brothers. Private school, preparatory school, Harvard Medical. Childhood is as always fairly easy for a child from a family of means. But because the roots of this family came from near nothing, they were instilled with the lessons of appreciating what you have, and being thankful for it and giving back to the community. Family vacations were spent in France, a result of his mother and her birth there and family remaining there.
It came as not surprise then that all the boys - for they had nothing but boys - either went on to follow in the footsteps of the parents or became doctors. Harve remained near the upper percentiles of his classes, choosing to follow into general practitioner as opposed to selecting a specialty like pediatric or even neurology. This would come to be a good thing down the road as opposed as fresh out of school and with very little in the way of debt since most of his school bills were paid for through the good graces of his family's fortune he snagged a rotation close to home at Mt. Sinai and spent his residential years there, getting a feel for the medical practice.
He wasn't ready to settle down into a family practice or open up his own 'shop' so to speak. Remembering well the wise words of his familial parts, he signed up for a stint in Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). First stop on his 7 year gallivant through the world and saving people who might otherwise not get help, the Congo for the first two years, Thailand for another two, then shuffled many different places depending upon where the emergencies happened. His family joked, when he returned home for holidays that he might as well marry someone from there, for all the time that he spent there and that pretty soon the salt and pepper hair that plagued the males of his family would turn silver before he even did Marry.
And he did find someone there. Mind you, not how they expected. In 1998 Harve was stuck in a small village in Honduras when Hurricane Mitch hit. Himself, a female doctor, two nurses and more than a few people taking shelter in the building that had been usurped to ride out the hurricane he met Michelle, the other doctor. French - His mother would approve - and while he didn't know it then, she was an Atmokinetic. Looking back, he knows now why they endured the hurricane so well and came out on the other side as good as they did - The hurricane just didn't quite seem to be so strong in their small section of the jungle and they fared pretty well compared to others. But then, it was looked at as a blessing. They courted over the next few years, opting to work side by side wherever they were sent, taking her home to meet his parents, and she to hers when the time was right. A stint in India brought home however, that they couldn't keep this up when birth control failed and Michelle found herself pregnant and they were in the middle of the Congo's. Time to head stateside, go through immigration and marry her. Make her his wife. They lucked out and started it just before the twin towers fell and everything seemed to go to hell.
They had been wrong though. He hadn't gone silver before he married. Though this meant also that it was time to set up practice and get on with the business of settling down, starting a family of his own. He also set about to organizing his journals that he wrote in during his time abroad and with the MSF. Fast forward a few years and his daughter, the first of two, is starting school in New York City. His book about his time in the Doctors Without Borders program has been published and his private practice is put on hold while he was promoting it and in turn promoting and pitching to companies and private individuals to help support and finance the very program that helped to shape him.
It was with luck that they were vacationing at the time of the bomb going off in New York city. Back in Chicago for a small vacation and so that he could set up some business connections, he and Michelle and their three daughters all turned on the TV to learn about the horror that had befallen New York. Their home was obliterated, the family dog all but incinerated and they were one of the displaced people that everyone heard about on the news. Save that they had the means to start over where many didn't. Out to the boroughs they moved, snatching up a brownstone in Brooklyn, doing a good turn by remodeling it when really, they didn't need to but it would given some much needed jobs to those who were less fortunate. Hire a cook, hire a nanny to help Michelle with the children while both returned to work. Working the emergency rooms of St. Lukes and doing what they did overseas, but home. It was round about then too that Michelle started getting jumpy, worried. They discovered too that their oldest daughter was starting to loose her hearing for no defined medical reason.
Then came the outing of the evolved, the revealing of those who were genetically gifted, changed on the DNA level. The Linderman registration act imposed. Michelle's jumpiness had a reason and not long after, she came to her husband to explain and even demonstrate what she could do. It shocked Harve as his wife created a small stormcloud in their backyard, drenching the far corner of their small postage stamp backyard. He was shocked, stunned as well impressed with what she could do.
It would come a year later, during an emergency that came through St. Lukes. Harve had taken to traveling a lot, intrigued by the explosion it seemed, of evolved individuals in the US and throughout the world. But one of his trips home had him picking up his wife for dinner during a break and a pyrokinetic manifesting outside the hospital. When his focus was on the man who flailed and couldn't figure out why he was on fire, said flames ceased to exist. When he looked elsewhere, attention on his wife as they worked with others to calm him, the flames returned. After a few times of this happening, the Brennans hunkered down in the backyard and tested a theory.
Harve was a negator. They could finally fill in that little line on the registration forms that asked what you could do. Both registered that week and luckily, they both kept their jobs. If anything, it gave him an even bigger boost mentally to what he was doing, the traveling and visiting the third world countries again under the auspices of MSF and studying the evolved, seeking out the evolved in third world countries and seeing how they were treated. Filmed and photographed for his new book and a documentary that would come out, sometime. Maybe.
But Michelle is pregnant again, and it's time to come home, stay home. Be a father and see what he can do for New York. He's got a book coming out soon, A family to be there for physically instead of through modern technology and there's a new center for the evolved that he's confidant that he can help out at. Help people with their abilities and open a small practice. Put in hours at the hospital as well and tend to the warzone that has become New York City.