Ben Fulk, father of four, husband of two. Not at the same time of course, Mormons aren't allowed to do that anymore. But he was on his second marriage, his wife having a daughter of her own as well. Ben Fulk was a dentist, having more than enough money to financially support his plethora of children, though unfortunately accidents do happen and nine months later Brian popped out. (His parents would later decide they did not want Brian to be lonely what with all his other siblings being much older and would have another 'accident' named Amy.) Brian was born in Northern California, to a wealthy dentist and a very loving and compassionate mother. His childhood would be ordinary, though he was somewhat more well off than his friends. His father owned his own plane and a boat, luxuries that young Brian got very used to. He never got too close to his older siblings, as they were much older and had moved off on their own, and his younger sister well.. she was just annoying. So, Brian got very close with… himself.
Self involved, selfish, socially awkward Brian Foulk grew up with his cheery disposition and outgoing attitude being squashed by the all powerful forces of a verbally abusive father and the ever present mean elementary school teachers. An exceptionally bright young man, his intelligence was overlooked and instead the adults in his life instead focused on his poor work ethic. Brian was enrolled in a few special education classes and came to accept that he was as stupid as everyone told him he was. Alas, youth only lasts so long. Around the age of twelve his parents much to the disgust of the Mormon church divorced, and Brian's luxurious life was quickly stripped from him. Living with his mother off of child support checks, Brian soon came to rely not on pappy's money but his own personality and intelligence. Throughout high school the once introverted weirdo bloomed.
Haunted by the lies of not being smart enough, he was an underachiever, although he could ace any test given to him, homework assignments were often neglected and the young man barely graduated. But he found that not only was he intelligent.. but he was nice! Everyone liked him in high school, and he could befriend people from most any group or label. The young man, soon came into his own.
With his wealthy childhood behind him, Brian became an average working citizen. Once he graduated high school he started work and attending a community college. Though during his high school years he left the Mormon church due to theological differences. Brian found God, or so he claims. And started attending a non-denominational church where he expended most of his energy. He became very active in the Christian church and soon found a conviction for the 'third-world'. The young man began embarking on mission trips, his home church supporting him sent him to many different places. After the vicious tsunami that ripped through Indonesia, helping families and victims rebuild their homes. He took part in the humanitarian relief effort in Pakistan. He took a role as an English teacher in Thailand for a year, all the while preaching his God which he now so loved. The young man started to feel a destiny on his life, his life was not supposed to be just an average life but a life with a calling. Brian felt like he was supposed to do something for the greater good, to serve God, and benefit humanity.
When he was home from his missionary adventures he picked up a job here or there, got involved with his church, lived with his mom and stayed with his friends that he considered family. He picked up hobbies, working out, beatboxing, and being awesome in general were some of his favorites. He went on another mission to South Africa, which would further convict and inspire him to revisit Africa again. His second trip to Africa was to the once war-torn country of Sierra Leone. It was there that the calling on his life, and his life in general would be changed forever.
On a routine drive out to a village where he and his team would be doing a mini-medical clinic the small missionary team was attacked. A group of extremists open fired on the small Christian caravan killing many. Explosions occured, and amidst the screaming and sound of gunfire Brian's jeep flipped. After being hurled to the ground the young man found that he was covered in cuts and blood. One being next to his eye, with blood gushing from it, it made vision very difficult. Though the young man had a job to do. Brian's colleagues had been trapped under the jeep and at least one was still alive. Gripping under the jeep he tried with all he had to lift the thing, but to no avail. He tried and tried again, but he just wasn't strong enough. Then, suddenly two more hands gripped beside his own and the jeep was tilted up so that the woman inside could crawl out. Once the jeep was set back down Brian looked for the good samaritan but could find no one. He described it simply as an angel, and a miracle. Though the woman inside the jeep had severe brain damage she claimed that the second man was another Brian.. and he was naked
Re-entry into the United States from that dramatic and scarring event was very rough on Brian. The usually outgoing man became reclusive, although he occasionally dated, not wanting to be alone. And unfortunately one night on a date in the city, he and the young woman he was with were jumped. Another life-altering situation that jumpstarted Brian's adrenaline and triggered the ability that he did not know he had. The group of three thugs were fought off and beat up by Brian… and his two naked associates that looked a lot like himself. Needless to say that particular woman never wanted to go on a second date.
Brian now lives alone, and is trying to get a grasp on this recently discovered ability. He claims it a gift from God, and seeks wisdom from God for how to use this ability. Not too long after he discovered his ability the incident in New York occurred, revealing to the world the existence of Evolved individuals. For fear of endangering his family, Brian fled his home and has put himself on the run after all the hullaballo of the registration act. Living in a deep state of confusion and mixed emotions Brian has become a wanderer, not staying in one place for too long for fear of being discovered. He has traded in some of his morals for an attitude of the greater good being achieved through morally grey actions. His passion is still for God whom he believes gifted him and all the others, though what to do with this conviction is an unknown.
Preaching in New York City was tough. Preaching Evolved rights was tougher. Eventually Brian was recruited into the group Phoenix. Learning more about his ability and himself, Brian grew in his faith and passion for the cause. Eventually Phoenix mobilized against Vanguard. Brian was instrumental in the attack. In this attack he was killed several times, one of his copies captured by the Company. Brian was instructed and trained to be a Company Agent. Since then, Brian Fulk has started the Lighthouse Orphanage. Which was eventually attacked by Arthur Petrelli. Brian Fulk was killed, his Company copy the only survivor. The more jaded less spiritual Brian now tries to balance himself and fill the shoes of both personas.