Registry of the Evolved Database
File #14 Feb 2009 00:19
portrayed by Joss Stone |
The first thing to know about Cally, before her past, present, powers, or anything else, is her name. It is Cally. It is also Cal, or C.K. It is never, ever EVER to be Calypso Kennedy, whatever it says on her birth certificate, social security card, or any other official document. Is that clear? Ok then.
Cally’s parents, despite their ineptitude in naming their offspring, are relatively normal people. They lived, loved, got married, and popped out babies much in the fashion of the over-productive rabbit. Cally is the youngest of seven children, and all of them have fairly odd names. But none so horrific as Cally herself, if you ask her. And even if you don’t.
Her father, Jonathan Kennedy is a small, balding man who works for a law form as a well paid tax attorney. Boring. Her mother, Martha, is a tall, vibrant, overbearing woman who was a hippy in her younger days, and is now a teacher in the Boston Public School system. Yes, Cally is from Boston, or near abouts. And yes, she has a bit of an accent. And yes, she will kick you in the junk if you comment on it.
Despite the bad naming, and the boring and annoying parents, though, Cally’s life has always been fairly normal. Boring, and normal. She went to school, she got average grades. She even did a little gymnastics, and played a leading part in the annual school musicals. Sure, she was pretty spunky, and spirited, but nothing that got too out of control. Of course, this was all before it all changed, two years ago.
Long story short, she evolved. At first, it was little things. She got angry, and suddenly the room was overly hot, despite the AC being on. Then, after a breakup, frost was tinting the windows despite it being June in a very hot New England summer and everyone had to wear their winter coats while they tried to figure out what was wrong with the AC. Again.
Now, Cally isn’t stupid, and with the big Evolved awareness happening, she had an inclining of an idea as to what was happening. So did her parents, both being smarter then her. But noone could say for certain until she was in the back of Mark Sheldon’s car a few weeks later, for some rebound time, letting him round second base.
Needless to say, it’s hard to explain why someone who was groping you, and you were groping back, came away with third degree burns when there wasn’t a fire. And who also happened to suffer from frost bite just a moment after getting burned.
Her parents were scared. Her father was talking about registration, and her mother talking about rights, and both hoping it was just a phase. Her siblings, those that still lived at home, eyed her with anything from curiosity to revulsion. It’s a little much for a girl to handle!
When school started up again, her grades quickly dropped. There were rumors, and name calling, and worse from the other kids. Cally didn’t stay long. She’d seen something similar happen last year, where a boy was hauled away by some suits. And all just for making plants grow. She didn’t want to wait around to see what they’d do with someone who could make the gym a sauna just by standing in the room.
It wasn’t easy. She didn’t want to leave. Hell, despite ditching school, her plan was to go home, speak to her parents when they got home from work, and figure something out. She hid out in the public library downtown until she was sure they’d be home, and took the bus. But as she rounded the corner from the bus stop, she saw a cop car parked outside, and a plain, suspicious looking black sedan. She gripped the pole of the street sign, first in fear, then in anger. And she turned and walked away, not looking back, not even to see the slumped form of the pole that had melted at the middle.
Since then, she’s been on her own, moving from place to place. She traded in class for a learning of a whole different kind. How to survive, how to keep things to herself. How to turn her gymnastics into streetfighting. And she also learned to gain control of her powers. Or at least some. She realized that the extreme swings of her mood could manipulate the air particles around her, making it hot or cold, and that any object she touched physically would itself become hot or cold in much the same way. Of course, it didn’t prevent it from happening accidentally, and she still needed to run away a few times from different spots or groups she fell in with, but as time passed, it happened less frequently.
Eventually, she found her way to New York. Partly it was because of her childhood dream to eventually come to Broadway and sing. Partly because she figured that she could lose herself easily in the big city. But mostly, it was because it was where the bus line ended, and she got thrown out by the bus driver who caught her stowing away in the baggage compartment.
So now here she is. What she’s going to do here is anybody’s guess. She sure as hell doesn’t know.
What can you really say about Cally? She's spunky, spirited, and wild. She's had to be, to survive. She gets restless pretty easily, a product of her needing to be moving around so much, and she's cautious. She'll tell people a partial truth, or an outright lie, more out of habit then anything else, unless she absolutely has to tell the truth. And even then, she'll only say as much as she needs to, and will quickly change the subject. She likes to keep things light, and fun. She's about living her life in the here and now, not worrying about the past or the future when she can help it.
Cally's ability allows her to affect the particles around her, either by slowing them up, or speeding them down. Effectively, she can cause extreme temperature changes, not only to the area around her, but also in any object or organism that she comes into direct, physical contact with.
Extreme Temperature
The main manifestation of Cally's power is her ability to directly effect the particles of the air around her, either speeding them up, heating up the area around her, or slowing them down, chilling the area. The range for this is fairly broad, though it's usually more noticeable the closer to her that you are, and especially if you're a closed off environment, like in a car, or a room. The more she concentrates, the hotter or colder it can get, and more broad the area, but after a certain point, this can start to give her headaches and other nasty side effects.
Be Cool (or Hot)
When Cally comes into direct contact with a person or object (skin to skin or skin to surface), she can directly manipulate that person's (or item's) molecules, causing them to boil or freeze. This can be used to do as little as heat up or cool down a person's body by a few degrees, give them burns or frost bite, or even to boil or freeze their blood. Again, it all depends on the concentration. The same is true for objects, she can cause metal to reach a melting point or water to freeze into ice.
Cally has become rather resistant to extreme temperatures, and though she still processes cold and heat, it does not cause her pain or injury to the same extent that it would a normal person.
Limitations, Restrictions, and Side Effects
Cally's power is linked directly to her emotions. When she is angry, horny, or otherwise excited, it is easier for her to heat things up then it is to cool them down. When she is sad, lonely, or otherwise feeling cold emotion-wise, it is easier to cool things down. This ties into her resistance to a much lesser extent as well. In addition, when her emotions are taken to extremes, her powers will activate of their own volition, and often to a far greater extent then when she is using her power voluntarily.
She doesn't always sing. In fact, she's done it very little since she ran away. But when she does, it is a heady, intoxicating thing. She has a lusty, soulful, crooning tone that beckons and entices and makes you rock in your socks. She's had some training, mostly in music class and during the musicals, but for the most part it is just pure amazing natural talent.
Cally's fighting style is fairly unique, a mixture of real, in your face street fighting, and nimble acrobatics learned from years of gymnastics. For all that she's only just started to do it in the last couple of years, she's rather skilled at it. She fights fast, and dirty, and plays to win.
Cally is extremely flexible and agile. She's fast on her feet, and hands, and whatever else she happens to be using at the time. Her nimbleness comes from a mixture of years of gymnastics and other sports, as well as natural ability.
Cally is a regular street kid. She learned fast to become one, and anytime she comes to a new area, she rather quickly develops a connection with the local street scene. She knows who the local gangs are, knows who to go for information and how to get it, and knows where safe havens and hideyholes are. She even knows how to hot wire a car and pick a lock! This also gives her access to the request fake id to purchase illicit booze with, and other such fun tricks and treats.
Quick Study
When she puts her mind to it, Cally learns fast. She does come from really smart parents, after all. She just needs to -want- to learn it first. But when she does, you usually only have to show her once, and she's got it down.
Bag of Tricks
Not really a skill, this is more a habit then anything. Cally is a collector of all things seemingly useless (but not really) and random. She usually totes it around in a large, patched denim satchel, or else stores it in one of her hidey holes for a rainy day. This means that when she finds herself in a dark alley, she probably has a can of breath spray to use as mace, or a dented flashlight to light her way and or bonk an attacker on the head, or in the junk.
Game History
2/13/09 | Hot N Steamy | In which Cally is a stick bombing highway woman, loses her soda to a Tiny Barking Dog, and let's off some steam… literally. |
2/14/09 | Learning To Share | In which Cally teaches Victor the value of sharing… by stealing his breakfast. |
Cally Meets Her Nemesis | In which Cally loses one free meal, and gains two. Kameron is changed to PROVIDER status and her dog Prince becomes Cally's mortal enemy. | |
Blind Person Awareness | In which Cally listens to Kameron play the violin, trades verbal blows (or attempts to) with Deckard and assaults Smedley. | |
Apologies Had | In which Cally appears only briefly, quickly scared off by Brian. She's talked about though! | |
2/15/09 | Care Bear Recruiting | In which Cally arrives on Staten Island in search of cash, and comes across a pair of shady men who attempt to recruit her for shady undertakings. |
Providers of Sustenance
Better then friends, these people give Cally food or shelter.
Met this guy at the Canal Street Market. She ended up stealing his chinese food, which he then let her keep, even though he didn't have to. Despite the fact that he did so under protest, she still likes him for it. Even though a certain EVIL DOG made her spill it in the next scene. Such is life. Met in Learning to Share | |
Her name is Kameron. She is the owner of the Evil Formerly Known As Prince. Still, she's pretty nice, despite having the incarnation of evil as a pet. She even got Cally a pastrami sandwich and a Dr. Pepper, which definitely gives her good marks. Met in Hot N Steamy |
Funmakers and Allies
Otherwise known as friends, these people provide Cally with the nourishment of fun. Or saving her butt.
Coming Soon!
People That Make Cally Hot
These people have the dubious talent of getting under Cally's skin. Either they piss her off to an extreme degree, or get her hot and heavy. Either way, they have the ability to invoke Cally's ability to produce heat a bit easier than most.
This fiend has become Cally's #1 Arch Nemesis. Known as The Tiny Attack Dog. Also known as The Evil Formerly Known as Prince. This dog is owned by that Kameron woman. She likes the owner. Loathes the dog. It made her spill her food TWICE. And has already caused her heat powers to flare up once. Met in Hot N Steamy |
People That Make Cally Cold
These people give Cally, often literally, the chills. They scare her, or freak her out in a way that makes her cold inside. However they do it, they have the ability to invoke Cally's ability to produce cold a bit easier than most.
Coming Soon!
And Then…
There's everyone else.
This little guy is nice. Except there was a dog that made her spill her soda and her ability, so needless to say their meeting didn't end in the best way. Met in Hot N Steamy | |
She doesn't know this guy, or his name. But he was with the kid and the dog in the park, and then he was talking about cops. Needless to say, she ran away. Met in Hot N Steamy | |
He was among the group by the hot dog stand when the Tiny Attack Dog made her spill the beans, so to speak. She doesn't know anything about him though. Met in Hot N Steamy | |
She was also with the group by the hot dog stand. Doesn't know her. Met in Hot N Steamy | |
Met this guy at the Canal Street Market. He convinced the boy to give her food, so he isn't all that bad. Met in Learning to Share |