Calvin Sheridan

Registry of the Evolved Database

File #16 Nov 2010 06:29

Name Calvin Sheridan Aliases Calvin Rosen
Status Registered Evolved (Tier 0) Ability Registered: Unmanifested
Actual: Metallokinesis
Gender Male Race/Eth. Caucasian
Birthdate December 12 Age 28 (29?)
Height 5'11" Build Lean
Eyes Blue Hair Gingerish
Residence New York, New York
Employment Self-Employed "Artist"
Parents Bella Sheridan
Flint Deckard
Siblings Amadeus (half)
Baxter (half)
Marital Status Unknown Children Unknown
First Seen Ridin' Dirty Last Seen
Profile Vagabond, time traveler, liar and cheat. Previously employed as a field agent and forensics consultant by The Institute.
Calvin Sheridan
portrayed by

Tim Minchin




And after all

we're only ordinary


"Jesus, what the hell happened to us? Motherhood at that age is selling away your best years to a creature that you're chemically forced to love. A creature that, yes, will eventually become a person and perhaps a worthwhile one (if your genes are good) but one that spends most of its time being stupider than you are and using up all your money." - From the diary of Bella Sheridan

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