Registry of the Evolved Database
File #27 Aug 2008 04:14
![]() Anne Hathaway |
Catherine Arden Chesterfield was born on November 12th, 1982 in Hartford, Connecticut. Her mother was a society wife, the father a high level insurance executive and later the CEO of his own firm. She received all the things young ladies of good breeding should have; a grounding in music, enough dance training to not be embarrassed in a ballroom at social functions, and a dash of athletics. Musically, she became skilled at cello, piano, and guitar, the latter often played under her parents' radar after she began to discover rock music.
Then came her teen years, the private high school where she excelled in academics, and discovering her mother's goals: It was desired she become the wife of someone from a prominent family and assist him in achieving political ambitions. The first step in this was the debutante ball she was forced to endure on her sixteenth birthday, followed by many similar and equally uncomfortable occasions.
Catherine entered Yale University in the fall of 2001. Her disenchantment with the world her parents moved in inspired plans to chart another course for her life. They led her to the music and drama schools. Her singing voice, with a range from mezzo to high soprano and the ability to project similar to Ann Wilson, landed her the frontwoman spot of a rock band formed by fellow students.
While her passion for music grew, along with the desire to emulate the other Wilson sister in her play, parental demands caused her exit from the band. Studying both music and political science left little time for other activities. The threat of being cut off by her father, and the lingering desire to see him proud of her, drove Cat at least partly into what they believed a more fitting direction.
The courseload for two degree paths, even with being able to devote all her time to studies, was incredibly taxing. But something unexpected kicked in. She suddenly found she never had to review, books she read and classroom sessions were easily available in memory word for word, as if she were hearing and seeing them fresh. Her brain became a digital everything recorder.
Bachelor's degrees in music and political science were awarded in June 2005; she took the LSATs and was admitted to Yale's law school at the urging of her parents who still had financial leverage over her. She also understood knowing the law could be very useful in the music business. It was such an easy thing for someone with a digital everything recorder in her head.
She remained unaware of being Evolved until the nuclear blast in New York City and the exposition performed by Nathan Petrelli. This opened her eyes, bringing her to realize this truth about herself, and prompted reading everything available on the subject.
When the Linderman Act was passed she didn't register.
After finishing law school in June 2008 and passing the bar exams for Connecticut and New York, Cat chose to enjoy her freedom. Much of her time was spent sitting in a portable chair on busy Hartford streets, playing guitar and singing with her instrument case open. Whatever money came from it was just a bonus. Parental leverage had been sharply cut when she reached age 25 and gained full control of her trust fund.
She occasionally gave out free legal advice to aspiring musicians on matters of copyright and contract law. She had no need to charge them; they were often in dire straits.
In late August of 2008 Cat moved to New York and settled into an apartment at the Dorchester Towers.
Conflicted, industrious, confident, resourceful. That's the best way to describe her personality. Most of her life has been spent trying to balance her own interests with the desire to be a dutiful daughter. It's made her resourceful in time management and practical in her outlook on life.
She knows what she is and isn't capable of, and isn't afraid of challenges. The woman is kind and easy to converse with, having knowledge from a broad range of subjects gained across her twenty-five years of life, but can also be coldly focused when she's after something.
She can on occasion behave altruistically, but it's not a driving force for her. She's not one to cause others suffering, but she makes no apology for circumstances bringing her benefits from it.
She may or may not put herself in danger for other people and for causes, depending on what she thinks could be in it for her.
Her brain is a digital everything recorder. Everything she's experienced, with all five senses, since the power manifested can be recalled as if she were right there in the moment. Whatever she chooses to learn is easy to her. It can at times make her seem pedantic, and the vastness of her knowledge may present itself as arrogance. It isn't always easy to hold back on the whole 'I know more than you ever possibly could' thing.
2010 Timeline
February 2 | A group comes to help Juniper handle a nightmare. | Cat, Kaylee, Meredith, Juniper, Mortimer, The Nightmare Man |
February 6 | Agreement is reached between two unlikely persons. | Cat, Logan |
February 7 | Abby speaks of an unwanted message. | Cat, Abby |
February 7 | Russian tormenters, brewing problems, impending natural disasters… | Cat, Elisabeth |
February 10 | Cat meets with Nicole to discuss her mother's campaign. | Cat, Nicole |
February 10 | Two musicians versus the nightmare entity. | Cat, Else |
February 12 | Transportation is secured. | Cat, Helena, Tamsine |
February 12 | Mother and daughter are reunited to discuss what's come between them. | Cat, Jenn |
February 15 | Two people from Operation Apollo compare notes. | Cat, Veronica |
February 15 | A telephonic warning. | Cat, Raith |
February 16 | Cat responds to a call. | Cat, Nicole, Commissioner Lau, Judah |
February 16 | Grief, guilt, rage, plotting, and info shareage. | Cat, Elisabeth |
February 19 | Closing in on the nightmare entity. | Cat, Helena, Kaylee, The Entity |
February 19 | The entity is unmasked and defeated. | Cat, Helena, Kaylee, and others. |
January 3 | Welcoming Gillian aboard the carrier. | Cat, Gillian |
January 4 | Madagascar stories. | Cat, Elisabeth, Claire, Noriko, Cardinal, Felix, Magnes |
January 4 | Conversing with Kazimir's host. | Cat, Kazimir, Magnes |
January 4 | Comparing notes with Redbird. | Cat, Cardinal |
January 6 | Elisabeth reports being invited into Frontline. | Cat, Elisabeth |
January 6 | The raid on Midgard begins. | Cat, Elisabeth, Claire and several others. |
January 7 | Unrelated discussions while exploring the Midgard Bunker. | Cat, Elisabeth, Claire |
January 7 | An infirmary visit becomes a learning experience. | Cat, Eileen |
January 7 | There's a spectre of past activities in Operation Apollo. | Cat, Noriko, Cardinal |
January 8 | Absurdity, hatred of Nazis, and the arrival of penguins. | Cat, Huruma, Noriko |
January 8 | Gillian has some things she wants to get rid of. | Cat, Gillian |
January 8 | Claire and Cat talk about trust. | Cat, Claire |
January 8 | Cat and Francois cross paths again. | Cat, Francois |
January 9 | Kazimir's south pole mission briefing. | Cat and a large crew of Operation Apollo people. |
January 10 | Veronica and Cat meet and play nice, despite their differences. | Cat, Veronica |
January 11 | Cat has an unexpected request. | Cat, Claire, René |
January 16 | One segment of the south pole mission. | Cat, Huruma, Teo, Raith, Caocao |
January 16 | The end of a long journey finally arrives. | Cat and a large gathering of other people. |
January 17 | Once again, the effects of the war are felt. | Cat, Elisabeth, Magnes |
January 17 | Noriko awakens in the hospital at McMurdo Station and inadvertently creates a crisis. | Cat, Elisabeth, Eileen, Noriko, Sarisa, Raith, Aviators |
January 18 | Last encounters aboard ship. | Cat and many of the Operation Apollo operatives. |
January 19 | Three women meet in Central Park. | Cat, Claire, Eileen |
January 19 | Peter finally catches up with Cat after Operation: Apollo has ended. | Cat, Peter |
January 19 | A reunion, and catching up. | Cat, Helena |
January 21 | More reconnecting. | Cat, Peyton |
January 21 | Rebel's been a busy little bee. | Cat, Elisabeth |
January 22 | Peyton doesn't believe she's underweight. | Cat, Delilah, Peyton, Luc |
January 22 | Cat did all the hard work, but Gillian guesses the password. | Cat, Gillian |
January 23 | West is still a butthead. | Cat, West |
January 24 | An Irish wake and unexpected arrival. | Cat, Elisabeth, Claire, Peyton, Eileen and others. |
January 25 | Noriko is given a taste of things she doesn't remember. | Cat, Noriko |
January 26 | Starting to tackle a legal matter. | Cat, Gillian |
January 29 | Class is in session, Oneiromancy 101! | Cat and a host of others. |
January 29 | Cat pays a dreamscape visit to deliver information. | Cat, Elisabeth |
January 30 | Inside Peyton's nightmare. | Cat, Peyton, The Nightmare Pussy |
2009 Timeline
- 2009 Cornerstone Tab
- December 2009
- November 2009
- October 2009
- September 2009
- August 2009
- July 2009
- June 2009
- May 2009
- April 2009
- March 2009
- February 2009
- January 2009
December 4 | A surprise visitor drops by the Spektor home. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Katarina, Francois, Felix, Carlisle |
December 10 | Introspections and interruptions. | Cat, Teo, Francois, Felix |
December 13 | Visiting Lyuba at Kozlow's clinic. | Cat, Lyuba, Francois |
December 14 | A conference call with Sarisa and Aviators. | Cat, Sarisa, Aviators |
December 17 | Skoll attacks! | Cat, Felix, Sasha |
December 19 | Bringing the cavalry. | Cat, Elisabeth, Anya, Teo, Francois, Felix, Sasha |
December 20 | Catching up with teammates. | Cat, Teo, Francois |
December 20 | Interviewing Anya. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Anya, Teo, Felix |
December 21 | An unexpected contact from an even more unexpected source. | Cat, Kazimir |
December 22 | Going for all the marbles in Russia. | Cat, Elisabeth, Yvette |
December 24 | Francois draws on Abby's leg. | Cat, Abby, Francois |
December 24 | A meeting with CIA folks, post-mission in Russia. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Sarisa |
December 26 | Of Navy coffee and observation deck views. | Cat, Elisabeth |
December 27 | Entertaining sailors and Marines. | Cat, Elisabeth |
December 28 | Sarisa gets a surprise. | Cat, Elisabeth, Felix, Sarisa |
December 28 | Trying to instill confidence. | Cat, Elisabeth |
December 28 | A call to Argentina. | Cat, Elisabeth, Sarisa]]], Kazimir |
December 29 | A clash with Francois. | Cat, Francois |
December 29 | A mission briefing about Madagascar. | Cat, Sarisa, Felix |
November 9 | Rescuing Belinda | Cat, Peyton, Eileen, Belinda, Leonard, Gabriel |
November 11 | The Ferry assembles to decide Danko's fate. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Delilah, Eileen, Peyton, Kaylee, Meredith, Teo and others. |
November 17 | A sybil arrives bearing tickets. | Cat, Tamara, Abby, Teo |
November 18 | An expedition to a grisly lab. | Cat, Helena, Peyton, Meredith, Harlow, Brian, Robin, Bao-Wei |
November 20 | The return to Sleepy Hollow. | Cat, Helena, Delilah |
November 22 | The arrival in Russia. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Teo, Francois, Ethan |
November 22 | Reaching the Spektor home. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Katarina, Teo, Felix, Ivan |
November 23 | The Russian retail experience. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby |
November 24 | A visit to the Ryazan State University. | Cat, Francois |
November 25 | Team Charlie has a visitor. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Sarisa, Teo, Felix |
November 26 | Happy Holidays, even in Russia, are attempted at. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Felix, Francois, Teo, Ethan |
November 29 | Something is cast in stone. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Anya, Teo, Francois, Felix |
November 29 | Speaking with the Doktor. | Abby, Cat, Sasha |
November 30 | The Rescue. | Cat, Abby, Francois, Teo, Sasha, Ethan |
October 1 | Discovery occurs when Cat and Helena visit Hokuto. | Cat, Helena, Hokuto |
October 1 | Cat gets her tarot reading. | Cat, Helena, Hokuto |
October 7 | About an upcoming interview. | Cat, Magnes |
October 7 | Delilah's eighteenth birthday | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Brian, Joseph, Magnes, Scotch |
October 8 | Cat, Kaylee, and Doyle discuss the blonde's situation. | Cat, Kaylee, Doyle |
October 8 | Reconnecting with Else Kjelstrom. | Cat, Gillian, Meredith, Else |
October 9 | A very large document changes hands. | Cat, Anton |
October 9 | Misunderstandings sorted out. | Cat, Abby |
October 10 | Infosharing between Cat and Mr. Redbird. | Cat, Cardinal |
October 12 | Cat visits Mother. Mother asks her to sell her soul. | Cat, Jenn |
October 12 | Someone is who she doesn't seem to be. | Cat, Marilena |
October 12 | Helena's identity is verified. | Cat, Marilena, Abby, Deckard |
October 13 | A meeting at which a plan forms; another meeting is set. | Cat, Candy, Peyton, Brian |
October 13 | Briefing Delilah and Scotch. | Cat, Delilah, Scotch |
October 13 | Marilena is briefed. | Cat, Marilena |
October 16 | Someone looked for over the past few months is found. | Cat and Sparrow |
October 16 | Candy reports in. | Cat, Candy |
October 18 | Rescuing Helena. | A large group of Phoenix and HF people. |
October 19 | Helena's recovery begins. | Cat, Helena, Delilah |
October 19 | Briefing Elisabeth about recent events. | Cat, Elisabeth |
October 19 | Post-raid, Cat and Candy meet. | Cat, Candy |
October 24 | Cat engineers a meeting. | Cat, Elisabeth, Sparrow, Magnes |
October 24 | Evidence is given to Cat. | Cat, Magnes |
October 24 | While watching an episode of Charmed, Helena is briefed. | Cat, Helena |
October 29 | An HF member offers a deal. | Cat, Peyton, Eileen, Harlow |
September 1 | There's a lot of details missing when Cat and Gillian catch up. | Cat, Gillian |
September 1 | Someone is back. | Cat, Kinson |
September 3 | Regarding Maxwell Quinn. | Cat, Abby, Deckard, Eileen, Gillian, Helena and others. |
September 5 | Cat's Confession | Cat, Joseph |
September 5 | Cat and Leonard check in on Max. | Cat, Leonard, Maxwell |
September 5 | A discussion at the Rock Cellar. | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Cook, Leonard, Andrew, Jay |
September 10 | Magnes seeks data on a recurring image. | Cat, Magnes |
September 11 | A memorial service | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Carolina and others. |
September 12 | Humanis First is discussed and Cat theorizes at a place she just bought. | Cat, Delilah, Elisabeth, Helena, Cook, Leonard |
September 17 | Gillian seeks info about her parents. | Cat, Gillian |
September 18 | Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it's the question. | Cat, Helena, Gabriel, Peter |
September 19 | Two rooftops, one bus stop, a spy, and a skater. | Cat, Helena, Gillian, Leonard, Jay |
September 26 | Humanis First attacks the Suresh Center | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Hana and a bunch of others. |
September 26 | A situation is discussed and an agreement is reached. | Cat, Helena, Delilah, Eileen, Leonard, Douglas |
September 27 | When Elisabeth doesn't call her back, Cat calls again. | Cat, Elisabeth |
September 28 | A situation is dealt with. | Cat, Helena, Elisabeth, Cardinal, Douglas |
September 29 | Decisions, decisions. | Cat, Helena, Leonard |
August 2 | Cat tries to convince Maya of something. | Cat, Maya |
August 3 | Unpleasant conversation with an uncertain ending. | Cat, Elisabeth |
August 3 | Cards are laid out on the table. | Cat, Peyton |
August 4 | Claire is given the beginnings of what she wants. | Cat, Claire |
August 4 | Brian reaches a conclusion after talking business with Cat. | Cat, Brian |
August 4 | Mona is shown disturbing things. | Cat, Helena, Mona |
August 5 | Cardinal shares, and asks for, information. | Cat, Cardinal |
August 5 | Cat and Elisabeth reach detente. | Cat, Elisabeth |
August 5 | Cat and Claire talk about a guy. | Cat, Claire |
August 8 | Gillian has ideas. | Cat, Gillian |
August 9 | The Suresh Center opens. | Cat, Helena, Carla, and a host of others. |
August 9 | The Suresh Center tour. | Cat, Helena, Carla, Brian, Teo |
August 9 | The Suresh Center reception. | Cat, Helena, Mona and a host of others. |
August 11 | Lighthouse repair. | Cat, Claire, Helena, Gillian, Delilah, Zuleyka, Bebe and others. |
August 12 | Both Cat and Mona learn things. | Cat, Mona |
August 12 | Else refrains from being pleasant. | Cat, Else |
August 14 | A discussion of multiple topics. | Cat, Elisabeth |
August 16 | When burning birds meet, the topics are many. | Cat, Helena, Elisabeth, Gillian, Mona, Delilah, Jenn, Rickham, and others. |
August 18 | Cat and Claire touch base. | Cat, Claire |
August 19 | Planning to move, Abby meets with Cat. | Cat, Abby |
August 21 | Counsel is sought and given. | Cat, Abby |
August 21 | Ling finds Cat and shares information. | Cat, Ling |
August 22 | A day at the beach. | Cat, Helena, Gillian, Delilah, Abby, Brian, Cook, Leonard, Teo |
August 22 | A CD release concert. | Cat, Helena, Gillian, Delilah, Mona, Eve, Else, and others. |
August 22 | A meeting after the show. | Cat, Mona, Gillian, Eve, Else |
August 23 | Advice is given. | Cat, Magnes |
August 24 | While hearing an audition, Cat has a flashback. | Cat, Sable |
August 24 | Experimentation and brainstorming. | Cat, Helena, Peyton |
August 25 | The Verb has unexpected visitors. | Cat, Peyton, Peter |
August 25 | Info sharing. | Cat, Peter |
August 25 | Humanis First attacks a safehouse. | Cat, Delilah, Darla, Megan, and many others. |
August 27 | Someone is partly clued in. | Cat, Magnes |
August 27 | Confrontation between Moab escapees. | Cat, Helena, Claire, Stef, and many others. |
August 28 | Two survivors talk, and music is played. | Cat, Elisabeth |
August 28 | An arrest sparks a Humanis First assault at the Frontline party. | Cat, Sophie, Shoshanna, and a whole gang of other people. |
August 29 | Self-doubts are expressed. | Cat, Helena, Brian |
August 30 | Disaster on a movie set. | Cat, Sable, Wendy, Leonard, Maxwell |
August 30 | Maxwell Quinn is moved. | Cat, Leonard, Maxwell |
August 31 | Len attends one of Cat's lectures at the Suresh Center. | Cat, Len |
August 31 | HF and Feng Daiyu are the topics. | Cat, Cardinal |
July 1 | A meeting with Adam. | Cat, Helena, Huruma, Kaylee, Leonard, Adam |
July 2 | Gillian brings news and a question is asked. | Cat, Gillian, Helena |
July 2 | Cat consults with an ally. | Cat, Helena, Mason, T.Monk |
July 3 | Lucrezia reports on her efforts at Pinehearst. | Cat, Helena, Lucrezia, Leonard |
July 5 | Information exchanged, plans made. | Cat, Elisabeth, Leonard, Cardinal |
July 6 | Test results are shared. | Cat, Elisabeth, Gillian, Brian |
July 7 | Hiro visits Cat. | Cat, Hiro |
July 8 | A question from Abby brings an offer. | Cat, Abby |
July 10 | Ghost volunteers answers. | Cat, Ghost |
July 11 | Snow leopards, Tamara, and symbols. | Cat, Tamara |
July 14 | Colette, guided in Cat's direction, finds her. | Cat, Abby, Colette |
July 16 | Cat visits Claire and finds Eve. | Cat, Claire, Eve |
July 17 | Mona gets an invitation. | Cat, Mona |
July 17 | Cat converses with Else. | Cat, Else |
July 18 | Edward Ray comes to visit. | Cat, Edward |
July 20 | Gillian makes a dream visitation. | Cat, Gillian |
July 21 | A crisis is faced. | Cat, Claire, Helena, Delphine, Cardinal |
July 22 | Cat meets Magnes. | Cat, Magnes |
July 23 | Le Mort d'Arthur and then some. | A whole ton of people |
July 24 | Regrouping after le mort d'Arthur. | Cat, Elisabeth, Alec, Teo, Cardinal |
July 24 | The rest of the story is sought. | Cat, Claire, Elisabeth, Hiro |
July 24 | A mother-daughter talk. | Cat, Jenn |
July 26 | Help is sought and given, but there are no guarantees. | Cat, Claire, Elisabeth, Maya, Brian |
July 28 | A discussion of law and ethics. | Cat, Elisabeth, Mona |
July 29 | Business is conducted. | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Minea |
July 30 | Leadership meeting. | Cat, Elisabeth, Helena |
July 30 | Peter wants info, but botches getting it. | Cat, Claire, Helena, Peter |
July 31 | Tracy Strauss meets a mysterious woman. | Cat, Tracy |
June 2 | Helena is interviewed. | Cat, Helena, Holly |
June 2 | More info after the interview. | Cat, Helena, Holly |
June 3 | Sent by Mason Chesterfield, Minea approaches Cat. | Cat, Minea, Lawrence |
June 4 | Delilah has her recruitment interview. | Cat, Helena, Delilah |
June 5 | About Pinehearst, Cardinal, Matt, and Minea | Cat, Elisabeth |
June 9 | Elle's situation changes. | Cat, Helena, Elle |
June 9 | Things are shared and not shared | Cat, Mona |
June 12 | Cat goes to meet Father. Someone else shows up instead. | Cat, Mason, Arthur |
June 12 | Cat is retrieved. There are pieces to find and put together. | Cat, Delilah, Helena, Sal |
June 12 | Cat finds more bits of her personal puzzle. | Cat, Delilah |
June 15 | Helena brings Cat a visitor. | Cat, Helena, Delphine |
June 16 | Three women on a rooftop, each knowing different things. | Cat, Gillian, Helena |
June 16 | After doing business with Deckard, Cat intends to go home and play guitar. | Cat, Helena, Deckard |
June 17 | Minea is given shelter. | Cat, Elisabeth, Gillian, Helena, Alec, Minea |
June 17 | Alec makes a confession. | Cat, Helena, Alec |
June 17 | Cat revisits Joseph. | Cat, Joseph |
June 17 | Alec makes a confession to Cat and Helena. | Cat, Helena, Alec |
June 19 | Cat and Elisabeth discuss Minea's information. | Cat, Elisabeth |
June 19 | Elisabeth gets back from checking on Abby. | Cat, Elisabeth |
June 20 | T.Monk and Allen Rickham give advice. | Cat, Rickham, Tmonk |
June 22 | Discovery among the ruins of Midtown. | Cat, Abby, Delphine |
June 22 | Mt. Sinai Medical Center Renaissance. | Cat, Knox, Tmonk |
June 23 | Niki is taken to Garabed Bashur. | Cat, Niki, Tmonk, Rajas |
June 23 | Two musicians talk about influences. | Cat, Adelaide |
June 23 | Cat found a telepathic reporter. | Cat, Helena, Mona |
June 24 | Else Kjelstrom finds The Rock Cellar. | Cat, Else |
June 24 | Niles the Younger has visitors. | Cat, Elisabeth, Gillian, Niles |
June 25 | Discoveries, experiments, and bonding. | Cat, Gillian |
June 26 | Tamara is odd, Colette is looking for something. | Cat, Colette, Tamara |
June 26 | Ghost is interrogated. | Cat, Eileen, Lucrezia, Gabriel, Ghost, Kazimir |
June 28 | Someone goes to the great beyond. | Cat, Elisabeth, Gillian, Doyle, Niles, Niles |
May 1 | An attempt to kill Aria Baumgartner. | Cat, Elisabeth, Baxter, Felix, Niles |
May 3 | Cat visits Aria in the hospital. Information is collected. | Cat |
May 4 | Cat meets with her father. Much is shared. | Cat, Mason |
May 5 | Elisabeth takes a contrary tack. | Cat, Elisabeth |
May 6 | Cat visits Joseph's church again. | Cat, Joseph |
May 7 | Father-daughter advice. | Cat, Mason |
May 8 | Cat meets Arthur and shakes his hand. | Cat, Arthur, Goodman, Maury |
May 9 | Cat and Teo come to an important decision. | Cat, Teo |
May 13 | Candy's back from one. | Cat, Candy |
May 14 | Catching up with Peter and Gillian. | Cat, Gillian, Peter |
May 14 | The Lost Eight return. Helena meets some new faces. | Cat, Helena, Delilah, Candy |
May 15 | Helena and Elisabeth get briefed. | Cat, Elisabeth, Helena |
May 15 | Reopening the Old Dispensary | Cat, Elisabeth, Helena, Gillian, Peter, Alexander |
May 16 | Abby has questions. | Cat, Abby |
May 16 | Phoenix has some questions for Agent Bishop. Things briefly get catty. | Cat, Helena, Elle, Elisabeth, Diego, Trask |
May 17 | Candy's actions have consequences. | Cat, Candy, Helena |
May 21 | Cat has visitors. | Cat, Gillian, Knox, R.Ajas, Rickham |
May 22 | Helena is reunited with two persons, and meets a technopath. | Cat, Helena, Knox, R.Ajas, Rickham |
May 23 | Cat and Helena plot. | Cat, Helena |
May 25 | Sharing info. | Cat, Helena, Cardinal |
May 25 | Abby and Cat talk. | Cat, Abby |
May 25 | Comparing notes. | Cat, Helena, Eileen, Gabriel |
May 28 | Cluing Delilah in. | Cat, Delilah |
May 29 | A risky meeting | Cat, Elisabeth, Len |
April 6 | While holding one conversation, Cat has a surprise second, both causing the title question to form in her mind. | Cat, Cardinal, Mason |
April 7 | The raid on Moab to free Helena, Lucrezia, Jessica, Knox, Django, Shard, Boxer, and other prisoners. | Cat, Teo, Trask, Diego, Eileen |
April 7 | Where Cat finds herself suddenly. | Cat |
April 8 | Cat's back in NYC. Elisabeth has questions, and something to report. | Cat, Elisabeth |
April 9 | Abby fixes something, Cat thinks and gives a report. | Cat, Abby |
April 12 | A multi-topic discussion. | Cat, Elisabeth |
April 15 | As per Hiro's request, Kimiko calls Cat to let her know of his current whereabouts. | Cat, Kimiko |
April 16 | Alec has a way of preventing electronic monitoring. | Cat, Alec |
April 16 | Briefing Teo and Abby. | Cat, Abby, Bebe, Felix, Teo |
April 19 | A discussion of Hiro, Tyler, and Alec too. | Cat, Elisabeth |
April 23 | Oh boy. The English Army hadn't just won the war. | Cat, Joseph |
April 25 | Cat calls Kimiko. Kimiko shocks Cat. | Cat, Kimiko |
April 25 | A problem is discussed. | Cat, Abby |
April 26 | Catching up with Teo | Cat, Teo |
April 27 | Serious issues are discussed. | Cat, Elisabeth, Cardinal |
April 27 | … Because Cat has a message for her. | Cat, Elisabeth, Felix |
April 27 | Cat has unexpected visitors. | Cat, Edward, John, Mason |
April 29 | Elisabeth is told of the visitation. | Cat, Elisabeth |
April 30 | Considering options with Wireless. | Cat, Hana |
March 4 | Cat lets go of chasing vengeance. | Cat, Eileen |
March 7 | Hiro is repeatedly thankful as things are discussed. | Cat, Hiro |
March 8 | A discussion of Deckard and the events he witnessed. | Cat, Elisabeth |
March 10 | Cat serves as Grace's attorney when she's arrested on false charges. | Cat, Grace, Coren |
March 10 | Phoenix members rescue Deckard, with help from unexpected people. | Cat, Claire, Claude, Deckard, Flint, Hiro, Teo |
March 11 | The state of Cat's ribs after being shot in the chest. Body armor, ftw! | Cat, Kinson |
March 11 | … the Spanish Inquisition. Or Fedor and his people, apparently. | Cat, Elisabeth, Abby, Hiro, Fedor and a host of others. |
March 12 | Cat and Jake see to Oleander Thespuda and Elisabeth's partly stony arm. | Cat, Elisabeth, Jake |
March 13 | Liz and Cat talk over the Tyler Case investigation, since Cat has the full file. | Cat, Elisabeth |
March 13 | Delilah is caught eavesdropping on a Phoenix relevant conversation. | Cat, Delilah, Deckard, Teo |
March 14 | Cat visits Delilah to brush up on what she can understand about the girl's ability. | Cat, Delilah |
March 14 | Cat hires a man for a job, who forgets to settle terms on his fee. | Cat, Cardinal |
March 15 | It's what happens when Teo and Connor meet with Cat and Elvis. | Cat, Connor, Elvis, Teo |
March 16 | Cat clandestinely gains Abby as a tenant. | Cat, Abby |
March 16 | Getting a taste of high-performance jet flight and becoming familiar with FLIR. | Cat, Fedor |
March 18 | A media project is shown to Elisabeth, and current happenings are talked over. | Cat, Elisabeth |
March 19 | Bidding commences on the final Brill painting. | Cat, Zoe, Cardinal, Eliot, Tuck |
March 19 | Hiro's opinion on something he was told about. | Cat, Hiro |
March 21 | Simon meets Elisabeth for coffee at the Nite Owl, and Cat shows up soon after. | Cat, Elisabeth, Hiro |
March 22 | Recon from above and distant, prisoners talk during Yard Time on the ground. | Cat, Helena, Alexander, Boxer, Django, Fedor |
March 22 | Claire comes to Abby, baring some of her soul; Cat finds both. | Cat, Claire, Abby |
March 23 | Discourse on various topics. | Cat, Elisabeth |
March 23 | The arraignment of Grace Matheson. There are no surprises. | Cat, Grace, Coren |
March 24 | Of Moab and Gabriel Gray | Cat, several members of Phoenix, Hiro |
March 25 | Briefing Claire. Bombshells happen. | Cat, Claire |
March 26 | Meeting with a potential Moab raider. | Cat, Gabriel, Kinson, Teo |
March 26 | An eclectic group meet while seeking breakfast and caffeine. | Cat, Elisabeth, Debater, Kinson, Schuyler, Terry |
March 28 | Sneakiness happens. | Cat, Elisabeth |
March 30 | The People of New York vs. Grace Matheson. | Cat, Coren, Grace, Judge Fielding, ADA Lyle |
Feb 3 | Cat and Teo touch base, Kinson is introduced. | Cat, Teo, Kinson |
Feb 3 | Cat explains more of herself. | Cat, Kinson |
Feb 4 | Advice is sought. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Feb 5 | Elvis comes to Cat's safehouse floor. | Cat, Elvis |
Feb 6 | Two musicians reconnect and discuss other things they have in common. | Cat, Anne |
Feb 6 | A meeting of Phoenix. | Cat, Jennifer, Monica, Teo, Brian, Ben, Kinson Anne |
Feb 6 | A conversation after the Phoenix meeting. | Cat, Kinson |
Feb 7 | Ben treats Elvis. | Cat, Elvis, Ben |
Feb 8 | An effort is made. | Cat, Jennifer, Ygraine |
Feb 9 | Meeing Minea by chance, Cat learns something offered to Conrad is still available. | Cat, Minea |
Feb 9 | Cat meets an engineer and ponders his usefulness. | Cat, Alec |
Feb 9 | Anne outlines her evacuation procedure and limitations. Practice begins. | Cat, Anne |
Feb 10 | While discussing the matter of imprisoned fellows, one spots the flaw with an idea. | Cat, Anne. Ben |
Feb 10 | Cat and Teo discuss various matters organizational and personal. | Cat, Teo |
Feb 11 | Cat seeks info on prisons. | Cat, Hana |
Feb 13 | Coffee and brainstorming at Elisabeth's place. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Feb 15 | Future actions are discussed. | Cat, Kinson |
Feb 16 | A discussion of life, where people stand, and Staten Island. | Cat, Elisabeth, Felix |
Feb 16 | A meeting some time after bitter arguments. | Cat, Ygraine |
Feb 17 | Hiro Nakamura is told where to find Peter Petrelli. | Cat, Hiro |
Feb 17 | Cat prepares to go look for Abby and Sergei. | Cat, Jezebel |
Feb 18 | Unexpected confrontation leads to meeting new people. | Cat, Bebe, Delilah, Eileen, Stella, Teo, Victor |
Feb 19 | Plenty of room at the Hotel Catifornia. | Cat, Delilah |
Feb 19 | Someone grew up there. | Cat, Stella |
Feb 19 | It's all about Sylar. | Cat, Victor |
Feb 19 | Cat arranges a message. | Cat, Knox |
Feb 21 | Part of a plan to catch and interrogate Jonathan Carmichael. | Cat, Elisabeth, Hiro |
Feb 23 | Hiro shows up with an important document. | Cat, Hiro |
Feb 23 | It's never as clear as black and white. Operation Carmichael. | Cat, Elisabeth, Hiro, Kinson, Carmichael, Goodman |
Feb 24 | Amid remembrances and shared data, a friendship is forged. | Cat, Hiro |
Feb 24 | Good circumstances are a waste of time. | Cat, Bennet |
Feb 28 | Conversation about an ongoing investigation and other things. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Jan 1 | Helena enlists Claude, the Invisible Man. | Cat, Helena, Claude |
Jan 2 | Cat and Teo discuss actions and reasons for them. | Cat, Teo |
Jan 2 | Helena feels the consequences of drinking away her sorrows. | Cat, Helena, Ben, Claude |
Jan 3 | Cat gets some insight about a person of interest. | Cat, Niki |
Jan 3 | Discussing Claude's training method. | Cat, Jennifer, Claude |
Jan 4 | Seeking a second opinion, lunch, and the birth of an idea. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Jan 6 | A Vanguard pickup is disrupted, people being used as guinea pigs are found. | Cat, Helena, Hana, Dina, Ben, Brian |
Jan 6 | Helena's wound is stitched up. | Cat, Helena, Ben |
Jan 7 | Edward's plan revealed. | Cat, Helena, Edward, Ben, Brian, Conrad, Teo |
Jan 8 | Grim legal paperwork is handled. | Cat, Kain |
Jan 9 | Cat is looking for something. | Cat, Conrad |
Jan 9 | A grim claim is made. Arrangements follow. | Cat, Zachery |
Jan 9 | Cat speculates and is mocked at a really bad time. | Cat, Helena, Brian |
Jan 10 | Gillian comes to check out the library. | Cat, Gillian, Helena, Brian |
Jan 11 | Cat briefs Anne about the bridges. | Cat, Anne |
Jan 11 | Cat treats Helena in the five star way and floats ideas. | Cat, Helena |
Jan 14 | Cat speculates, and writes a legal opinion. | Cat |
Jan 15 | Cat and Helena speak with Edward Ray. | Cat, Helena, Edward |
Jan 16 | Cat and Elisabeth catch up. | Cat. Elisabeth |
Jan 17 | Cat consults with Grace about her plans. | Cat, Grace |
Jan 17 | Cat and Colette learn some things. | Cat, Colette |
Jan 19 | A gathering at the new Phoenix HQ. | Cat. Ygraine, Conrad, Alexander |
Jan 23 | Edward elaborates on the action plan. | Cat, Edward, various members of Phoenix and allies. |
Jan 23 | Discussing details after Edward's briefing. | Cat, Helena |
Jan 24 | Meeting the new guy. | Cat, Helena, Kinson, Alexander |
Jan 25 | Cat uses the firing range, and later floats an idea. | Cat, Ygraine, Helena, Brian, Kinson |
Jan 26 | Cat and Conrad strike a deal. | Cat, Ygraine, Conrad, Kinson |
Jan 26 | Cat takes a step. Where others go, she can't say. | Cat, Kinson |
Jan 28 | Pre-battle conversation. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Jan 28 | One phase in the Battle of New York. | Cat, Alexander, Brian, Carmichael, Ellinka |
Jan 28 | Cat tells the story of Jersey City's battle. | Cat, Kinson |
Jan 29 | Cat brings a summary of Wednesday's losses. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Jan 31 | Cat brings both good and bad news. | Cat, Elisabeth |
2008 Timeline
Dec 7 | Cat visits Grace and compares notes. | Cat, Grace |
Dec 9 | Cat and Dani are captured. | Cat, Danielle, Ethan, Odessa, Yancey |
Dec 9 | The interrogation. | Cat, Danielle, Ethan |
Dec 10 | Alone time, and no arguing. | Cat, Danielle |
Dec 10 | In which Cat speaks to Helena and a trade is arranged. | Cat, Helena. Munin, Teo, Ethan |
Dec 12 | The trade is made. | Cat, Helena, Munin, Owen, Trask, Elias, Wu-Long, Ethan |
Dec 12 | Cat comes to terms with the reality of the situation. | Cat, Helena |
Dec 13 | Cat considers what to do next. | Cat, Helena, Elisabeth |
Dec 14 | Cat and Helena reach understandings. | Cat, Helena |
Dec 15 | Cat and Gillian meet on the Deveaux Building roof. | Cat, Helena |
Dec 15 | Cat briefs Helena about Peter's situation. | Cat, Helena |
Dec 15 | Jennifer brings food and consoling words. | Cat, Jennifer |
Dec 16 | The hunt begins. | Cat, Hana |
Dec 16 | At the Deveaux Building roof, three women discuss one man. | Cat, Helena, Gillian |
Dec 17 | Information is provided and analyzed. | Cat, Hana |
Dec 18 | Cat spots a paramedic and considers a path of inquiry. | Cat, Grace, Anne, James |
Dec 18 | Cat seeks an opinion. | Cat, Laura |
Dec 19 | A final message is found. | Cat |
Dec 19 | A conclusion is reached and contact is made. | Cat, Grace, Hana, Jezebel, Trask |
Dec 19 | Estimations are confirmed and plans made. | Cat, Helena, Trask, Owen, Conrad, Alexander |
Dec 19 | The President-elect is attacked. | Edward, members of Phoenix and Vanguard. |
Dec 19 | The President-elect is rescued | Edward, Matt, Rickham, Abby, members of Phoenix and Vanguard. |
Dec 19 | Regrouping at Phoenix HQ | Cat, Helena, Abby, Elvis, Conrad, Edward, Rickham |
Dec 20 | Healing touches are administered. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Teo, Edward, Matt, Rickham |
Dec 21 | Observing Elisabeth and Matt arguing | Cat, Elisabeth, Matt |
Dec 21 | Breaking bad news to Debater, part one. | Cat, Debater, Brian |
Dec 21 | Breaking bad news to Debater, part two. | Cat, Debater |
Dec 22 | Edward shares information and probable happenings. | Cat, Helena, Edward |
Dec 22 | Gillian is found at Isaac's Loft. | Cat, Gillian |
Dec 22 | Cat updates the Catabase to include Edward Ray's info | Cat, Helena, Brian, Diego |
Dec 23 | Cat and Jennifer speak about Debater | Cat, Jennifer |
Dec 23 | An experiment is proposed. | Cat, Matt |
Dec 23 | Al is treated, Stormy frets, Cat talks with Teo. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Alexander, Teo |
Dec 24 | People visit a cathedral on Christmas Eve. | Cat, Colette, Abby, Teo |
Dec 24 | Cat runs across Eileen. | Cat, Eileen, Dantes |
Dec 25 | Mysterious ways are moved in. | Cat, Gillian, Edward |
Dec 26 | Ygraine is shown the Catabase; Cat meets Ben. | Cat, Ygraine, Ben |
Dec 27 | People talk with Helena. | Cat, Helena, Elisabeth, Ben |
Dec 28 | Calming Elisabeth's concerns. | Cat, Elisabeth |
Dec 29 | Eve reports information. | Cat, Eve |
Dec 30 | Memories and hot chocolate. | Cat, Helena, Ben |
Dec 31 | Making images from memories. | Cat, Hana, Matt |
Dec 31 | A party to end the year. | Cat, Grace, Helena, various members of the Ferrymen and Phoenix. |
Nov 4 | Cat goes to Columbia, gets help finding her destination, and fails in her task. | Cat, Jennifer |
Nov 7 | Cat is repelled by techno at Rapture, in the fashion of a feline by water. | Cat, Helena, Elisabeth, Jennifer, Brian, Conrad, Trask |
Nov 8 | Cat receives unpleasant news and gives advice | Cat, Teo |
Nov 13 | A food run to Piccoli's Delicatessen. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Teo, Alexander |
Nov 14 | Cat explores Isaac's loft. | Cat, Peter |
Nov 14 | Cat touches base with Stormy | Cat, Helena |
Nov 15 | Cat discusses her encounter at Reed Street. | Cat, Helena, Alexander |
Nov 17 | Cat and Gillian cross paths at a bowling alley. | Cat, Gillian |
Nov 19 | Cat is introduced to Conrad | Cat, Helena, Conrad |
Nov 22 | Clandestine arrangements are made. | Cat, Hana |
Nov 22 | Post-Miracles celebration. | Cat, Helena, Claire, Rosa, Conrad, Brian, Owen |
Nov 26 | Meeting Colette and gathering intel. | Cat, Grace, Colette, Wireless |
Oct 1 | Data is organized and analyzed. | Cat, Helena |
Oct 10 | Helena is accused of being Sylar. Everything goes to hell. | Cat, Helena |
Oct 10 | Dani joins Cat somewhere in Nuked York. | Cat, Danielle |
Oct 10 | Peter's memories are restored and Dani flips out. | Cat, Danielle, Helena, Peter |
Oct 16 | A PARIAH strategy session. | Cat, Helena, Jennifer, Eve, Anselm, Teo, Alexander |
Oct 16 | A fallen leader is found and followers scatter. | Cat, Helena, Eve, Anselm, Teo, Alexander, Brian |
Oct 20 | A not normal evening in Greenwich Village. Or is it? | Cat, Gillian, Kent, Kazimir, Peter |
Oct 21 | Cat remembers the repercussions of a secret she kept. | Cat, Danielle |
Oct 23 | In which the altered contents of a car's trunk are retrieved. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Alexander, Daniel, Teo |
Oct 25 | Three women of Pariah discuss future plans. | Cat, Helena, Abby |
Oct 26 | Cat briefs Stormy on what happened at Greenwich Village. | Cat, Helena, Alexander |
Oct 28 | Cat travels on the path of recent memories about Dani. | Cat, Danielle |
Oct 29 | Phoenix is formed. | Cat, Helena, Abby, Alexander, Claire, Jennifer, Trask, Teo, West |
Oct 30 | A discussion during a debate. | Cat, Helena, Alexander, Teo |
Sep 2 | Stout, Rock, and a Surly Wench | Cat, Peter, Jessica |
Sep 4 | A sudden inability to recall details | Cat, Peter, Trask, Gina |
Sep 4 | Observing the Deveaux Building | Cat, Peter, Claire, Cameron. Daniel. Helena |
Sep 4 | Sharing info on their abilities and other things with Peter | Cat, Peter |
Sep 5 | Cat makes an invitation and gets let in on a very shocking secret | Cat, Peter |
Sep 6 | Faith is placed in Cat, she has an overnight guest. | Cat, Peter |
Sep 6 | Cat wakes to find Peter waxing artistic. | Cat, Peter |
Sep 8 | A close friend arrives in Nuked York. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 8 | Peter teleports in and studies his creation. | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 8 | Something unexpected is found. | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 9 | A meeting report is given, and a journey begins for the women. | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 10 | Incomplete info and talk of how to proceed | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 10 | Dani tells Cat she's looking into Linderman | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 11 | Peter is approached about Linderman | Cat, Peter |
Sep 12 | Peter paints, Cat is endangered, Dani is injured | Cat, Peter, Danielle |
Sep 12 | Dani is visited in St. Luke's Hospital | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 13 | Cat and Ygraine meet in the hospital cafeteria. | Cat, Ygraine |
Sep 15 | Dani and Cat hear Peter's opinion of what Miss Hamilton could face. | Cat, Danielle, Peter |
Sep 15 | Cat gets clued in on something which murders her appetite. | Cat, Peter |
Sep 15 | Peter introduces Cat to some associates. | Cat, Helena, Grace, Ygraine, Peter, Alexander, Daniel |
Sep 15 | Discussions at the Surly Wench. | Cat, Helena, Peter, Alexander, Daniel |
Sep 16 | Cat speaks with Ygraine about things she saw. | Cat, Ygraine |
Sep 16 | Dani gets her release date. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 16 | Cat visits Pariah HQ for the first time. | Cat, Peter, Helena, Cameron, Alexander |
Sep 17 | Detective Delacroix-Damaris is met and evidence is passed along. | Cat, Danielle, Kaydence |
Sep 20 | Cat reflects on Dani's homecoming and her condition. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 21 | Information is shared and someone is spooked. | Cat. Helena, Danielle |
Sep 22 | Dinner is double salted. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 24 | Cat ends her performance hiatus | Cat, Danielle, Helena, Ygraine |
Sep 26 | A choice looms, information is only partly shared. | Cat, Danielle, Ygraine |
Sep 26 | Plans exist, but what are they? | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 26 | Cat shares her thoughts on the situation, and lets go of it. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 28 | Dani is returned by Linderman's goons after enacting her own plan. | Cat, Danielle |
Sep 30 | A discussion of situation and plans. | Cat, Helena |
Sep 30 | Things are set out in groups of twenty-six. | Cat, Danielle |
September 30, 1982 - December 19, 2008
Courtney Danielle Hamilton and Cat had similar backgrounds. They met at Yale, and trusted each other completely. Catherine shared the secret of her own abilities back when the two were in college and stood by her when Dani became alienated from her own family. Soon after she arrived in Nuked York the two became romantic partners. There was trouble between them when Peter Petrelli was brought back from amnesia and telepathically projected his having been the Bomb into her mind, but they got past it. The two were happy until Ethan and Odessa abducted them. Cat grieves for her intensely, made all the worse by the impossible demand which caused her lover's demise, by having to choose to let it happen. Several days passed before she saw anything to confirm Dani's death, until the 19th of December, 2008. She decided to honor her memory by breaking a major story in Dani's name and took the first steps toward shedding guilt as her slain lover asked by picking up her guitar; she sang and played again.
Rock is a man Cat found an initially mutual attraction with. He shared with her his deepest secrets, being entirely open and honest. But he left her confused after declining an opportunity, and the window of opportunity closed. He's been assigned the position of trusted ally. She's hopeful of convincing him to eventually take his story and the existence of the Company public, since he's chosen to continue as an agent with that unacceptably clandestine operation. She and Stormy were able to restore his memories, but he remained with the Company and later became two separate people. Relations between them are strained, they've not spoken in some time, and his current status is unknown. He went to prison at Moab, she was with Phoenix when Peter evacuated the prison. They've not had much time to talk, and he's allegedly brainwashed by his father. Also badly injured.
Cat met Stormy when she was introduced to members of the PARIAH organization by Peter Petrelli. They became friendly, at times mulling over future activities and comparing notes about a certain scarred man Helena became romantic with.
Possible issues of jealousy were put to rest; they're not in competition for Peter. They collaborated in restoring Peter's memories after he and his Company partner accused Stormy of being Sylar and were defeated by Helena's wind and have put their heads together regarding the split into two Peters and his remaining with HomeSec after one of them was killed.
Helena's torch for him worries Cat, but she's a grown woman and can make her own choices. They still share the truth of his having been the bomb that nuked York, despite it possibly being less of a secret due to Peter's imprisonment. Her understanding deepened after hearing her speak of her mother's murder for simply being agrokinetic.
Cat worked hard at gathering intel for the effort to break Helena and others out of Moab, and has become her second in their rebel organization.
PARIAH was discovered and joined after Rock introduced Cat to them. She's since used her digital everything recorder to organize information and hopes to guide their future methods in more publicly palatable directions. It's possible her influence on Stormy along with Rock's has at least partly inspired the recent turn toward tactics like viral videos and civil disobedience. As of October 29th, however, Cat is no longer with this organization; she sided with a new faction formed after Cameron's death and disagreement over strategies caused a schism.
Phoenix is the new faction formed and led by Stormy.
The Ferrymen are a larger operation with which Phoenix is allied and affiliated.
When she needed books to read and real food for herself and Dani during her stay at St. Luke's Hospital, Cat contacted the Alley Cat Courier Service to deliver them. Debater was the courier. They had a discussion of British versus US styles of governance and the value of propaganda in altering public opinion. They talked more and semi-shared secrets after Cat learned Ygraine had tracked Peter into Dani's hospital room. They were out of contact for a while, but became closer when she joined Phoenix. Debater was a source of comfort following Dani's death. Contact broke again when Ygraine lost heart after the Vanguard operations.
A former member of Phoenix who proved herself stupidly naive after the Vanguard operations and left the organization amid threats to turn them all in to DHS. Cat holds hope she may someday wake up and start using her brain again.
Ethan "Wolf" Holden, a member of an organization plotting genocide and thus already a known enemy, is the man who abducted Cat and Dani from their apartment in Dorchester Towers, amputated all the digits of Dani's left hand with a knife, and on Cat's release gave her an impossible condition for Dani's return. He is, thus, the man who killed Dani or soon will be. There will be a reckoning, Cat intends to kill him. He holds the title of Enemy Number One. He possibly has the ability to manipulate time.
Kazimir Volken is the head of that organization plotting genocide and the man responsible for several dessicated bodies, among them Cameron Sapulding. For this reason, being the man who gives the orders, he's second on the list. It's only the fact he isn't believed to have killed Danielle which keeps him from being Top Enemy.

Odessa Knutson is the five foot two inch blonde who assisted Ethan in abducting Cat and Dani from their apartment. Because of this involvement, but not having been seen in the interrogation rooms or connected to the fateful end, she holds the third slot. It's possible she has time manipulation abilities.

Wu-Long Zhang is the Oriental man who escorted Cat to her release point. He is a shadow manipulator and member of Kazimir's crew. He is thus associated with the fate of Dani and holds fourth place.
Daniel Linderman is hated for having introduced the concept of registering Evolved persons and building a database of them. It's equivalent to the historical example of Nazi Germany requiring all Jewish persons to wear a yellow Star of David which marked them for all that followed. He's doubly damned for being the boss of goons who beat and severely injured Dani. He gets absolutely no points for having healed those injuries.
Senator Nathan Petrelli must be thoroughly discredited, publicly humiliated, and forever kept from ever again winning election to any office whatsoever for having supported the Linderman Act and not also declaring his own ability when he made the Evolved public knowledge.
Agent Matt Parkman is someone Cat reviles for having supported the Linderman Act and joining the Homeland Security Agency. He's the worst kind of traitor: a person who helps lock away his own kind into eventual concentration and extermination camps on the scale of Nazi Germany's holocaust. Unfortunately he also resides in Dorchester Towers. As of late December 2008, however, Cat has become willing to concede the man may actually have some sense after speaking with him in person when the President-elect was brought to Phoenix HQ.
She isn't sure Kain Zarek was behind Dani being injured, but he works for Linderman and is thus a minion of evil who must someday be punished. Woe to him, for Cat never forgets.
Mischa Christinel had Dani beaten up and threatened to kill her. For that, she must pay. Someday, Cat will get her.
Gabriel Gray (Sylar) isn't the person who created Nuked York, but he is dangerous. As if his power stealing, Evolved-murdering ways weren't enough to want him dead, he also suckered friends of hers into launching a disastrous raid which resulted in an amnesiac Rock and borrowed Stormy's appearance without permission. He made overtures to PARIAH about getting Rock back, but he seems to be serving his own agenda and not at all worthy of trust. It has since been discovered he is a member of Kazimir Volken's crew.
The Company is an organization cloaked in secrecy which imprisons Evolved persons without trial. It may be conducting secret experiments on these captives. It doesn't matter that potentially dangerous persons escaped from them during the PARIAH raid aimed at exterminating Sylar; their being free is entirely the Company's fault because if they operated in public view anyone deserving to be there would have had legal process and it would be well known why they were locked up. Their whole operation must be exposed, dragged into the light of day, and brought under public oversight.
Detective Kaydence Lee Delacroix-Damaris is the NYPD member who arrived to take Dani's statement regarding her being beaten and concussed. She was given custody of the evidence tape from that event, a tape she later lost possession of after being beaten. Her daughter was allegedly threatened by Linderman's goons, prompting Dani to make a deal which saw her go to work for him. Cat isn't sure whether or not she's an honest cop; she advocated demanding the detective resign if she couldn't safely perform her duties and advance the case against Linderman.
Gillian Childs is the suspected power enhancer Cat first met in the lobby of Dorchester Towers when she and Helena were trying to deal with an amnesiac Rock who'd gone to work for the Company and his partner Agent Woods. They later met again when two Evolved individuals rampaged and Cat shot one with an arrow, getting her dubbed Arwen by Gillian. Gillian is a missing person later reported as such in the media, works at Kingpin Bowling Alley, and uses the false name Leanne Lennox. The enigmatic Enhancer has recently shared word of one Peter Petrelli being shot dead by Homeland Security, a thing which causes Cat to speculate the other is imprisoned.
Colette Nichols is a teenager who recently manifested abilities. She is known to Grace Matheson of the Ferrymen and Wireless of that same organization. It is generally agreed the girl has no concept of OPSEC sensibility and should be told nothing at all of import.