
Registry of the Evolved Database

File #30 Nov 2010 16:55

Name Daniel Jackson Arcenaux Aliases None
Status Registered Evolved (Tier 0) Ability Registered: Antibacterial Touch
Actual: Power Amplification
Gender Male Race/Eth. Caucasian
Birthdate August 15, 1982 Age 29
Height 6' 1" Build Slim Build
Eyes Blue Hair Blonde with Brown roots
Residence New York City
Employment Self-Employed Computer Technician
Parents Charles Arceneaux (Deceased), Barbara Steel Thibodeaux (Deceased) Siblings None
Marital Status Single Children None
First Seen Maybe a Smoothie Last Seen
Profile Computer repair guy currently living in New York. Previously part of the Company and retired for some unknown reason, his memories were erased. Registered evolved with the power of 'antibacterial touch', but in reality he can really amplify powers.
portrayed by
Justin Timberlake

As network administrator I can take down the network with one keystroke. It's just like being a doctor but without getting gooky stuff on my paws. - Dogbert


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