Registry of the Evolved Database
File #27 Jul 2010 04:11
![]() Kristen Bell |
Life was never easy for Elle Bishop. Sure, those first few years of her life were normal. Dad was always busy, and never seemed to have time for her, but she still had the rest of her family. Sure, Bob Bishop watched over her very carefully. But he was never truly emotionally there for her.
That is, until she turned six, and her ability manifested itself. She was over at her grandmother's home, in the throes of a childish tantrum over dessert, when it happened. In her distressed state, her ability began to manifest. Sparks flew from her hands into the walls and ceiling of her bed room. Soon, the whole house was set ablaze by the now terrified child's new ability, and it was a wonder that Elle got out at all.
After being allowed to calm herself from the ordeal, Bob took his daughter aside and lovingly coerced the information. At first, the girl was terrified of repurcussions, and skirted the subject; persistence on Bob's part finally opened up the flow of information from his little girl about what had truly happened, how the sparks from her hands had set the house on fire.
Wordlessly, Elle was taken into the Company's custody. It started out small, with careful analysis and tests, with nothing but boring white walls and hospital beds to keep her company. For a six year old child, this was torture. She longed for the days of playing out on the playground. Nowadays, she was lucky to get a window. But she would soon long for these boring days, once she discovered what was to come.
The experimentation began, at first only testing the young child's capabilities. It was exhausting; her 'trainers' were relentless, and there were days when she was overexerted to the point of nausea and vomiting. Devices were used to measure the strength of her electrokinesis, white-coated scientists would stand nearby, scribbling on their papers and nodding as Elle demonstrated. But that wasn't even the worst of it.
Soon, the shocks began. This started off small, too, first only painful little moments; however, it quickly elevated into bigger and bigger electric shocks. The little girl's screams were ignored as voltage was pumped into her body, and the white-coated scientists just did what they always did, scribbling on their paper and nodding matter-of-factly to the child's pleadings for mercy.
Sure, there were breaks from the heavy shocks the girl had to endure, but that did not negate their effects on her psyche; a combination of an unobtainable desire for her father's approval and the careless treatment she endured at the hands of her father's company lead to mental derangements manifesting in the poor little girl.
Trips out were rare, and always a treat for the girl, even if it meant that she was going to be subjected to even worse tests. They were always a chance to see the outside world, and her eyes were always glued to the windows, to the blue skies and the grass and the trees. One such trip was about three months before her ninth birthday. They took her to Ohio; she was to power a generator for a block of houses. This went horribly wrong, and instead of providing power to the houses, she created a blackout that spanned four counties.
Shortly after the incident in Ohio, Elle was given a psychiatric evaluation, after those studying her noticed her behavior becoming increasingly strange and out of the norm. Slowly, the effects of the girl's torturous treatments were showing their face, and Elle was diagoned with Antisocial Personality Disorder with paranoid delusions. After evaluation, the Company moved her into a holding facility to be observed constantly, far too instable to not be.
What followed was years of even more experimentation on the girl, though this was far less horrifying than her earlier treatments. Drugs were administered, and her memories were filed through, with the 'bad eggs' plucked out, leaving Elle with fractured memories of her life. Slowly, she was groomed into a Company machine, trained in the control of her ability and other standard education vital to an employee of the Company.
Finally, in 2006, the day came that Elle was deemed ready to serve her father's company. Her father briefed her personally, and she was sent to Odessa, Texas to spy on one Claire Bennet under an alias. No powers, just spying on her to determine whether or not she was an Evolved. Despite her disappointment at how 'boring' the job was to be, Elle complied with her father's orders. While she was assaulted by both Eden McCain and Noah Bennet, she was eventually released from that assignment.
From there, Elle began to accept assignments, working with partners and on her own alike; despite the flaws it left on her personality, Elle was now a highly trained and proficient Agent for the Company, and held unwavering loyalty to her father's organization. Always, she strived to gain her father's acceptance, and always, that one goal she had was unobtainable, constantly held just beyond her reach.
Later in 2006, Elle was put on an assignment with Noah Bennet. They were assigned to a man named Gabriel Gray, to gain insight on his methods of transferring abilities. Elle's first encounter with him was when he was attempting to commit suicide. She stopped him from this, and on orders, befriended him. She also snatched a list of people with Evolved abilities that Gabriel had compiled, handing it off to Noah.
While her feelings for Gabriel began to blossom in ways she did not expect nor know how to truly deal with, Noah arranged for Gabriel to meet one of the people on this list. Elle protested against this, but was bullied into reluctantly going through with it. She introduced Trevor, an Evolved with kinetic projection. Goading Gabriel, he instructed her to leave, finally, while he killed Trevor and took his ability. While her mission was successful, Elle had to live with the guilt of doing something that brought Sylar into existence.
In September of 2008, PARIAH raided Primatech in an attempt to free the Evolved being held on Level 5. Elle was consequently caught in the gunfire and taken by Huruma, Jessica, and Adam as they made their escape. While being held as a hostage by the trio, Elle was subject to even more torture. After a month, Company agents rescued Elle, and she was offered the chance to recover. She collaborated with Gavin Montag, but was eventually taken off the case to concentrate on other issues.
In April of 2009, Elle made a visit to Moab, which coincided with a raid conducted to rescue Peter. Seeing a chance to prove herself to The Company, Elle took action to stop the raid, attacking Sylar, Gillian, and Peter. Elle was dealt blows, in turn dealing her own fair share of blows. Toward the end of the batte, Elle made an attack that nearly killed Gillian, and ended up wounded and unconcious.
Elle, and many others, were sent ten years into the future at the conclusion of this raid, to 2019. While there, she was in the company of members of Phoenix; while her loyalties to her Father and the Company remained, the seeds of doubt were certainly sewn, when she was met with kindness from her supposed enemies. Encounters with Trask and Tamara certainly left her with many questions; an encounter with Arthur Petrelli inspired even more questions. After over a month spent in the future, Elle finally returned home, with new information whirling around in her brain.
Upon returning to 2009, Elle spent more time with Phoenix. They treated her kindly, and left her with many new viewpoints of the world. Healing was offered to remove the damage done to her brain by the memory loss techniques used to erase those torturous memories of her childhood; after an untrustworthy doctor's office visit, Elle ultimately decided against healing, and decided to return back to the Company of her own free will. Home.
She developed a few new relationships once back in the Company, though ultimately she did as always, keeping others at arm's length. She developed a little something with Magnes, though it was never meant to be; luckily, the day Magnes broke up with her, they also captured one Brian Winters (or Brian Fulk). However, ultimately the most important experience she gained after returning to the Company was confronting her father about her childhood. Still quite unsure about her place in life, she's quietly fallen into her Company duties, though it is with far less enthusiasm that she does so.
Recently, Elle has been working along with Agent Bryan Buckley to gather information on an organization known as the 'Institute'. Collecting any and all information they can 'unofficially, the Company has given them cover assignments to the pair. The duo has been digging around for anything they can find. Recently, they have been in Chicago along with the Haitian, investigating the reasonings behind Roger Goodman's corpse disappearing.
Elle Bishop was once a normal little girl. However, the torturous years spent in the Company, enduring experiments that no being should ever have to endure, did their damage. Elle was exposed to far more voltage than any human can withstand; while minor, brain damage was a very real result of the little girl's treatment at her father's behest.
At the age of eight, Elle was diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (AKA Sociopathy), as well as paranoid delusions. Her personality was further influenced by memory alteration, shaping her into a proficient Agent of the company, but at the cost of her childhood, and even her adulthood. Elle was denied all of the things that normal children get to partake in, and has only within the past few years been able to leave the confines of Primatech.
As a result, her personality shows this. She has a very manipulative personality, marked with typical traits of a Sociopath: superficial charm, a liar, no remorse or shame for any of her actions, poor impulse control, excessive promiscuity, and more feigned emotions than true ones. She is almost childish in many ways, never given the opportunity to blossom socially.
She tends to get along less well with women, as it is far more difficult to charm them; temporary bonds can be made, but ultimately, Elle has far less interest in befriending women. Men are her favorites; she has a flirtatious demeanor, using little shocks of her ability to emphasize her advances. However, she rarely means these advances, and the concept of love is fairly foreign.
Elle is incapable of adapting to normal, day-to-day life. Her horrendous upbringing denied her the opportunity to learn any real-world skills, leaving her horribly lacking in the basic skills that help most get along on their own. She has only ever known the Company, and certainly has a co-dependant relationship. She doesn't know how to react in public if, say, she were angered, and she has little fear of using her ability where others can see. This makes any social situation incredibally awkward for her, and most of the time she is unsure how she should respond to situations, going with her instinctive reaction.
Elle has no ability to determine right or wrong. She is instinctive, and tends to respond in ways that many would frown upon or be put off by. Anger is shown acutely. She has no qualms about personal bubble spaces, and flirtation is her favorite way to speak to any male she may encounter.
Elle's Radioactivity
Well this is unfuckingfortunate.
Elle Bishop is radiofuckingactive.
On the outside this seems no different from manipulating electricity, but it is, and in huge ways. Elle has the ability to generate and manipulate different types of radiation including — and this is what she understands the most — electromagnetic radiation. This power of course is deeply tied with her emotions, and during times of great emotional stress, she tends to emit radiation on the heat scale, including tiny arcs of electromagnetic energy that crackle-snap-pop up her body.
So now, when she gets pissed off, not only does she spark and sputter but she radiates heat too, enough so that in a bad enough mood she could bake her clothing away into dry, brittle brown crisps.
Elle is is capable of expelling most any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum. Her current degree of control over these powers is piss-poor at best. She is able to generate a very small explosion, possibly enough to destroy a mailbox, blow out a window, blast a tire off a car.
This is done in a accelerated stream of charged particles or neutrons that have a billiard effect on the atomic scale, thus exciting the target's atoms and superheating the target object in a short time, leading to explosion either of the surface layer or the interior of the target. The range of this blast is about 60 feet, give or take, and is discharged from her hands, because of her familiarity with throwing lightning. It's also probably why she has such a long range.
Her power is also able to cook unprotected flesh with severe burns, melt lower grade metals like gold or tin, or even cause acute radiation syndrome in others through destabilization of atoms. She herself seems to be immune to both her abilities and outside sources of radiation as well.
Elle makes a geiger counter go clickity-click click.
She can also take a shower now without fear of electrocuting herself.
Daddy Dearest. Elle's father. Elle and Bob always had an interesting relationship, never a close one. Despite his treatment of his daughter, Bob was always Elle's shining star of hope. That is, until she found out exactly what he did to her when she was a child. At that point, things became strained. Eventually, Elle ended up betraying her father, and leaving for the Institute — only to leave the Institute months later upon discovering that they weren't the good folks she thought they were. Elle misses her father, and wishes there was a way that she could see him again. Perhaps she'll ask Richard Cardinal… |
Elle and Odessa grew up together. Odessa always had everything Elle ever wanted: her father's approval, her father's favor. It seemed like Daddy Bishop treated Odessa more like his daughter than he treated Elle, his own daughter. Elle loathed Odessa for it, and went out of her way to make the other girl's life as miserable as possible. For most of their lives, Elle and Odessa have acted as enemies, rivals. However, a meeting with Odessa ten years in the future changed all of that. It was explained to Elle that the relationship she had with Odessa was a result of her father's manipulations, using the two against each other to push the other along. Eventually, Elle was asked by Harper of the Institute to seek Odessa out. She found Odessa, who was on the brink of death, and called forces in to save her life. Elle then explained to Odessa what Odessa had explained to her in the future. There was a tentative truce formed between the two, and only time will tell if they become the friends they should have been all along. Thus far, things seem to be going well. Elle and Odessa no longer speak, likely due to their opposing sides. Perhaps one day this can be fixed. |
Elle fucking loves Richard Cardinal. He's handsome, suave, and he's protected her and saved her life more often than not. In Richard Cardinal, she has found a close friend, and someone who she can very much trust with her life. However, Elle is also acutely aware that Cardinal is with Elisabeth, and thus doesn't even try to be naive enough to think that she would stand a chance at winning her heart, as he has won hers. It would be nice, though. | |
Elle knows Dax from back in her childhood. He was always nice, and she was nicer to him than she was to most of the other Company kids. She felt kinship toward him, in many ways. He disappeared from the map in 2006, after the bomb had hit, and has only just now surfaced in 2010, with no recollection of his time with the Company. Elle still adores him, and wants to help him find things out. Also, he's freakin' gorgeous. | |
Warren has somehow gone from being someone who pisses Elle off just by looking at her, to being someone who really and truly does stand a chance with her. Warren fucking adores Elle, showering her with gifts and praise and affection and love. And he's really turned himself around from the days when Elle told him that she didn't want anything to do with him. Even Richard has said as much. They have tattoos of each other, in honor of their last attempt at a relationship. More and more, it looks like Elle will return to Warren's side, despite everything. |
Richard Cardinal. Elle's boss, and the man she adores with her whole heart. He's proven time and again that he can be trusted, depended on. Elle would do anything for him, within reason. | |
Liz is a wonderful woman. Elle adores her, views her as a 'den mother' of sorts. In some ways, Liz has proven herself to Elle even more than Cardinal has, and Elle would gladly trust her with her life. Perhaps Liz is one of the few people who Elle can confidently call a true friend. |
Diogenes is very interesting to Elle Bishop. He was over at Zachery's one day when she was stopping by to mess with him. He's a very curious man, though she doesn't know much about him. | |
Who the hell is this guy?! He introduces himself as Rrrr — Howard, shows up in the nick of time to save Elle's life on multiple occasions in situations that she could possibly die from easily enough, then when she questions him and hits a nerve, he has a horribly bad habit of disappearing. But at the same time, she likes him. What the hell is with this guy?! | |
Elle met Luke at West Side Sushi. She's quite aware that he's a former Moab prisoner thanks to his scar, but she doesn' know much about him yet, save for the fact that he seems to like her. As Madison Cole, she wasn't as kind to him, and has a mild distaste for him as a result. | |
He's interesting. She had a candid and somewhat drunk conversation with him one evening when she was still charading as Madison Cole. She has determined that he is gorgeous and interesting. | |
Zachery is a new guy hired to be in Warren's Los Locos. Elle was there for the recruitment meeting. She knows that the Company contacted him at one point for work, but he apparently never took them up on their offer. She also knows that he used to provide dead bodies of the Evolved to Sylar. He also doesn't seem to enjoy it too much when she invades his personal bubble space, a fact that she enjoys using to mess with him. She's weary of Zachery…but that didn't stop her from stealing his yellow hula girl boxers. |
Doyle is a BIG FAT JERK. >( Elle hates him SO MUCH. So very, very much. One of these days… | |
Elle met Harmony in the basement of Redbird Security. It was discovered that Harmony is the one that Warren 'cheated' on Elle with. Then, on top of all that, she went and slept with Richard Cardinal! Elle doesn't know what the hell Harmony's problem is, but she is of the opinion that the woman is a very big slut now, and certainly doesn't like her as much as she initially thought she would! | |
Bryan was a partner of Elle's while they were with the Company, at one time very close to each other. However, Bryan was present for Elle's betrayal of the Company and of her father. When Elle almost killed her father, Bryan stepped in and bit her. As she died of his hemotoxin, he too died, electrocuted by Elle. The only difference is that Elle was brought back to life, and Bryan was not. |