Ethan, son of Michael Holden, was born in the year of 1970. A single child, his mother Claire unfortunately died in childbirth, leaving Lieutenant Colonel Michael Holden of the British Royal Army to take care of the young child. The boy was immediately shipped off to Michael's sister for 'safekeeping'. So in the big city of London, young Ethan would live out his childhood with his two cousins Amelia and Bower. His aunt was a very nice woman, always treating the children nicely and protecting them, always keeping their interests above her own. Unfortunately Ethan's uncle was a belligerent drunk, and a bit of a hooligan when it came to football.
In his earlier ears, he can't recall any terrible memories. Once he started getting a little older though was when his uncle turned it up a few notches. His 'home' became a place of discomfort. Every other summer, Ethan would have the opportunity to go and live with his father. Whether it be Northern Ireland, Eastern Europe, or wherever the officer was stationed. It was in those brief periods of time that Ethan truly saw a glimpse of his father. The cold, calculating man he would one day become.
One particular summer, Ethan, concerned for the wellbeing of his cousins who had become like siblings to him brought up the problem of his father's brother-in-law. The conversation was rather lacking. After hearing out the problem, his father without a word went back to his work and attending his duties. Later on that day, two soldiers under his fathers command stopped by the flat he was staying him. Abducting him they drove off the property of the base… and left him out in the middle of nowhere. For a whole day, the boy wandered around aimlessly, crying, desperately trying to find his father. At twilight, his father drove up and picked him up. Whilst in the car, Ethan got the severest reprimand he would receive for a long time. His father lectured him on how he must be able to take care of himself, solve his own problems, fight for those he cared about. That was the lesson that day was supposed to give him. Ethan never cried again.
After that fateful summer Ethan returned 'home'. His uncle's temper got worse and was usually taken out on Amelia. Trying to protect her, the then thirteen-year-old Ethan stood up to his uncle. Only to receive the beating of his life. Battered, beaten, and bruised, Ethan quivered and twitched the whole night while his aunt watched helplessly. That night birthed Ethan's cruel capacity for strategy.
One night, Ethan and Clarence arranged that the man got particularily drunk. Ethan had arranged with older boys he knew, that knew even older boys to get more and more alcohol. Clarence was the delivery boy, stating it was from the neighbors. A weak line, but it was believed none-the-less. The man went into his usual drunken stupor and beyond, and eventually he looked for someone to take it out on. Ethan insisted to his aunt that she take the night with her girlfriends to see a show, and he would promise to take care of things. So that left only Amelia. The young Ethan had plans for Amelia, even though she was hesitant. Ethan had to make her cooperate for the family's greater good. So he tied her to a chair in the garage. Leading his uncle to the garage wasn't much of a struggle. And leading him onto the hunting trap he had stolen from the neighbor's was not a difficulty either. Taking the family chainsaw and slicing off the man's hand from the wrist wasn't that difficult either. So while the drunken man in a hysterical fit gathered his hand and rushed himself to the hospital Ethan set himself busy cleaning up the blood, returning anything that didn't belong to him (after completely wiping it down of course) and telling his two cousins exactly what they saw that night, which was a drunken man, doing drunken things, driving off to get prostitutes.
Fortunately for Ethan, the drunk uncle got into a car accident which led to his death. Officers puzzled over how in the world the man could have lost his hand before the accident, but no suspicion whatsoever was given to the young thirteen-year-old who felt joy in his heart for the first time in the long time. He had protected his family, he had cleansed the Earth of a disgusting individual. After that, his aunt just couldn't keep up, what with her heartbreak and all and Ethan was sent off to boarding school. Not being the very sociable type, Ethan found himself alone often. He excelled in his studies, and it took him very little time and effort. In his spare time, he took up hobbies. One being, knives. He became fascinated with them, studied all about them, even got his hands on some and practiced. Throwing them, twirling them, cutting. Much of his free time was devoted to knives, and to languages. Sometimes finding his studies a bore, he would spend personal study in languages. By the end of his secondary schooling, Ethan was fluent in French, and Russian, and was partly studied in Spanish. It was in that time that Ethan's misguided soul finally took notice of the opposite sex. Kathryn. This girl was the only person who could get him to laugh, and it didn't take too long for the seventeen-year-old to fall in love.
Though the teen years are often confusing and awkward and somehow Kathryn saw Ethan more as a brotherly figure rather than a romantic partner. It was an unfortunate time for Ethan, as well it was an unfortunate time for Charlie, Kathryn's boyfriend. He had an 'accident' that killed him the night of their graduation. Police called it a freak accident, though Ethan knew the rest of the story. And wiped his hands clean of it.
Upon graduation, Ethan immediately enlisted in the Royal British Army, following in his father's footsteps. The young man excelled quickly, though many of his superiors cited concern in his anger issues as he often got into scraps with his fellow soldiers, and until he was pried off his opponent he would continue to beat and pummel the other men to bloody pulps. But, due to his fathers status Ethan never got court martialed, nor was he ever kicked out of anything. Quite the opposite. Ethan was the golden boy in his battalion, fastest, strongest, most cunning. The young man had everything going for him. Except for, obviously a stable mind.
As he grew in age and rose in rank, Ethan found himself in many different situations. One being in the early 1990s 10,000 British troops were moved to the Balkans conflict near Yugoslavia. As a young Corporal, Ethan commanded a section of ten men whose lives were in his hands. In one mission he was sent in for reconnaissance, though they got more than they bargained for. Encountering enemy hostiles, the men had to fight their way in. Eventually they beat the small pocket of resistance, though they lost thre men. Ten enemies had surrendered to him. Rather than taking them prisoner, Ethan insisted they had to press on to complete the objective. To do that, they would have to annihilate the prisoners to ensure they did not attack them from the rear or further compromise the mission. One private under his command put up a fight. A long and hard battle, even threatening to report him to his superiors. He even claimed that he would die along with the prisoners.
Ethan took the man away from the rest of his troops and in the silence, executed him. Returning, Ethan claimed that an enemy sniper had shot the private. Though it could be trusted no one believed him, none of those men ever questioned him, nor did any of them say a word. The captives were slain . After his tour in Yugoslavia, he was belatedly recruited into the SAS. Special Airmens Service. Where he received advanced training. The young man once again excelled.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Ethan Holden was recruited into the Counter Terrorism unit of the SAS. His experiences and missions in these years are lost, though it is mostly clear that many people in many different countries were killed in this man's sights. The man was quickly on his way to loosing what heart he had left. Though on a holiday leave back home, the now 30 something year old happened to bump into his old flame Kathryn. The two hit it off, and soon, wedding bells were chiming.
The rediscovery of his love led him to a frightening state for him. He would fall to his knees in confusion of how he had become the man he was. And he would deeply regret it. When he found out that Kat was with child, he put in his resignation papers, the cold killer and orchestrator of death finally was heading home to become normal. Though, sadly, it would not last long. The couple was blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. And for a year, Ethan and Kathryn lived in bliss with their two children. Though, after a year, nightmares of Ethan's past came back to haunt him. He tried to drown them out with alcohol, but it just wasn't enough. Eventually, he had an affair. Meeting his lover fairly often, Ethan could not shake the blackness that was trying to take his heart.
In the town they had taken residence in, three convicts also took refuge in… as well as a hostage in one of the nearby flats. A flat that just happened to belong to Ethan's lover. The police were on the scene, but it wasn't enough for him. He had to take matters into his own hands. Taking a gun and his training, Ethan managed to get into the flat and accost the convict, but he was no match for them. One was an Evolved woman who had super hearing, said she heard him coming the whole way. Another had superhuman reflexes, and even though Ethan took shots, he had no chance against the other. And the third, the husband of the first woman, could control electricity. Needless to say, Ethan was beaten within an inch of his life and left for dead. His lover was killed.
Ethan learned from his near death encounter, learned that the Evolved were highly dangerous, and highly skilled. After getting leave from the hospital, Ethan's hate was almost overwhelming. The shame of being defeated by freaks. The anger at having someone close to him being murdered. Ethan was livid, and he took on his old nature of Black Ops once again. He tracked down the fleeing Evolveds and eventually found them in an abandoned farm house. This time Ethan took precautions, he set up a trap. Using other things to cover his tracks, such as scaring cows into moving a lot and other things so that he could not be heard from a far distance. Ethan took up a position in a tree with a sniper rifle. Once he was ready, the man released a flare into the air. This cause confusion into the three hiding Evolved, and the one with super hearing checked the window. Mistake. Ethan pulled the trigger. It was bittersweet though, the woman did not die. The man with super reflexes was able to place himself between her and the bullet. Though he did die. The electric man tried to respond, but Ethan made his way on. He returned home, he would make his next move later.
But as fate would have it, the two Evolved also had some tracking experience between them. And they made quite an impression on Ethan as they killed his wife and children. Once again Ethan was left within an inch of his life.. But this time his anger peaked. His life returned to the cold darkness, the void inside his chest. Once he was released from the hospital it was only a matter of time before he slit the Evolved woman's throat. And only time before he blew up the Electrokinetic.
Ethan left and went to see his father for the first time in many years. Sadly, his father had grown slightly impaired in his old age. He claimed to Ethan that he could see the future in his dreams. He claimed he was one of the Evolved. Ethan placed his hands on his old fathers head. And snapped his neck. Visitors came that night. They came to find Ethan sitting on the couch in his fathers flat watching the TV. He was also sitting next to his father who he had killed hours before. The guests that night changed Ethan's life, they gave him purpose once again. It just so happened that the people who barged into Michael Holden's flat were non other than Kazimir Volken and Amato Salucci. They had come to murder Ethan's father, though he had already done the job for them. Kazimir learned of Ethan's cold, nigh-heartless nature and the man was soon given a job. At first Ethan wanted to kill Kazimir and his other Evolved friend himself, but once the plans were explained to him, Ethan focused his hate on targeting and murdering Evolved individuals.
For the two years after the bomb, Ethan became Kazimir's main man in Europe. He led all operations there in targeting and assassinating 'mutants'. He himself pulled the trigger on many of those they found. Though their interactions were few, respect bloomed in Ethan for Kazimir. Silently, he started to view the Evolved old man as a father figure. And he served with an extreme diligence to please his 'father'. Other people in their group began to fear Ethan. Cold and ruthless, Kazimir had even a time or two decided that a member of the group had compromised the rest of them. For a few of these cases, Ethan was the executioner. This further escalated his fearsome reputation. Many started calling him the Wolf. Once Ethan heard about this nickname, he embraced it whole-heartedly. In 2008, Kazimir, being in a gold mine of Evolved gave the word for Ethan to relocate to New York City. Ethan 'the Wolf' Holden then made his way to New York to continue to driving these mutants to extinction…