Faron had the misfortune to be left at a Christian orphanage while still an infant. Being the bastard child of a raped, homeless woman, she could not wish such a horrid life on her son, leaving him in the care of people she did not know. Sadly, she died that winter to the cold.
From here, Faron grew under much duress, not even knowing that there was a world outside his orphanage until 4. After 7 years in there, the foster system stepped into Faron's life like an action star, metaphorical guns ablaze. They took him away from the sanctum putting him in the care of many different households throughout his school tenure.
7 years passed of him flipping and flopping from one household to another, each one so different. One family would abuse him harshly while another would simply ignore him, feeding off the money the government gave them. Some would care for him, sure, but they still had their tradeoffs, sending Faron to yet another family.
Faron finally found a home in the Mathers family. He stayed with them 2 times, where the first time led to a mixup in papers, and he ended up being transfered 2 weeks after arriving. Only consisting of Derek and Maddy Mathers, the two aging adults were looking for someone to raise, and Faron gladly filled the position. Upon reaching the age of 14, Faron was legally adopted by Derek and Maddy, inherting their last name as a result.
The Mathers family home often welcomed other foster kids in their midst, but none ever took the place of Faron, who deeply enjoyed his time with the family. However, in the years before the Bomb, Derek would often exhibit strange behavior, claiming to be able to see things in completely different places. Worried, Maddy would often have him see a psychiatrist for mental help, but nothing seemed to be able to relieve these hallucinations.
Then came The Bomb. Having lost many of their family, the Mathers' almost fell apart from grief. Additionally, after Nathan Petrelli's shocking announcement to the world about superpowers, Derek and Maddy drifted even farther apart, with the former gaining a sort of Jesus complex. Faron, only barely able to retain much of this information, didn't know what to think. An Evolved caused this total destruction to his family, yet his own adoptive father was one of these. Was he to help or shun them?
The final straw that broke the camel's back was the Linderman Act. Derek saw this as a personal attack, thinking that the government was only seeking to hinder his "kind". In a blind, zealous rage, he left the family one cold night to join the ranks of PARIAH after Maddy officially disowned the man. Not a word was heard from him since.
Despite the earlier troubles with the Evolved, the Mathers family, or what was left of it, happily welcomed Evolved seeking refuge from persecution and even continued the work of housing foster kids. Maddy continued to preach goodwill towards your fellow man as a good Christian should, but after time adn over the following years, Faron wondered what kind God would wish this much evil upon the world. His Christian views began to falter and he grew increasingly troubled with each new danger to the world.
In that past year, Faron has begun exhibiting mild headaches and odd "visions" about his current occupation as a mechanic. At first, he merely put this off as stress, seeing as how he was helping take care of many kids and Evolved as well as holding a full time job at a local garage. However, as time wore on, the visions became stronger and he was exhibiting odd behavior. Fearing becoming an Evolved, he hid these experiences from all those around him. He passes off hard to find fixes in cars as lucky finds, knowing that his powers are coming to fruition. Slowly but surely, he finds himself dragged into current events and registration, even though he does not want to be.