Registry of the Evolved Database
File #30 Jan 2010 23:04
![]() Jennifer Garner |
Felicia's family is what made her who she is today. It wasn't in the good, after school special way, though. The eldest daughter to what amounted to a single mother, Felicia spent much of her time being angry at her never-there father. He would show up randomly, go through a few motions of being a father and then disappear. Sometimes he would be gone for months, years. For most of her teenage years, she assumed that he was a deadbeat, someone who couldn't keep his life together for very long and so would wobble in and out of their lives when he was sober enough. To this day, Felicia doesn't know why she gave him such a backstory. Maybe it was just easier than finding out the truth. However, she praised her mother in her head for keeping him out of their lives, for staying strong for her children - she and her sister. It's the reason why she never minded helping out, taking on more than her fair share. While she was cheated out of a childhood to take care of her younger sister while her mother was working, she took to it without complaint. So, when she finally found out the truth, she left home and never looked back.
Her father wasn't some dead beat her mother was protecting her from - he was an adulterer who had an entire other family. That's where he was most of the time. He had another child, whom Felicia immediately started to dislike for knowing that he was younger than her and he chose him to stay with. Maybe she could have forgiven her father for having an affair with a with another woman, however she could never stand the fact that he all but left she and her mother for them. And then, he didn't even have the decency to stay away, as her younger sister was proof of. Her mother and father should have chosen. One family or the other - children, or lover - they couldn't have both. She was eighteen when she finally discovered the truth about her father. Angry, betrayed, she packed her things and left without ever saying goodbye. She was infuriated with her mother for making her believe she was a strong woman and she was sure she never wanted to see her father again. While she regretted leaving her sister behind, she felt it was necessary. No need to sully the poor girl's own thoughts of her family. Maybe one of them could be happy in the end.
With nowhere to go, no money to pay for college, and no desire to work her way up at some 7-11, Felicia enlisted in the Marines. Through her recruit training, it was obvious that she was determined to succeed and focused on whatever was put in front of her. During her MOS training, she was assigned to Combat Service Support. Her performance at MOS flagged her possible officer promotion, however she had yet to go to college. Urged by her ranking officers to apply for the Enlisted Commissioning Education Program in order to qualify her for the Officer Training Program. Competition for the few spots given by the Corps for this position was outstanding, however Felicia used her smarts and determination in order to procure herself a spot. She was the only woman who did that year.
Once accepted into the Commissioning program, Felicia took four years of college study, paid for by the Marines. Her major was set from freshman year - Military History. Though that could have happily sustained her for study for all four years, she was required to take a minor. Upon careful selection, she started to take classes on sociology. Throughout her entire college career, she remained mostly aloof to her fellow students. Many of them weren't Marines and she felt they couldn't understand. Truly only at home with those with military training, she remained sequestered with her fellow Commissioning Marines. Also, a few students who were ROTC made it into her circle of trusted people, but she rarely interacted with people who hadn't been through basic training if she could help it. Those who studied with her noted her as a smart person who was very focused. There was work - schoolwork - and then there was play - everything else. If there was schoolwork to be done, play would wait. She notoriously finished assignments weeks early and then took out huge annals of battles from the library to study more. However, she wasn't anti-social. To keep in shape, she joined a soccer league at school, where she pulled pranks on her teammates and they found her to be generally friendly and thoughtful.
It was during her college career, though, that she started to notice certain strange things happening around her and with her. While lifting weights in the gym one time, they felt like they hardly weighed anything at all. There were times when she would wake up and feel like she fell back onto the bed. It weirded her out, but it happened so infrequently, that she would chalk it up to strangeness. However, it started to happen more and more and then, one day, her desk floated up in front of her. It didn't float very far, but it was enough to startle her. Not a woman to scream or freak out easily, she stared at what was happening in front of her. When the desk settled back onto the ground, she took out a sheet a paper and listed everything that could be happening to her. If she were going crazy, she'd be kicked out of the Marines. If this were just a dream, she would wake up at some point. Or, what if, she could actually make things float? Maybe she was going crazy. However, as a rational sort of person, she devised a few tests as well as set up an appointment for herself at the medical center. If she was seeing things, there may be a perfectly rational explanation such as sickness.
After all her tests came back negative from the medical center, Felicia started on her own tests. First, she started with something very small - a pencil. Setting it on the desk in front of her, she stared at it hard enough that she gave herself a headache. Nothing happened. For a few days she did the test again and again. Finally, on the second week of simply staring at a pencil, it lifted up into the air. She was so startled, that it fell back down again. A few more tests and she managed to get the hang of it. She could lift the pencil off the table by just concentrating on it. The possibility of it terrified Felicia. Throughout the last two years at college, she got to know the basics of what she could do - how much she could lift, what she could do with it. The only person she confided was her closest friend at school - a fellow Marine named Paul. It was to make sure that someone else could see it, too, while she was still experimenting. She swore him to secrecy, which he kept.
After college, Felicia didn't immediately join the Officer Candidate Course. Instead, she took her tours of duty in Iraq. First, she worked as a driver and was attached to a company as a Lionness - a woman soldier able to search and interrogate Iraqi women. Even if she was only assigned as a driver, she saw plenty of combat and fought her fair share of insurgents. As a fighter, she gained the reputation of having a cool head and a sharp shot. She learned how to handle a truck/hummer/large vehicle as well as any stunt driver and while under fire. Through the years, she was promoted in regular time through the ranks. In combat, she also honed her ability, tested it's limits and grew to know it as a second part of her. At age 26, she finished her duties and came back to take the Officer Candidate Course. So it was that she was in the States when word of the Bomb reached her. She had just graduated and become a Second Lieutenant. Assigned a commission, she was due back in Iraq for another tour. The word of such destruction in New York floored Felicia. Quietly, she checked on her family to make sure they were still alive (they were - even the 'extended' family). Then, came the truth about what she could do. A new word was put into her vocabulary - Evolved. Voluntarily, she had herself tested and Registered. At 27, she became a Tier 1 Evolved with Gyrokinesis. The move shocked many of her comrades in arms. Some never forgave her and requested to never serve under her. Others got over the shock and remained her friends. Instead of requesting an honorable discharge, she remained with the Marines. It was the only home she knew. If they wouldn't accept her, she would have no idea of what to do with the rest of her life.
Felicia didn't see a commission immediately. The word trickled down they were attempting to find the proper place to put someone of her unique skill set. Eventually, they found it for her. She was given a small team that was basically functioned as a rescue team for soldiers/reporters/civilians that had been kidnapped by terrorists. This, she and her team excelled at. Little did she know that her assignment was actually another sort of training course for her. After he second tour of duty was over, she was given word that she was being reassigned to another operation. Something even more uniquely suited to her abilities.

Felicia's ability is Gyrokinesis, which is the ability to manipulate the gravity of herself as well as objects around her. The basics are as such: She can manipulate the gravity of things or general gravity ten yards around her. There are two separate branches of her power, one dealing with objects' gravity and second dealing with general gravity around her.
For objects, Felicia has to contend with their inherent weight and gravity. Therefore there are some objects that she can bring to just about zero gravity and others that she will only be able to barely lift off the ground. The max would be about a ton and that she wouldn't be able to get very far. Lifting her maximum, she would only be able to lift it about two feet for a couple of minutes and that would exhaust her. Once she's lifted something, she can't use her power to do much else with it. Generally, once an object is relieved of it's own gravity, it tends to drift according to wind and other situations in the area. She's not able to move anything with her ability, however, she can physically alter the course of something while using her ability. Something very light, like a pencil, for instance, can be taken to zero gravity with very little power needed on her part and then, she could blow on it to make it bounce about, though she would have no control over where it went. Alternatively, she could physically push it and it would react as if it had no gravity. Of course, once it moved past her range of ten yards, full gravity would return to it and it would plummet. Also, Felicia can affect how heavy things feel. She is able to turn a pencil into something heavy enough to break a toe if it were to fall. A door could become too heavy to open. She wouldn't be able to pick up those objects or move them, either, unless she were to release her gravitational hold on them either, however.
Felicia can affect general gravity around her, as well. Instead of focusing on a singular object, she can focus on an area around her. Anything and everything in that area will be affected by her gravitational. Objects that are too heavy for her to lift will remain where they are, however other objects will be affected. If there are too many objects that she cannot lift in the area (houses, trees, cars, tanks, etc.), she won't be able to affect the gravity, as it would be too taxing. However, if she shrinks the size until the circumference of what she's trying to make lighter or heavier only includes things she can lift or affect, she will be able to do it. It takes her more energy, because she is effectively dealing with the combined weight of whatever is in the circle that she creates. If it is too close to her maximum weight, she won't be able to do lift it very high or make it heavy for very long. If it's a small distance, she'll be able to lift higher and make heavier. The area doesn't have to be a circle, either. It can be a strip of land in front of her, a square, etc. Just as long as the area does not exceed her maximum weight. She can either choose to be a part of that gravitational shift, or she can create it outside of herself.
Also, her body naturally tends to shift it's inner gravity to whatever is around her. So, should she walk into Zero Gravity, her body would automatically readjust itself for her to be able to walk normally. In crushing gravity, her body would also compensate and she wouldn't feel the weight. This she does naturally. In order to change her gravity to be something other than what is around her takes energy and focus.
As for herself, Felicia can affect her own gravity. It's not exactly flying. In fact, it's not at all like flying. It's more like floating. She can actually get herself to go pretty high - three or four stories if it's just herself. As for moving, she can, again, use the air resistance to move herself. If she basically swims in the air, she can be pretty accurate in where she wants to go - it's like astronauts moving in space. Of course, she looks freaking ridiculous when she does it.