Ygraine FitzRoy
The most important person in Relationships, at least to Jennifer. Jennifer met Ygraine when she was still solely with the Ferrymen, and they became friends, having several long talks. But no one was more surprised than Jennifer when Ygraine actually asked her out. As in, on a date. Jen had never dated a girl before, and while she didn't consider herself homophobic, she'd never given any thought to girls in a romantic sense before. Caught by surprise and awkwardness, she agreed…and found out that she actually enjoyed the evening.
Subsequent dates went well, and somewhere along the way, she found that apparently, yes, she could be into girls. Or at least this girl. Their relationship moved to a new phase when Ygraine asked her to move out of the dorms and in with her, a request Jennifer acceded to, and has even handled the induction of Ygraine as a full-scale Phoenix operative as well. It's moved even further along, with Ygraine proposing that they should fly back to England and actually tie the knot in a civil ceremony. That last caused Jennifer to freeze up some; while she hasn't said no, she's found excuses to stall. It isn't so much that she's worried about "marrying" Ygraine as she is "marrying" at all. The holidays saw them spend time with each other's families, and the notion was brought up then to them.
Alexander Knight
Alexander is part of Phoenix's leadership, and truth be told, Jennifer wishes he wasn't. She's had few enough direct interactions with the telekinetic, but the ones that she has had have caused her to develop a picture of Alexander as an angry, confrontational kind of person. There's less of the intimidation factor with Alexander, oddly enough, despite the anger and the scary powers; Jennifer's good enough at going immediately into confrontational mode. She doesn't like him though, which is really a bit sad, considering that she really doesn't know him well enough to make calls about him. But, she's opinionated.
Brian Fulk
Jennifer's met Brian a few times, especially as he serves so many roles for Phoenix. She had the vague sense that he either was or is attracted to her, which is something she finds awkward; on the one hand, she's spoken for, and on the other, he's not really her type even if she wasn't spoken for. She ran into him during his depressive state at his duplicate's death, and they made a favor-for-a-favor swap; Jennifer duplicated him up about ten thousand dollars in cash, and he went off to go pitch the whole "Recruiting Ygraine" reminder at Helena. (Why didn't she do it herself? Check her entry on Helena.) She considers herself his friend, as well as teammate, despite the vague awkwardness.
Catherine Chesterfield
Cat is one of the people that Jennifer is closer to in Phoenix; there's this whole Cat/Ygraine/Jennifer friendship circle (that used to include Dani, too, before her death). Much like Helena, Cat intimidates the heck out of Jennifer; she's still quite young, and very accomplished to be so. She finds Cat to have a cool composure that she wishes she could emulate. She'd like to be better friends with the other woman, but first off, there's that intimidation factor, and secondly, there's the fact that they just move on two different tiers; to Cat, a pleasant evening is wine and music, to Jennifer it's pizza and party.
Diego Smith
Well, in theory, there was going to be training. In practice, it never really materialized. Jennifer's not sure what to make of Diego. He seems competent enough at what he does, and the negative points he earned by ignoring her the first time they met were mostly offset by positive ones from actually offering to teach her. Unfortunately, due to events, about all he actually taught her was the beginnings of how to properly stand for fighting. Honestly, she feels gypped. And a little ignored, as she often does with the groups she's in.
Elvis Shepherd
Yet another person within the organization that Jennifer is intimidated by (noticing a trend?), Jennifer's only actually run into Elvis on a couple of occasions. The brief snapshot encounters have left her with a few facts for her little mental file: A) Elvis is fighty. B) Elvis is angry and confrontational. C) Elvis is competent at being fighty. The three mean that Jen's intimidated around Elvis, and unlike with Helena or Cat, this one is the scary kind of intimidated. Elvis scares her.
Helena Dean
Jennifer is fairly in awe of the Phoenix leaderette. For one, she controls the weather itself, which strikes her as too cool for words. For another, she's all Sarah-Conner-y and leading the resistance at an age no more than that of Jennifer itself. Jennifer likes Helena a lot, and would love to become better friends with her, but right now she's intimidated by the other woman. Not in the "scary" way, but in the "I'm not worthy" kind of way. She's convinced herself on some level that Helena has lots better things to do with her time than bother with her.
Norton Trask
Instead of being intimidated, Jennifer is very, very unimpressed by "Sergei". She's met him only on a couple occasions, and on them, he's managed to make an impression as a colossal jerk to her. He's in the same organization as she is, and she'll back him up the same as she would any other Phoenix member…but she doesn't like him, and she certainly isn't going to spend more time around him than she needs to.
Teodoro Laudani
He's our leader? Or one of them? Really? Does he have to be? Of all the decisions Helena has made regarding Phoenix, the one to place Teo as her co-leader is the one Jennifer questions most. While he might have skills, he strikes Jennifer as being almost completely UN-leaderly. A leader should inspire, and rally, and have a charisma about them that makes others want to follow them. She wouldn't follow Teodoro to the grocery store. Part of this has been a lack of interaction, but as much or more is a self-perpetuating cycle. She didn't like him much, so when Helena picked him, that made Jennifer dislike him more. Since she dislikes him more, she gets even less inclined to give him a fair shake. It's possible this might be resolved, but the co-leader hasn't seem inclined to give her the time of day, despite the important role she plays in Phoenix's overall supply effort. It annoys her.