Registry of the Evolved Database
File #28 May 2009 04:32
![]() Blake Lively |
OOC Note: The circumstances of her background have changed due to revelations about her father that have been made in game over the course of RP. So when you read this, remember that her early years are no longer true. Carry on.
In the Beginning - (No Longer True)
Ray, the way I hear it, was a handsome and successful lawyer and he met a beautiful woman named Karen. Well, Karen was his secretary to be exact. Ray was married, but being the horn dog he was, often wandered. So Karen caught his eye and out of their affair they had a….. girl.
Of course, Ray demanded a paternity test after Karen told him it was his, swearing up and down that she was just a whore and had slept with half of the guys in the building. Jerk. However… SURPRISE!… The results came back as the baby being his. He reluctantly promised to pay child support and to make sure she went to a good college when she grew up. Course, part of the settlement was that Karen quietly leave the company.
Oh, I should mention that /I/ am that little girl. Yeah, I'm the result of an affair, whoopie. No.. I'm not excited, that was sarcasm. I have never once in all my years met my dad. I do have however, this lovely photograph from… Twenty two years ago… Yeah.
Childhood- (No Longer True In Part)
Beyond the fact I didn't really have a father around, my childhood was alright. Thanks to her affair with Ray, mom had some problems finding another well paying job in the New York area. So she bundled up our stuff and we moved to a small town in Kentucky called Oakgrove. My mom's family was from there, so we were able to stay with my grandmother for a time until mom was on her feet.
I do have to say, I could have done without all the tornadoes. When I think back… I kinda miss the area… not the tornadoes. In fact, even now, thunderstorms make me a bit nervous. Especially the ones where the sky seems to just…. *coughs* Anyhow.. Why the tornado fear? Well, it's cause one of my earliest memories is me and mom running into the basement, loud noises and stuff falling on us. But that's not important. What is important is that mom was able to snag a job on the Ft. Campbell Army Base. She worked in the records department of the hospital there and would eventually make her way up the corporate ladder.
We rented, for the longest time, this cute little two bedroom house. For the cost of the rent, it was a nice place with a big yard. I think the lady, that rented it too my mom, gave a bit of a break on the rent cause of me and of her being a single mom. When I was six, a string of tornadoes swept through the area and the cute little house was smashed to bits. After that house we didn't live an anymore home for more then two… three years tops. So I was always moving school districts making new friends.
So except for that tornado when I was six… my childhood was uneventful. I mean…. Yeah I had a broken arm when I was 10, cause I tripped over the cat and tumbled down the stairs as well as other cuts, bumps and bruises. I was an active healthy child. Ate well and,for the most part, listened to my mom.. Took dance classes, beat up on boys…. what else is there to say? Now when I became a teenager.. that's when life got interesting.
Rebellious Teenager-
Middle School was when puberty hit and with it the start of the mood swings , rebellion and all black clothing. I mean yeah I know no parent deserves that kinda treatment and if I ever… god I hope not… have kids I'm sure they will be the same way. But yeah, dunno how many times I said. “The I hate you mom..” “Stay out of my life mom.” Boy… I was a bitch. Okay… probably still am.
During these early adolescent years I fell in with a bad crowd of kids. Well, okay I fell in with them cause of this one boy, Troy. He was really tall, really cute and Mom hated him, so that was good enough for me! He often told me that his kinda girl doesn't do homework. So I let my grades slip, badly. I spent a /lot/ of time grounded for my grades. I mean.. yeah I could of done the work, but….why? Anyhow, this group was full of bad eggs. And Troy was the worst. Constantly getting into fights. Stealing, smoking, drinking and even drugs. The list never ends. It was like the school's own little gang. We never did enough to get kicked out, but I know all of us had been suspended in one time or another.
Believe it or not, I never got into the drugs or the smoking, truthfully I never was interested. But the drinking, yes. I did my share of that on the weekends with the gang. We were pretty tight considering we were little hooligans. And Troy was even my first, of course when he finally got me, he tossed me aside. Boys go figure… So I went into high school minus the friends I had before.
High School and New Tricks-
Even though I didn't have Troy to impress, I didn't put any more effort into my school work then I did before. Though it was around my Junior year that things seemed a bit different. There was this boy.. what was his name…. Mark. He seemed to be of the opinion that he could get with me. I really wasn't interested, but he wasn't taking no for an answer. In fact, he and a couple of his buddies cornered me in one of the classrooms during lunch time. He… threw me up against the wall and was trying to get me to kiss him. I didn't just sit there and whimper, I fought back.. Biting and kicking. But he kept just out of range of any serious damage and he just laughed at me.. Laughed! He bastard. The next thing I did, surprised the hell out of me. I was so angry, so scares I said. “Go jump in a lake and drown.” The papers the next said he committed suicide, witnesses watches him walk out into the lake and sink below the water. Those buddies of his knew something was up with me and steered clear.
This ability was great! I felt like a Jedi. “We don't need to see any ID.” Oh yeah. I used it a lot more then I really should have. But, I was able to go to clubs, drink at bars…. endless possibilities. The more I used it the better I got and the easier it got, I would even act like Obi Wan when I'd use it at times. Dunno why, I just thought it was cool.
My senior year, came another revelation with my abilities. One of the kids had this 'Party of the Year' sorta thing going on. I should have known better when I was actually invited. I really should have known they were up to something. But, I wanted to go. I thought, 'Okay, maybe they like me.' They just wanted to embarrass me.
The party was one of those where alcohol was snuck in by the girl's older boyfriend. So we had lots of beer and some mixed drinks. Well, I was a few beers in when I was handed a Jack and Coke. I didn't think about it… I should have. I down the drink quickly. What I didn't know is that there was some sort of drug in there. I dunno why, but the mix of drinking and drugs flipped a switch in my brain. My memory is fuzzy, but I remember something that felt like a building pressure on my brain and it was like everyone was yelling at the same time. The pressure and the loud voices got so bad it was like I couldn't even keep my eyes open and pain lanced through my brain. And then the world when black. I woke up in a hospital bed, my mom at my side. She told me that the kids said that my nose has started to bleed and with a groan I had passed out.
When I finally got out of the hospital and I found that something had changed. As I took a test in math, I heard some mumbling. I glanced around, but couldn't find the source. So I tried to /hear/ the voice better. It ended up being someone thinking about problems on the test. Score! This actually made my school year go so much more smoothly. My grades improved drastically. And I didn't mind the homework, but the tests were a bitch. I mean who wants to study when you can go out an party and play video game.
The Bomb and Beyond- (Part about the Bomb and her Dad isn't True)
I graduated class of 2004 and found out from my mom about the college fund Ray, my dad, had set up. I was able by some small miracle able to get into New York University, of course I think Ray had something to do about that. Wouldn't do for his offspring to go anywhere then his school. You know… even thought he was /NEVER THERE/. Must be a rich person thing.
Anyhow, so I was back to my city of birth and going to college. I was, of course, doing very well at the University thanks to my tricks. Some of the people I was taking classes with were jealous on how I seemed to just glide along. So I am not overly popular. So… the day of the bomb. It was a surreal day. That morning I had gotten a call I had never expected. Ray called to say he wanted me to meet him for lunch. I had almost said no.. But a part of me was curious. He said he wanted to discuss maybe me spend the holidays with him and his family. Seems I have a couple of siblings, one older the other younger. I told him I'd be there about one as I had a class. Thank god for that. Ray's office was near ground zero of the explosion. BOOM. Never met my daddy. I thought I would be more torn over it, but…. Strangely enough, he did leave me a sum of money cause he felt bad for never being there. That's tucked away for rainy days.
Being that New York University is in Greenwich Village, school was out for several months till they felt it was safe again, course that time extended until a couple of years passed. So while I waited for classes to resume, I lived and worked. I went out to clubs had lots of one nights. I kept myself entertained.
The Linderman Act… man that is a scary thing. They wanted us to register? I don't think so. I mean, considering they figured out that it was people like me that caused the explosion, I understand. But as one of those people, I don't think it's any of their damn business. Have I registered? Hell, No. I don't want the government to know what I can do. Screw that. I did have to make sure I was discrete with my abilities. At least it's something that my ability isn't like… pyrotechnics or something.
Now-a-days I pretty much spend my time going to the University, I'm heading into my Junior year of college and I still don't have any idea what to major in. So I do that. I'm not beyond going over to the Island to party. I'm just living life. Not talking to my mom much either. We got into a big argument over the fact I don't have any direction in my life. Eh…. I figure I'll get that soon enough for now I'm young and I want to have fun.
NOTE: While my life before was wild and insane, you would be surprised where my life has gone. However, to find out about that, you will have to go read the Logs.

Registered Ability: Directional Telepathy
As far as they know, all Kaylee can do is mentally project her thoughts at people and at times she's unaware she's doing it.
Actual Ability: Telepathy
For the most part she can listen to the thoughts of others, scanning the surface of their brains for what they are currently thinking. If she concentrates, strangely, she can only hear one person, and deal with one person. The reason for this is if she just relaxes and opens herself up to a whole room she will get overwhelmed by everyone around her and possibly pass out, her brain can not handle the strain of so many thoughts trying to cram into her skull (Much like how sand gets stuck in a funnel). So she has a natural mental defense that keeps most of the noise out of her head. On the same level though, when in a room her head is never silent. The murmuring of surface thoughts are always at the back of her mind like a tickle, but she can't 'listen' to what they say unless she concentrates on one voice. This effect is like a big net around her leaving humming impressions. Within her range, it's a part of her ability that is always on, but if she pushes it further out from her it starts wearing on her mentally. Over time this ability will extended to 100 feet for 20 minutes, for now it's only usable in her 10 foot range, though the range with effort can be pushed bit by bit. She can't listen in on anyone outside of her 10 ft range. If someone is thinking loudly within her range, it's very hard for her not to hear it, much like you can't ignore a Drill Sargent yelling in your ear. Too many voices shouting at once will over load her brain, much like opening herself up to the room would. Angry Black Friday Crowd anyone?
She can read surface thoughts easily as they happen, gleaning up to date information. She can even talk to someone. When she does, her voice will sound a bit off and hollow, much like talking in a tin can, but that seems to take more effort then listening. She can either hear spoken thoughts or watch what they are remembering. And in turn she can then, download this information into another's mind, it's tough and is tiring depending on how open the person is.
This power is most effective within 10 feet of the target., beyond this it takes too much effort. The closer she is the person the better her ability, and touch will help relieve some of the stress. Her intrusions can be resisted if the person has a strong mind or even they can just blank their thoughts. If she uses her ability constantly for about two hours without resistance, she will be mentally exhausted and nursing a heck of a migraine. The reason this length of time is that she's been using it for class tests. If she is resisted, the time she can keep it up decreases depending on how the individual resists. A mental battle with very strong mind will usually create a headache within minutes. She knows she's hit the tipping point when her nose starts to bleed. If she forces herself too much further beyond this point she will black out for several hours and when she finally wakes be unable to use her ability for many many hours after. If she does it causes great pain, could knock her out again or risk damaging her and extending her 'down time'.
Jedi Mind Trick:
“«This is not the girl you are looking for.»”
“This isn't the girl we are looking for.”
She has the ability to place ideas and suggestions into peoples heads. This is her best ability so far, as it's the first one to develop. Changing their memories and thoughts of what they perceive as real, and/or change their minds.
“«It was not a blond you saw… it was a redhead.»”
“«You don't want to go left.. You want to go right.»”
She can only really affect one person at a time. With training she may be able to stretch out to a maximum of five. But she will always have better success with one person. If she can touch them (A brush of a finger, an accidental bump) is even better as it relieves some of the stress, but not necessary. She needs to be within 10 feet of the target, though I'd really like to see this trained out to a range of 20 ft and have to be able to look at them for it to work best. One funny little quirk about her use of this ability, much like Obi Wan in Star Wars, she is known to give a little wave of her hand or fingers and saying/whisper the change, it focuses her, but she has been known to do it mentally too. The more elaborate her manipulation the easier it is to resist. A simple suggestion to go a different direction is harder to resist cause it's so simple. Changing the memory of a hair color is a bit more easily resisted. And so on. She can not completely change someone's memory of an event. It's not that through yet. And at this point she can not do a large manipulations. For an example… She can't tell someone they were at the the train station, surrounded by thousands of people doing the macarena, discussing the recent stock market and it was raining. That's too much. She maybe able to tell them they were at the train station in a crowd. But she also can't give the details of what happened while there. So if someone tries to think of what they did while they were there, they wouldn't remember. They would just know they were there.
If the manipulation is a small one. Like 'Turn left' then it's not so bad, a meer discomfort in her head. If she makes a lot of those little suggestions in a short amount of time it will slowly get worse and worse till she gets a very nasty headache. Any attempts at the larger manipulations, such as getting someone to place a gun to their head, at the end of her range will always leave her with a pounding, head splitting headache.. the contest of wills is always draining.
Once she hits that state of mental exhaustion, no matter what she does it will result in a piercing migraine until she's had proper rest. A sign that she needs to Stop is the onset of a nose bleed. If she continues to try and use her Mind Trick beyond that point, her brain will simply shut down until it feels she has successfully recovered, and when she wakes it could be upwards to twelve hours before she can use it again. Any attempt to use it during this downtime will result in pain, black outs and of course she'd have to start the resting all over again.
Mental Spelunking:
An extension of her Jedi Mind Trick is the fact she can dig up information from someone's mind, this has been shown to her via a training session with Hurmura and she has been learning to use it, so it's very exhausting to use. This ability is heavy handed for the most part and required that she have contact, the temple being the ideal point. While she can pluck things from the surface using her telepathy with invisible ease while it's being remembered via surface thoughts (It's why she often asks a person to remember), if she wants to search their minds for information, she has to risk them knowing something is up while she's doing it, much like having pressure put on your head. It's tiring to push deeper into peoples memories, especially if they are resisting, so she can't do this a lot. When she is in some one's head in this manner, she's less aware of the world around her, though not completely oblivious.. more.. sluggish then anything. So she's less likely to do this unless she has some one watching her back.
Coupled with her Mind Tricks, she is able to make people remember something they thought they lost, reinforce a memory or she can insert a mental block. It does not take away the memories, she can not wipe memories…. she can only replace them with different details, as long as it's nothing big, as stated in the Jedi Mind Trick section. But in a hurry she can put a block which works the same way as wiping, but can be mentally removed by someone with a similar ability, and/or degrades over time allowing access to those memories. Length of time it takes to get the memories back from a block is at the discretion of the staff, as I trust their judgment, but as it stands it can be weeks max. As it degrades they will get bits and pieces over time, the first can be as soon as a few days, until it finally crumbles away.
The combination of both abilities also allowed Kaylee to pull Angela Petrelli out of her Coma, though doing so mentally exhausted her very very quickly. It's was hard work breaking the mental barriers Arthur put into place.
Vulcan Mind Meld:
This extension of her ability has suddenly shown itself when she was trying to communicate something to Colette. It is a two-way telepathic link that can only be established with physical contact ONLY. It's intimate at most, due to the fact that it is exposing thoughts, emotions, and recent memories (though anything beyond a few days has to be offered by the other party as she can not dig for anything). So she has no plans to use this in something like interrogating, she's too exposed as anything thought and felt in real time will be plainly seen by the other person. It's very hard for Kaylee to use, she can't hold it up for very long, but like a heavy weightlifter can't hold up the weights for long periods of time. It exhausts her almost immediately. One use drains her and using it again, is dangerous, leaving her with a bloody nose, a horrible migraine, and if she tries to hold out too long… well mental coma. She must be touching the person to do this, as the actual contact of skin is like the pathway connecting her to the other person, the temple is ideal. This isn't like when she skims for a certain memory, she is fully opening herself to this person mentally and it only works if the other person is willing to let her in completely. Kaylee has to exert strong control over the flow of thoughts, and still it's a flimsy control, which is why it drains her so badly. It's like holding back a tidal wave. It allows a large amount of thoughts, memories, and emotions between the two parties, but once the information starts flowing, there is very little control over the information that passes between the two (So if one party has a crush on the other, it will be right out there in the open! Eek!). She'd rather not use this unless the need is dire. This is mostly just a plot device to be used sparingly.
Something to note this one, is that using this ability she is oblivious to the world around her, she will be completely vested in this mentally.
Ability Flaw:
Her biggest flaw is that she mentally can not handle the stress of too many thoughts flooding her head, she has a natural barrier against this, but.. this means that alcohol and recreational drugs will her opening her mind with really bad results. Even something like Morphine that makes you a bit loopy makes her mental barrier crumble, but Asprin is okay for pain. As long as it doesn't make her lose her grip on that barrier it's okay. Using anything like the alcohol and drugs, either together or separate, will throw open her mind wide open and she will not be able to control it or shut it off until the substance has run it's course. The more she consumes the worse it will get. Even a slight buzz from a single drink will have her brain acing with the mental voices in the room. It's like opening a flood gate and trying to hold back the world with a flimsy paper towel. Eventually, the bombarding of so many minds will cause her a huge migraine, bloody nose, and she will pass out. Not fun which is why she tries to avoid drinking and drugs. The way she explains what happens is that it's like having a weight pressing down out your brain and trying to get though a tiny funnel. It just keeps increasing until it becomes painful. And then the pressure and pain will get to a point where her brain will just shut down. An external indicator that this is happening to anyone else is that she will get a nose bleed, not long before passing out. When she wakes up it could be upwards to 24 hours before she can use her ability fully. If she even makes the slightest attempt to use her ability it would feel like jabbing your thumb against a bruise and she will simply fail in using her ability. The more she tries the worse the pain will get till she passes out again.
Another flaw of her ability comes from being in crowds. If there are a lot of people mentally shouting within her 10ft range, it can overwhelm her badly and cause the same issues that come from her opening the mental barrier. One to three minds she can handle, but go beyond that it'll start to get dicey. So Kaylee tends to like to avoid crowds, especially angry ones. The riot at the St. John's she was lucky that she was away from most of the people.
Something else that's been learned, is that loud high range continuous noises interrupt her ability to concentrate to use her ability. It's distracting and a pain in the ass! If it's too loud for her to think straight, it's too loud for her to use her ability.
"I'm a Telepath.. And I know what you are going to say 'Stay out of my head'. I'll tell you now, I don't do that… It's rude. Unless it's life or death, then you know I'll do it."
My life is Strange and Hectic. BUT… Call me maybe? | |
Reach out to me anytime if you want/need a scene. My life is unpredictable; but, if I know when I am needed, I can try to schedule around it. I am very willing to do a scene on the MUX (with plenty of time) or through GoogleDocs. Do note that until May 2018, week day, in-game RP will be difficult. | |
Normal Icons
Adam's Girl | Current Icon | Dark Side | Time Jump |
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Plot Icons
Shadows | Butterflies | Teenager | Wasteland Future |
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Scene Logs and More:
Character Logs |
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Kaylee has never led a good wholesome innocent life, and part of that reason is her ability to fight dirty. She been getting into scuffles since she was in Middle School. She doesn't seem above a knife in the back, tossing dirt in her opponents eye. She's never been trained in any real fighting, but you get into enough brawls you learn to improvise, such as making everyday objects weapons. Her ability to win a fight depends on her opponent and their own fighting style and skill. But even when she's getting her butt handed to her, she will go down kicking and clawing.
Lying and Manipulation:
Because of her ability to plant thoughts and manipulate memories, Kaylee has become rather good at lying. With the help of her ability, little white lies come easily to her. Without her ability it's less certain she can carry a lie. She is also not beyond using what means she has to get what she wants. She won't blink an eye at using someone to further her plans.
She is alert and very aware of the world around her. Always got to watch for that next knife aimed for your back. Maybe it's more of a paranoia, but when you live your life in the gray, you have to be on the watch out for your life. If you watch, her eyes are always moving around the room, watching everyone and everything. If you don't stay alert you'll end up dead.
When she actually puts her mind to it, Kaylee is a /very/ smart girl. She can make connections, find information. She doesn't have a picture perfect memory, but she'll remember things. Unfortunately, she let herself slide into the habit of relying on her abilities. So she really doesn't see herself as all that smart, cause if she was she wouldn't need her ability.
From various dance lessons as a little girl, all the way up to the present. The girl can dance. She's not 'Dancing with the Stars' quality, but she doesn't look like a doofus on the dance floor. She can easily pick up new moves and has a good handle on the current ones. She's not a fan of ballroom dancing at all, she finds it dull and boring.
Charity Work:
Even though she's not this perfect angel, she still has a soft spot in her heart for some causes. Battered woman… Struggling single moms… Feeding needy families…Toys for Tots… She has even been known to help with soup kitchens. It's an odd twist to the girl who manipulate and lies, but there you have it.
Kaylee has met a lot of people in her time in New York. Not everyone will be in this collection of people, some missed but added soon. So click on each tab and meet everyone that has had some sort of impact in her life. If you want to learn more about them, click the images to go to their personal pages.
The people in her life she cares the most about and enjoys every moment with him.
Her Lover and Moral Compass |
Pastor Joseph Sumter - If there is one person that Kaylee is closest too, it's Joseph. He is a good influence on her and she cares deeply for him. Not hard when he treated her like any other human, not running when he learned what she was and trusting her enough to allowed her within his mind on countless occasions. His gentle nature, country boy smile, and awkwardness drew her too him, but it took a year for an impulsive kiss – and him getting a divorce — to open a new door to them and they became lovers, even after all the horrible things that happened to them both. For her, he is someone that makes all the bad seem bearable. Not to mention he keeps her out of trouble for the most part. She has been as open and honest with him as she can be, telling him even her darkest sins. Coming to him for advice and support, even if he might not like what she is up too. Yet, he has not stopped her from stepping into danger when it's important, even standing by her to face it when needed. It means the world to her that he does, even if it isn't a part of his nature. He is a good man. He does have a daughter, Hannah, but she doesn't think the fact that he left his ex while she was pregnant was a bad thing, considering the circumstances. She hopes the dream is right and that he'll be a part of his girl's life, unlike Kaylee's own father. Her own dreams have left her terrified for their future. To live a life alone, raising their son and his daughter. She will have to do everything she can to make sure that they can grow old and experience everything together. Only together as a family can they make sure that happens. She gave Joseph a crucifix, once, when he seemed so low after Humanis challenged his faith and destroyed his church. It gained more meaning when he was captured and pretty much tortured by a Company shrink. It is an old thing that had endured through a lot of good and bad, like him. It isn't pretty, but the value is not in metal and polish, but the lives of the men who wore it before him and the faith they had, such as Kaylee's granddaddy. It was her way of inspiring faith and to encourage him not to give up his own. He is the person they all need to keep up hope and faith, for him to lose his, could mean they all would. "Unpack Your Heart" by Phillip Phillips |
Her Adorable Little Shadow |
Emily - While recovering from her injuries sustained from her adventures in time, Kaylee stumbled upon a little girl who could not speak. The toddler has no real way to vocalize, even her laughter. Her left ear has diminished hearing, but not to a degree that hinders her. The tiny little blonde girl was orphaned in the attacks on the Ferrymen in 2010. When it was discovered that Kaylee could hear the thoughts of this little girl, making it easier to find out what the solemn little girl needed. Kaylee became her unofficial caretaker while out on the island and the woman does it willingly. What Kaylee did not expect, was to be smitten by this little girl. Maybe in time, this tiny little angel will become a permeant part of Kaylee's life. |
Kaylee's family is just as dysfunctional as the next. Her father was absent, her mother in denial and filled her life with lies about him… The truth is coming out slowly and she's learning who her siblings are -blood and not. Her family keeps growing. She's nervous what all this will mean in the end. Cause one thing Kaylee has learned is her father does everything for a purpose… she has a feeling her and her siblings are here for a specific reason.
Daddy |
Doctor Edward Ray - Deceased - A repressed memory first introduced Kaylee to who her father really was and opened her eyes to the cluster of lies had been woven about her life. Especially about her father, by her own mother. With research she learned that her parents were happily married once and that her father's ability drove them apart and him into the arms of a nurse. She even has a birth certificate that does name her Kaylee Ray and that she is his daughter. Something that was changed by her mother later. Up until recently, she has never had any real contact with him, barely knew him at all, unlike her other siblings. She only had a few memories – many of them still slowly coming to the surface — and some photos. She could only go by what others told her of him and what she experienced of his meddling. When the Ferrymen went into the Ark, Kaylee finally got her wish to finally see her father again. However, it was not in the way she had ever hoped, alive and awake like her brother told her. Instead, a dreamwalker pulled her into a dream with him; and, there she learned the truth of his absence in her life and that he was dying. Her showed her everything, the good and the bad. Finding out that her life had been manipulated in that way, it left her feeling like she it was a lie. She forgave him, but not completely. Leaving him there in the Ark — comatose and barely alive — was the most heartbreaking thing she ever had to do. That will always stick with her and haunt her in her dreams. If there is something she can appreciate from his manipulations, it is that she found her family and the love a good man. |
Her Siblings |
Richard Cardinal - Shadow Man and adoptive brother. His job is to take their father's calculations and murder futures. She has no reason to doubt him, but she's not totally sure what to think of it either. Edward deceived them both, he brought her the blue box, but DNA said they were not blood relations. A shame really. He didn't deserve that from Ray and it hurt them both. Richard gave Kaylee yet another shock when he told her that a future version of himself is running the Institute. Oh joy! He is the bad guy and the good guy. It's enough to give everyone a headache. |
Valerie Ray - Proof that daddy is quite the patient manipulator. A charm found in the rubble of Grand Central brought this teenager into Kaylee's life. Her little sister. With the help of Hiro, Kaylee rescued Valerie from dying in the Midtown Explosion. Now this teenager is displaced in time. She doesn't know what to think of Valerie just yet. She does like the teenager and her infectious positive attitude and smile is endearing. The girl is so much smarter then Kaylee by far, in her mind. Her weaknesses worry the telepath, making Kaylee feel all that more protective of her, especially since her father isn't around to help keep them informed of dangerous times. Her ability is also fascinating, making her the perfect little spy. |
Warren Ray - Pycho Killer - Cardinal told her that Warren was her brother. DNA proved him right. It's a confusing situation all around. What she does know of Warren is that he was once a crazy man with multiple personalities. He makes her nervous and she's uncomfortable about him knowing who she is. And she certainly doesn't want him around Joseph. However, she does have to admit that he isn't that same man she met in dreams. His mind is a delicate place tho… she has not doubt you push just right and he'll go back to being that insane man again. She knows she can't go on denying that he is her brother and needs to accept he's going to be a part of her life. Though he won't be a major part in her life as he works for the Institute and her the Ferrymen. Two groups standing on opposite sides of the conflict. |
Family from a Dead(?) Future |
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Mom's Side |
Karen Thatcher - Kaylee's mom. The relationship between mother and daughter is a strained one, especially after recent events. The telepath is having a hard time forgiving her mother for lying to her so badly. Trying to erase everything in the young woman's life that surrounds her father. The sting of it is gone, after spending 5 years in the past, but the bitterness is still there. Kaylee hopes one day her mother will just tell her everything. Especially, what happened to drive her and Ray apart. What happened to cause so much hate? |
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Puppy Power! |
![]() Missy - Kaylee's dog - She is from a feral litter that Raith hand raised. She latched onto Kaylee right away when Raith told the telepath to pick her up. It was almost an instant bonding. After her rather messy break up with Peter, Missy has been keeping the young woman company in the lonely apartment in Gun Hill. In the moments when Kaylee needs to hug something, the dog is more then tolerant of such things, tho' it can result in a tongue in the ear. Eww. Missy will often be sprawled half on her person, a declaration of 'Mine!' when they are on the couch, though when Joseph is around she reluctantly gives that up. Alicia - Joseph's oldest dog – When Joseph was kidnapped, Kaylee took it upon herself to help care for the very large black bear of a dog. The dog was something of a rock and Kaylee spent a lot of time keeping Alicia company. The telepath just loves that big dog and enjoys wrapping arms around that furry neck. Kaylee also knows that the dog will protect her master and it makes her feel better about Joseph's safety. She also is, probably, the leader of this small pack of dogs, tho' Missy isn't too happy about that, but what are you going to do when the other is twice your size? Max - Joseph's youngest dog and Missy's brother – Kaylee doesn't doubt that Max only tolerates her, cause she's fed and walked him on several occasions. The telepath still loves having the dog around, though the relationship between the two is still being defined. |
Friends are the people that care about you and will do what they can to help you. Kaylee feels lucky for the friends she does have. It's not easy to be a telepath.
Her Closest Friend | |
Eric Doyle (Puppet Master, Buddy, Jason) - First time she met the big guy it was during a bank robbery. So when she stumbled on him in Central Park, she decided to talk to him. He was an inmate with Adam Monroe and knows a thing or two about him, even if he won't tell Kaylee. In someways tho, she feels she found a kindred spirit. She thinks his ability and his way with puppets is amusing and she seems to be able to put up with the cranky snarkiness. He's like a kid in the body of a grown man. He'd rather be left alone to his own devices, but at this time he's been inadvertently dragged into her problems and it wasn't even her fault. He tends to pull her into helping him with prepping his puppet shows and she drags him into help the Ferrymen. They work well together and tend to have each other's back. She does consider him a close friend, probably her best friend, though he has creepy opinions on her clothing. Fishnets?! o.O! She will be completely heartbroken when she finds out. He was her first friend and one of her dearest. Maybe it is because they understood each other. Either way, she is going to miss the hell out of that man. |
The Cherished Friendship | |
Colette - Whoever thought that this young teenage would end up being one of the Kaylee's first true friends. It's been an odd sort of friendship, that led to some things like Kaylee's first kiss with another female… which she still doesn't know what to think of. Despite that awkward moment, they had become very close. Confiding in each other with things they wouldn't tell anyone else. They have some common ground in their pasts and even hearing about, what Kaylee sees, as short comings, Colette still thought she was a good person. Life is funny though, as close as they were, things that happened have made them drift apart. They keep passing each other, but not quite connecting again. She'll continue to be a cherished friend and hopefully, Colette will feel the same, no matter where things take them. Though she misses Colette's council a lot. | |
Established Friends | |
Abby - If there is someone that understands Kaylee, it's Abby. It's weird, but the two just click. Maybe it's Joseph that helps bring them together… maybe their finding more and more in common. Who knows. All Kaylee knows is she likes Abby and feels comfortable around her. Able to talk to her like she does Joseph. However, these two are also known for getting into trouble on their own, together this could get disastrous. Who knows if this will grow into a stronger friendship, but so far Kaylee wouldn't mind at all. | |
Quinn - While they haven't spent a ton of time together, these two were one co-workers at the bookstore. She enjoys the woman's company and owes her for her life. Quinn was one of people to travel back to 1890 to rescue her. And if Quinn hadn't made her invisible, she isn't sure she'd even be alive. | |
Griffin - Place holder | |
Delilah - A young woman knows to be perky and happy.. so much so that Kaylee can't help but be in a good mood around her. She's been an awesome help to Kaylee's ideas and the telepath thinks highly of her, not to mention she got dressed up in green tights without so much as a blink a few christmases past. Dee does make a rather cute elf after all. Dee has suggested that Kaylee needs more female friends… she's probably right. When Dee got pregnant, Kaylee got to listen to this new life grow within the young woman. Walter is adorable, she'd know that tiny mind anywhere. Mother and Baby had a spot in Kaylee's heart, she only hopes she can be such a good mother herself. She's already told Dee she'd babysit anytime. |
Molly (Matilda) - A young teen that she met on chance when she walked into a busy intersection. Molly ran from Kaylee when she found out the girl was Telepath. They ran into each other again and Kaylee learned that Molly could locate evolved and it helped them find Joseph. They have since met again and it looks like there could be a friendship in the works. The offer has been made to find Kaylee's father, but the telepath is worried about losing that hope that her dad might be alive. With as much time as the two have been spending together while sick. This girl has become something like a little sister to her and the telepath has in a way taken her under her wing. | |
In The Works? | |
Nadira - Placeholder | |
Catherine Chesterfield - Once they stood on the opposite side of things, but when Kaylee left Adam that ended up changing some. Add in some battles in the Nightmare world and Kaylee has developed some respect for the woman. She is a source to learning more of her father Edward Ray. | |
Gillian Childs - One of the Lighthouse caretakers. Thanks to Kaylee's relationship with Peter, there is a tension between the two women. Though they seem to do well enough as long as neither of them mentioned him. Kaylee likes her and respects her dedication to the children. Kaylee isn't sure there will ever be much of a friendship, but she hopes they can find common ground and start the healing process. |
These folks are people she tends to end up working with. Some she trusts and like, others are kinda iffy.
The Interesting Time Traveler | |
Hiro Nakamura - Daddy says not to trust him, yet Kaylee seems to have no problem scampering through time with him. So far he doesn't seem that bad and she can see how his self appointed mission in life is an important one. Despite her near death at the hands of a time traveling assassin, she continued to help him. The poor guy looks like he's running himself thin, he needed help rather then trying to take all the weight of time on his shoulders. Unfortunatly, their association brought the bad guys down on her and as a result she was wisked back to the 1880's for five years. She doesn't blame him for it, she'd help him again… though she might hesitate a little out of fear of getting lost again. | |
The Other Telepath | |
Matt Parkman - Molly spilled the beans on what Kaylee is and Matt took advantage of it. He cornered her and they had a talk. He could be the person she needs around when she needs to bounce ideas off of. Still up in the air exactly how these two will get along in the end. Besides blackmailing her, he doesn't seem all that bad a person, mainly a very protective father. They could very well learn from each other. | |
The Respected Remnant | |
Jensen Raith - Kaylee has only just met this guy and already she likes him. He's cut throat and she knows she can trust that he'll get the job done. Will she completely trust the man? Probably not. It's like trying to trust a wild animal not to kill her. She knows she'll owe him big time for helping get Joseph and Colette out of company hands, but in her mind it'll be worth it. Not to mention thanks to his training.. she can hit the broad side of a barn with bullets!!! Yay! | |
Eileen - This was the woman that Dr Lynwood sent her. Nice woman though she seems to have issues with Ethan. She has this cool ability with birds and pretty bad ass in her own way. Kaylee has worked with her only on a handful of occasions, seems nice enough. Since Eileen's return, something is different about the woman, Kaylee curious what happened to the woman. Her memories have been messed with so they are practically having to start over on getting to know each other. She owes the woman for sure, for saving Eric, for risking everything to help get back Joseph and Colette. | |
The Shady Doctor | |
Doctor Constantine Filatov - Met him one night outside of a church. The needs of the Ferrymen keep sending her to see him. Something about him draws her curiosity, but so far she's been a good girl and hasn't poked at him for details. Why does he feel like he needs to be a life saver? She likes him and his dog Ranger, stopping by now and then for a social visit. |
People here are people she's met and have serious involvement with. They are acquaintances and people she's dealt with enough that they deserve their own tab.
The Heart Break | |
Peter Petrelli - She first saw him as a scarred man tortured by an entity, that gave him blue eyes and unable to touch anyone. After helping with his mother, she had thought him gone, only to have him show up again, a totally changed man. The scar was gone, his eyes were brown, and almost seemed like his spirit was broken. He was tired of the life they were living, he wanted normal. She found herself wanting that too, but was torn between it and what she knew needed to be done. Finally, the situation broke them. Both of them supposedly falling in love, only to be torn apart by the fact she was Ferry. I guess you could say she chose them over him in the end, but at the same time he couldn't accept all of her. She'll always feel something for him, but she can't let herself dwell on it, lest she sinks into the same pit as her mother. Song: Blue Moon - Frank Sinatra, Love Is Hard - James Morrison |
The Strange Precog | |
Eve Mas - Placeholder. | |
The Respected Company Founder | |
Mrs. Angela Petrelli - She maybe a Company founder, but after seeing in the woman's head… Well, Kaylee sees more the the woman under the title. Watching her worry over her dying son in the nightmare that Arthur made for her, Kaylee felt for the woman. Angela seems to be becoming an ally of sorts. Kaylee really doesn't know how much to trust this woman, but she does trusts Peter. Currently, the Petrelli matriarch is protecting Kaylee giving her an a cover for the time she was in LA. Kaylee can't help but wonder about her willingness to help the young telepath. Of course, her involvement with the Petrelli Matriarch has started to cause waves for Kaylee | |
On Shaky Ground | |
Flint Deckard - This man is cranky and can be quite the A-hole… and totally amuses her to no end with the things that she happened to seen in his head and the his gruffness. He seems to be one of the few people that can fluster her and throw her off guard with a simple question. Thanks to a nightmare, Kaylee finds herself uneasy around him and can't help but think about a horse. Weird. It's obvious that he doesn't think much of her, but she can't say she dislikes him, but she'd go to him for help if needed. | |
Amadeus Deckard - Flint Spawn o.O - Yeah… so… Flint had a kid… Not much to really say about that yet. | |
Meredith - There is no love lost between her and Kaylee, since the younger blonde see's Doyle as a friend. But at least Meredith talked to Kaylee about what happened. She can understand why Meredith doesn't like Doyle and she'll try to make sure her puppeting buddy stays away. | |
Dr. Brennan - Things have really gotten off track with this guy. She met him at a memorial about the Midtown Explosion, but events have kind of put them on the opposite sides of the cause. He things she started a riot and took Vaccines. He's partially right, but the police evidence will prove that she didn't do either things. But she does know deep down, she accidentally caused the loss of his unborn child, with her ability. That isn't something she shares with people though. Even through it all she doesn't dislike the guy really…. even though he makes it really really hard not too. | |
Megan - Kaylee has a lot of respect for this woman. One of several medical people to come look at the kids Kaylee and Doyle were caring for. She likes this woman, seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Course then she goes and screams at Kaylee leaving the girl doubting everything about herself. |
Five years of Kaylee's life was spent in Victorian New York, 1885-1890. These people were like a family to her when her family seemed so far away.
The Smith Inn Crew | |
Malachi Gibbs - This young man is an strange enigma.. or should we say woman. Pretending to be a boy, this individual, along with his/her sister, was welcomed into the Smith Inn by Margaret. Kaylee and Malachi became good friends, though decorum only allowed that to go so far, at least til the telepath learned that Malachi was actually, Ginny. Posing as a boy so that she could care for her little sister. Proof of the girls friendship came around when Samuel's people showed up to try and kill Kaylee. Malachi stayed and fought, though he/she ended up being captured by a speedster and disappearing. To this day she doesn't know what happened to her. | |
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Margaret Smith - The Owner – Kaylee's savior and mother figure. She stumbled across the broken and bleeding telepath and nursed her back to health. Even tho' Kaylee's circumstances were mysterious, the woman saw no reason not to trust her. She was patient with the telepath and taught her all the domesticated things a woman should know to take care of her husband. Days before Kaylee went back to her own time, Margaret had announced she was ill and that she had been giving a short time to live. She named Kaylee her heir and to her that it was time to stop waiting for Joseph to come for her. Of course, he showed up and the bad guys as well… last thing Kaylee ever saw was Margaret's Inn burning to the ground. Kaylee blames herself for that and has yet to go visit the woman's grave. |
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Timothy Renolds - The Handy Man – The biggest conflict in her life was Timothy. He spent five years trying to win Kaylee's heart and all those years she turned him away. He was so blinded to it, he didn't see Deborah standing there waiting for him. His heart was broken when Kaylee's Joseph showed up at the door. Kaylee has not idea what ever happened to him, but she thinks of him often. |
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Deborah Gibbs - Ginny's little sister and as good and sweet of a woman as you would ever meet. Kaylee always felt bad, for being the one that kept her and Timothy from being together. After her return to the present time, Kaylee has yet to try and learn about her fate. |
Madmen, Sleazes and Scary People! Oh My!
The Feared | |
Bad Ass Woman - She almost successfully killed Kaylee during a trip back to 1945. It would have worked too, if Francois hadn't been there and had his healing. Now the telepath is scared that this woman will suddenly show up to finish the job she started. She's been scared before, but this woman scares her. It's bad enough that Kaylee doesn't sleep well at night. | |
Emile Danko - This man has killed so many evolved in cold blood. She has been in his head and seen how he thinks. He is a man with an animalistic mind, broken and fracture. She feels pity for him and disgust at the same time. And yet, for once she couldn't put a man to death. whether from out side influences or the fact she doesn't want to be there to judge another person. She hopes her choice doesn't come back to haunt her. It already eat at the back of her mind. | |
Heller- This man has hurt so many people already. He's one of the biggest threats to the Ferrymen right now. Especially, after he infected the clothing of a downed patrol with the Evo Flu. They fact he can do stuff like that scares her. | |
The Irritating | |
Avi Epstein aka: Aviators - CIA spook. He might not be a bad guy, she doesn't know. (Oh… she knows now his thoughts are not good thoughts) What she does know is that he was snooping around Peter's apartment and he has been spying on Eileen… this makes her distrust and dislike him… a lot. She'll make sure to becareful around this one. | |
Isabella Sheridan (Company Shrink) – This is the woman who took Joseph and is experimenting on him. Sadly, she escaped, she better hope Kaylee doesn't get to her, because she'll find herself lock in her head with the worst of her nightmares. But then, what can expect when you mess with a man who has the love of a telepath? | |
The Fallen Father Figure | |
Adam Monroe (Former Leader and Father Figure) - Leads the Evil League of Evil - She met him in a bar… He helped her out of a bad situation… She found him facinating and after a long talk where he told her about his life.. well, what he told her. Love, loss and betrayal. Of various other things she's never even thought about. He left her a lot to think about. She told him about her life.. and in the end they parted ways feeling a sort of kinship with each other. She looked at him like a father figure, and wanted to prove herself. A run in with a company founder changed all this, forcing her to take a closer look at the man and she doesn't like what she found. While there is still some feelings for him… she keeps them tucked away deep inside her mind. |
Favorite Moments
Moments that Kaylee was at her most fun and at times show off her ability the best. Things that often get lost in a the chaos of larger scenes
From Checkmate - Resetting The Board
As the whole building shakes, Kaylee presses her back to the wall, breath catching eyes darting a bout as it goes dark for a moment. Holy crap… that's… awesome whatever that is. Then as the red light come on, Kaylee's eyes drop down to spot the gunmen behind them. Oh shit. Grabbing at Sabrina she shoves the woman behind her towards Adam's direction. "Behind us." She hisses loud enough for the others to hear over the loud alarms.
Kaylee lifts a hand toward the group of soldiers as her ability flares out to a guy in the center of the group, her mind moves into his easily invading it as she whispers, "«Stop.»" Immediately, the man stops looking confused, why did he stop? She can feel the struggle of his mind to comprehend. A small smile touches Kaylee's lips. She remembers what it felt like when she told that boy to drown himself, as she says next, "«Shoot your men.»" The image of of the Securities guys flashes in his mind. There is a wicked little edge to her voice as she whispers fiercely, her hand giving a vicious flick as if cutting something. "«Kill them all.»"
Almost as if he's in a dream, the man in the center lifts his assualt rifle…. No one sees it coming, none of them, as suddenly the burst of sound erupts from the gun, spewing out bullets. One by one the men fall dead to the ground body's littered with gaping holes, as the guy slowly turns in a circle. None of the men have time to react. When it's done the man stumbles a bit and blinks. "Oh my GOD!! GOD!! OH MY GOD!" What did he do?!?!
The man babbles uselessly until Kaylee's mind slips in again. That hand comes up, the look on Kaylee's face is almost…. amused as she whispers. Her voice way too calm for what she's done, "«Now… Turn your weapon to you.»" Slowly she see's that rifle turn, slowly…. shaking… he's fighting. "«Good… Now… Pull the Trigger.»" That said she doesn't watch as the mans head it ripped apart with his own automatic weapon.. When he falls to the floor, she's already around the corner, a satisfied smile on her lips.
From A Mother's Love
"That's right Angela…" Kaylee whispers with encouragement, switching to her first name. Blue eyes narrow in a grimace, against the onslaught of the other woman's memories, the telepath presses on, "This is only one memory. Break free of what Arthur did to you." Ignoring the building pressure in her own head, Kaylee's ability continues to press, to push to force those connections, to break apart whatever was done. She has to remember.
Hands slide off the hospital bed and Kaylee steps soft around the bed, her eyes on Peter's mother. Her voice drones on, coaxing the woman gently. "You have family that needs you, Angela." Kaylee's voice is smooth, slipping through the woman's memories trying to unlock them. The blonde's path takes her behind Angela's chair, where her own hands move to grip the other's shoulders, a gentle touch. "Peter…. Nathan… They need their mother. What child doesn't need the guidance of the woman that brought them into this world." Just saying that makes Kaylee think of her own mother, the young woman's stomach twist with a sense of home sickness.
Kaylee leans down slowly, there is something in her eyes that the other doesn't not see. When her mouth is next to the older woman's ear, then she whispers, "«Wake up, Angela.»" Though the words are soft, Kaylee pushes all her energy into that that command, willing her to open her eyes in the real word, to waken from her long slumber. "«Wake up. For your family.»"
In the waking world, Angela's eyes open to bloodshot whites and irises discoloured by age and the faint traces of cataracts edging in around their corners. She blinks to clear her eyes of the darkness that still fogs her vision, mouth elongating around a violent gasp that wracks her whole body and jerks her hips off the mattress as she sinks fingers into the sheets and bunches the cotton material between her knuckles. The noise she's making sounds more animal than human, but it's a noise — and more than she's ever than voiced in all the months she's been confined to the bedroom with a breathing tube insinuated in her windpipe.
Now what, Kaylee?
Her whole body just seems to go somewhat limp sitting there when the sound suddenly cuts out, leaving Kaylee panting and grimacing against the ringing in her head. No longer is her dress a pure white, it's torn and smudged. Blue eyes open and slowly lift to the glare at Arthur. "Son of a bitch…" There is so much anger in those hissed words, it could almost drip with it. Hands press to the ground, glass cutting at her tenders palms, but she doesn't seem to feel it even as the blood wells within. Pushing to her feet, she rises gracefully and starts to walk forward, feet leaving bloody imprints as all her concentration seems to be shifting to a different purpose.
It's never a good idea to anger a telepath, especially one that prides herself in not being easily angered. The people around her can almost feel the vibration of energy around Kaylee. "«You will leave this girl…..>" The pressure builds even as the fire burns and knives cut the figure into shreds, it feels like ears should pop. Her hand comes up in a gesture like she's tossing something. "«NOW!»"
At the yelled word her ability surges forward like a tidal wave, thrusting at the Nightmare Man, in an attempt to throw him out of the little girls mind. Everything in her goes into that gesture. And then with a twisting flick of her hand, like she's turning a key to lock the door, she whispers.
"«And don't come back.»"
Memorable Quotes:
- "Aiding and abetting a known terrorist?" A finger is pressed to her lip, tapping a little, as if she's giving this serious thought. What comes out of her mouth is much less serious. "Or would that be aiding and bedding a known terrorist?" - During a conversation with Joseph. (Things, Stop Doing Them)
- "I don't deserve someone like you in my life." - Said to Joseph after he declared he was going to go with her through time. (I'm Going With You)
- "Not you.. You are a good man, Joseph. I don't think I even have a shot at reaching Heaven, but I don't want you to get dragged to Hell with me if I even try to get you to want me as more then just another sheep for your flock." - An admission made to the Nightmare Man disguised(?) as Joseph.(Eden Station)
- "Is this like a… wax on wax off, Mr Miyagi thing? Or you just like want to watch me bend over?" - Said to Ethan when he told her to pick up the scattered parts of a gun (Mr. Holden's Rules)
- "Hey, Jason.. Mr. Flopsy got his woman yet? Or you still working your magic on her?" - Kaylee's greeting to Doyle (An Allergy To Adam Monroe?)
- She gives the woman a wink and a grin. "Relax… It's Adam." As if that explains it all. -Said to a scared Sabrina. (Checkmate - Resetting The Board)
- "Looking like a cop.. and looking like a Fed I thought was different?" Kaylee asks with an amused look, tilting her head a bit. "Cops are always cranky and all that.. and Fed are all. Pressed suits and stick up their butts." There is a shrug and a chuckle. "Just like everything else Hollywood gets wrong huh?" (Chatting In An Empty Pub)
RP Hooks:
- Works with the Ferrymen.
- Very few Ferry don't know that she is a telepath, but very few know what she can do with it.
- Kaylee can show up at just about any safe house on business, she tended to fill a lot of little jobs.
- Currently Lives on Pollepel Island.
- Use to go to NYU, now she is in Columbia.
- She's looking at being a Law Student
- Loves charity work.
- You got a charity? Ask in game if she wants to join.
- Loves motorcycles
- She knows next to nothing about them, but she loved riding her Harley til she lost it.
- Has a dog!
- Kaylee takes Missy to dog training lessons.
- They do go for walks, though sometimes gotta wonder who is walking who.
Trivia and Notes:
- Kaylee is physically older then her birth certificate indicates. During Vol. 11, she was lost in 1880's New York for the span of five years.
- Her Proudest Moment - Getting Doyle to agree to be Santa Claus! He was perfect too! And making the children of Summers Meadows and the Lighthouse happy for even just a short moment of time with her Santa's Letter's drive. <3
- She use to have a weakness for the bad boys… Looks at Joseph… not sure what happened there.
- She is currently under the effects of an incurable problem. A Company Founder, Susan Amman, put a curse (of sorts) on Kaylee that makes her body shut down when she trusts or is near Adam.
- She is starting to get a collection of scars going. :( The more notable are as follows:
- A long scar the length of her right forearm. (The Edge of the Precipice)
- Two bullet wounds: Left shoulder and right side of her chest. (Boots on the Ground)
- Long raised scar down her side. (Sinkhole)
- Scar from a knife wound in her left side. (Net and Pin, Part I)
- Scar across the right side of her forehead. (One Last Time)
- Trio of stab wounds to her abdomen (Moonlight Sonata)
- Kaylee has a soft spot for Charities. She can't help it. She feels bad for the underdogs. Don't be surprised if you see her at a soup kitchen serving the homeless.
- She used to use her ability to cheat her way through college on her daddy's dime.
- A Harley is her ride of choice, mostly cause mom just hates it. However, she hasn't been riding since she lost her bike. She has hopes to get another motorcycle.
- In the dream world, Kaylee is always accompanied by a midnight black snake with a diamond shaped head and glowing blood red eyes. This represents a part of her that she tries to keep buried deep within her, the temptation that comes from using her ability.
Company Fugitive | Terrorist | FRONTLINE | Homeland |
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Just kind of compiling a list of songs that work for her, eventually I'll organize it.
- Square One by Tom Petty
She only has one photo of her father….