Registry of the Evolved Database
File #26 Feb 2011 22:30
portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski |
Laina Corners, daughter of MaryAnne and Walter Corners, grew up in Salt Lake City, UT. She had a happy childhood, and was a happy child. People on the street would compliment her parents on her enthusiasm and lust for life. She did well in school, routinely finding herself on the honor roll, and she graduated high school near the top of her class. She loved getting involved in all of the after school clubs and committees.
Laina attended the nearby state school for her undergraduate education. She lived on campus, but visited her parents and younger brother on most weekends. Once again, she was involved in numerous clubs and organizations, including a sorority. She graduated in four years with a degree in Art History.
After graduation, Laina lived at home, and got a job at the paint your own pottery store in the local mall. She loved helping bring out the children's creativity, as well as playing with the paints after hours. And everyone loved her. After six months, she was promoted to assistant manager. She made store manager after a year.
It was a little over a year after her promotion when she met Charles. They got set up on a blind date by a mutual friend, and hit it off right away. In August 2006, on the one year anniversary of their first date, Charles proposed. There was a romantic picnic in the sunshine with all of Laina's favorite foods, and the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She said yes. It was the happiest day of her life.
They moved in together soon after and things were great for a few months. Then Laina started noticing strange things. Strange colored blotches, spots, and even handprints on her clothing, their bedsheets, even the walls of their apartment. Red, blue, purple, yellow. At first she thought it was just paint that she'd failed to wash off her hands at work. But, when she looked closer, she realized it wasn't paint at all. The objects had simply changed color. No amount of laundering would fix it. She soon discovered that she was the cause. And once she'd made this discovery, she couldn't help but play with it. She learned some control over her ability through trial and error (a lot of very colorful errors). During this time, her eyes subtly changed from light blue to a very distinct shade of lilac. No amount of concentration could change them back. Laina didn't mind, she thought it looked cool.
And, seeing how she loved him and wanted to share her life with him, she showed Charles what she could do. He was … less enthusiastic than she was about her new gifts. He urged caution. If people found out about her abilities, they'd lock her up and experiment on her. She insisted on telling her parents, but agreed not to tell anyone else, for the time being. Her parents were concerned about what was happening to their daughter, but knew they had to let her make her own decisions.
Laina didn't know anyone killed in the bomb, but she mourned with the rest of the country for those lost. It was a tragic day for everyone. The violence after Nathan Petrelli's announcement in February 2007, however, reached even those in Utah. Charles used the mayhem of those months as an example to show what could happen if Laina didn't stay quiet about what she could do. Laina didn't realize it, but her resentment was growing.
When the Linderman Act was passed, Laina was one of the first to step up and Register. The day she came home with her Registration Card was the biggest fight she and Charles ever had. And the last. He said things about how Laina wasn't considering the family they hoped to build together. How her actions were rash and selfish and thoughtless. She said things about how Charles could never understand her. How this was who she was and she wasn't going to hide it any longer. She felt stifled in their relationship, and maybe he did too. Why else had it been nearly a year since he proposed and they still hadn't set a date for the wedding? She told him it wasn't working and threw her engagement ring onto the bed.
Laina spent the next few weeks at her parents house, trying to gain some comfort from her old surroundings, and doing a lot of crying. She refused to take Charles' calls. She also did a lot of thinking. She didn't want to hide who she was, how she could express herself. One day, she came home from work with a bus ticket, one way, to Los Angeles. She told her parents she wanted to show the world what she could do. She left the very next day, carrying nothing but a duffel.
Her parents told themselves it was just a phase, a reaction to what had happened with Charles, and that she'd be home soon. But the years passed. They got postcards and phonecalls from LA, Chicago, Boston, Houston, and more cities from all across the US. But they didn't see their daughter.
As for Laina, she went from city to city, finding work where she could, mostly waitressing. At first, she showcased her powers for all to see. Her hair would be purple one day, fuscia the next, and black the day after that. Her clothes would change color, sometimes by the hour. But, eventually, she got bored with the overly flamboyant behavior and calmed down a bit with the changes. In early February 2011, Laina decided it was time to move on, once more. This time, she was heading to New York City. She was tired of the quiet life. New York seemed like a place where things happened. And, while she had managed to make a decent life for herself, despite, or perhaps because of being openly Evolved, she wanted to help others who weren't so confident, or so lucky. She'd heard rumors that there were groups based in New York City that helped those Evolved who were less fortunate, and she wanted to do her part. She was willing to face the warzone to do what she believed was right.
Laina is almost always cheerful and energetic. She likes keeping busy and getting involved. She's very forward about what she wants, and she'll put in the work to get it.
She couldn't care less about the comic book contrivance that powers were given to specific people so they could save the world, and that they will be judged lacking if they use those powers for their own personal gain. Hell, her abilities didn't come with an instruction manual or a little angel to sit on her shoulder and tell her what she can and can't do. She's gonna have some fun with them! Laina's been known to use her special gift to play non-hurtful pranks on friends and strangers (Her favorite is to change the color of someone's car, and then watch as they try to figure out what on earth happened). And she'll certainly use them for her own personal gain ("But, officer, why are you writing me that ticket, the curb's not red!"). That said, she won't knowingly harm anyone, or put them in danger.
Breaking up with her fiance crushed Laina, on the inside, and those wounds haven't healed. Ever since leaving Charles, she has a fear of commitment. She hasn't had a relationship that lasted more than a few weeks, and most haven't lasted more than a few dates. she doesn't like to think about the future, because the future she spent so long envisioning had Charles in it, by her side. That said, Laina tries not to dwell on the past. Outwardly, it seems to the world that she's moved on. In her heart it'll take a while longer.
Laina has the ability to change the color of objects. She can affect solids, liquids, foams, and gasses. The effect of her power does not change the molecular makeup or structure of an object, is not toxic, and it does not add additional texture, weight, or mass. The change is permanent. She can only create one color at a time, though she can switch between colors quickly. This ability works in one of two ways: "fingerpainting" or "whitewashing". The color can extrude from any area of Laina's skin, but for the sake of simplicity in this description, I'm going to say "hands".
Solids: When "fingerpainting", Laina can use her hands to draw pictures, make handprints, make designs, write words, anything she can think of, on any solid surface. When "whitewashing", Laina can touch a surface and cause color to spread from the point of contact outward, at the rate of 1 square foot per second. If you assume she's covering all four walls, floor, and ceiling, she would be able to "paint" a 10'x10'x10' room in approximately 10 minutes. The pool of color is bordered by either color or material, depending on Laina's focus. If she were "painting" a brick wall, for instance, she could either color one brick at a time, or all of the morter with a single touch (the color would spread along the lines between the bricks). If she were "painting" a dress of pink pokadots on a purple background, she could either color the whole dress to a single color (all cloth) or change the entire purple background to green (all one color). She could not, however, change all of the pokadots with one touch, as they're not connected to each other; she would have to touch each one separately. When Laina "paints" a solid object, only the surface layer changes color. If she colors a red brick purple, a person who chipped away past the first layer with a chisel would again see red brick. If this brick were on a building, eventually the elements would weather away the outer, colored layer. If she colors human skin (her own or someone else's), the color would last until the top layer of skin cells fell off naturally (about a week), or until someone scrubbed at the area hard enough to remove the top layer of skin cells (but that would hurt and the skin would be raw and tender). Note, she is not actually painting objects; the actual material of the object itself changes color rather than there being a coating over it. So, skin, brick, cloth … they would still feel and react as normal, as though they had always naturally been that color. The change does not harm the surface in any way. Someone could, however, hide the new color with a coat of paint (for brick), or bleach (for cloth), or makeup (for skin).
Liquids and Foams: It is not possible for Laina to "fingerpaint" in liquid or foam. If Laina attempts to "whitewash" liquid, it appears as though she were squirting food coloring from her hand, and the liquid will take on the new color at a rate of 1 cup per second. Laina can also "whitewash" foam by sticking her finger into the foam, again at 1 cup per second.
In both solids and liquids, it is more difficult for Laina to obtain a deep color on a translucent surface. The more opaque a surface is, the easier a time Laina has "painting" it. For instance, she could stick her finger into a cup of milk and almost instantly turn it bright green. If she stuck her finger into that same amount of water, it would take a lot longer to become the same shade (like with food coloring). She could "paint" a square foot of stone wall very quickly, but to get a square foot of glass that same shade would take a lot longer. It's easy, however, for her to simply tint water or glass, rather than attempt a bright, color. Laina can not actually turn a translucent object opaque, however if she spends a lot of time getting a very bright color, it will end up being harder to see through than it was at the start.
Gasses: It is not possible for Laina to "fingerpaint" in a gas. Attempting to "whitewash" diffuse gasses, such as the air, would have little effect. The viewer would simply see a small puff of color around Laina's hand that quickly diffused and faded away. If Laina attempted to "whitewash" a thicker gas, such as smoke from a fire, or heavy fog, she could do at a rate of 1 cubic foot per second. Laina could also hold her hands above a fire (say, a campfire) and "paint" the smoke at it's source, allowing all the smoke that passes through her hands to obtain the desired tint.
Power interactions: If Laina attempts to "paint" a purple handprint onto someone who is invisible (say, she grabbed their arm as they were running away), it would appear at first that there was no effect. However, when the invisibility faded, the person would notice the purple handprint on their arm. Laina's power would work as normal, but it wouldn't counter the invisibility (she couldn't "paint" someone visible, as it's not like she's actually throwing paint on them). If she tried to "paint" that same purple handprint on a person who was under an illusion, it would work the same as with invisibility. It would appear that nothing had happened, and then the handprint would show up when the illusion was dropped. If she tried the same trick on someone with chameleon powers, it would depend on how their power worked. If they had it always on, it would almost instantly compensate for the new color and blend it back in with the background, only showing the handprint for a second before it disappeared. And, if part of their power was to permanently, or at least for as long as they wanted, change the color of their skin/hair/clothes, then the handprint would never surface again. If the chameleon power had to be activated to adjust or change, the handprint would stay until the chameleon focused to change it. If the chameleon had a base state that he always returned to, the handprint would be on his arm when he returned to that base state.
- Artist
- Art History
- Italian Language
- School Smarts
- Leadership and Organization
- Management
- Waitressing
- Driving
- Firearms
- Brawling
Artist | Laina is good with shapes and colors, but she's terrible at representational art. Despite her ability, and being an Art History major in college, she can barely manage more than stick figures. Be warned if you ever get on her team for Pictionary. |
Art History | Laina was an Art History major in college, and she has a great deal of knowledge on the subject. |
Italian Language | Laina studied Italian in school, and she put the work in to become pretty decent at it. However, she hasn't used the language much in recent years and her knowledge is pretty stale. |
School Smarts | Laina not only went to school, she enjoyed it. She wanted to learn. And so she did. She got mostly A's in both high school and college. |
Leadership and Organization | Laina is good at taking charge and getting things done. While she won't fight for the leadership position in a group, so long as the leader seems competent, she will step up to the role if no one else does. She chaired many committees (mostly dances and fundraisers) in high school and college. She knows how important the details are, and how to motivate those working with her to get things done. |
Management | Laina managed a paint your own pottery store in Utah for 3 years. She has practical experience as well as training. |
Waitressing | Laina has worked as a waitress in a number of small establishments in various cities throughout the US. |
Driving | Laina learned to drive a car when in her teens, and borrowed her parents' car a lot when she lived in Utah. She's never had a car with her on her travels. |
Firearms | Laina has never held a gun. She doesn't particularly want to. In fact, she's kinda scared of them. |
Brawling | Laina has never been in an honest to goodness fist-fight. She's done her share of hair pulling, but she wouldn't know a right hook if it, well, punched her in the face. |
- January 2011
- February 2011
- March 2011
- April 2011
- May 2011
- June 2011
- July 2011
- August 2011
- September 2011
- October 2011
- November 2011
- December 2011
Date | Time | Event | People | Summary |
Date | Time | Event | People | Summary |
2/26 | Evening | Comedy (Stage) Gold | Laina, Brian, Samara, Magnes, Yana, Ygraine, Quinn | A charity comedy set is not the most routine and borders on irreverent, and there's a bit of unexpected indoor redesign for the comedy club hosting the event. |
2/26 | Evening | Sam, where's my car? | Laina, Brian, Samara | Laina helps Samara get a very drunk Brian out of the Gotham Comedy Club and to their car. |
2/27 | Mid Morning | Eeek! A girl! | Laina, Magnes | Magnes and Laina meet, and Magnes invites her to room with him. |
2/27 | Early Afternoon | Roomies! | Laina, Magnes | Laina gets her first look at her new place. |
2/27 | Evening | Dinner for two, followed by dessert | Laina, Magnes | Magnes and Laina share a home cooked meal on Laina's first night in Magnes' apartment. And after that the fun begins. |
2/28 | Early Afternoon | Careers, Cravings, and Creme Brulee | Laina, Brenda, Harmony, Warren | Laina applies for a job at Oh So Sweet, and meets the pregnant Harmony. |
2/28 | Evening | Enter Barovia | Laina, Magnes, Elaine, Delilah, Remi, Kendall, Quinn Sable | Laina stumbles into the midst of Magnes' D&D birthday party, and meets some of his friends. |
Date | Time | Event | People | Summary |
3/1 | Early Afternoon | Blood and Glass | Laina, Elaine, Evan, Graeme, Ingrid, Nicole, Quinn | Gunshots ring out, interrupting a quiet afternoon. |
3/3 | Afternoon | Hair Dos and Don'ts | Laina, Kendall, Raquelle | Laina goes to get a haircut and is met with a surprise. |
3/7 | Afternoon | That's What I'll Take From This | Laina, Cardinal, Raquelle | The purpose behind the sheep in Battery Park is explained. |
3/8 | Night | I'm Tense and Miserable, what's your name? | Laina, Magnes | Laina and Magnes have a roommate chat, but it ends with Magnes retreating to his room, feeling miserable and tense. |
3/9 | Evening | Helluva First Day | Laina, Hortense, Jaiden, Remi, Tahir | Laina's first day as the newest waitress at Oh So Sweet. |
3/10 | Early Afternoon | It's a plan, not a date | Laina, Tahir | Laina and Tahir make a plan to meet up Friday night. |
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