Lawrence's five senses are particularly heightened, though he can only maintain one at a time.
Acute Sight (Telescopic/Microscopic): Lawrence's sense of sight is considerably greater than that of an ordinary human. He is capable of seeing much farther, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. While military scopes are 10x magnification, Lawrence can see at 11x. He retains good clarity in near-total darkness, but if it's completely dark, he's crap out of luck. While he can clearly see objects which are either too far or too small for ordinary vision, he is limited by line of sight. When close to an object, he can zoom in to get detail approximately the same quality of a jeweller's loupe. He could determine a diamond's clarity grade in the gemological industry if he knew what the heck he was looking for.
Acute Smell (Hyperosmia): Lawrence's sense of smell is bloodhound-good. He can focus upon a single person's smell and follow it through a crowd of people at a distance of one hundred feet. If he makes an effort to remember somebody's smell - taking at least five minutes to do so - he can identify them by smell alone. Lawrence's super smellery is, of course, eroded by strong conflicting scents such as sewage or heavy perfume.
Acute Hearing (Hyperacusia): Lawrence can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over twenty feet, or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproofed wall. Dog whistles? He hears them. They really annoy him. He can hear the tumblers clicking in a safe well enough to unlock it.
Acute Touch (Hyperesthesia): Not the most useful of Lawrence's abilities, but helpful for detecting very slight changes in something's surface - like concealed buttons or doors. Maybe one day he'll be able to read by touch, but that day ain't soon. He can tell which buttons on a security access system are pressed more often than others. He knows a poly-cotton blend when he touches one.
Acute Taste (Hypergeusia): The other less useful of Lawrence's abilities, his sense of taste is awesome. He can tell you what's in the secret sauce, providing he's tasted the ingredients before and knows what they are. If it's in a spice rack, he knows it. This is potentially useful for identifying the presence of poisons, drugs, or other unhelpful add-ons people put in food and drink.
Limitations: Lawrence is addicted to the medication used to dampen his abilities; his learned control is not what it should be, and without the pills, he finds it difficult to sort out all the stimuli around him, rendering him easily stunned, confused, and kind of pukey. He is barely able to function when unmedicated.
Lawrence is vulnerable to extreme sensory stimuli; very bright lights, very loud noises, very sudden temperature changes, very strong tastes, and very strong smells all pose a danger to him. His medication counteracts it; if he's taken too much recently, he might not be all that hurt, but if he's jonesing for his next dose it's really gonna smart. His heightened sense of touch also renders him more sensitive to pain.
Trying to focus on more than one super-sense is painful to Lawrence; it's a strictly one-at-a-time deal and it takes him about fifteen seconds to switch from one to another.