Registry of the Evolved Database
File #09 Feb 2010 01:21
![]() Avril Lavigne |
Melissa Belle Pierce was born on January 25, 1984 on the outskirts of Atlanta. She was an only child, and her parents were exceptionally busy people, and very well off. Her father was a lawyer who was working or making connections more often than he was at home, and her mother was a doctor at a private hospital, which meant she too was more often at work. She was raised more by a live-in babysitter than her parents, which resulted in her becoming rebellious.
The early school years were fairly tame. Elementary school passed with few issues. Middle school had her getting into more trouble, but though the administration thought of her as a problem child, she had plenty of friends. She barely finished high school without being expelled, and college was out despite the desires of her parents.
She was nearly 20 when her power first manifested. People around her started complaining of various pains, pains that tended to go away when she did. It took a while for her to realize that she was the cause of the pain, and months more to learn a measure of control. At first she thought she was a freak, and a horrible one at that. Because of that she told no one, and certainly not her parents, for the longest time. It caused her to retreat inside herself for a time before she decided that it was just another aspect of herself, and that she couldn't hide from the world.
She was 22 when the bomb went off, but it didn't really touch her. She felt for the people killed, but they were in New York and she was in Atlanta. There was a degree of separation. It was horrible, yes, she believed that, but she had begun to lose a touch of her humanity due to her harming of people with her ability.
When the Linderman act was passed afterwards, she was outraged. Though she believed no one knew of her, she believed it was wrong. More, she was suspected of being an Evolved by the Company, thanks to Suresh's algorithm. And just weeks after the Act was passed, she was approached. She escaped, that time, and went on the run. When the Ferrymen was began, she'd met some other Evolved, and one of them mentioned hearing about a group that was getting people out so they didn't have to register or be captured. She went to them, telling them she wanted to join and help. That she wasn't afraid to fight. At first she was little more than a gofer, then she slowly became a coyote. And for a year, she ran, hid, and helped others hide.
Her luck ran out in late 2008. She was caught, and she was imprisoned in Moab. She was far from a model prisoner, and wasn't against attacking guards, though the other prisoners were safe from her unless they forced her to defend herself. She even became friendly with another prisoner named Helena during her time there. When the breakout happened in April of 2009, she got out too, and for a while, was stuck in the future. Specifically, she ended up a week in the future, three hours from Moab. She spent most of her time trying to get back, and the rest of the time resuming her work.
When she got back she was still hunted, but it didn't stop her from doing what she could with the Ferrymen. She resumed working as a coyote, until early 2010. At that time, she'd earned a good measure of trust within the organization, and ended up heading to New York. There was a new safehouse opening on Roosevelt Island, in Summer Meadows, and she was its new operator. She was good with people, she'd shown that, and she was so fiercely protective of the Evolved that she was considered a good and safe choice to help them, especially considering that her ability could be used to help get them away if the safehouse was discovered.
Melissa is an outgoing person, a very confident one, who does what she wants when she wants. Or at least she did prior to the passing of the Linderman Act. Now she tempers herself, following orders. She’s become a vindictive nurturer, who protects the Evolved fiercely while fighting just as fiercely against those who would hurt her ‘charges’. Because of that, she’s very loyal to the Ferrymen.
She loves being around people, and if kept to her own devices too long or forced to remain idle gets grumpy. She has a good bit of energy, and a temper as well, though the latter is never loosed on the innocent. She’s even the sort to drop some cash in a donation bin or begger’s cup. However, she’s not above lying, and has learned, over the years, to become quite good at it.
Pain Creation: Melissa has the ability to project pain into others. She can either direct it to a single individual, a selected group, or to all people within her range. If she targets multiple people at once, they all feel the same sort of pain, at the same intensity, but it may not affect them all the same due to varying pain thresholds. This ability only creates pain, not an injury or physical cause for the pain. (I.E., it may feel like your hand has been crushed, but there won’t be a mark to show for it.)
Pain Suppression: Melissa has begun to experiment with a new aspect of her ability that allows her to remove pain from an individual. The intensity of the pain that she can remove with this new aspect is lesser than the intensity she can give, perhaps from a lack of practice and control, or perhaps it’s simply less power. She's begun to be able to initiate this aspect of her ability without touch, but it requires more effort to do so.
Pain Sense: With such a strong attunement to pain, and with so much practice giving and taking pain, Melissa has learned how to sense pain in others. She can tell how many people her are in pain, who they are, what type of pain, and how intense it is. (I.E., she could tell that one person has severe pain in their leg, while another has a mild headache.) This isn't an unconscious ability, but one that she can turn on and off at will. (Or will be able to, once she learns to control it.)
However, this sense has a cost. She doesn't simply know that they are in pain, but rather, feels it herself, an echo of the original. It's not quite as intense as the pain felt by those around her, but is still intense enough that if someone is in severe pain around her when she uses this aspect of her ability, that it hurts. (For mechanics purposes, she feels the pain as if it were one step lower according to her pain chart. A 7 feels like a 6 to her, a 4 feels like a 3. 1s are unaffected.)
Range: Melissa’s range is 10 yards/30 feet.
Duration: The length of time Melissa can continuously project or reduce pain varies depending on the intensity and number of people affected. A mild effect on a single individual can be kept up for several hours, so long as she continues concentrating, but a single individual with intense pain would have a maximum duration of an hour. Multiple people would be between 10 minute and an hour, for a severe pain and dull ache, respectively.
Intensity: The pain given to her target can be as mild as a dull ache, or as debilitating as a major migraine. It isn't a lethal power in itself, but it can be used as a method to distract/cripple so people can be dealt with in other ways. Once she gets control of the management aspect of this ability, she can only take as much pain as she can give.
- Anger can cause her control to slip, so that she afflicts people with pain without intending to. In general this results in just a mild pain, but depending on how enraged she is it can be more intense, but rarely crippling.
- When she pushes herself to inflict severe pain on multiple people, she often suffers from nosebleeds. If she tries to sustain a level 10 pain on a person for too long, it’s not uncommon for her to black out or suffer from a migraine herself. This goes in reverse as well, though while she’s still learning how to take pain, even small aches can cause physical side-effects due to the simple reason that she’s doing the opposite of what has become second nature for her ability to do.
- The more people she tries to affect, the more her power is stretched. It's easier to cripple one person than to try to do the same to a hundred. It's also easier to do so when she's either intensely focused or intensely emotional, with anger or pain being the two greatest things to strengthen the power. This does include accidental effects, though the greatest accidental pain is equal to the greatest unangered, controlled pain.
- Unfortunately, neither aspect of the ability can be used on herself. So if she's in pain, she has to suffer.
Degree of Pain | Description of pain | Notes | |
1 | Very mild | Barely noticeable pain; mosquito bite/poison ivy itch | |
2 | Discomforting | Minor pain, equivalent to a sharp pinch | |
3 | Tolerable | Very noticeable; cut, blow to the nose, injection | |
4 | Distressing | Strong, deep pain; toothache; bad stubbing of the toe | |
5 | Very Distressing | Strong, deep, piercing pain; sprained ankle, back pain | |
6 | Intense | Strong pain that partially dominates senses; bad non-migraine headache combined with several bee stings, bad back pain | Greatest possible pain when affecting multiple people |
7 | Very Intense | Strong pain that completely dominates senses; average migraine | |
8 | Utterly Horrible | Intense, debilitating pain; childbirth; really bad migraine | Greatest possible pain when calm or when accidental |
9 | Excruciating Unbearable | Intolerable; throat cancer | |
10 | Unimaginable Unspeakable | Nausea inducing, tortuous pain; can cause unconsciousness; crushed hand or other severe accident | Only possible when controlled and enraged |
For the full pain scale, look here.
Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain.
Trivia and Notes
Random bits of info that may or may not be noted during RP, or that can be used as roleplay hooks. If you're unsure about a particular plot hook, or would like to use it, just page/@mail me and we can figure something out. I'm always happy to know more people IC! A work in progress.
- Atlanta, GA: Mel's from just north of here, so anyone who grew up in that area may well know her.
- Evolved Rights: This is a topic that Mel is very outspoken about, and she will happily help any evolved she can. Even if it means taking them into her home. (COUGHKendallCOUGH)
- Ferrymen: She was a part of this organization, and a co-operator of a safehouse, so can easily be RPed with by any Ferrymen type people. Though she was new to NY Ferry operations, those who were with the Ferrymen in Atlanta may have known her. And may not know that she quit.
- Messiah: Mel's a member! She's not really revealing her reasons why she joined _messiah, but she seems loyal enough.
- Moab: Melissa was in Moab right up until the mass escape. Green level.
- Suresh Center: Melissa works at the Center. If you need someone to talk to about your ability, or an evolved family member, she's your girl. And if you're newly evolved and need help learning to control your ability, look her up.
- Tartarus: This is the Goth club Melissa manages. Come in and dance! Get drunk! Hang out with Mel! She's always hiring.
- Cleanliness: Neat freak. Total neat freak. If you leave a dish in the sink or water ring on her table, she's very likely to want to explode your head. And she may make you feel like she did.
- Collection: Odd thing, but Melissa collects shot glasses. Odd/unusual ones, ones from other countries, different states, and just flat out funny ones. Break one, expect pain. Gift one, expect squealing and hugs.
- Monochrome: Melissa is rarely ever seen wearing anything but black. The only exception to this is that occasionally she will wear something with a white skull topped by a pink bow. Yes, she's an odd girl. Lately that's changed, at least for a single item. A red scarf.
- Mother Bear Complex: Meaning that if you go after her 'cubs', anyone she considers under her protection, then you better be prepared to face the full force of her wrath. Migraine anyone?
- Movies: You'll never meet a bigger movie nut. She loves them, buys lots of them, quotes them. Comedy and Action are her favorite genres.
- Pain Tolerance: Mel is used to pain, and uses it to help her focus her ability, and as such, doesn't seem to be bothered by most normal injuries as most people are. The rest, even while they hurt like hell, she just doesn't complain about. This doesn't mean that she has any kind of supernatural tolerance, or that she can run a marathon with a bullet in her knee or anything like that, just that she's more accepting of pain and less likely to complain than the av-er-age bear. Basically, she's just tough. Rawr!
- Spiders: While Mel occasionally acts like a badass or problem solver…put her in a situation that isn't life threatening and include a spider, and watch her act like a total wussy girl.
- Up Front: Melissa is a very up front person. If she thinks you're being stupid, she'll say so. Same for doing something smart. Feelings will rarely be spared!
- Business: As manager of a club, Melissa has become familiar with the ins and outs of running a business.
- Cooking: She can't even cook toast. She's a frequent customer of restaurants and takeout orders.
- Dancing: Melissa loves to dance as a way of de-stressing. She's hunting for a good dance club! She's pretty good too.
- Firearms: Mel's no sharpshooter, but she knows how to handle a gun.
- First Aid: While no surgeon, Melissa knows how to do quick'n dirty patching up of people's wounds. Even to the point of crude needle and thread stitches! They just wouldn't look pretty. Largely though, this skill is limited to cleaning and bandaging wounds, and eyeballing what really needs a doctor to look at or is life-threatening.
- Leadership: Given her innate confidence in herself, Melissa has no problem slipping into a leadership role when a situation calls for it. Often this is When Bad Things happen, and people need clear direction right then and there, but it can also apply to those who she sees as under her on the chain of command. (Such as her employees at Tartarus.) This doesn't mean that she wants to be top dog in ALL situations, as it's more of an unconscious thing, and another way of helping protect the innocent. In her mind, a lack of leadership in times of crisis only makes things worse
- People Person: Quite simply, Mel is good with people.
- Queen of Useless Knowledge: Melissa will occasionally spout out the most random and useless facts imaginable. They usually apply to a conversation or situation, but rarely do they ever actually help in any way.
- Singing: Ever stepped on a cat's tail? That sound is more pleasant than Melissa's singing voice.
- Style: She knows what looks GOOD! Whether it's goth or not. So hah!
- Wolf and Phoenix - Melissa's one and only tattoo, situated between her shoulder blades and onto the back of her neck. Received on 5/7/10. She claims that it symbolizes both strength (the wolf) and rebirth (the phoenix). Occasionally she'll speak of enduring for the phoenix too. But who knows!
- Injection scar beneath her chin, received in Moab.
- Tracking scar on the back of her neck, received in Moab.
- Horizontal scar on her forehead. Received by Samson on 3/17/10
- Bullet wound on her left shoulder. Received by accident on 4/9/10
- Scar on hand. Received by accident from a broken cup on 4/14/10
- Another bullet wound on her left shoulder. Shot by Adam on 6/20/10
- Black handprint on her scalp. Received via healing by Peter on 6/22/10
- Small shrapnel scars on her arms and back. Received from a _humanis-first bomb on 06/29/10
- Bullet graze on right arm. Received by _humanis-first on 07/23/10
- Bullet wound on stomach. Received by _humanis-first on 07/25/10.
- Bullet wound on right shoulder. Received by Audrey on 11/08/10.
Yes, this is a Bucket List. A list of things that Melissa wants to do before she dies. A list she hopes she'll have a very long time to complete. It will change as things are crossed off and as I think of more. Also consider these scene ideas!
- Go ice skating. Preferably with a guy I can hold hands with.
- Punch someone who deserves it without any warning.
- Collect a shot glass from 75 states and/or countries. US does not count as a country due to the states. Really, it doesn't.
- Say 'I love you' and mean it, just once.
- See above, and have it said back. And meant.
- Go on a date. A real date.
- Go sky diving.
- Go scuba diving.
- May as well go spelunking while I'm at it. Earth, air and water.
- Okay, add visiting a volcano so all four elements are covered.
- Visit space.
- Spend a week on a tropical island. No plane/boat wrecks count. Unless I'm wrecked alone with a hot guy who is straight, fun, and jumpable.
- Learn to fix ONE meal that's edible.
- Learn a second language. (Working on Chinese)
- Do something nationally or globally memorable. Something worth remembering. (Blowing up buildings doesn't count.)
- Punch someone who only deserves it in my mind because it'd make me feel better.
- Be able to use my real name legally without fear.
- Bungee jumping.
- Kiss someone at the top of some super fucking tall building. At night.
- Deck Scott. Just once. Hard. Broken nose would be good!
- Revenge.
For you guys…Yes, there is a butt rating scale. If there is no mention, then Mel either hasn't noticed your butt or doesn't care for it. (Sorry) The scale is as follows:
Mediocre: Worth noticing, but not much more.
Decent: It's alright, but not fantastic.
Pinchable: It's a cute butt, worth pinching.
Bitable: The best butt there is!
* White Knight Syndrome: When men think they must protect women. Specifically Melissa.
People who Melissa cares deeply about, of course, even if it's not quite love. Can be family. Can also be family she doesn't love. Okay, so it's just important people.
Icon | First Met | Power | Notes |
Westview Apartments | Unmanifested | Good kid. Young, but brave, calm. Doesn't over-react. Thinks about things. Like Kendall, he's become my brother. | |
Moab | Speedster | Nice guy. Little rough around the edges, but sweet. Definitely has issues, but I can't blame him given that he was in the hellhole too. He became family somehow. Which is bizarre given his obsession with tampons. He's saved me more than once. | |
Starbucks | Illusion | He's young, but no longer innocent. He's become my brother. We definitely fight like siblings. | |
Howland Hook Facility | ? | Would never have expected it, might have even laughed, but I can't complain about it now that it's happened. And we're in love. Wonderfully, impossibly in love. He is what I needed. | |
The Corinthian | Borrowing | Biteable. That said, while I love him, he is so bad for me, just not in the way that he thinks/feared. Still, first loves are always special, right? | |
Childhood | Of all the people to be on the opposite side of the line from me, I never expected to see my uncle. I just hope I don't end up having to kill him or help others kill him. My family isn't close, but he's still family. His ill-placed sense of loyalty did lead to me being able to use my name, but I still can't quite get over it. |
These are people that Mel has decided she will protect no matter what.
Icon | First Met | Power | Notes |
St Luke's Hospital | Healing? | I failed you, and it took me forever to find out. All I can say is sorry. | |
Little Italy | Ability Mimicry? | Okay, very odd girl. And so damn STUBBORN. I adore this girl, but sometimes I want to throttle her. |
Friends, regular co-workers, and other people Mel is fond of.
Icon | First Met | Power | Notes |
Moab | Telekinesis | Well holy crap. An old acquaintance from Moab. Who would've thought. He's still quiet and adorable though. Decent hiney. Pinchable even. | |
Abandoned Tram Station | Speed? Teleportation? | She saved my life. Probably. At least saved me a lot of pain. Either way, it puts her high in my book. Add in the second saving, and this girl is a-okay. I totally owe her a couple. | |
The Den | ? | Old Man. Doesn't look a day over seventy-eight (seven). He's an awesome person, and though I don't really know him that well, I consider him a good friend. And not just because he's patched me up a couple of times, though that helps. He makes me feel better. Pinchable. | |
Suresh Center | Adaptation | Very nice and thoughtful, we have some in common. There are still a lot of questions, but I trust him now. Even before he offered to take a bullet for me. Who ARE you?? | |
Battery Park City | I really only know her name and that she's from Egypt, but she's cool in my book for helping with Daphne after the bomb in Battery Park. Now she just needs better taste in names for drinks at Tartarus. I could never drink something called Fruit Basket. Too many visuals. | ||
Staten Island | Damaged in some way. Wary, maybe scared, and he is SO not from Florida. Why do I wanna try to fix him? He shocked me though when he came to me for help, and I was helpless to refuse it. Yet somehow it's the flower I can't get out of my head. It was my first real one. But he's a jackass. I SHOULD just leave him to his fate. However, pinchable. | ||
Central Park | Light | Interesting girl. A little wary because of her choice of friends, but not much. She's alright. Fun even. And she's a better friend that I thought she was. Thanks. | |
Old Lucy's | Sweet guy, fun, good with hair. And, of course, totally faboo. His boyfriend's a lucky guy. Definitely pinchable. And so very dependable. | ||
The Den | Illusions | Persistent, to the point of stubbornness, but he has a very handy talent, and isn't uptight. Cute too. Pinchable hiney, but too…something. White Knight Syndrome.* However, he is helping Kendall, which I really appreciate. One of Mel's Fosterlings. |
Consider this Mel's hit list. If she can hurt anyone here, she will. Gleefully.
Icon | First Met | Power | Notes |
Chelsea | Regeneration | You pull a gun for a bunch of penguins with kids around? Are you fucking nuts? Shooting me is just the tip of the iceberg baby. | |
Abandoned Tram Station | A grenade? And kicking me in the face? Really? I don't know your name, asshole, but I'm going to find you. And your little guns and grenades won't save you then. | ||
— | No one is a lab rat. I'll bring you down if I can. You will not hurt anyone else. | ||
Brooklyn Drug Store | Total fucking fake and an all around asshole. I don't care how nice he was in the beginning, or that he claims to have saved me in the past. He's shown his true colors. | ||
Petrelli Mansion | Multiple | Oh, you are sooooo at the top of my short list buddy. If I can make you writhe in pain, I will. No one gets away with hurting my friends and trying to kill me. And now I know your name, Samson. | |
Roosevelt Island | — | Fucking pathetic. If I can put a bullet between your eyes, I will. |
Those who Mel knew who are now sleepin' wif da fishes.
Icon | First Met | Power | Notes |
St. Joseph's Church | ? | Peter's quiet shadow? Rough around the edges, but then, aren't we all? | |
Staten Island Hospital | Teleportation | You get spooked easily, which isn't good in a fight, but you came through. Be proud of yourself for that. And don't blame yourself for what's not your fault. | |
St. Joseph's Church | Smoke form | She's got a stick up her butt, but under the circumstances I don't think I can really blame her. She's had a rough week or however long. Maybe while she's staying with me I can do more than protect her. She's becoming more human and more of a friend. One of Mel's Fosterlings. | |
Technopathy | I'm on the fence with this one. He tried to use Liette, yet he's a part of Messiah. | ||
Howland Hook Facility | Formerly Persuasion | Good riddance. |
Basically Mel's mental list of people who don't make it into the other categories! OOCly, more just so I can remember who she knows and what she knows of them!
Breaking Benjamin – I Will Not Bow lyrics:
HIM – Pretending lyrics:
Korn – Did My Time lyrics:
Metallica – Broken Beat and Scarred lyrics:
Nickelback – Savin' Me lyrics:
Seether – Broken lyrics:
Within Temptation – Angels lyrics:
Papa Roach – Scars lyrics:
Thirty Seconds to Mars – The Fantasy lyrics:
Chumbawumba - Tubthumping lyrics:
Pain Maker | Painkiller | Dark Future | Messiah | Brunette |
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Butterflies | Young Butterflies | Woven Worlds | Woven Worlds 2 | |
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These aren't quite IC, but they do encompass Melissa's opinions on this, so I'm including them here for easy access. I present… Melissa Drabbles!
Enjoy a survey answered from Melissa's POV! It's silly and stupid, but it's there. Survey!