This is a basic idea of what the colors mean to Miranda, and what she's come to associate with them and the people who wear them. Usually, Miranda will get an idea of about four colors to a person, sometimes less, sometimes more.
Regular Colors:
RED: Passion, very active, (deep red) over active, (dull red) burned out, ( bright red) sexy/horny, leadership, love of sports, challenge, courage, practical, desire for possessions, sense of adventure, and a survival instinct. Most children have bright red auras - especially males. They are very active and 'on the go'.
Reds like a challenge, is a force of will, hard workers, like to achieve results and success. They do not punch a time clock, and work till they drop.
Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
ORANGE: Creativity, confidence, ambition, originality, sociability, openness, intuition, independence, expression, ability to solve problems and work without supervision. Many talented sales people, entrepreneurs and people who deal with the public have orange auras. Think while they act. They enjoy their sexuality. They love adventure, excitement and intrigue, and often will have multiple partners. They are independent and not emotionally needy. Oranges love to get organized!
Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.
YELLOW: Spontaneous, intellect, happy, and cheerful. A sense of humor, confident, optimistic, with a warm smile are typical. People with yellow auras have the ability to brighten the lives of those around them. Yellows bring warmth, originality and exhilaration they usually are playful, fun loving, humorous, and somewhat childlike. They pay attention to details, organization and are disciplined!
Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher.
GOLD: high spiritual vibration, integrity, respect, freedom, clearseeing, integrating spirit and body, creating as spirit
GREEN: Healing, teaching, caring, high self-esteem, tenacity, money, harmony, balance, and growth.Greens need to be in control. Family matters and parenting are important to them. Medical professionals and people involved in the healing arts of any kind often have greens strongly in their auras. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.
A rich dark green is abundance, prosperity and wealth.
Greens (bright) are driven to be successful and often own their own business, are goal-oriented and make lists (check them off as they complete a goal).
BLUE: Communication, loyalty, good listener, contentment, peaceful, caretaker, calmness, patience, sensitive, honest, empathic, generous, warmhearted, and often times spiritual. Blue indicates a depth of feeling; love, truth, trust, dedication, tranquility, tenderness and affection.Blues cannot think of sex unless they are in love. Blues convey wisdom, and are reliable. A good talker!
People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other color in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting information in a telepathic communication.
VIOLET: Spiritual, mystical, looks for magical solutions, visionaries, always see the big picture, search for the truth, questioning, take everything at face value, tends to be intuitive, and unconventional.
People with a lot of violet (purple) in their Aura field tend to live in a world of fantasy and love to daydream. Things come to them without pushing, what they want and need come to them as if by unexplained. They do not have to push to get what they want.
MAGENTA: Nonconformists, innovated, strong-willed, inventive, imaginative, artistic, resourceful, productive, creative and has an agile mind.
Magenta's are bright and determined about things they regard as important. They are great manipulators as well as actors. Magenta's tap dance to their own tune!
INDIGO: Intuitive, observant, aware, open-minded, liberal, tolerant, charitable, shrewd, perceptive, and leadership capabilities. It represents intuitive understanding, serious, use their imagination, inspiration, creativity, and are humanitarians. Indigoes also have healing ability, and are gentle, and compassionate.
AQUA: A need to be recognized, sensitive, vulnerable, responsive, stress and anxiety.
Aqua above the head means music plays an important part in their life.
PINK: Shows a purity of intention, strong sense of companionship, cleanness, love of art and beauty, and shows vitality.
BLACK: A protective cloak shielding themselves from outside energies and keeping themselves centered or focused while putting matters in the proper perspective. Focus.
TURQUOISE: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their
commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.
TRANSPARENT WHITE: Highly motivated, bright, ability to see 'the big picture', a chameleon, money is not always the object of their lives, great wisdom. Whites are avid readers and enjoy television, movies, and the theatre ( the main source of social learning for them). White have become the chameleons of the spectrum, assimilating other colors into their aura in order to hide or protect themselves. Often white (if there is a double white in the photo) echo a spirit that is around the person.
Meaning of Dirty Colors
(colors appearing darker than background more like a smoke than a glow)
BROWN: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
GREY: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.
SULFUR (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
CLOUDY WHITE: New Age or religious energy, lacking consciousness, a cover-up, denial, being 'good' at expense of being 'whole'
SOLID WHITE: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise, rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described by the modern quantum physics.
Several hours before the death, the Aura becomes white, and greatly increases in intensity. For this reason in most cultures "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black), because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before death. It seems that our ancestors knew much more than we are prepared to admit.
The origin of the Tarot Cards is thought to have been created in Egypt from "The Book Of Thoth". Thoth was the Egyptian Mercury and is said to have been one of the early kings. The Gypsies and the Egyptians were the most likely to have introduced the Tarot Cards to Europe. It is generally accepted that the Tarot Cards emerged in the latter half of the 14th century as a card game. In the 15th century the cards became more popular because of numerous printing techniques, such as woodcuts, copper engravings and stencils. And by the 16th century, a modified Tarot Card deck called The Tarot Of Marseilles gained common usage throughout Europe.
Tarot Cards are used by people from all walks of life to gain insight and an understanding of what is happening in their lives. The Tarot Card deck contains 78 cards that are divided into two main groups. The 22 Major Arcana cards and the 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana cards depict the greater events in our lives, while the Minor or Lesser Arcana cards reveal the every day aspects of our lives. There are many different Tarot card decks and each show us the experiences we have had in our past, what's happening in our present day lives and what could happen at any time in our future.
You will be amazed at how close Tarot Readings touch the issues pertaining to the important aspects of your life. In the simplest of terms, Tarot cards are a means of predicting events or gaining insight into our spiritual and material worlds. They are used as a method of predicting the future and/or as meditational aides. The history and origins of the Tarot are not definitively known and are a source of much speculation. Some decks display a multitude of beautiful artwork and each deck has 3 basic principles in common:
1. Each deck is illustrated with images that symbolically depict experiences that we've all had, or could have, at one time or another.
2. Each deck is divided into two main sections: the 22 Major Arcana cards, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana are further divided into the Court Arcana and numbered cards.
3. Each deck contains four suits within the Minor Arcana: Wands (also known as Staffs or Batons,) Cups (also known as Bowls,) Swords, and Pentacles (also known as Coins or Disks.)
Symbolically, the Major Arcana illustrate the greater events within a lifetime, and the Minor Arcana illustrate smaller, everyday, mundane events. The images on the cards display a story, both by themselves, and as a whole. It is this imagery, and the way each person responds uniquely to it, that makes the Tarot an effective tool of self discovery.
A spread is simply a method of laying out a prescribed number of cards in a specific formation. Nancy uses the "Celtic Cross" and "Fan" spreads. She created the Fan Spread herself and finds this particular spread more in depth. Each position within a spread defines a meaning in relation to the type of spread being dealt. While Nancy is speaking with you, she will shuffle and deal and then interpret their meaning. Each card is interpreted by it's individual symbolism in combination with it's symbolic position within the spread, in relation to the cards surrounding it, and in relation to the question you are asking. Please keep in mind, your questions are to be kept to yourself and not revealed to Nancy unless she did not answer your question.
There are specific meanings associated with each card in a Tarot deck, but these meanings are secondary to the unique interpretations that Nancy discovers within the cards. The wish to know what the future holds is a universal one and the search for your answers, and the best method to obtain them, has brought you here to Nancy and her unique abilities.
Here are examples of universal cards known as the "Ryder-Waite Deck" to give you an idea of the pictures and different meanings behind each suite of the deck. Keep in mind that Nancy has many different decks that she reads and interprets.
The Major Arcana
The Fool
Upright: New beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, rashness
Reverse: A bad decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, a faulty choice
The Magician
Upright: Originality, creativity, skill, will-power, self confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand
Reverse: Weakness in will, insecurity, delay, no imagination
The High Priestess
Upright: Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue, a lack of patience, a teacher
Reverse: Ignorance, lack of understanding, selfishness, shallowness
The Empress
Upright: Action, development, accomplishment, mother/sister/wife, evolution
Reverse: Vacillation, inaction, lack on concentration, indecision, anxiety, infidelity
The Emperor
Upright: Accomplishment, confidence, wealth, stability, leadership, father/brother/husband, achievement, a capable person
Reverse: Immaturity, indecision, feebleness, petty emotions, lack of strength
The Hierophant
Upright: A need to conform, social approval, bonded to the conventions of society
Reverse: Unconventionality, unorthodoxy, an inventor
or can mean
Upright: Mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, conformity, a sense of historical importance, inspiration
Reverse: Foolish generosity, errors are repeated, impotence, vulnerability, frailty, unorthodoxy
The Lovers
Upright: Love, harmony, trust, honor, the beginning of a romance, optimism, a meaningful relationship/affair
Reverse: Unreliability, separation, frustration in love, fickleness, untrustworthy
The Chariot
Upright: Perseverance, a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, turmoil, vengeance
Reverse: Unsuccessful, defeat, failure, last minute loss, vanquishment
Upright: Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, heroism, virility
Reverse: Weakness, pettiness, sickness, tyranny, lack of faith, abuse of power
The Hermit
Upright: Counsel, inner strength, prudence, caution, vigilance, patience, withdrawal, annulment, a loner
Reverse: Imprudence, hastiness, rashness, foolish acts, immaturity
The Wheel of Fortune
Upright: Destiny, fortune, a special gain, an unusual loss, end of a problem, unexpected events, advancement, progress
Reverse: Failure, bad luck, interruption, outside influences, bad fate, unexpected events
Upright: Harmony, balance, equality, righteousness, virtue, honor, advice, a considerate person
Reverse: Bias, false accusations, intolerance, unfairness, abuse
The Hanged Man
Upright: Suspension, change, reversal, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement, rebirth
Reverse: Unwillingness to make an effort, false prophecy, useless sacrifice
Upright: Transformation, making way for the new, unexpected change, loss, failure, illness or death, bad luck
Reverse: Stagnation, immobility, slow changes, a narrow escape, cheating death
Upright: Moderation, temperance, patience, harmony, fusion, good influence, confidence
Reverse: Discord, conflict, disunion, hostility, frustration, impatience
The Devil
Upright: Ravage, weird or strange experience, downfall, unexpected failure, controversy, violence, disaster, an ill-tempered person
Reverse: Divorce, release, handicaps are overcome, enlightenment
The Tower
Upright: A sudden change, abandonment of past, ending a friendship, unexpected events, disruption, bankruptcy, downfall, loss of money or security
Reverse: Following old ways, a rut, entrapment, caught in a bad situation, imprisonment
The Star
Upright: Hope, faith, inspiration, optimism, insight, spiritual love, pleasure, balance
Reverse: Unfulfilled hopes, disappointment, dreams are crushed, bad luck, imbalance
The Moon
Upright: Deception, trickery, disillusionment, error, danger, disgrace, double-dealing
Reverse: Deception is discovered before damage can be done, trifling mistakes, taking advantage of someone
The Sun
Upright: Satisfaction, accomplishment, success, love, joy, engagement or a happy marriage
Reverse: Unhappiness, loneliness, canceled plans, broken engagement or marriage, a clouded future, a lack of friends
Upright: Awakening, renewal, a well lived life, better health, a quickened mind
Reverse: Fear of death, failure, possible loss, ill health
or can be read as:
Upright: Atonement, judgment, the need to forgive, rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement, development, promotion, efforts are rewarded
Reverse: Delay, disappointment, indecision, procrastination, theft, worry
The World
Upright: Completion, perfection, recognition, honors, the end result, success, fulfillment, triumph, eternal life
Reverse: Imperfection, lack of vision, disappointment
Wands usually predict energy, growth, enterprise, animation, and glory.
Ace of wands
Upright: A creative beginning, a new business venture, a profitable journey, an inheritance, a new career, a birth in the family
Reversed: Selfishness may spoil the venture, setbacks for a new enterprise, a journey may be put off, a lack of determination
Two of Wands
Upright: A kind and generous person, an interest in science, patience, creative ability, courage, good things to come
Reversed: Caution is advised against impatience, a possible domination by others
Three of Wands
Upright: A cooperation in business affairs, trade and commerce, success brought by a good partnership, practical help may come from a successful person
Reversed: A tendency to scatter energies, mistakes are made through carelessness, disappointment, caution against pride and arrogance
Four of Wands
Upright: The beauty of the harvest home, perfected work, prosperity, peace, celebration after labor, end of romance in marriage, happy holidays to come
Reversed: Learning to appreciate the little things in life, beauty of nature, peace, harmony
Five of Wands
Upright: Competition, possibility of a lawsuit or quarrel, obstacles, courage
Reversed: Harmony, new opportunities, generosity
Six of Wands
Upright: Good news, victory, success after labor, helpful friends, leadership during journey
Reversed: Rewards are delayed, postponed trip, bad news, an insolent winner, pride in riches/success
Seven of Wands
Upright: The ability to "hold one's own" against adversaries, stiff competition in business, a fight won, a fight one may have to face soon, victory, energy, courage
Reversed: The threat will pass by, don't let others take advantage, caution against indecision, patience
Eight of Wands
Upright: A Goal is approaching, new ideas, a journey by air, love will find its mark, love of open air, gardens, meadows
Reversed: Jealousy, violence, quarrels, domestic disputes, a force of courage or boldness is applied to suddenly
Nine of Wands
Upright: Preparedness, eventual victory, good health, strength in reserve, tendency to obstinacy
Reversed: Unpreparedness, refusal to fight, weakness in character, ill health, bending over adversity
Ten of Wands
Upright: An oppressive load, pain, all plans or projects ruined, complete failure
Reversed: Strength, energy, a desire to ruin the happiness of others, a clever person
Page of Wands
Upright: Brilliance, courage, beauty, sudden anger or love, great enthusiasm, a messenger
Reversed: Superficial, theatrical, unstable, a broken heart, bad news to come
Knight of Wands
Upright: An impetuous nature, generous friend, a lover, haste, a journey, the coming or going of a matter is of much concern
Reversed: Discord, work interrupted, jealousy, narrow-mindedness, suspicion, the journey is delayed
Queen of Wands
Upright: A woman, fondness of nature or of the home, attraction, command, someone who is well liked or honorable
Reversed: Strict, domineering, a jealous and revengeful nature, deceit, infidelity
King of Wands
Upright: A gentlemen, father, passionate, generous, noble, a good leader
Reversed: Severe, unyielding, strict, intolerance, prejudice, quarrels
Cups usually predict love, happiness, fertility, and beauty.
Ace of Cups
Upright: The beginning of love, joy, beauty, or good health
Reverse: Hesitancy to accept the things that come from the heart, love under a selfish grasp, egotism
Two of Cups
Upright: A new romance, a well balanced friendship is beginning, harmony, cooperation
Reverse: A loss of balance in a relationship, a violent passion, love turning bad, a misunderstanding
Three of Cups
Upright: A good fortune in love, a happy conclusion, unknown talents are discovered, a sensitive and sympathetic person, hospitality
Reverse: Pain, gossip, unknown talents remain hidden, overindulgence
Four of Cups
Upright: Reevaluation, a dissatisfaction with success, kindness may come from others
Reverse: New relationships possible, new goals, new ambitions, action
Five of Cups
Upright: Sorrow, loss of a loved one, a broken marriage, disillusionment, vain regret
Reversed: Return of hope, new relationships are beginning, return of a loved one, courage is summoned from within
Six of Cups
Upright: A gift from a childhood acquaintance, happiness and pleasure brought from the past, good memories, a new friendship, a gift from an admirer, new opportunities
Reverse: Living in the past, outworn friendships, disappointment
Seven of Cups
Upright: A long-worked imagination, unable to choose one's direction in life, illusory success
Reverse: A good use of determination, will-power, a definite path will be chosen
Eight of Cups
Upright: An abandonment of one's current path in life, disappointment in love, misery and repining without cause, desire to leave on'e success for something higher
Reverse: Search for pleasure, seeking joy or success, a new love interest
Nine of Cups
Upright: An assured future, physical well-being, a wish may come true
Reverse: A lack in money, overindulgence, illness, a wish may not come true
Ten of Cups
Upright: A happy family life, true friendships, lasting happiness
Reverse: A family quarrel, loss of a friendship, children may turn against their parents, waste
Page of Cups
Upright: Gentleness, sweetness, kindness, an interest in poetry or art, news
Reverse: Selfishness, little desire to create, a poor imagination
Knight of Cups
Upright: Intelligence, romantic dreamer, the coming or going of an emotional matter
Reverse: Trickery, fraud, sensuality, idleness, an untruthful person
Queen of Cups
Upright: Imagination out-ways one's common sense, a good wife or loving mother, happiness, gentle, a good natured person
Reverse: An over-active imagination, perverse, pleasure and happiness may turn bitter
King of Cups
Upright: A business man, a man of law, kindness, a considerate person, a willingness to take on responsibility, and enjoyment of the arts or sciences
Reverse: A powerful man but a double-dealer, crafty, violent, scandal
Swords usually predict aggression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune
Ace of Swords
Upright: Beginning of a victory, ability to love and hate with ardor, a valiant leader may be born
Reverse: Caution when trying to use power to gain an ending, obstacles, tyranny
Two of Swords
Upright: Well balanced emotions are needed, indecision, trouble ahead, in need of direction
Reverse: Release, beware when dealing with the unscrupulous
Three of Swords
Upright: Affections may experience "stormy weather", lovers separated, possible civil war
Reverse: Disorder, confusion, loss, sorrow due to loss
Four of Swords
Upright: Rest after strife, retreat, temporary exile, a change back to the "active life"
Reverse: Renewed activity, social unrest, labor strikes
Five of Swords
Upright: Failure, defeat, cowardliness, cruelty, an empty victory
Reverse: A lesser chance of loss or defeat, an empty victory, unfairness in dealings
Six of Swords
Upright: A journey, passage away from sorrow, harmony will prevail
Reverse: Journey will be postponed, no way out of present obstacles or difficulties
Seven of Swords
Upright: An unwise attempt, unreliability, betrayal, insolence, spying, possible failure
Reverse: Excessive help is given, good advice, counsel, stolen items are returned
Eight of Swords
Upright: Restricted action, indecision, censure, temporary illness, weakness, a prisoner
Reverse: Relaxation, new beginnings possible, freedom
Nine of Swords
Upright: Suffering, doubt, desolation, illness, injury, death of a loved one, suspicion, cruelty, misery, loss, dishonesty, pitilessness, slander
Reverse: Healing over time, unselfishness, patience, good news of a loved one
Ten of Swords
Upright: Sudden misfortune, ruin of plans, defeat, failure, pain and tears
Reverse: Evil forces are overthrown, courage, some success, better health
Page of Swords
Upright: Dexterity, grace, diplomacy, understanding, an upsetting message
Reverse: A cunning person, an imposture, ill health, unexpected events
Knight of Swords
Upright: A headlong rush into life, a strong man, bravery, a skillful and clever person, an unexpected coming or going of a matter
Reverse: Tyranny, a troublemaker, a crafty and secretive person
Queen of Swords
Upright: A quick and confident decision, a widow, one who can bear their sorrow
Reverse: Cruelty due to keen observations, a sly and deceitful person, narrowmindedness, a gossip
King of Swords
Upright: A judge, a powerful commander, a firm friendship holder but often overcautious, a wise counselor
Reverse: Evil intentions, an obstinate person, decisions or judgments may seem unfair
Pentacles usually predict money, industry, and material gain
Ace of Pentacles
Upright: A new business venture, the beginning of prosperity, beginning of happiness or pleasure
Reverse: Possible greed or misery, money may not be everything
Two of Pentacles
Upright: The ability to handle multiple situations, harmony is maintained during change, new projects may be difficult, expect a helpful message
Reverse: Difficulty with handling problems, expect a discouraging message
Three of Pentacles
Upright: Reward for skills or abilities, approval, success through effort
Reverse: Quality in workmanship is neglected, good work is expended due to a preoccupation with money, common place ideals or ambitions
Four of Pentacles
Upright: Love of power or money, a lack of give-and-take, miserly or ungenerous nature
Reverse: Some earthly possessions may be lost, obstacles or delays in business affairs, a spendthrift.
Five of Pentacles
Upright: Loneliness, destitution, loss of possessions, poor health, despair due to spiritual impoverishment
Reverse: New employment, revived courage, a new interest
Six of Pentacles
Upright: Sharing of prosperity, one will soon receive what is rightfully theirs, charity, gifts, philanthropy, three-fold
Reverse: Bribes, unfairness, prosperity is threatened, jealousy, miserliness
Seven of Pentacles
Upright: Effort and hard work will cause growth, a pause during development, reevaluations
Reverse: Little progress, impatience, anxiety, investments may be unprofitable
Eight of Pentacles
Upright: Learning a trade or profession, employment is coming soon, skill, handiwork, small money gain
Reverse: Skills are not being used properly, a dislike of hard work, ambition is void
Nine of Pentacles
Upright: Well-being, things in life are enjoyed alone, solitude, a green thumb
Reverse: Loss is possible, danger from thieves, caution
Ten of Pentacles
Upright: Stable family, gain in wealth, property is acquired
Reverse: Family misfortune, caution, mind is dull, slothfulness
Page of Pentacles
Upright: Scholar, generosity, kindness, a careful person, learning new ideas/opinions
Reverse: Wastefulness, luxury, rebellious, opposing ideas/opinions, bad news
Knight of Pentacles
Upright: Trustworthy, a heavy and dull outlook, patience, accepting of responsibilities, an animal lover, a nature lover, the coming/going of a matter
Reverse: Irresponsible, impatience, timidness, carelessness, a standstill in affairs
Queen of Pentacles
Upright: Intelligence, thoughtfulness, a creative person, talents are used well, melancholy
Reverse: Too much dependence, neglected duties, mistrust, suspicion, not a very creative person
King of Pentacles
Upright: A chief of industry or a banker, a reliable person, a married man, solid, steadiness
Reverse: Materialistic, slow to anger, 'head is on the ground", bribes