Registry of the Non-Evolved Database
File #30 Oct 2008 09:51
portrayed by Andre Braugher |
In February 1995 Mitchell voted "yes" on making federal death penalty appeals harder. The Senator is a supporter of the death penalty and believes it should be used more often. In April 1994 Mitchell voted "no" on replacing the death penalty with life imprisonment. Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education gave him a 30% approval rating showing an anti-rehabilitation crime voting record.
Mitchell was rated 17% by the National Education Association (NEA) indicating a record in opposition to teachers' unions. He supports student vouchers, school prayer and mandatory testing for schools. He supported the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001.
Mitchell voted "no" on prohibiting oil drilling and development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He opposed raising Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations on fuel incentives for alternative fuels. Mitchell supports energy independence from the Middle East and offering tax breaks or credits for alternate fuels. He opposes the Kyoto Protocol, voting "no" against it in June, 2000.
Gun control
Mitchell is given an A+ by the National Rifle Association. The Senator voted "yes" on the prohibition of lawsuits against gun manufacturers and gun sellers because of misuse. In June 1999, he voted in favor of a shorter Federal handgun waiting period (from three days to one).
Mitchell opposes illegal immigration, stating that the current administration has the "slows" in building a border fence. He was given a 100% rating by Federation for American Immigration Reform, reflecting his strong support for immigration restrictions. He supports the Minutemen and voted "no" on immigrant visas for skilled workers.
In September 2006 voted "yes" on the building of a border fence along the Mexican border, and later voted "yes" on the appointment of additional United States Armed Forces on the borders between Mexico and America in order to ensure the illegal passage of foreigners (Evolved and Non-Evolved) into America is cut off.
Mitchell's voting record earned him a grade of A from Americans for Better Immigration.
In 2005, Mitchell introduced legislation calling for the construction of a reinforced fence along the entire U.S.-Mexico border.
Homeland security
Senator Mitchell supports the PATRIOT Act, voting to make it permanent in December 2005. He voted "yes" to allow electronic surveillance without a warrant. Mitchell was rated only 7% by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
In an October 1, 2007 interview with WorldNetDaily Mitchell criticized the current Administration for not acting both thouroughly enough and quickly enough with the Linderman Act, and the fumbling of major government agencies in securing the cooperation of the united Nations in globalization of the Evolved Registry, citing regions such as Iran and North Korea as potential harboring zones for renegade and violent Evolved who may feel inspired to acts of civil disorder following the November 8th attack on New York City.
The Linderman Act
In July 2007, Mitchell voted "yes" on the Linderman Act, requiring the development of tests to identify Evolved individuals, the registration of their identities and abilities, and the confinement of any deemed too dangerous to be left free. He has gone so far as to state that the Linderman Act does not go nearly as far as it should, and constraints placed on Homeland Security for persuing Evolved who flee the United States will only lead to "further tragedy down the line."
Controvery arose early on in the campaign when it was disclosed that Senator Mitchell's half-brother Donald McIntyre was a member of an organization known as the Humanis First, an Anti-Evolved group allegedly responsible for the violent "lynchings" of Evolved across the southern United States in late 2006 and early 2007. While Mitchell was quick to dismiss allegations that he held sympathies for the pro-human movement, the stain of his half-brother's associations on his campaign.