Registry of the Evolved Database
File #18 Jun 2008 14:16
![]() Milo Ventimiglia |
Born to an affluent family in the upper west side of New York City, Peter Petrelli is the younger of two brothers. From a young age, the precocious and sensitive Peter quickly became the "baby" of his family, much to the displeasure of his often sidelined older brother. Through much of his youth, Peter showed an unusual level of compassion and care, often times resulting in his disproportionate ability to protect those people he felt deserved it. More times than he could count, the wiry young Petrelli would throw himself into a situation like a childhood friend being bullied, only to have some sense of humility beat into him. Often times dragging his older brother Nathan into his problems, Peter would slowly come to lose his protective streak as he realized he didn't have the strength or ability to protect anyone, let alone himself. This "baby brother" complex followed him throughout his young adult life, where he continued to live in the shadow of his older brother and successful parents.
After graduating from the Collegiate School of New York (one of the city's most prestigious private schools), Peter and his brother's divergent personalities only further drove wedges between them. When Peter opted to not follow in his father's footsteps and study law, in favor of becoming a male nurse, both his parents and his brother frowned upon the decision. As Nathan went on to be groomed in politics, Peter came to work dilligently towards his degree, attending the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. While his decision earned him no love from his family, Peter would come to love his work with people, and over the years of his education his appreciation for a slower life grew, even if he always did envy his brother's position. Peter had come to accept the fact that his brother was the one destined for greater things…
All that changed when he met Charles Deveaux.
Charlex Deveaux was just another terminal patient under Peter's hospice care, one who happened to be the father of Simone Deveaux, the object of much of Peter Petrelli's affections. With Nathan focused on his Congressional campaign, Peter's tenuous ties with his brother were becoming more and more strained at each family gathering. However, things would only become worse. Tormented by a dream of being able to fly while tending to Charles, Peter became obsessed with the idea that he possessed abilities far and above that of a normal human being. He confided in Nathan, who passed them off as a sign of psychological distress, which only drove Peter further to prove his beliefs. This culminated in Peter summoning Nathan to witness as he jumped off a building to prove he could fly. However, it was Nathan who flew, catching Peter as he fell. Peter blacked out after the brothers lost their grip on each other, waking up in the hospital with muddled recollections of what happened. Nathan claimed neither of them flew and Peter was led to believe he was losing his mind. Attempting to discover the truth, Peter threatened to jump from another rooftop if Nathan didn't tell him what really happened. Nathan admitted that they both flew, and initially Peter thought that Nathan was only telling him what he wanted to hear, until Nathan pointed outmuch to Peter's disbeliefthat Peter was levitating as they argue.d Peter's later attempts to fly, when away from his brother's presence, were initially unsuccessful.
In light of this revelation, Peted decided to quit his job as a nurse. He confided to Simone Deveaux that he had loved her ever since he first saw her, something he had not an ounce of courage to admit before that day. The two spent a night together, even though Simone didn't know how she truly feelt about Peter…
The first hint of things to come arrive in the form of Hiro Nakamura, a man with the power to manipulate time and space, who traveled back in time to give Peter a message: "Save the cheerleader, save the world." He urged Peter to be "the one we need". He told Peter to go and visit Isaac Mendez, a painter and ex-boyfriend of Simone, and noted how strange it is to see Peter without his scar. After this chance meeting, Peter's life would begin to change beyond his control.
At Hiro Nakamura's request, Peter visited with Isaac Mendez and convinced him to see past their amorous connection to Simone. He learned that Isaac has predicted an explosion will happen in New York soon, and they are both convinced saving this unknown cheerleader is connected to averting the catastrophe. While in Isaac's company, Peter also confirmed that his superhuman ability involved copying those of others, when he mimics Isaac's powers. He finished a painting of Isaac's showing the cheerleader being killed by an unknown assailant.
Later, Peter experiences a dream of showing Simone's ailing father that he can fly, and is awakened by her ringing his doorbell to tell him that her father died shortly after telling her that he had dreamed of flying with Peter and is worried about the state of the world. Peter told him that there are people who care, who will save the world from destruction. Simone then told Peter that she had sold the painting by Isaac to a man named Linderman in Las Vegas. Peter believed the painting will help him to save the world, and begins a journey to find that prophetic piece of artwork.
Visiting his estranged brother Nathan, hoping that his brother can help convince Linderman to give up the painting, he finds Nathan, their mother, and Nathan's family attending a brunch with a newspaper reporter. Peter saved his brother from adultery charges by claiming Nathan was arranging for a private clinic to treat Peter's mental illness when question of Nathan's whereabouts in recent months was raised. Using this assistance to his advantage, Peter would press the issue of the Mendez painting. That night, Nathan tells a skeptical Peter he was temporarily kidnapped in Vegas, and warns that people will want to lock them up if they realize the two of them have powers.
Obtaining a digital copy of the Mendez painting, Simone shows Peter a photograph of the painting, which ultimately sends Peter to a high school in Odessa, Texas where he meets Claire Bennet, a cheerleader with superhuman regenerative abilities. As predicted, the mysterious killer soon shows up to take Claire, and Peter manages to fight him off while Claire escapes, ending with the pair fall off the roof of the school. Sylar, the attempted killer, survives the fall, but it seems as if Peter hasn't. However, when Claire shows up, Peter mimics her healing powers. As he begins resetting his bones, he asks Claire to call the police. They show up while Peter is still covered in his own blood and Peter was arrested…
While incarcerated, Peter experiences another strange dream; he sees Nathan and his wife get into the car accident that paralyzed her from the waist down. He realizes the accident was partially caused by Nathan's first use of his flying ability (leaving the car with no driver). Peter later asks Nathan about "the other car" (one chasing Nathan's in the dream) involved in the accident, a detail no one else knew except for Nathan and Heidi.
Experiencing another dream while in his holding cell, Peter experiences a vision in which he is visited by his brother, who metamorphoses into Sylar. Later on that day, he is interviewed by a telepathic Los Angeles police officer, Matt Parkman, who was assigned to investigate the Sylar case. During the interview they telepathically piece together Sylar's attack on Union Wells High. Peter explains to Officer Parkman that Claire Bennet was the real target. Claire visits Peter in his cell later, believing he shares her powers, and tells him that he is her hero. A short time later, Nathan gets Peter out of jail. Peter's health is visibly and quickly deteriorating as his rapid exposure to so many Evolved puts a great toll on his body. On their way out of the building, he passes out and has a vision in which he sees dozens of people in a city street just before he begins glowing from the inside and welling with radioactive fire from his hands. In the vision, as Nathan walks up to him, he begins to explode. After recovering from the vision, Peter tries to explain it to Nathan, but falls into a coma.
Peter is comatose. In his comatose state, Peter continues to have the same vision, with a little variation. Eventually, a new face appears in his dreams. This man, a tall, bearded Englishman, is shown laughing. Another new scene indicates that Peter may be mimicking Ted Sprague's radioactive powers. Eventually, Peter wakes up, and decides that his next destination is "the desert". He makes travel plans, looking for a place where nuclear testing has been done. Las Vegas is recommended. As he's put on hold, he notices the Englishman from his dreams stealing from a purse. Peter confronts the man, who is shocked that someone can see him. Calling himself "Claude", he tells Peter to leave him alone. However, Peter instead insists "Claude" teach him how to control his abilities. "Claude" declines, and tells Peter to stop following him. Distraught from their encounter, Peter returns to his apartment to find Mohinder Suresh and Nathan. Mohinder believes he can help Peter, while Nathan is insistent that Peter not go running off again. To get away, Peter pretends to consider their help, then runs out the door. Mohinder and Nathan see an open window and assume Peter has flown out it. However, this was misdirection, as Peter is actually hiding invisibly with Claude. Claude agrees to train Peter to control his abilities.
The lessons commence in October, inching ever closer to the date of the explosion. Claude explains to Peter to separate himself from his loved ones. Peter fiercely disagrees, but Claude says that caring about peopleparticularly Nathanis holding him back. Claude reminds Peter that he must learn to harness the powers he's previously mimicked intentionally (or face exploding), and without their inherent users present. Then, Claude pushes Peter off a tall building and tells him to fly. Peter falls onto a taxicab suffering fatal injuries, but survives by remembering Claire Bennet and mimicking her powers. Peter realizes that he does not need to push people out of his mind; he just needs to remember how those people made him feel to regain use of their abilities. He then starts to lose control thinking about too many others at once leading Claude to knock him out.
Over the course of their training, Peter is shown to have more control over the abilities he has absorbed. During a sparring session with Claude, Peter uses telekinesis to shield himself from a blow, which puzzles Claude since none of Peter's acquaintances has that power. Peter surmises that he must have picked it up from the man who attacked him in Texas. Later on, Peter and Claude's training is interrupted when the pair are assaulted by Mr. Bennet and the Haitian, due to a betrayal by Isaac. Peter stops the taser darts coming towards himself in mid-air, but fails to do so for Claude. His erstwhile mentor demands that Peter escape before it's too late, and Peter makes one of the most difficult decisions of his life up to this point as he abandons his mentor to the Company, flying away from the rooftop.
Immediately returning to Isaac Mendez, Peter confronts the artist about his betrayal, but Isaac is adamant that what he was doing would save the world. Peter, however, concludes jealousy was Isaac's main motivation. When Isaac tries to shoot him, Peter becomes invisible. Thoroughly unnerved, Isaac begins to firing indiscriminately and accidentally shoots Simone three times in the chest as she walks through the door. Peter cradles Simone as he and Isaac both watch her die…
Emotionally destroyed by his recent events, Peter seeks out the one man he fetlt may be able to help him in his situation, Mohinder Suresh, but is attacked by an awaiting Sylar who had previously been in Mohinder's captivity. Fighting him off, Peter becomes invisible, but Sylar foils the attempt at evasion by spraying glass shards everywhere, one of which strikes Peter in the back of the head, killing him. He is saved by Suresh, who takes his body to Nathan Petrelli's home. With his entire family believing him to be dead, it falls on Claire - drawing from her own near death experience - to aid Peter in his journey back to life. She finds and removes the glass in the back of Peter's head, allowing him to recover with her gift.
Believing that he will be the one to cause the catastrophe, Peter tries to convince Claire to stay, as her ability will allow her to get close enough to stop him from exploding. The moment Peter comes in range of Ted at a fated meeting in Kirby Plaza, Peter's hands begin to glow, but Peter barely manages to rein in the newly-absorbed power. They decide to leave the city immediately and thwart the foreseen catastrophe, but Ted is captured by the FBI in the ensuing chaos. Sylar attacks the transport vehicle carrying him and steals Ted's power, killing him. Realizing that Sylar now has Ted's power, Peter assumes Sylar will become the bomb instead of him.
Peter confronts Sylar face to face back in Kirby Plaza in an attempt to stop him from killing countless people with Ted's power. Hiro intervenes in the battle, running Sylar through with a sword, but not before being blasted out of sight by Sylar's telekinesis. Peter discovers to his horror that his own lack of control over Ted's ability makes himself the one who will explode, causing the catastrophe. With Claire mysteriously absent and no one left to turn to, Peter's worse nightmare comes true, and in a single moment he ends the lives of countless citizens of New York city in one brilliant blast of atomic fire…
Cowardice was always something that had been at the core of Peter Petrelli. Cowardice was a part of his youth when he realized that he could not protect everyone that he wanted to. Then, when he was presented with the greatest gift ever given to mankind, he only proved that his weakness prevented him from being able to protect anyone again. Just like when he was a child, when he realized he couldn't stop the bullies, when he couldn't save his friends, Peter withdrew into himself. He did what he does best when backed into a corner, Peter Petrelli ran, and he ran far.
Dropping off the face of the earth is normally a hard thing to do, but Peter excelled at that art with the ability to teleport himself across the world and remain invisible. But he didn't need super powers to remain hidden, he had to do exactly the opposite, do his best to forsake his powers entirely. He spent the first nine months after the destruction of New York City losing himself on the edge of the earth in Anchorage, Alaska. Here, Peter used his talents to secure himself a small and remote cabin in the Alaskan wilderness, far from where he could do harm to others, and where he could contemplate his own inability to help not only others, but himself. He shut himself away from the world, and refused to come face-to-face with the disaster he caused.
It wasn't until August of 2007 that the past came back to haunt Peter. Constantly troubled by nightmares of the events in Kirby Plaza, Peter was driven to finally do what he couldn't bring himself to—take his own life. Heading out into the Alaskan wilderness, Peter was willing to let nature simply take its course, and do what he couldn't do himself. But the appearance of a matured and emotionally hardened Hiro Nakamura changed everything.
Hiro had been trying to track Peter down for "years" according to his own admittance—even though it hadn't even been a year since the explosion yet. Not explaining how he found Peter, Hiro proceeded to confront him about what he was wasting, that he was turning the greatest talent he could possibly have into the greatest waste humanity could ever suffer because he couldn't get over his own grief. The confrontation soon turned violent, with Peter and Hiro attacking one another, and Hiro realizing that Peter had refused to use any of his powers in their scuffle. When Hiro finally had the upper hand, he laid his sword across Peter's throat as he pinned the prone man down to the ground, and demanded that Peter command him to take his life, claiming that if Peter was going to continue running from his past that Hiro would make certain that he had no future to look forward to.
Peter responded by throwing Hiro off of his body with telekinesis, and when the swordsman landed in the snow, he was laughing. This, to Hiro, was proof enough that there was hope for Peter Petrelli yet… and as Hiro would come to explain, hope for the future as well.
Reunited with Hiro Nakamura, Peter was brought to Japan to meet the one person Hiro felt could serve as a guide and mentor to Peter, Kaito Nakamura. In hiding from the Company and secretly working with Noah Bennet and other former members of The Company, Kaito has served as a guide and mentor to his time-spanned son in his attempts to piece together the events of the past that led up to the bomb, and hopefully change them without causing more damage. Kaito would serve the role that Claude did to Peter earlier in his life, a spiritual and physical trainer, helping Peter gain control over his powers and confidence in their use. With Kaito's uncanny ability to predict the outcome of the training sessions with Peter, the errant Petrelli brother began to find a sense of self and purpose, as Kaito drove home to Peter the importance of responsibility and duty.
For a year Hiro would train under Kaito's guidance in a remote and rural region of Japan, keeping himself isolated from the rest of the world. His meetings with Hiro would become more and more infrequent as Kaito's son found himself deeper and deeper obsessed with changing the past to correct the mistake he felt this future was. However, in meeting with Noah Benett and Hana Gitelman, Peter would come to discover that the Company has been quietly searching for him in the time following the explosion in November of 06. It was during this encounter that Peter became aware of the situation growing in New York, with the violent PARIAH group and the Linderman Act put into place. He knew what Kaito had known for some time now, that Peter was ready to return home and confront his family, and begin to make amends for what had happened…
Peter Petrelli has matured from the confidence lacking man who destroyed New York City. With the weight of countless lives baring down on his shoulders, Peter has accepted the fact of his life has been the cause of countless deaths in the world. This fact burdens him and prevents him from being truly happy, it is something that plagues his sleep and haunts his waking moments. Since the bombing, Peter has grown into a confident and strong-willed man, one who knows his place in the world and knows that he has to devote the life he has been given to atoning for the lives he took. While all of this has hardened him some, his compassion and understanding still exists behind the tough exterior he puts out, more of a self-defense measure than who he really is. Inside, the sensitive and compassionate man is tormented by his guilt, and inability to change the things he sees around him.
Having been injected with the Formula secreted back from the year 2019, Peter Petrelli has regained use of his original ability— or a variation thereof. By concentrating and coming into close physical contact with another Evolved, Peter is able to modify his genetic code to replicate their ability in himself. He may then utilize their ability as they do, however he will not have their level of proficiency with the ability innately.
While he is able to perform basic utilizations of talents, some abilities may be difficult for him to control. This is aided by his frequent use of multiple unique abilities over the years he had his Empathic Mimicry. Peter does not need to make direct skin to skin contact in order to copy an ability, he need only make physical contact. As such this ability works even if he is wearing gloves, or only touches someone on their jacket.
Replicated abilities persist for as long as Peter wishes, or until he copies another Evolved's ability. If under physical duress or surprise, he may unintentionally copy someone's ability, however he can typically control whether or not he replicates an Evolved ability while in physical proximity.
In the winter of 2010 Peter learned how to replicate two abilities simultaneously.Current Replicated Abilities |
Microwave Emission |
Peter can radiate out a fifty foot cone of microwave energy that can get hot enough to melt plastic and heat up metal surfaces. It could easily kill a human or animal within that close range in just a few short moments of boiling heat. Beyond fifty feet it takes more concentration for her to affect things; the farther away, the more it takes. This ability gets weaker as the distance increases, much like regular microwaves. Like all liquids, he can boil blood, burn flesh, and kill someone. Mostly, he emits microwaves as a cone from his hands, beginning at a narrow band and extending outward to a fifty foot length and fifty foot width. Peter possesses no finesse with its use, often sending a large beam of energy at something and affecting it that way, often causing an immediate reaction. |
Space-Time Manipulation |
Peter can teleport vast distances and freeze time, he's too terrified of becoming stranded in a time not his own to attempt to travel through history. |
Log Icons
Over the course of the time on String-Theory, Peter has accumulated almost as many log icons as he's had powers! Most of the time, these icons represent large changes in his character and personality. He's worn a lot of different masks, but which one's the real Peter at his core?
Destiny | Company Agent | Road to Ruin Future | Post-Bomb Runaway | Sylar's Ability | No Scar |
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