Rebecca Nakano

Registry of the Evolved Database

File #21 Feb 2009 04:17

Name Rebecca Nakano Aliases
Status Registered Evolved (Tier 1) Ability Post-Cognative
Gender Female Race/Eth. Japanese American
Birthdate 01 Mar 1981 10:00 Age 28
Height 5'5" Build 110 lbs
Eyes Brown Hair Black
Residence Fort Green Apt
Employment Private Investigator
Parents Ken and Doris Siblings
Marital Status Hopelessly Single Children
First Seen About Those Hands Last Seen

Rebecca Nakano is a private investigator and former NYPD Forensic Officer with a history of Refrain addiction. She is an evolved with the ability to see into the past under given conditions:

  1. She can only see the past through a reflective surface.
  2. She must be in the location of the scene she wishes to see back into the past.

She also is a very skilled investigator, finding things that most would miss and a great knack for putting together pieces of a puzzle that may otherwise seem to not have a solution.

Rebecca Nakano
portrayed by
Keiko Kitagawa


rebecca3_icon.gif Refrain
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Link to Thunder Bio
s_rebecca_icon.gif PI
Date Title Synopsis
10/28 Just Like Starting Over Unemployed and out of rehab, Rebecca has a plan.
9/28 She Knows Bella approaches Rebecca wanting to help her figure out how to deal with a life without Refrain.
9/15 The Great Escape Rebecca dreams of her next fix.
9/13 It Doesn't Feel Like Cancer Abby sneaks Deckard into Rebecca's hospital room and find that Rebecca does not have cancer.
9/11 While There's Still Something Left To Save Rebecca's parents struggle with the fact that their daughter is an addict. Elisabeth gets to meet with Rebecca.
9/9 Death or Sleep Nightmare comes to Rebecca.
9/9 Sleep or Death Rebecca detoxes. (Graphic).
9/8 Lost In Blue Elisabeth comes to look for Rebecca after she has been missing for a few days.
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