Technopathy - Overview: Skyler can instinctively understand and interact with electronic circuits of arbitrary complexity.
Computers: As a function of her Technopathy, Skyler can communicate with any computer within a 100 meter radius of her head. What happens then depends on the computer. Many computers, most computers really, are dumb. The computer in your car's antilock brakes, its engine, are designed to do what they're told. They have no security at all. Any normal function of that computer, Skyler can trigger or disable, or she can crash the computer. More sophisticated computers - desktop computers, smartphones - have operating systems with security built in. While Skyler can communicate with these machines equally easily, she then has to break into them the same way an attacker at the keyboard would. No more, no less. Once she has control of a more sophisticated computer, she can use it to connect to other computers it could reach with a normal operator, write programs, manipulate its behavior, corrupt it, steal data, crash it, and so on.
Hacking: Skyler's hacking is partly a function of her skills in this matter (she does have a degree in IT and networking) and partly a function of her innate understanding of the system itself, but it really is mostly the same process as a normal person would do from keyboard and mouse. It can take less than a minute for a Windows XP machine as it comes from the factory, to hours, days, weeks, or never for machines with extraordinary security capabilities.
Endurance: Eat when hungry, sleep when tired, hack whenever. How long can one person, unassisted by drugs, sit in front of a computer and hack before she has to stop, use the bathroom, eat, or sleep? Assuming the bathroom is within Skyler's range of the computer she's connected to, and that she has a plentiful supply of Mountain Dew, Skyler can go 16 hours or so before exhaustion makes it impossible to continue. If no-one has detected her intrusions, of course, she can resume her work where she left off after a good night's sleep (8-12 hours).
Bandwidth: Skyler's ability to funnel data into or out of her head is limited by bandwidth and size. The human brain really wasn't meant to have a high speed internet connection, so her bandwidth is limited to a T3 or so: 45 megabits a second. Medium business internet connection or really fast cable modem speeds.
Simultaneous Connections: Two at a time. One for each hemisphere of her brain. Skyler can break into machine A, and funnel data from it, across her power link, through her brain, to machine B - say, her iPhone. Connecting to two computers at the same time cuts Skyler's bandwidth in half, and /then/ divides the remaining bandwidth between the two machines, for a quarter of her total bandwith capability to each machine. Doing this for even a second gives her a headache, and after an hour that headache becomes a crippling migrane that forces her to stop using her abilities and sit in a dark room taking pain medication for 24 hours.
Data Storage: Skyler can store about 32gb of data in her head. Not surprisingly, this is about the same amount of data that fits on her iPhone. She can't store raw data in her head indefinitely, however, as the brain really prefers to remember things in other ways, so the data begins to be corrupted in 15 seconds, and is worthless except as what she remembers in a more normal sense within half an hour. Skyler normally uses her brain only to buffer downloads before disconnecting from the other machine and sending the data onto her phone.
Naked on the Net: Skyler can communicate with any electronic circuit. This means she can, in theory, reach out to a network jack in the wall, and connect her brain to it. It does work. But not very well. Sorting out all the communication layers in an ordinary network connection is a lot of work to do with your brain, so Skyler can get maybe, if she works at it, a T1's bandwidth (1.544mb/sec) and she can't do it for more than a few minutes (less than 5) before she looses concentration and drops the connection.
Making up Data: Skyler can create data out of her imagination. If she is naked on the net, it's pitifully difficult, as she has to do all the translation into binary in her head as well. She can pull this off putting voices into telephones, but that's about as far as she can go unassisted. Given a computer to help, what she imagines can be on your screen, in your headphones, controlling your robot, right now.
Der Blinkenlights: Some evolved get a cool glow in their eyes when they use their abilities. Sky's tend to flicker more, rather like that link light on your ethernet board. The flickering increases proportionally to the amount of data Sky is sending back and forth.
Use a Condom: Skyler's brain does not run software at all, and is therefore immune to computer viruses. However, if she should happen to copy data from an infected computer, she can infect another computer easily enough. Conceivably, she could do this deliberately, too. Practice safe computing.