Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker

Registry of the Non-Evolved Database

File #06 Feb 2009 04:22

Name Gilbert Tucker Aliases Tuck
Status Unregistered Non-Evolved
Gender Male Race/Eth.
Birthdate Dec 12, 1971 Age 38
Height 5'8" Build Muscular
Eyes Brown Hair Brown
Residence Speakeasy Hotel and Casino
Employment Speakeasy Hotel and Casino (Owner/operator)
Parents Siblings
Marital Status Single Children Rocket Tucker
First Seen A Dime a Dozen Last Seen
Profile Gilbert Tucker is a fence and a pawnie with connections to the Russian Mob. He runs the Speakeasy Hotel and Casino in the Red Hook neighborhood.
Gilbert "Tuck" Tucker
portrayed by
Robert Downey Jr.

"I stay out of the way, stay out of trouble. I go to ground if things get bad. I get quieter, sneakier or more legit if the Feds come around. Do you how many changes of the guard I've seen on this island? A lot. And I'm still here."



Firearms - Tuck's a good shot and familiar with most forms of small arms. He's also able to repair them to a certain extent and is familar with many different types.

Appraisal - He wouldn't be much of a fence if he didn't know what things were worth. Years in the 'industry' means he knows how to undercut the value of an item and still make selling worthwhile. Although not a specialist in any one kind of thing (jewelry, arms, etc…) he knows enough to tell the fakes from the real thing.

Street Smarts - He knows who not to piss off and whose ass to kiss. For the better part of his life, he's dealt with lowlifes and crime bosses. He knows drugs, he knows guns, he knows how things work. He's a survivor. Like a cockroach.

Pool Shark - A wasted youth and a love of gambling means he's a hotshot with a pool cue.

Street Fighting - Tuck knows how to throw a punch, take one and how to hold his own in a brawl. He's actually pretty damn tough and knows how to predict which way an enemy might move.

Connections - Even though the crime dynasty Tuck was connected to went down in flames, there's still remnants of support and friendship for the Gorsky family scattered throughout the city. Aside from normal criminal connections, he has a few favours up his sleeve he could pull out in a pinch.

Art - Although he's convinced himself it's highly impractical and will never get him anywhere, Tuck nevertheless has a love of art. He enjoys painting, but will rarely show his canvasses to anyone. He feels embarrassed that he even does it, despite the fact that his work is actually fairly good. He also works at small sculptures on occasion, but these stay hidden as well.


Memorable Quotes:

  • "You'd go by 'Tuck' too if your first name was Gilbert."
  • "I stay out of the way, stay out of trouble. I go to ground if things get bad. I get quieter, sneakier or more legit if the Feds come around. Do you how many changes of the guard I've seen on this island? A lot. And I'm still here."


Trivia and Notes:

  • Sample.
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