Viviane Spollini

Registry of the Evolved Database

File #02 Oct 2009 19:31

Name Viviane Leigh Spollini Aliases
Status Unregistered Evolved Ability Illusions
Gender Female Race/Eth. Italian American
Birthdate December 18th Age 32
Height 5'8 Build Curvy
Eyes Brown Hair Brown
Residence Manhattan
Employment New York City Council
Parents Carmen and Marie Spollini Siblings 4, unnamed
Marital Status Single Children None
First Seen Last Seen
Profile Viviane is a very simple person who acts in a very complicated way. Anything that can get her more power and more control, she'll do anything to gain it. She has no issue with lying, cheating, stealing. If she could take over the world, she would and is fine with stepping on people to get there. She thinks a lot bigger than her mafia connections, wanting to establish some legitimacy to herself in the political field by speaking out against Evolved and buying up property in NYC. She currently works as a councilmember representing the 46th district in Brooklyn. She's a Republican.
Viviane Spollini
portrayed by

Caterina Murino
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