Taylor Lucius Reed was born in March of 2002, just a few years before the bombing of NY. While his father, Markus and his mother, Sarah, lived in Nebraska, the bombing created many jobs for constuction workers so his father packed them up and moved them to the city.
By the age of 15, Taylor tested positive and was registered as an Evolved. However, there was already a suspected evolved ability and as earlier as a couple years prior, Taylor began to show the knack for controling anything electronic. From changing the channel from across the room without a remote, to resetting a clock without touching it, just little things like that.
As his ability began to grow. he found he could to a great number of incredible things with his gift, allowing him to interact with different forms of electronics. However, one night his home had a break in and he heard the gunshot that woke him out of his sleep. The second gunshot and he was out of his bed. He picked up his laptop from his desk, intending to use it as a weapon if he needed to.
It was not the wisest of ideas as he interrupts the burglary in process. He is shot for his trouble as he falls, along with the laptop. In what appeared to be his final moments, he reaches over and places his hand on the laptop and somehow manages to download himself into the computer, which ended up becoming part of the loot. The transmission from his human host to the computer was something unexpected. It was almost as if he were looking for a way to survive and found an escape. He could almost feel himself leaving his human host in the form on packets as he access the wireless connection on the laptop.
He was able to remain undetected by the firewall and anti-virus software on the system, as he piggybacked the signal. What he didn't know that in doing so, he was leaving behind all hopes of being human. As the criminals made a getaway from the place, leaving Taylor's parents dead, along with his former body, Taylor was able to transmit himself from the laptop to OnStar system of the car, allowing him access to all electronic capabilities of the car. He caused a malfunction in the electronics that crashed the vehicle, killing both of the crooks, before he transmitted himself back to the computer, which ended up in an evidence locker.
Taylor was able to make an internet connection via Wi-Fi and transmit himself onto the internet, escaping his prison of the laptop. He set out angry and being denied his physical body and began to cause electronic chaos throughout the city. With so many routes to take, he had trouble at first navigating the innerworkings of the system, but with almost everything connected through some sort of network, Reed was able to circumvent most security blocks put in his paths. He was not an automated piece of equipment programmed to do certain things. He was a living being trapped like a ghost in the machine. He was able to view humanity through traffic and security cameras, envious of those still able to live like normal people, while he was stuck inside the net and his family was dead. Money was disappearing from banks with no accounting for where it may have gone. Traffic lights went haywire causing accidents and other forms of electronic mayhem. With all other techopaths accounted for, and someone put together the pieces it was finally determined that Taylor was not deceased but alive and loose on the internet.
His exploits put him high up on the Most Wanted list, as they sought out the formost experts on the subject of computers and wireless. Taylor's capability was not limited to computers and the Internet, but cellular communication as well. His ability to piggy back on wireless streams as they bounce from unit to unit, was key to his staying far away from possible capture. Once inside a system, he was able to manipulate any data in his path, to include passwords. This gave him the sense that he was above everyone else. His self confidence rose to the point of narcisism and he considered himself an ultimately supreme power on the Earth. He could travel to anywhere in the world, though he primariliy focused on NY, where he was familiar with the surroundings. His knack for avoiding any sort of capture, pumped him up and for the longest time he thought he was unstoppable. No one was going to stop him.
Taylor was finally captured, in a wise sting manuever that trapped him inside of a television through it's wireless connection. They baited him with the announcement of a new Digital Data Stream that would be used for broadcast television and would reinvent cable television, allowing them to be completely cable free for the first time in 50 years. The urge to sabotage this launch was too great a temptation and as Taylor made his way inside the prototype television, that wireless connection was broken, trapping him inside. He was placed into custody, and taken out to Moab, far from any other wireless connectivity.
Spending some time in 2009, Reed assisted the time travelers in their quest to change the future, until it no longer served his purpose. Selfishly, he took over Mallory Allistair's body so he could take it for a joyride before it was forcefully taken from him. Then he met Wade Quinn.
While Wade's history may not be important in the grand scheme of things, it's important to note that Reed has taken over Wade's life, so there is probably some history that needs to be addressed.
Wade Fintinious Quinn was born to a well-to-do parents, and sent to an ivy league school. He decided against going into the family tradition of being lawyers, and opted for the more creative form of executive, advertising. He found he had a knack for coming up with slogans and jingles on the fly and felt that was his strong suit. And overall, he enjoyed it.
He recently discovered his ability to manipulate computers, though he had barely only begun to scratch the surface of his ability. He couldn't help but start to brag online about it on pro-evolved message boards, which is how Reed tracked him down. He was manipulated by Reed into entering the computer and Reed took over the body, leaving Wade inside — and Reed killed him by shutting off the computer, clearing the RAM and wiping Wade out as simply as that.