The Inner Sanctum; The closest to Winters. Not to say that these know all his secrets, but they are in a place where he wishes there was no secrets. These are the ones he would do anything to protect and keep.
Veronica Sawyer
His attraction to her was immediate, at least physically, it was. Though after getting to know her a little bit, Winters realized he was being paired with a beautiful ice queen. (Something The Company seems to have plenty of.) She was fairly harsh on him in the beginning, though every now and then she would allow him to see her soft side. Living together they naturally grew closer, even though she attempted to keep him at arms length. His attraction for her steadily grew into something more than physical. After standing by her side and saving her life a few times,(as well as a drunken night or two) she finally let him in.And then Goodman ruined everything and told Brian the Company killed his parents.
Freaking out, Winters sprinted from everything Company, including Veronica. Hiding out he had plenty of time to sort through his feelings whilst watching her go about her daily activities from afar.He had nothing else to do. Eventually he came to the conclusion that he loved her, and eventually came crawling on hands and knees begging her forgiveness for his abandonment. She eventually forgave him, but informed him she would not be leaving the Company anytime soon. So they have been dating, sleeping together, and living together at some points, while both being in two polar organizations. He does love her, and all his future plans have her heavily involved. He is very happy being with her.
Gillian Winters
Her name given to her by her foster parents was Gillian Childs. He has a sneaking suspicion her original name is Stephanie Winters. But she's Gillian Winters now, or Gillian Childs, whatever she chooses. They are blood related, brother and sister by birth. Brian was informed that she was murdered at birth, though it's been proven that she is his sister in fact. Somehow she survived, and was taken in by another family, and given a different name. Finally after a lifetime of separation she stumbled on him in a dark alley while he was drunk. She knew the other him, Brian Fulk. Though he was never aware of his being adopted, or him being related to Gillian.
They were both tested on as babies, given artificial abilities. She got power augmentation while he got replication. But she also got her powers switched around and ended up with the ability to copy other abilities. Not fair. Even though they haven't known each other for too long, he knows she's important. He loves her, and she needs his protection. Even if she acts tough. She's his little sister, even though she thinks she's the older one. He has her back, and will give anything for her.
Joseph 'JoJo' Webb
A little boy who was in the care of Fulk. Apparently Joe was Fulk's main ward. The kid that followed him everywhere, did everything with him. The boy had no other family than Brian, and grew increasingly attatched to the man. When Brian was killed, Joe was the first one to notice something off with Winters.
After long talks, diagrams, and promises made, Joe started taking a liking to the new Brian. Not fully understanding the dynamic of his power, but knowing that the new Brian means well, even if he does some things that old Brian definitely would not have done. In Joe's time away from Fulk he became a bit more of a shepherd over the rest of the kids. And in this new relationship, both Joe and Brian watch over each other in their own way.
Those that serve purposes. They may be friends, they may not. But in the end, they are tools.
Adam Monroe
Proving to Brian that experience isn't always good, Adam is one of Brian's many employers. Old as old can be, he has gathered up a wealth over his many lifetimes and uses it to become a mob boss. He seems to have no value over any human life, and is only attracted to power and strength. And boobies. He does nothing unless it can somehow help him.
He chased Brian in a hospital and tried to tranq then kill him, for reasons Brian is still unaware of. This was all in the middle of a hostage situation. Getting Adam's face plastered all over the news. His intellect obviously does not match his wealth. But that's okay with Winters for now.
Bao-Wei Cong
Bao-Wei is another one of Winters' employers. Winters first met him when he was still under the employ of the Company. His self importance irks Brian but is tolerated for the purposes of his money. Bao Wei dished out his first big assignment. Which was to get information about FRONTLINE.
He is one of the higher ups in the Flying Dragons. And probably bears a great resentment for Brian, due to the fact that Brian killed the former leader of the Flying Dragons. Chang Ye. Brian does not miss the fact that Bao-Wei might have some sort of impending doom for him planned. But for now, he will do his jobs and take the money given.
Len Denton
The guy running basic agent operations in the Company. He talked to Brian after his capture. And knew he couldn't mind wipe or kill him or keep him locked up, there would be consequences for that. So the two cut a deal. Brian would get some help for operations if he gave information to the Company. And he was assigned a Company liaison.
His own secret girlfriend. Although Brian was first very upset with Len he has found that this man has given him a huge gift, an excuse to be around his girlfriend all the time.
Richard Cardinal
A man that for some reason, Brian trusts. Cardinal knows Brian's secret, that he is not who he claims to be always. Brian believes the secret is safe with him, either because he is trustworthy, or just doesn't care enough to ruin Brian's facade. Cardinal is a former thief who now deals as an information broker. They treat each other as if they were in a loose partnership, though nothing official has been established. They gain information, and tell each other. Brian can be most free with his secrets around Cardinal, mostly because they are like minded in ignoring the morality issues with the work they are trying to accomplish. The means justifies the end.
An issue which Fulk had difficulty grasping. Winters however has embraced it fully. He works closely with Cardinal and informs him of most of his operations. They also help each other when jobs need to be done. A friendship, albeit a loose one.
Those moved on. Irrelevant in present circumstances yet have a lasting effect on Winters, even though they are no longer around
Roger Goodman
The man who changed his life. The puppet master who tried to design everything for a grand scheme. He had Winters trained and drilled to perfection, turned him into an Agent, then set him free. Only to later return to him to ask him to betray the Company and fight alongside him. He is the man who first told him his real parents were killed in a car accident, then told him later his real parents were killed in a not accident along with his twin sister. Winters doesn't know what has become of the man, nor does he care much. The man was just an instrument of confusion, and Winters is better off without him. Though sometimes it's tough to figure out the truth for yourself when you don't know where to start. Brian eventually may be kicking himself for not latching onto Goodman and pumping him for every bit of information he has on his parents. But for now… Who gives a fuck.
Eric Thompson
The agent that initially took Winters under his wing. Taught Brian a lot of things. Brian tried hard and excelled to impress the man to increase his favor in his eyes. If anyone were to look at Winters existence as a birth since his mindwipe and new life, Thompson would be the father.
That was until Winters found out his real parents were killed by the Company and could have been killed by Thompson himself. Now Brian does his best not to think of the man. Hopefully, he'll never see him again. If he does, who knows what will happen.
Chang Ye
The former leader of the Flying Dragons of the Triads. Son of Song Ye and Liu Ye. Associate of Bao-Wei. He was a very powerful man until he got mixed up with Tyler Case. He took Veronica, Katherine, and some cops hostage had power over everything. Until, Brian walked in, shot him and all his thugs.
The man was a stepping stone, to bigger and greater things. Brian's first glimpse of real ambition. Brian never knew Chang but finds that he owes this man much. Just for being killed.
Kameron Jackson
A name that is haunting him. Everyone tells him how much he loved Kameron. The blind girl who worked at the Lighthouse. He hears her name often. And she compels him for some reason. Why was Fulk so drawn to her? She is someone who has him staring at blue syringes for lengths of time, pondering if he should use them to remember her. So far he only has her name and a description of her.
She apparently was very kind, and sweet. And for some reason was Fulk's old girlfriend. Or something like it.
Isabelle Ashford
A ghost of a memory. She came across his mind in glimpses of memories, flashes of his old life before he was mind-wiped. And then she came across much more strongly when Winters used refrain. Apparently the two were intimate. A vixen that wandered around his mind, Winters eventually made a connection. The beautiful woman on his lap in his memories is named Isabelle Ashford.
A woman who's death he had heard about earlier. Making the connection makes him a bit sad. Which confuses him to no end. Was he really attached to her?
People he has no qualms being around at the moment. He may get along with them, have a little affection for them, or not mind their company.
Peyton Whitney
He saw her several times before he actually met her. Peyton Whitney, seen on TMZ or other obscure entertainment thingies, he didn't really follow until he went to see her at the hospital. Every time she was seen by him, she was falling down or in some other unfortunate circumstance. So when Brian went to actually see her, something bad happened. Adam Monroe in a surge of newfound idiocy chased Brian and Peyton into a supply closet. With some luck and quick thinking Brian was able to get Peyton the hell out, while her ability was being used fully.
She can see through others eyes,
which makes her a great asset. Though Brian had tried to train her and she ran away. Lately he doesn't know what has become of her. He has idle hopes that she's okay out there somewhere.
Maya Hererra
Maya Hererra. Oh, Maya. A very emotional woman who can inadvertently kill when she does get emotional. Tricky. She was very resistant of Brian's methods at first. He offered to help her try and find her brother as well as help her control her ability. After an attempt ending with Maya killing one of Brian in the woods, Maya seemed very distraught.
A beautiful woman, it saddens Brian that she's so miserable. He'll try and help her again, should she allow it.
Bebe Dahl
Introduced to him by Cardinal, she is a very cute and innocent seeming girl by the look of it. They get along well and Bebe has even offered to allow Brian to use her yacht to sleep in as well as occasionally ferry the Lighthouse kids back and forth from Staten should they need it. She is cute and sweet and seems to like Brian's company for some reason, so he allows himself to unwind around her from time to time.
Kaylee Ann Thatcher
A member of Adam's group. She doesn't seem to know about Adam's history, though Adam looks on her as something like a daughter. She is an attractive girl, and makes attachments easily. She is a excellent door for Brian to step into to get closer to Adam's group. Though to do so Brian allows himself to indulge in base physical attractions.
She is also a telepath, not experienced enough to surpass Brian's defenses, though she possibly could be in the future. He lets her read his thoughts every now and then, though as he has told her, everything she hears he lets her have.
Abigail Beauchamp
The first one to figure out that he was not actually Brian Fulk as Phoenix and all his old connections knew him. Apparently Abby and Brian were very close before he died, Abby being one of the people who knew him the best. She threatened to out him to everyone, or just bury him. After some convincing and some vicious playing on her emotions Brian was able to win Abby over. Since she has been a major part of Winters tricking everyone else.
Knowing all Brian's former relationships well, she has instructed him on how to act around all the other people. She is kind if a little dense and brash, and hasty. Brian figures that she'll probably get people killed if she hasn't already in the circles they run in. And apparently she almost got him killed a few times. To Winters' chagrin, he apparently bought her an engagement ring in his 'former' life for a 'cover story'. Humm.
Elle Bishop
Sadistically sweet, the rumors Brian has heard from her are more telling than his actual interactions. While he was locked up at Fort Hero, Elle visited him the most, bringing him food and small electric jolts to help the time pass. Believing she has been quite consistently fucked up by the Company with her long history there, Brian feels some sort of sympathy there. What with the Company significantly fucking him up as well. So he has opened up to her a little quickly than he normally would. He's interested in her, and wouldn't protest to having her around more, even if the reasons to why allude him.