MANHATTAN - City Councilmember Frank Marchant has been arrested and charged with second degree murder in the shooting death of his wife, Carlotta Marchant. Police responded to a call from neighbors at shortly after 1 AM Saturday morning. When they arrived on the scene, they discovered Mrs Marchant dead with three bullet wounds in her chest. Former Newark police chief Marchant's registered 9mm was found nearby with three bullets discharged. There was no evidence of break and enter and the building's security system and hall cameras showed no other persons entering or leaving the Marchant's floor.
District Attorney Aldon Franco says that the motivation for his wife's shooting may have been that he discovered that his wife was Evolved. "Mister Marchant has a history for pushing for extreme measures to control the Evolved. He has even been lambasted in the press for comments that sound like racial slurs except for 'Evolved' in the place of other minorities. We have reason to believe that Mrs. Marchant herself was Evolved and that the discovery is what prompted her murder."
The attorny for Mr. Marchant has stated that his client claims that he was under the influence of an Evolved person when he shot his wife. However, at the time of printing there was no evidence to support his claims. His building is secure and although the DA hasn't released what they believe to be Mrs. Marchant's power was, it is not believed to be dangerous in any way. All he would say that if Carlotta had been registered, she would have been a Tier 0.
Mr. Marchant is currently in custody and is awaiting his bail hearing.