Owner Gideon d'Sarthe
Employees Marie d'Sarthe
Hours of Operation 10am - Curfew
Current Status Open for Business
People Come Here For… Dining, Drinks, Parties

The original property in being turned into d'Sarthe's has not changed much from its Tavern days. New interior and new decor, for the most part, has taken over, while the outside has been spruced up heavily so. Around the far back perimeter is a new fence, a tall and sturdy arbor that does well with the trees in hiding the skeletal view of midtown in the distance. This fence surrounds new, colorful gardens, which include a well-stocked koi pond that seems to be perpetually layered in lovely green lily pads.

On the inside of the building, the restaurant is home to several different large dining rooms and a few respective bar areas. The dining rooms have variant menus, and so there is always something for someone; from fine French dining to a more homegrown menu in one of the smaller parts of the building. The finer areas are finely colored and detailed in a practical way; intricacy is counted more than worth, and so it gives a visible show of being more complex than it had cost. Some are more opulent, such as the private dining rooms decked in their Sunday Best. Even the less dressed dining rooms are very easy on the eyes, however, most of the rooms also being offset by large windows to views of the outside, to the park and to the span of gardens and large pond, and the tall, vine covered arbor.

D'Sarthe's has a peaceful flow to it, and a very natural feel, especially to how it is laid out and to how the facility has been remodeled since its yonder years. There are no inner public rooms where it feels as if you are not going to be welcome, or otherwise unwanted. It feels exactly how a restaurant should feel; comfortable, not stuffy- as if you simply belong there.

Major IC Events


  • The Tavern is always open for casual dinner and drinks, and has a full service bar.
  • Yes, you can host your parties or dinners here! d'Sarthe's, like many places, is fully capable of renting out dining rooms and the gardens for private engagements. No need to page for permission, just mind the property and other guests.
  • There are some times when the restaurant hosts live entertainment; if your band or act or what have you is looking for a new venue, feel free to ask!


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