Dialogue Formats, Etc.

Reference list for various dialogue formatting used in logs.
See also: Text Colors

Radio Chatter


<<//This is someone talking over a radio.//>>

Looks like this:

«This is someone talking over a radio.»

Languages Other Than English


"<<This person is speaking a non-English language, but we're reading it in English.>>"

Looks like this:

"«This person is speaking a non-English language, but we're reading it in English.»"

Languages Other Than English, Translated with Footnotes


"//Esta persona está hablando en un idioma que no es inglés.//"[[footnote]]"This person is speaking in a language other than English."[[/footnote]]

Looks like:

"Esta persona está hablando en un idioma que no es inglés."1



",,I really need to whisper because this is a situation that calls for quiet.,, Oh my gosh hiiiii! Now I'm talking at a normal volume again!"

Looks like this:

"I really need to whisper because this is a situation that calls for quiet. Oh my gosh hiiiii! Now I'm talking at a normal volume again!"

Text Messages


> **Sender Name or Number**
> ,,{{Thu, Mar 11, at 3:33 pm}},,
> Hey this is a text message. Hope you're doin' ok!

Looks like this:

Sender Name or Number
Thu, Mar 11, at 3:33 pm
Hey this is a text message. Hope you're doin' ok!

Think there's something missing? Let Hudson know and she'll add it!

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