If you would like to submit a drabble (a short work of game-related fiction exactly 100 words), please @mail Queens with your submission, the title, the name you would like it to appear under and which category you feel it belongs best in.
Challenge Drabble for October 2018's the topic is Books.
316 String Theory drabbles written — and counting.
Abilities (9)
Animals (15)
Challenge: Books (10)
Character Study (101)
Family (43)
Life and Death (19)
Love and Relationships (108)
Miscellaneous (4)
New York City (6)
The Resistance (14)
Abby (19)
Adel (2)
Anonymous (14)
Asi (1)
Astor (1)
Audrey (2)
Aviators (1)
Barbara (1)
Bao-Wei (3)
Bella (3)
Benji (3)
Bolivar (1)
Cardinal (2)
Calvin (3)
Cash (1)
Claire (2)
Colette (4)
Cooper (2)
Corbin (3)
Dajan (1)
Danko (2)
Daphne (4)
Deckard (6)
Delia (2)
Delilah (21)
Eileen (15)
Elisabeth (2)
Emily (1)
Evan (1)
Faye (1)
Francois (7)
Gabriel (3)
Gillian (12)
Hannah (2)
Helena (6)
Howard (2)
Huruma (9)
Ingrid (2)
Iris (1)
Jane (1)
Jenny (1)
JJ (2)
Jonathan (1)
Joseph (3)
Joshua (2)
Judah (2)
Kaitlyn (1)
Kaylee (21)
Kincaid (2)
Lancaster (1)
Lene (2)
Lexington (1)
Logan (4)
Lynette (3)
Magnes (1)
McRae (1)
Melissa (32)
Meredith (1)
Monica (1)
Murdoch (1)
Nadira (1)
Nick (1)
Nicole (1)
Nora (3)
Odessa (4)
Pandora (2)
Peyton (3)
Quinn (1)
Raith (3)
Robyn (1)
Roderick (2)
Ruiz (2)
Ryans (9)
Sable (2)
Stef (1)
Sylar (1)
Tasha (3)
Tavisha (1)
Teo (8)
Tess (1)
Veronica (2)
Walter (2)
Early Draft
by Francois
As fast as a blink, this latest petty disagreement is ended, because Francois impatiently steals the few pages of manuscript out of Teo's hand and leaves a thin red line scored between thumb and forefinger.
They both curse about it in staggered order. Francois is very sorry, mumbling apology against Teo's hand, which he'd gathered to himself immediately. Typed sheets on the ground, now.
They don't talk about it. Little healing kisses turn to teeth nipping the ends of fingers, knees pushed aside for kneeling.
In the final draft, Teo notes that the troublesome paragraph in question has been cut.
Early Blight
by Teo
The first year, Teo sucks at farming. He rants about quitting. Francois takes no pleasure in his husband's frustration, but he just— doesn't share Teo's despair.
Then Spring turns over. When Francois drives in, Teo comes out running. He shouts: "Wanna see something amazing?"
He does.
It's a baby goat, newborn. White legs, black eyepatch. Hooves that go, badok!
Afterward, Teo's so playful. He climbs Francois' back with kisses, slow, sucking on each harder than the last. He lifts Francois' hair to place the final one; it tickles. Francois has to wonder how much of this joy is for him.
Every Night
by Kaylee
Every night that she is home, it’s the same.
Night, Mom.
“Night, Emmy”
Every night, she’s never really thought about it.
“Night Kaylee.”
“Night, baby.”
Every night wasn’t like tonight.
“Night, mommy.”
“Night, sweetie.”
Every night she’s done what had been expected of her, but then it all changed. Tonight felt different.
She still loved them so much, but…
Standing in the doorway of her room, with tears of guilt and pain in her eyes, looking at the man she’s loved for almost a decade, she utters the words she never thought she’d ever say:
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Eight To Five Friendship
by Asi
"«I called you as a friend.»"
"«Asi, I don't know what you want me to do.»"
"«Keep track of what I've told you, on paper how you do. If something … happens, bring the information to light then. They'll undoubtedly escape, but at least they'll be outed.»"
"«As a friend, I'd rather do something before it gets that dangerous.»"
"«Gen-chan, who is that?»" It's a groggy, female voice in the background. Asi stills, waiting for his response to it.
"… 行かなきゃ,テツヤマくん."
She looks off, out the window. "«Go, then.»"
Friendship was more of an 8 to 5 gig with Genki, anyway.
Glass Heart
by Huruma
"One more, pretty please?" Pippa turns a page in the book of folktales Huruma has between them. Bundled under blankets, her mouth widens with a peeping yawn.
"You should be sleeping, malalany…" Huruma gently guides the book away.
"Huruma?" Blue eyes peek past the quilt that the dark woman has started tucking in, hands going to the heavy cat that flops in beside.
"I love you. Goodnight."
Simple words, gripping her like nothing else. A shimmer moves to shadowed eyes, and she leans in to place a kiss to blonde curls, caught in a smile.
"I love you too."