Scene Title | Earth Pussy |
Synopsis | Four criminals and one lost, hott, damsel in distress celebrity on Staten Island. |
Date | August 7, 2010 |
Anarchy Customs: Garage
This three story building is constructed from old, cracked concrete and cinder blocks, the naturally gray hue is long since caked with the common signs of neglect and vagrancy, filth and graffiti, common on the island. The graffiti here, however, seems notably fresh.
The entrances to the buildings are too wide, large bay garage doors. The words 'Anarchy Customs' are painted in chaotic letters on each. Just inside a large garage is home to various motorcycles and parts in different states of dismantling, repair, reconstruction, or destruction. The walls are cluttered with various tools, mobbed further with stolen street signs and more untamable, fresh graffiti. The smell of oil clings to the air as eagerly as the grease stains spattered on the concrete floor.
Across from the large, bay garage doors, a single black-iron, spiraling staircase is set beside the opposite wall, corking up to the floor overhead.
Noon. She's actually friggin' up before noon.
Devi shakes her head at the thought, making the lit cigarette bobble between her lips. The garage is scattered with half-built, half-disassembled projects. The only one masterpiece that seems to be complete at this time is a huge, goddamn, mechanical spider-o-death that is draped in a tarp with a half-assed effort to conceal it.
The Biker Bitch herself is wearing a white beater that shows an orange and pink, plaid bra beneath, stained with grease as are her torn skinny jeans. She shuffles her boots as she looks at the contraption on the bench before her. IS THAT AN ARM? She's tinkering with a damn arm!
What a day. She was just passing through Staten Island to look at the neighborhoods, evaluate which ones need the most work done on them for her charity project, driving around on her spiffy new Vespa that her parents got for her in celebration of her new status. Nadia Ba'albaki, the face of Registration, really doesn't feel too comfortable in this area, despite the blanket of security that her ability provides.
Then, she had to go and run over a nail. A flat tire is no fun with a Vespa GTS 300, and she nearly fell off of it.
It is with a miserable expression on her face that Nadia, clad in a pair of grey shorts, a pair of killer Jimmy Choo heels, and a white shirt with half-sleeves and a fairly low cut v-neck, pushes her Vespa up to the door of Anarchy Customs, praying they have the means to repair her tire. "Hello?" This is called out as she pushes the scooter through the door, running a hand through her hair.
Devi can hear the familiar sound of a blue 1963 Ford Econoline van, familiar because the only perosn likely still driving one is Amadeus Deckard. He stops right behind Nadia, stepping out of the driver's side as he motions for Toru in the back. He has an obviously melted passenger seat, which looks like someone took a heat ray to it. "Devi!" he calls out rather indignantly as he walks up to the entrance. "It's Amadeus, I'm out of jail, I owe you money but I still want you to fix my van!" he adds with his hands at his mouth like a makeshift megaphone. "Toto, get out here!"
'Toto', as nobody currently living prefers to be called, is in the back of the van. Resting on the mattress back there, really, given that it's the most comfortable surface in there. Once they finally arrive at their destination, he grumbles and tears the side door open, running a hand through his hair. "God dammit Mad, I fuckin' told you like eighty times to stop calling me that." He pulls the door closed behind himself, thrusts thumbs into belt loops, looks around. Eyes are hidden behind generic sunglasses, pants are black and skinny, shirt is blue and loose. Overall: badass. Totally. "What the fuck we even doin' here, mang? Nobody you gotta debt to is gonna fix your damn van, it's fine how it is."
The tattoo diva looks up at the first inclination of a visitor, only to have her shoulders slump as she finds herself disturb not just by one, but several individuals. "Fuck my life," she mumbles, plucking up a rag to grind away at each finger in a failing attempt to wipe away some of the grease smears.
Devi looks to Nadia and the gimping Vespa first. She lofts a brow. "Nice ride," she offers with a devious, tilted grin. She walks a slow loop around Nadia, glancing once towards sound of Amadeus's calling, before looking back to the little damsel in distress. She leans in over the girl's shoulder as she walks around behind her. "You lost, Dollface?" She asks with feigned concern, before suddenly whipping around and grunting at the open bay door.
She stiffens, her shoulder hunched up with an expression as if someone had dragged their nails over a nearby chalkboard, as Amadeus comes into view. She tips her head back, glaring at the ceiling as if damning some unseen god overhead. "How the fuck did you survive jail?" she grumbles, her alto tones gravelly with her neck still stretched to tip back her head. Finally, she sighs and looks to the group of unexpected, unwelcome visitors as a whole.
Oh, there's more people coming! Someone who…just got out of jail! And a little Asian boy who is cursing! And a really creepy van. Nadia frowns back at the pair that come from the van, her brows raising.
She really does look lost. And horribly out of place, with those designer clothes she wears.
Luckily, she recognizes Amadeus. A small, if somewhat nervous wave is offered to the Deckard boy. At least there's one familiar face here.
But then, Devi is circling around here, and Nadia tenses a little, her brows raised even as she pushes those sunglasses up on her head. "N— no, I'm not lost. I was here doing a little bit of work, and I think I ran over a nail."
She frowns at the Vespa. It is a nice ride. She can even ride it on the highway! Not that she gives voice to these protests in front of Devi. She's content with just frowning.
"An old chick I shacked up with is here. She'll fix it." Amadeus heads over to Devi with a grin, eyeing the Vespa for a moment. "Fuckin' French motorcycle." he says with a shake of his head, then reaches into his pocket and holds out five hundred dollars. "I need you to fix that melted seat in my van. I survived prison 'cause it ain't like I went to maximum security. I got busted for possession." He waves the money a few times, and motions for Toru with his other hand. "If you're over the whole debt thing, maybe we can shack up again."
Toru looks over to Nadia, lifting the shades up to look her over more thoroughly, lets them drop to his nose again. He tilts his head at Amadeus, raises an eyebrow. "Damn, son, you got a way with the ladies." Brief sort of nod is given to Devi, hand raised in a vague, disinterested kind of greeting. Yo. I'm not with this guy. Finally, his attention is brought back to Nadia; he kind of sidles over her way, though his attention is really more on the Vespa than on the lady, but he finally does look back to Nadia once more. Gives her another look-over, and he's not really trying to hide how sleazy he's being about it. Ultimately, "Are you supposed to be somethin', or somethin'?"
Devi glances to the Vespa, its keeper, and back again. "Workin' 'ey? I wouldn't be ho-ing it out in this neighborhood, Sweets." She tisks and shakes her head. "Dunno what you'll catch, ya dig? But, I do hate to see anything so gimpy…" she mumbles almost thoughtfully, looking over to the flat tire. "I'll help ya, but you let me know when you want a real ride, 'kay, Dollface?" The biker waggles her brows, turning her gaze down the length of Nadia's form.
Only then does she turn her attentions back to Thing 1 and Thing 2. Devi's dark gaze hones in on the fan of money. She can be bought, in some ways. She reaches out and pinches the corner of the bills as if they are infected with Amadeus's lecherous nature. "Shackin' up?" She wrinkles her nose. "You can crash on the couch…" she voices aloud, as if to assure the 'crowd' that shacking up doesn't include any friendly bumping and grinding. She pulls the bills from Amadeus's hand at that point, leafing through the funds. "But, as long as you're around…" She grins and looks up as she folds the bills and stuff them down between her boobage. "Suppose I could use your help. Business is better than usual."
She flashes a conspiratorial grin in Amadeus's direction before stepping away. "Hundred bucks," she coos towards Nadia as she struts away, moving over to a mound of tires and beginning to riffle through them, stray wheels of rubber bouncing and rolling away across the garage, a few even making a run for the bay door.
A brow is raised toward Amadeus, Nadia frowning and shaking her head. "Uh…no. I'm Moroccan. You might have me confused with someone else." She shakes her head slowly, turning to peer down at her 'french motorcycle' for a moment. Her thought process is interrupted by Toru, who is given a mildly confused look. "Um. Pardon me? I don't quite understand what you're asking…" At least nobody seems to really recognize her.
She is so out of her element here.
Then, she turns, peering at Devi with raised eyebrows. "Oh, no, it's nothing like that!" She shakes her head quickly. "I was actually just driving around to get a feel of the neighborhoods here, for a charity project that I'm starting up." She rubs at the back of her neck. As Devi then informs her of the price, the small woman nods, retrieving her wallet. The suggested amount is pulled out and folded up as she watches Devi root through the tires.
"You're never any fun." Amadeus makes a hole with one hand, then sticks his finger in it with the other a few times, grinning lewdly before Toru starts talking. "Mocha there's some sorta celebrity or somethin'." He shrugs and reaches into his pocket, holding up a joint. "Can I smoke there here or are you gonna be a total square about it?" he asks Devi, and adds to Toru, "Fuck yeah I rock with women, gotta show 'em who's boss."
"Nadia, you really should stick to the Outer District if you're going to be working on that sort've shit… and what the hell are you two reprobates doing here?"
The question comes from the deeper shadows of the Anarchy Customs Garage, and from them emerges Cardinal at a slow walk, dressed a t-shirt and jeans beneath a flight jacket with a Chicago Air patch on one shoulder and a Redbird Security upon the other, hands tucked into the pockets of the fleece-lined garment. The usual pair of sunglasses perch upon the bridge of his nose, one brow lifting a little over their edge.
Toru makes a hand-gesture that indicates Nadia's entire overall form, twitching the wrist a bit before letting that hand come down to his waist, all akimbo. He's not gay, really. "I mean the outfit, chica. Your whole thing you got goin' here. I can tell you ain't no workin' girl so I was wonderin'." But then Amadeus goes and clears things up for him, and he raises his eyebrows all impressed-like. "Oh, that right? I ain't paid attention to shit for a while, y'know? Been all outta the loop. She cute, though, maybe we— " aaand out comes Cardinal. The voice is familiar, the face is familiar, and when Toru turns to look at the source it does take a minute for him to place it — "Okay what the fuck are you doin' here? It ain't fishin' season, you don't gotta stick your nose into every little thing, man!"
"Say what?" With a tire hefted up around her arm, Devi turns to regard Nadia with brows reaching up beneath the shaggy mess of her dark hair and a tilted head. "Charity…" she repeats on a strained note of disbelief. Silence reigns a moment before Devi barks out her amusement in a rolling laugh. She moves back towards the group and drops the tire with a dull thunk. "You are lots, honey."
The tattooed femme looks at Amadeus and then the joint in his hand. "Don't mind if a do." She plucks it from his fingers and pinches it between her darkly painted lips. A quick of a zippo fills the room with the marijuana stink. Only then does she reach out. "Boss?" The dark, inked woman reaches out and pinches Amadeus's nipple, tweaking hard. "I'll show you boss." Purple nurple!
Only then does she pass the joint back, bending down to the flat tire on the Vespa as she glances towards Cardinal. "Heya, Toots." Toru's rude greeting finally earns him Devi's attention. "Hey, Fucktard… Don't forget who's house ya'r in, yeah?" She watches him a long while before beginning the task of freeing the ruined tire.
Nadia promptly turns a frown to Amadeus, her hands raising to her hips. Great, just what she needed, a blabber mouth ruining her opportunity for a quiet time at the garage. Now there's going to be questions she'll have to ask. The frown only grows deeper as Amadeus produces a joint. She then frowns to Toru. "I'm a sculptor, and yes, I've been on television and magazines." She rubs the back of her neck.
Then, she hears Cardinal's voice behind her. She spins around, unable to help the rather large smile that's on her face, typically the reaction that only comes with extreme fondness for an individual. "Richard! Are you following me?" She smiles, slowly gravitating toward the man. "I wasn't even going to stop, until I ran over a nail. I was just trying to see what neighborhoods need the most work…"
She stops once she's next to Cardinal…then, she thinks better of stopping, and takes a few more steps, so Cardinal is between her and the two goons.
Devi is offered a small, if somewhat nervous smile from Nadia as she begins to work on the Vespa's tire. "…Maybe just a little."
"Gettin' my fuckin' van fixed, some pansy ass fucker who can shoot lasers melted my chair, 'cause he's all pissed that I got a better chance at fuckin' his favorite author or whatever." Amadeus leaves out, well, the entire story, and completely changes it, but close enough. He grunts and grips Devi's wrist as fingers squeeze a nipple, then rubs his chest while taking the joint back, slipping it inbetween his lips. "Fuckin' bitch." he says as he stands up straight again and eyes Cardinal. "The fuck you doin' here anyway? Shouldn't you be somewhere doin' somethin' stupid, like rejectin' Peyton Fuckin' Whitney?" He glances back at Toru, waving a hand. "Stop actin' up, Toto. You and Mocha go fuck or somethin' while the grownups talk."
"Hardly," Cardinal rolls his eyes behind his shades at Nadia's question regarding him stalking her, "This is the Rookery, though. You're lucky you weren't tackled off that fucking thing and raped to death in an alley." Maybe a little bit of an exaggeration - at least in daylight - but he seems to think she needs to scare.
Once she's stepped behind him into 'safety' he steps along over towards Devi's side - and closer to the two thugs as well. "What are you doing here? Get tired of John-boy's dick already?" A smirk twitches to his lips, directed towards Toru, and then he looks back to Amadeus with a shrug of one shoulder, "None of your business, honestly. Lasers, eh?" He looks over towards the van, "Haven't seen that trick for awhile."
"Dammit, lady, don't you even go defending this dick." Given their history, Cardinal will likely make note of the fact that Toru is in a t-shirt and is showing a lot of skin. No gloves today. "Chicken salad goddamn sandwiches, I swear to fucking god." As Nadia makes her way to vanish behind the older man of the group, Toru waves a hand idly at Amadeus. "She's outta range now, bra, and anyway, she ain't my type." Aaand Cardinal very succinctly explains why, in that little remark. Which has Toru's hackles raising. Lately, he's really, really been trying to behave himself. He really has.
But that doesn't mean that there won't be the occasional relapse, such as if he were to, for example, suddenly turn and stalk across the ground to grip Cardinal by the front of his jacket. "You shut the fuck up, I am notgay and you shut up rightnow!"
…Well, he tried his best. At least there aren't any bones yet.
With the Vespa lifted on a bike stand, the tire rolls free. Devi moves the flat away, going to work on popping free the rubber. Finally the rim is on the tire changer, the fresh wheel of rubber slowly but surely forced down onto the rim. Next, it's even balanced and filled before being wheeled back to Vespa. Every time it is looked upon, the scooter gets a wrinkle of the biker bitch's nose. Once complete, Devi wipes her fingers off on her pants as if the scooter carried more filth than some to the strange contraptions within the garage.
Bent down by the tire of the Vespa, the tussle above has Devi herself moving. She quickly reveals the trusty firearm having been tucked into the back of her jeans. The weapon lays lazily in her hand, wrist tilted to angle it aside and up towards Toru. "Maddy?" she inquires with a gravelly tone back towards Amadeus. "You want to reign in your fag puppy before I hurt 'im?" Her eyes stay trained on Toru.
Nadia rolls her eyes, staying rather close to Cardinal. "Please, Richard, I may be a celebrity, but I'm not that helpless." It's nice when you can half-bury someone and run away without so much as lifting a finger.
Toru just so happens to provide a perfect opportunity to prove that point.
As the Japanese boy stalks up and grabs Cardinal by his jacket, Nadia's eyes narrow. "Don't you touch him." Suddenly, Nadia, in all of her sweet, innocent naivity, sounds just a little bit dangerous. What makes her sound dangerous, however, is mostly the ground beneath the garage that lets out a low groan.
Then, quite suddenly, Toru literally doesn't have stable ground to stand on. In fact, he's standing on the air, hovering over a hole just the right size for someone to fall into and get stuck in half-way, the earth letting out a groan of protest as she does so.
"I fuckin' knew you were gay, you slipped up the other day! You ain't sleepin' next to me anymore unless there's a big pile of tits inbetween us." Amadeus points accusingly as Toru marches over to Cardinal, and a possible asskicking. He's starting to slowly walk over, hands in his pockets and smoke trailing behind him, then the ground shakes, and opens. He raises an eyebrow, watching the odd sight of someone who rarely knows how to react appropriately to anything. "It ain't gonna help, Toto. Even stuffin' your whole body into mother fuckin' Earth's pussy ain't gonna make you straight."
Richard Cardinal doesn't so much as jerk away from the assault of Logan's lapdog, and as the edges of his jacket are seized and Toru gets up in his face, he looks back at him with that infuriating little smirk of his twitching to his lips. It's dangerously similar to one of Logan's smugger expressions, actually, although if someone told him that they may well get punched in the face.
"I think you're forgetting what I told you about the Rookery, Moby Dick…" As the gun's pulled, he arches a brow at the biracial menace in mute questioning, confident it seems that he has plenty of backup…
….and then there's a sudden hole opening beneath Toru's feet, and he's dragged down in a bend forward by the grip the man has on his jacket, grunting, "Nadia— stop helping, please."
It really doesn't take very long for Toru to lose complete control over the situation, does it? Even if he had any to begin with. To start, he responds to Devi with a curt, "I'm not gay and this guy is a dick," and Nadia gets— not much of a response given what happens next. Sudden hole in the ground leads to a very girlish shriek from the boy, whose grip tightens on Cardinal's jacket and whose fists suddenly turn bone-white and stiff. He's only a little bit embarassed when he ends up just falling down to mid-chest, though at least having Cardinal as some minor support slows him down a bit.
He debones his hands, releases Cardinal's jacket and flexes his fingers, all the while protesting, "I am not fucking gay, okay!" Hands covering his ears to keep out everyone else's scandalous lies, he addresses Amadeus in particular, "I ain't a fuckin' fag, this dick just likes makin' jokes and look at him, he's the one bendin' over for me, right?!" That's a good joke, right? "Everybody just shut the fuck up, I am all about the tits so shut up and it ain't any y'all's business anyways! Shit!"
Still crouched preciously on the balls of her feet, Devi topples back in a little tussle of dark hair and tattoos, landing on her rump with a rough "Oof!". The dangerous femme hurries to collect herself up to her feet, gun resting in her hand to point aimlessly at the floor beside her. "What the fuck?!"
Devi glares at the Toru-filled hole in her garage floor. "Mother -! People keep commin' up in 'ere and fuckin' up my shit, hey!" She's only just had her shop cleaned up!! She waves her arms, and therefore the gun, over her head as she stomps around in circle, indulging a quick tantrum before glaring in angry disbelief at the hole in her floor.
She makes a gesture towards Nadia then, the gun haphazardly waving in the celebrity's direction - pointing an acusing finger, while there just so happens to be a firearm in the woman's hand. "You did this?" Devi glares at all her unwelcomed guests in turn before turning around and giving a frustrated kick… towards the Vespa. The scooter teeters uncertainly from side to side, still propped up on the bike-jack. Eeeeeeee! CRACK! And the scooter falls over on its side. Devi blinks at the overturned Vespa and lifts her free hand, biting the back of a knuckle on her index finger. "Oopsie…" she mumbles against the back of her hand, dark gaze flicking over the group.
Crossing her arms, Nadia huffs at Cardinal, just a little. "I'm not helpless, see?" She shakes her head. Nobody appreciates it when she tries to help. She can't help but giggle slightly at Toru's girlish shriek, though. It's always pretty funny when men scream like boys, no matter who you are.
Then, Nadia turns just in time to wath Devi's little fit, a frown forming on her face as she raises her hands, shaking her head. She's protesting just as the woman is about to kick her bike. "No, no, I was going to fix— " She watches in horror as her brand new Vespa teeters, and falls over, one of those shiny rear view mirrors snapping off and clattering across the floor. Not to mention the dents along the side. "It…"
She frowns. "My Vespa!" She somehow manages to run over to it in those Jimmy Choos of hers, kneeling next to the scooter as if it were a fallen friend. When she looks up…there's tears in her eyes. "I just got this and now it's all messed up!"
"Please, I ain't never smelled no chick in my van yet, and I let you sleep in the thing. Japanese dudes like you can bag some greasy white chick by snappin' your fuckin' finger." Amadeus snaps a finger, to demonstrate, then as he's about to go pull Toru out, he sighs as the Vespa tips, and then there's… a crying girl. "Aw hell, come on." He walks over, offering her his hand. "I'm sure she'll fix it on the house, she's fuckin' good, don't worry about it, alright?" A pause, and he adds, "Come on, let's go get ice cream or somethin', my gay friend's payin'."
Once those bone hands release his jacket, Cardinal straightens again; both hands smoothing down the jacket's front as if brushing something dirty off of it, taking a step back away from the sudden crevice that had swallowed half of Satoru's height up. "Seriously, Nadia, you can't just…"
A pause, a sigh as he brings a hand up to rub against the nape of his neck as the crash of a Vespa and a tearing-up celebrity complicate the situation. "If you fix the floor, I'm sure she'll fix your… little… bike thing, Nadia."
"God dammit. Your gay friend ain't payin' 'cause you don't got a gay friend." Toru works on pulling himself out of the hole, which involves a lot of grunts and scrabbling with his feet, and in the meantime he just rants to nobody in particular. "I ain't brought no lady to your fuggin' van 'cause I'm still workin' on that problem I was tellin' you about the other day, and besides, you don't bring chicks back neither! That piece of crap ain't no bangbus, you know!"
Eventually he does finally get one foot up over the edge, which makes the rest of the process that much easier. He pushes himself up to his feet, stepping far away from that hole. "Jesus fucking Christ, this guy sends a lunatic to shoot harpoons at me and I'm the goddamn gay badguy all of a sudden?!"
Devi drops her hand from her mouth, stuffing the gun back into the back of her clingy jeans. She slumps, defeated instantly by the sobbing. "I hate to see a pretty lady cry," she groans in irritation and surrender alike.
The Raven's Queen nods slowly. "I'll fix it up for ya. It'll be even better than new, ya dig?" She tries to paint on an encouraging smile and bends down to give the Vespa a friendly pat. She turns to Cardinal then, lofting a brow. "You harpooned his ass? Dude." She chuckles and shakes her head.
Teary eyes are turned up toward Amadeus, Nadia reaching up to wipe her eyes, though new tears spring up to replace them, sniffling. Then, she glances up to Cardinal, still wiping her eyes. "It's not a little bike thing, it's a Vespa, and it goes up 80 miles per hour! It's fuel efficient!" Nadia sniffles and covers her face with her hands.
Then, Devi does her part to comfort the girl, and she nods slowly. "O-okay. I'll fix your floor, and make it even better than new, too." She finally calms, and raises to her feet, making her way over to the hole and kneeling down, placing her hand on the ground. Suddenly, the corners of the hole crumble away, leaving a perfect square. The earth is making some strange groaning noises, as well. She goes quiet for now, concentrating on something…
"The correct fuckin' term is French Motorcycle. Damn, have some fuckin' culture, people." Amadeus shakes his head, then walks over with one hand in his pocket, reaching down with the other to grab the back of Toru's collar and help him up faster. "Pussy fuckin' relationship stuff ain't a reason not to fuck a chick in my van. And if you mention Delia I'm gonna kick you in the fuckin' head. I got the sense to actually talk my way into a free bed and food instead of bringin' 'er back to my van. You don't got an excuse."
"…Vespa," Cardinal allows in rueful tones, "It'll be fine, Nadia. Don't worry about it."
Then he shakes his head at Devi's words, admitting, "Not me. I hired Warren to do it, actually. 'Course, he wasn't calling himself that then, but…" His gaze cuts back over towards Satoru, then, and he exhales a rough snort, "Grow some balls, Satoru. Seriously. You're way too fuckin' thin skinned to survive with the crowd you run with."
Toru kind of shakes off Amadeus's hand once he's out of the hole, shaking his head in disgust. "You know what, whatever. We been tight how long now? I'm all doin' you favors and shit, then some stranger comes along and makes a crack about my old boss and suddenly he's speaking the fucking word of God. You don't know shit about my history with this broad, cholo. You don't know what we got goin' on and you don't know what a swank-ass apartment she's got that I would so rather be stayin' at than your friggin' van."
Cardinal's comment gets an irritated look from the boy, but he ultimately forces himself to shrug it off. "You know what, fuck you, man, I was doin' just fine before you came along. And it's Toru to you until I come up with somethin' better, got it?" Clenching his fists, he looks around a moment, bites his lip, and lets out a sound of frustration. "Whatever, fuck all you guys, I'm waiting in the van. Madcat, we gotta be back to the mainland like way before curfew so's I can bang that broad." And with that~ he flounces off to the van, tears open the side door, climbs in all stormily, and slams it shut before lighting up some drugs and doing Toru things.
The tattooed vixen looks up to watch Toru storm off. "Fairy," she mumbles definitively.
She looks to Nadia, then, watching the repair of her floor. Evos never do cease to amaze. She hauls the Vespa back upright, supporting it on the bike stand and taking a look at the damage. "It'll take a day to fix 'er up right. I don't care much for cosmetic work, but…" She shrugs sheepishly - but, it is her friggin' fault, after all. "You need a lift back home? Come back and pick 'er up tomorrows? I'd offer ya a sofa, but…" she peers aside at Amadeus. "I get the feelin' ya wouldn't want to be sleeping next ta 'im and well… sharin' my bed? I like ta cuddle too much for your pretty likin', I'm sure." She winks and Nadia and dusts off her hands.
All the while, Nadia is concentrating. Eventually, the earth lets out a low groan, and with the sound of stone scraping against stone, a new tile raises from the ground, made of limestone. Engraved shallowly into its surface is a copy of Devi's arm tattoo, roses blooming across the ground on the tile. It seems to fit perfectly, and after a few long moments, the Earth's 'verbal' protests cease.
The girl stands, then, experimentally tapping her foot on the limestone tile, before standing her full weight on it. The tears seem to have faded while she was concentrating on this task, and have been replaced with a small smile. "Oh, I can call a cab. I have a few other things I need to do, anyhow, before I go back home."
"Always bitchin' about somethin'." Amadeus shrugs and lets out a puff of smoke through his nose, watching as Devi discusses sleeping arrangements with Nadia. "I don't gotta take the couch if that's a problem. I'll cuddle your brains out." Finally, acknowledging Cardinal again after all this time, he asks, "The fuck's your name, anyway?" He apparently hasn't been listening.
Devi struts over to get a closer look at the repair of her floor. She lofts a brow, looking to the tattoo piece on her arm and back to the section of decorative tiling. "You are somethin' else, Dollface." She grins as she meets Nadia's gaze, nodding approvingly. "I'll fix your baby up for ya. You just be here tomorrow afternoon."
She watches the exchange between Cardinal, Amadeus, and Nadia with little-to-no interest for a moment. "I need a fuckin' beer. Ya'll are killin' my buzz." She makes a show of shuddering and grabs her leather vest, topping it over her grease-smudge clothes and throwing her leg over the nearest motorcycle - a 1950 Flacon Triumph in pristine black. Her newest baby since she discovered work on the older style bikes seemed to eliminate the headache of modern electronics. The bike rumbles to life before Devi gives a quick salute and begins to roll it back out of the garage door.
The Moroccan woman waves a hand to Amadeus. "I couldn't stay here, I have a dog at home." She then turns a smile toward Cardinal. "Thank you, Richard." She steps off of the tile, which is as sturdy as the rest of the floor. Then, a small smile is turned toward Devi as she departs. "I'll be here, definitely. Thanks for not being too mad over me messing up your floor."
Then, she turns back to Cardinal, placing a hand on his arm. "I was actually going to take a walk out in the Greenbelt…"
"Last I saw 'im, he threw me through a table 'cause I mentioned the Southern chick with the ripe ass." Amadeus goes walking off to the van, banging on the side for a moment, then just keeps walking. "I'm gonna go find some fuckin' whiskey and a pair of tits. Fix my van!" he calls back, before he's walked completely out of sight.