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Leaders | Organizational Council |
Headquarters | None |
Staff Contacts | Ellis |
When the government signed the Linderman Act into law in 2007, former Company agents Noah Bennet and Hana Gitelman saw worrying parallels between the nationwide registration movement and what the Company had been trying to do since the 70's. In order to protect individuals who did not wish to register their abilities with the government or found themselves and their families on the run for being Evolved, they created the Ferrymen network. Spanning across North America with contacts in other parts of the world as far as France and Sweden, the group's primary objective was to hide those who need to be hidden and — in particularly extreme situations — smuggle them out of the United States into countries with safer political climates and attitudes toward the Evolved.
In 2010, as tensions between pro-Evolved terrorist group Messiah and the American government escalated and the Ferrymen became aware of the existence of the Institute, former Vanguard operative Eileen Ruskin proposed a change to the network's structure in order to increase its chances of survival in the case of a catastrophic event, including the formation of an organizational council made up of the network's most active members, and several sub-branches each designed to perform a special role.
The restructure saved the network from being wiped out in early November of 2010 when city-wide riots prompted the government to declare martial law and raid the majority of the Ferrymen's safehouses in New York City. More than two thirds of the network's operatives and those under their protection were either killed or arrested, and one forth of the organizational council killed after one of their own turned on the network and shared network intelligence with the Department of Evolved Affairs.
The network has been reduced to two strongholds — one underground in the heart of New York City (Grand Central Terminal) and one fifty miles north on the Hudson River (Pollepel Island) — and a mere handful of safehouses scattered across the metropolitan area. Without the resources to rebuild or the numbers they once had, the Ferrymen network's primary focus has shifted to that of survival.
Organizational Structure
Organizational Council
Current Council Members: Abigail Beauchamp, Barbara Simms, Catherine Chesterfield, David McRae, Eileen Ruskin, Grace Matheson, Joseph Sumter, Lynette Rowan and Noah Bennet
The Ferrymen's organizational council consists of multiple seats held by active members of the network who are responsible for organization, planning and coordination between its sub-branches. When the Ferry is faced with issues that cannot or should not be presented to the network as a whole, they are voted on by the council. As such, every council member is expected to address concerns during meetings that have been presented to them by other operatives and to be a visible presence within the network both in times of crisis and not.
Members of the organizational council meet several times a month to discuss issues that the network is facing and lead larger assemblies on the rare occasions that it becomes necessary for the Ferry to gather en masse. Other duties include mediating disputes between safehouse operators, acting as ambassadors to other organizations when appropriate and providing direction for the Ferry as a whole.
Logistics and Communication
Lead Organizer(s): Neil Milburn and Robin Milburn
Logistics and Communication arranges cross-border travel for operatives and refugees, maintains contacts with Ferrymen elsewhere in the United States and in other countries, ensures that all paperwork (including what's forged by Intelligence) is up to date and capable of passing inspection, and carefully scrutinizes the budget where supplies are concerned, making sure that all safehouses in New York's greater metropolitan area are equipped with what they need to function.
Shortages, whether related to supplies or personnel, are relayed directly to this branch, which makes sure that demands are met and shipped through Grand Central Terminal.
Lead Organizer(s): Hana Gitelman
Forging the documents required to ship supplies, equipment, personnel and those under the Ferry's protection across boards falls under Intelligence's purview, but this branch is also involved in espionage against the government, surveillance of Ferry property and maintaining lists of potential allies who have not yet been brought over the network's side, as well as its enemies and individuals who may pose a threat to its mission statement.
Although all operatives working with the Ferry are expected to keep an eye out for those who may require the network's assistance, it is Intelligence's responsibility to seek them out, identifying individuals or families who are in danger because of their abilities or political views related to the Evolved. Many of them have contacts within the government, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency, and use these contacts to keep an eye on the Registry, accessing information not available to the public.
Special Activities
Lead Organizer(s): Benjamin Ryans and Jensen Raith
On the surface, Special Activities is the militant arm of the Ferrymen, responsible for protecting its safehouses from raids staged by the Institute and Homeland Security alongside training and familiarizing its members in firearms and self-defense. However, it also engages in the rapid extraction of operatives from dangerous situations, such as prolonged firefights, as well as shock warfare against target entities when collateral damage is deemed acceptable. This includes the sabotage of government equipment that poses a direct threat to the network's day-to-day operations, the theft of H5N10 vaccine, negation drugs and other supplies that the network is unable to acquire legally.
Special activities is the only branch of the Ferry with an imposed age restriction. Operatives must be eighteen or older to directly participate in high-risk activities where there is a danger of permanent injury or death.
Lead Organizer(s): Megan Young
The Ferry's medical branch is responsible for the physical and mental health of network personnel and the people under its protection. Its responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the establishment and operation of makeshift field hospitals in times of crisis, ensuring that children under the age of eighteen within the network are up-to-date on their immunizations (measles/mumps/rubella, hepatitis, chickenpox, polio, etc.), the distribution of H5N10 vaccine when it becomes available and the monitoring of the network's negation drug supply.
Children under the age of eighteen who are dependents of the network, by necessity, fall under the medical branch's jurisdiction, making it accountable for their long-term education and care in the absence of their parents or guardians. Operatives with strong academic backgrounds are encouraged to volunteer as mentors and tutors, but due to the network's lack of resources and funding, anyone who has a desire to work with children is more than welcome to contribute in this area.
Network Operatives
Properly, these are the Ferrymen: the people who are steadfastly committed to making the world a better place from the bottom up, righting wrongs one selfless act at a time. Some operate safehouses, shelters for Evolved individuals from the persecution of their communities; but there is much more to the Ferrymen than that alone: from the people who take time out to cook for those who no longer have homes of their own, who contribute supplies, money, carry messages and packages; to those who help with fixing plumbing, repairing stairs, painting walls; physicians, tutors, playmates, and willing listeners who come when called for because it's the right thing to do and for no lesser reason than that. They may move freely between the Logistics and Communication, Intelligence, Medical and Special Activities branches as required.
Names in italics indicate a safehouse operator.
- Alistair McKeon
- Amato Salucci
- Brian Fulk
- Charles "Chuckles" Delgado
- Colette Nichols
- Darla Hurst
- Delia Ryans
- Delilah Trafford
- Elaine Darrow
- Eric Doyle
- Errol Sullivan
- Gillian Childs
- Jaiden Mortlock
- Jericho Powers
- Kendall Cunningham
- Lyle Bennet
- Meredith Gordon
- Michelle Kaneda
- Kaylee Thatcher
- Robyn Quinn
- Sable Diego
- Sandra Bennet
- Scott Harkness
- Shannon McPherson
- Tasha Renard
- Toby Benton-Ward
- Wilhelmina Schwartz
- Ygraine Fitzroy
Those currently under the network's protection.
Associates are known to the Ferrymen, and know of the Ferrymen, but haven't crossed that nebulous line dividing can be asked to help from can be summoned for help. They may have too many other demands on their time to be able to commit seriously to the network, or choose not to become involved with something that is shady at best and illegal whenever the government gets around to calling it that, or simply are considered not fully trustworthy. However, they have useful talents, skills, capabilities, contacts — and/or a willingness to assist on their own terms.
- Avi Epstein
- Constantine Filatov
- Flint Deckard
- Ethan Holden
- Eve Mas
- Francois Allegre
- Gabriel Gray
- Griffin Mihangle
- Helena Dean
- Huruma
- Judah Demsky
- Lashirah Lee
- Pericles Jones
- Peter Petrelli
- Peyton Whitney
- Melissa Pierce
- Magnes Varlane
- Monica Dawson
- Nick York
- "Reynard"
- Teodoro Laudani
- Wes Smedley
- Vincent Lazzaro
- Andy Rourke
- Carolina Perez
- Damon Serrato
- Else Kjelstrom
- Jonas Reagan
- Margaret Simpson
- Obie Sanchez
- Mizuki "Pandora" Mimura-Rasmussen
- Patrick Hale
- Sonny Bianco
- Yuan Tien