Light Mimicry
Light mimicry is the ability to convert one's body into photons. Transformation into light converts physical matter into light energy while retaining consciousness and capability for freedom of movement and thought. The act of transformation into light is an instantaneous act, converting all natural organic matter of the Evolved into light, shedding away material possessions such as clothing in the process. A light mimic may control their incandescence through the visible spectrum and freely shift their bodies into higher or lower frequencies of light which directly affects their color. Lower frequency light is less intense than higher frequency. A light mimic cannot shift their spectrum above or below the visible spectrum.
When transformed into photons, a light mimic has no stable shape or measurable mass. Therefore, a light mimic may transform into any shape that contains the same rough surface area as their material form, though most light mimics seem to instinctively take on the form of a humanoid shape by means of subconscious impressions of self. When traveling, a light mimic moves up to the speed of light, effectively allowing near instantaneous travel from one location in line of sight to another. Therefore, when a light mimic travels, they "flicker" from one place to another. If a light mimic were underground and in a winding corridor, they would only be able to travel instantaneously until reaching a corner or turn that they could not see around, then would need to arrest their movement and take a moment to regain their bearings before moving to another location in line of sight. This allows for extremely fast sky-bound travel, since the light mimic is able to cover the distance of the horizon each time they "flicker."
A light mimic in photon form may have no mass, but they are still limited by the capabilities of light to move. A light mimic cannot penetrate opaque surfaces with their body, and the less transparent a surface is the slower it takes for a light mimic to force their way through. For instance, a light mimic could effectively slip through an ordinary pane of glass without effort, however a tinted or polarized window would require "pushing" to force through, like pouring honey through a tea strainer.
A light mimic is able to change the intensity and concentration of the light that they are made up of. Once in light form, a light mimic is only able to sustain themselves for thirty minutes at a time before needing to revert back to material form. For every minute that the light mimic maintains their light form, they must spend twice as long recuperating before being able to transform again. Therefore, if the light mimic transformed for a full thirty minutes, they must spend one full hour resting before they is able to transform again.
Light mimics also maintain a relationship with all forms of natural light. A light mimic in the presence of full daylight is able to maintain their photonic form indefinitely as long as they remain exposed to raw sunlight. Dimmer and less vibrant lights such as a well-lit building are not sufficient for indefinite transformation and affect transformational duration as normal. A light mimic in areas of absolute darkness burn through their transformation twice as fast, so a light mimic operating underground with only their own illumination may only remain transformed for a maximum of 15 minutes, though they are considered to have been transformed for double that amount for purposes of rest required.
At full output, a light mimic may intensity the wavelengths of their form and radiate their maximum intensity, effectively turning themselves into a living and amorphous laser for brief periods of time. Maintaining this transformed state is impossible over prolonged periods of time regardless of ambient illumination present. A light mimic in laser intensity burns through their transformation time at a rate 10 times greater than normal. So a light mimic entering laser form from physical form may sustain that shape for a maximum of three minutes before burning out.
In this form a light mimic is capable of cutting through solid matter with the same energy as a powerful cutting laser, cauterizing flesh, melting through metals and slicing through glass and other materials. The more reflective a surface is the less damage they can cause, and mirrored surfaces are completely immune to damage by a light mimic's laser intensity.
Regardless of the duration spent in laser-intensity, this mode of transformation is extremely taxing and a light mimic that burns through their remaining time while in laser form is rendered immediately unconscious after reverting to their normal form. Furthermore, the duration of time a light mimic requires to be able to transform again is doubled and all of that time is spent unconscious.
While in photon form, a light mimic is completely vulnerable to the whims of a photokinetic, and their photon body can be shaped, damaged and manipulated with remarkable ease as if they were any other ordinary light, or they can simply be forced out of their photon form into material form. Forced transformation dazes a light mimic and leaves them a staggering, stumbling mess.
Furthermore, powerful disturbances in electromagnetic fields in the presence of a transformed light mimic (such as from a magnetokinetic) can stun or disrupt a light manipulator, causing anywhere from mild disorientation to forcible reversion to a non-transformed state of being.
Additionally, umbrakinetics (shadow manipulators) are able to diminish the capability of a transformed light mimic, making them burn through their transformation time faster by reducing the ambient light around them or — in the case of powerful umbrakinetics — knocking the light mimic out of their transformed state entirely.
Reality Warping
Rianna Cardinal is able to alter pre-existing historic events so as to super-impose her own reality over objective reality. Rianna largely does so subconsciously by wishing to happen or not happen. She does not choose the finer details of her reality warping, but subconsciously manipulates them forward and backward through time from her relative position so that they have always happened, even if the events would in be the cause of a grandfather paradox. Quite often, other areas of reality will warp to accommodate her change. For instance, if Rianna is struck by a car and wishes to not be struck by a car, she may swap lives with the driver, effectively becoming the driver and not the person that was hit by the car. The true extent of her power is unknown.