So, I talked about this on +Pub earlier. What I'm looking for are volunteers who are willing to go through the Book 1 (August 2008 to December 2011 and the Jan 2012 - Jan 2018 timeskip) scenes and tag them with the appropriate _character tag. I want to use this thread to organize the process and to discuss deviations before any other step is taken. I'll break down the process below.
Claim an Unassigned Month
First step is access the Book 1 Tagging Spreadsheet and put your name down in a cell to claim a month. We will be starting at and then moving on to August 2008 and moving down in order, please don't jump around.
Tag Scenes
Go through your assigned month and open each scene and tag the individuals within. When you do, please take a look at their character page names and check to make sure we haven't had any transpositions. For example, char:Miles is not the same character as afchar:Miles. Skip this scene and make a note of it in the notes section (and create a new tab in the spreadsheet for that year and month and link to the log there). If you run into things like that, we may need to determine how best to proceed, so bring up your issues you run into here and we'll address them as we encounter them.
Resolve Month
Once every scene in a month has been tagged and there's no more unresolved issues to discuss/fix, mark the month with a Y in the Complete column and pick a new unassigned month to work on.
I'm going to keep it at that for now. Once we start hitting issues we'll adjust this list of operations and come up with practices on how to handle them. I've already got a reply for the "Miles" issue which will follow this post.