The new +jobs code is in and ready to go. As with all new code, be advised that there may be lurking bugs; I tested it pretty thoroughly, but there's always the possibility of something that I overlooked or didn't anticipate.
If you do encounter any problems, contact staff or ping me off-site; don't expect that I'll check @mail. I will check back on this thread through the end of this week in case anything comes up immediately, or to answer any questions you might have.
Without further ado, here is the player's guide to changes in +jobs:
Job Info
When viewing a job, there is now a 'Modified' field that tracks submission, note addition, note removal, and job close. (Reviewer changes and manual status updates do not count for this purpose.)
For those who have jobs in queue Right Now, you may notice that current text in the modified field is a little wonky. This is just an artifact of the copy-over and will be supplanted in time.
Related to this, jobs that have been modified since your last view are now flagged in the queue with an asterisk and a yellow number. That is, whenever staff add a note to your job, the queue will display a visual indicator of that change. (Staff get the same display when anyone else adds notes.) It is still on you to check +jobs to see that indicator.
Be aware that if someone adds a note and then retracts it, the job will still count as 'changed' even though the net effect is nil. If you don't see an obvious difference, check the modified field, it'll tell why the indicator appeared.
Completely separate from all that, there is also now a capacity gauge for notes, the better for everyone to be aware of when the buffer's running out.
Job Closing
The previous norm was to use "DENIED" for both cases of "sorry, no" and "please revise", which some were less than entirely happy with. Going forward, the new code "MODIFY" is available for closing out a request that needs to be revised and resubmitted.
Also, the @mail sent on job close will no longer include a copy of the job. This is because…
Job Archive
…the +oldjob command set can now be used by players to view their own job archives.
Be advised that +oldjob uses absolute job IDs, i.e. a sequential ID based on time of submission. It also will display both open and closed jobs. This means that for any open job you have, there will be a queue ID used with +jobs and a different absolute ID used with +oldjobs. They are not cross-compatible.
Anyway, the closing @mail now points you to the +oldjob record where you can view the job in full — including the whole body of your request and any notes.
There are also several subcommands for paging through your job history (i.e. +oldjobs/top, /before, and /after). '+oldjobs' by itself will list any of your jobs that are in the 20 most recently closed game-wide. Right this moment, though, be aware it won't show anything at all; that list will be populated as jobs are closed from this point forward.
You will find quick command references under '+help request' (unchanged) and '+help jobs'.
The commands you're familiar with from the prior version all remain the same.