Monica and the Deveaux Society are writing the ship over the timeskip and at the beginning of volume three and finding their feet and their place in the weird inner workings of the government and big business.
There are two sides to DS:
1) Legitimate charity work that Monica will continue to foster and expand over the course of the volume. At the beginning, this has a lot of focus on SLC-E positive people and vets from the second civil war. Monica will be looking to expand this into rebuilding efforts as we progress.
2) The secret society bits that are less well known and not a public part of anything. While once DS puppeted chunks of the government and the wealthy, with the loss of the other leadership and the knowledge that they had moles within their own ranks, Monica is not forcing her foot back in that door. Her focus will be on quietly investigating our presidential hopefuls and reconnecting with big businesses and wealthy/influential people around the Safe Zone. She knows her own position is vastly weakened from where the society once was and she's still weighing her options on how much she wants to visibly sway certain groups. So step one is gathering information. If you have a character interested in SPYING and SNEAKYSNEAKY and are interested in such things, let me know.