- The first post in the thread is the one used for the 'final' version of the day's events. This means that whomever makes it should be willing to edit it later on and add what has been contributed. It also means that, as a rule, people looking to find out what happened on that day will only have to read the very first entry and not scroll down through the entire thread.
- All IC News Posts (bboard 8) and IC Rumors (bboard 9) from a day should be mentioned in its thread.
- Players should put up a synopsis regarding any scene that
- is part of a storyline,
- involves something relevant to unfolding events (e.g. Sylar having Teo convey a message to Gillian, Cat putting together the 'We Call' statement), OR
- contains information other characters might need to know and/or reference later (e.g. Abby going back to work and fixing Felix's injuries).
When you are writing summaries to go on this board, please be thorough. The point of these threads are so that someone can look here and get the fundamental gist of a scene without reading it in full detail. Logpage synopses are often vague (i.e. "Because it's a long way home."); these read well in the flow of the log page, but out of context don't convey what happened. Please do not simply copy-paste such statements here; write an actual snapshot of the scene's events and what in it will matter most to the rest of the game.
- Logs that are purely personal (e.g. Cardinal's introspection, Kayla being unfriendly with Megan) and aren't likely to impact the larger picture don't need to be summarized here.
Of course, it's better safe than sorry; err on the side of posting. It's the job of whomever makes the first post to vet what gets moved up into the 'official' record and what doesn't.
In addition to the synopsis, each entry should include a link to the original log and a reference to any storyline it relates to.