In Volume 4 we're going to expand all players available character slots by 1 by introducing a new type of character: Augmented Humans. As of Volume 4 you will be able to have the following number of characters:
1 Fusion Character: An SLC-Expressive with two abilities.
2 Expressive Characters: Characters with a single standard SLC-E ability.
2 Non-Expressive Characters: Characters with no superhuman abilities.
1 Augmented Character: A character with superhuman cybernetic enhancements.
Augmented characters aren't just someone who had a limb replaced after an accident or otherwise has prosthetics, an Augmented Character has superhuman abilities granted by technological means. Check out our work-in-progress primer on Augmented characters and give us any feedback you might find helpful! Applications for Augmented characters will open later this year when Volume 4 starts.
Augmented Technology
Augmented Characters are human beings who have been augmented through advanced technology to have extraordinary abilities. This is distinctly different from being SLC-Expressive and possessing a superhuman ability, but instead represents utilizing bleeding edge technology to "keep up" with superhuman people.
All Augmented characters are SLC-N—Non-Expressive—and use technology to gain a superhuman edge (but see Fusion Characters below). This technology may have a multitude of facets and applications and can be, generally speaking, more versatile than SLC-E abilities. In formatting your augmentations, provide a list of what physical augmentations you possess and what they do for you. While there is no hard and fast codification for what limitations there are for augmentations, a rule of thumb is that the more different things your character can do, the less exceptional all of them are.
For example, a character with eye augmentations that can see in varied spectrum of light from night vision to infrared likely also won't have tremendous superhuman strength. When designing your augmentations, consider versatility versus specialization.
Lastly, please consider the potential drawbacks of your augmentations. What conditions they tend to fail in, things they can't do or don't do well. Don't think of these as a balancing act for power, but rather interesting narrative hooks that can come up to present your character with new and unique challenges in the process of a story.
An example drawback would be that a character who possesses dermal enhancements that allow him to shrug off knife attacks becomes incredibly stiff and inflexible in extreme cold environments. Think about ways in which technology can break down and what kind of limitations that can present.
A good rule of thumb when designing your augmentations: The closer your augmentations bring you to an SLC-Expressive ability (superhuman strength, regeneration, etc) the less augmentations you should have.
When designing your augmentations, feel free to draw inspiration from cyberpunk and posthuman media such as Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, Deus Ex, and other sources.
Universal Limitations
Augment technology is in its infancy in the String Theory universe. Superhuman augments are not yet widely available to consumers and are relegated to military and corporate laboratories around the world. As such, you must consider where your character gained their augmentations as a part of your background.
Furthermore, individuals undergoing human cybernetic augmentation all suffer from a universal neurological disorder known as Kauper-Engel Syndrome due to their way their components interact with the human nervous system. In order to combat Kauper-Engel Syndrome, characters must regularly take an anti-rejection drug. Presently this drug is difficult to come by and goes for extreme prices on the black market, allowing corporations and militaries around the world to control those with augmentations by controlling their access to essential medical care.
Gaining cutting-edge cybernetic augmentations is the province of people with incredible corporate connections, military history, or otherwise access to organizations with multi-billion dollar finances. While your character is likely not wealthy, if they are augmented they may have an ongoing or past allegiance to an individual or corporation who is. The easiest way to gain access to these augmentations is by sponsorship from a corporation of military apparatus. Below are some suggested examples of corporations with cybernetics divisions that could have sponsored your character's augmentation. If your character is from a military background, it is still useful to determine what corporation was responsible for their augmentation. At present, the US Military does not have its own cybernetic augmentation program and no affiliated augmentation relationships.
Major Corporations
Major corporations drive the story of String Theory and are major players in the game's universe. It is recommended you take a major corporation sponsor
- Yamagato Industries: The largest and most player-facing corporate faction, Yamagato Industries is one of the most powerful tech companies in the world and has been experimenting with cybernetic augmentation since the middle of the Second American Civil War through Monica Dawson. Following their success with the YX Cestus prototype Yamagato Industries began exploring more widespread applications for cybernetic augmentation starting in 2019. Characters with sponsorship ties to Yamagato Industries are likely to be lifelong corporate employees who operate on a secret battlefield of corporate warfare against Yamagato's rivals.
- Crito Corporate: Crito Corporate has secretly been experimenting with cybernetic augmentation since 2012 but only achieved their breakthroughs in cybernetics in 2018. Crito Corporate's dark secret is the company's connection to the now-deposed Mitchell Administration of US Government that started the Second American Civil War. They paid for and operated inhumane experiments in the American desert resulting in horrific mindless abominations. Characters with sponsorship ties to Crito Corporate may have been unwilling participants in human experimentation that later escaped or villainous characters working as enforcers for Crito Corporate's personal anti-expressive agenda.
- Renautas-Weiss Nanotechnology: A newcomer to the field, Renautas-Weiss' cybernetics tend to involve advances in nanotechnology and are less visibly overt. Characters with a sponsorship tie to Renautas-Weiss Nanotechnology are likely volunteers for experimental programs, later offered jobs within Renautas-Weiss that leverage their newfound augmentations. You were likely a carefully-selected candidate with valuable skills and knowledge.
Minor Corporations
Minor corporations have small story footprint and characters with associations to these smaller companies should speak directly to Manhattan about the implication of aligning with them.
- Praxis Heavy Industries: Collapsed in 2020 following a joint military operation on their United States branch, Praxis Heavy Industries was once the world's leading supplier of military cybertechnology augmentations. Praxis Heavy Industries had its hand in nearly every international military operation in the world with its primary focus in China and the Middle East. Numerous private military companies with cybernetically-enhanced fighters trace their augmentations back to Praxis Heavy Industries.
- Celerity Technology: Based out of Madagascar, Celerity Technology is a leader on replacement limb prosthetics and body-enhancing modifications. Celerity is a Pro-SLC-E corporation and as such does not provide augmentation support to nations or organizations with known anti-expressive sentiments.
Fusion Characters
SLC-E characters who possess two abilities (see our fusion characters helpfile) they may not also be augmented. An SLC-E character with a single ability and cybernetic enhancements takes up your Fusion character slot.
PYGMALION Characters
Players who volunteered for the Like Pygmalion storyline will have other options available to be discussed at a later date.