Saturday March 28th, 2009
terrenaamah 28 Mar 2009 22:17
- +bbread 9/15 - Word passes through the streets of Staten like a wildfire that the Lighthouse, yeah the place that takes care of the kids, was attacked. Attacked. Fortunately, none of the kids were hurt too bad. Though rumors say that a friend of a friend saw kids leaving looking actually banged up and whatnot. One girl even had a horriffic shoulder injury. There were three people attacking, two were killed in the attack and the third was some super creepy motherfucker who jumped out the window and actually ran away after that! Poor kids must be scared out of their minds after something like that.
- None
Plot Scenes:
- Elisabeth makes a business call to Minea, warning her the Bolivar's looking for her and wants to know what the deal is with Kayla. (Heads Up)
- Verse interrogates Niki and then Jessica, sending the first into near catatonia and the latter into rage. Not before getting the names of Phoenix members and sympathizers. (The Lieand Stormfront)
- Cardinal calls up Elisabeth to inform her that Felix is dead. No really. He's dead. (More Bad News)
Personal Scene:
- Sonny makes his way home so he can complain to Teo about his father and the expectations from said father.(My Dad Is So Controlling)
- Elisabeth and Cat play a little music up in the studio at Village Renaissance. (Another Ordinary Miracle Today)
- Deckard gets some healing from Abby and it's all awkward. (Awkward)
- Liz goes by to see Felix, and instead Leland is home. So she checks up on him, they debateā¦ and he remains crotchety. (Lee and Liz Sitting in a Tree)
- Eliot gets his interview with Pause Magazine by Nalani. (More Than Publicity)